If you try to get 7 each means 65 each then you have a lot of chance to get visa for Australia
Читать полностью…But what questions are prediction for October 30th? Usually they separate a set of questions
Читать полностью…By pointing out the weakness and helping in improvement.. and same for listening and speaking sections as well..
Читать полностью…Do not depend entirely on Predictions, it is just for your reference not a sure shot material.
Читать полностью…Ofcourse its an international test, so it will analyse your abilities on all levels...
Читать полностью…Got 88 in Reading, so I guess you can say mine. But it all depends on level of English, if someone's English is weak they need to put twice or thrice as much effort.
Читать полностью…I can help you with writing, and will also try for reading if you can grasp quickly.
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