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PTE Study APEUni

It means complexes sentences

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PTE Study APEUni

7 to 8 sentences are too long and rest of the sentence normal

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PTE Study APEUni

Were the repeat sentences lengthy or short?

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PTE Study APEUni

Where was your exam?

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PTE Study APEUni

Any template please sent this group

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PTE Study APEUni

Try emailing support team. They will respond you.
But be sure to mention your PTE id, name and your query.

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PTE Study APEUni

Hi I had my exam in the evening
RA easy from ape uni
RS easy not repeated
DI one parts of tree
Bar graph
Retell2 videos easy to catch
2 summary
One marks deduct if the work is given late
Reading easy but pay attention on past present tense
Reading and writing fill in the blank easy three questions
RO tricky
Listening easy one SST
Fill in the blanks2 but fast
HIW easy but with accent
Wfd easy 3 but not from ape uni undergraduates course students have degrees of biology enroll in this course.
Assignment groups individuals and.
Not remember exactly but all the words. are catched normal speed overall exam was easy but depends on the result

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PTE Study APEUni

In real exam I got a score of 69 for writing, while the other sections were above 80. I was actually pretty confident with my writing. I suspect that the tips and tricks I found on YouTube for essay, summarize written text, and write from dictation aren’t actually effective. Therefore, I’d suggest not relying on any templates for all sections. Just practice daily, and you’ll develop your own natural style.

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PTE Study APEUni

Can anyone provide apeuni vip I'd only for 2 days?

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PTE Study APEUni

How can I find repeated PTEcore questions on APEUNi?

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PTE Study APEUni

I have exam on 9th i need help with DI and RL

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PTE Study APEUni

If we get mock scores like this

How much Réal exam we can expect ?

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PTE Study APEUni

Is this normal? Is it not suppose to say something there unlike to say I have not taken any test????

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PTE Study APEUni

Does anybody have dec prediction pdf?

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PTE Study APEUni

I need to give the pte core mock test can anybody’s help me where i can give the test
Apeuni has only 5 test that i already done it

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PTE Study APEUni

Too long you mean more than 12

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PTE Study APEUni

Because everyone saying these days rs coming up too long 13/14 words

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PTE Study APEUni

Is it pte core or academic?

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PTE Study APEUni

Hi admin please add me in the latest exam group my exam date is 18th December.

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PTE Study APEUni

email bata pani call gara bhancha tesaile

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PTE Study APEUni

pte ko toll free number thaha chaa sathi ho?

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PTE Study APEUni

Is the Apeuni SWT template applicable when taking the real exam?? Cause I got high score but I just copy paste words and add my own words.

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PTE Study APEUni

If you are finding difficulty in cracking PTE, Will help with all the latest tips and tricks including templates that are for 90....feel free to contact

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PTE Study APEUni

It gives me an error.

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PTE Study APEUni

Not getting a score in that on Apeuni

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PTE Study APEUni

u should have it consistant in 4,5 or many exams rather than in one.

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PTE Study APEUni

How sure are you
Are u aware that speaking RA and RS adds to your reading and listening

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PTE Study APEUni

Please give me a hand
With this results can I book the exam for +65

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PTE Study APEUni

Harinder [6836021708] has used some 🇨🇳 Chinese characters without authorization.
Action: Kicked ❗️

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PTE Study APEUni

Can you share your template bro plz share this is my third attempt I need only 60+

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