PT 风向旗关注一切 PT 相关新闻,为你筛选出最具价值的信息。 This is a channel for tracker news. ⚠️ 注意:请勿在本频道求任何 PT 站点的邀请! ⚠️ Attention: Do NOT request any tracker invites in this channel. 群组: @PtfxqGroup 投稿: @PtfxqPWSBot
#OurBits #OB #站点免费
开始:2024-12-12 22:00
结束:2024-12-15 00:00
#Audiences #Birthday #Notice #Freeleech #Invitation
1. 站(官)免:(GMT+08:00)
站免:2024.12.12 00:00:00至2024.12.12 23:59:59
官免:2024.12.13 00:00:00至2024.12.19 23:59:59
2. 站點三周年勛章開放購買:請右轉至勛章中心購買,基礎款同動圖款僅能二選一,開放期與免費期一致。這次站慶不開放官方借貸活動,請私下協調。
3.電影票權限調整:影票購買同發放權限調整至 (步履不停)Insane User,視新成員人數及質量而定,請各位低調發放,可能提前終止,不另通知。
4. 電影票限時折扣:288,888 至 2024-12-19 23:59:59(GMT+08:00),視新成員人數及質量而定,可能提前終止,不另通知。(請各位低調發放)
5. 爆米花系統新增開盲盒遊戲:初步測試后Telegram群組Bot同步更新,詳情見【爆米花系統】和 【Telegram群組】。歡迎大家參加與反饋。
6. 請邀請人提醒新人注意論壇發貼回文要求,站點會繼續加大處理力度,請知悉
Channel: @Audiences_Channel
#HDSky #HDS #瓜 #乐 #群友投稿
在 HDSky 针对盗用网盘资源发表了 情况说明 后,HDSky 管理组禁用了一些在 TG 群内 PS 图片的黑子的账号。
如图所示,就在刚才,一位用户在 HDSky 官方群组内创建了抽奖,抽奖关键词为 “这是俺现偷的嘞
”,而这个链接最终会跳转到 HDSky 站点。
现在的 HDSky 官方群组内宛如团建现场,看起来禁用黑子的账号不仅没有起到作用,反而更让他们没有后顾之忧。
#AsianCinema #ACM #站点免费
ACM 6 周年,开启 7 天站免活动。
ACM Turns 6!Читать полностью…
Dear ACM Members,
We are thrilled to announce a remarkable milestone: ACM is celebrating its 6th anniversary! For six years, we have built a community dedicated to sharing and appreciating the beauty of Asian movies, music, and culture. Together, we’ve created a thriving space for connection and discovery, far exceeding what we dreamed possible.
Reflecting on Six Amazing Years
What began as a modest platform has become a vibrant hub of cultural exchange. Over the years, we’ve shared the beauty of Asian cinema, the rhythms of its music, and the richness of its traditions, from beloved classics to hidden gems, and from mainstream hits to indie treasures. None of this would have been possible without you—our dedicated community. Your engagement, passion, and support have been the cornerstone of our success.
Celebrating Culture Together
Our mission has always been to bridge gaps and foster understanding through art, music, and storytelling. As the world grows more interconnected, celebrating the diversity of Asian culture becomes even more vital. Together, we’ve built a space where everyone can appreciate these stories, sounds, and traditions.
Looking Forward
While we celebrate this milestone, we’re excited about what lies ahead. We are committed to expanding our library, improving the platform, and creating more ways for you to engage with Asian culture. With new stories and innovations on the horizon, our journey continues, and we’re thrilled to have you with us.
Join the Celebration!
To mark this special occasion, we are activating global freeleech (FL) for the next seven days! Download freely while ensuring you meet the required seeding obligations. Let’s celebrate this milestone with a week of discovery and sharing.
Here’s to six incredible years—and to many more to come! Thank you for being an integral part of our community.
Warm regards,
The ACM Team
#瓜 #HDSky #HDS #群友投稿
好消息,好消息,HDS 又双叒叕偷 WEB-DL 了!
种子名:Swallowed Star Movie Blood Luo Continent S01 2024 2160p WEB-DL DDP2.0 H265-HDSWEB
虽然挂上了 -HDSWEB 的后缀,但在查看 MediaInfo 时不难发现 BestWEB 的信息:
Movie name: Swallowed Star Movie:Blood Luo Continent.2024.2160p.WEB-DL.H265.DDP2.0-BestWEB
Writing application: BestWEB
Writing library: BestWEB Media Platform
#TorrentLeech #TL #开放注册
#HHClub #憨憨
如果遇到无法访问或 tracker 无法连接的情况,请使用此备用域名进行访问。对于目前仍能正常访问的用户,请继续使用主域名:
2、对于之前无法连接 tracker 的种子,请点击访问教程替换 tracker:Tracker 替换教程(请使用工具进行替换而不是直接添加一条tracker)。对于种子正常连接的用户,无需进行任何替换。
3、后续主域名 ( 新下载的种子tracker将默认为 方便用户进行代理分流。之前的tracker地址 ( 仍然可以连接,无需替换。
#Blutopia #BLU
HDVinnie 在 Reddit 表示 BLU 将在明天重新发放所有在此次风波中丢失账号的邀请,被波及的朋友们可以关注一下邮箱。
HDVinnie 同时表示自己没有偷捐款,有事请开 ticket 联系站内管理,他已经不做管理了。
小编注:BLU 在复活之后调整了部分等级,同时为魔力所能购买的上传量设置了上限。有特定等级需求的朋友可以选择保种/大盘鸡刷以达到所需等级。
#BHD #BLU #BTN #HDB #站点活动 #群友投稿
又到了每年一度的 BTN 圣诞送魔力时间 Holiday season 了,以下站点已经可以领取每日奖品,感兴趣的朋友千万不要错过。感谢群友投稿!
AITHER (daily box w/prizes)
ANT (daily hunt w/ hidden gift)
BHD (daily box w/prizes)
BLU (daily box w/prizes)
BTN (daily box w/prizes)
HDB (daily box w/prizes)
HHD (daily box w/prizes)
LST (daily box w/prizes)
OE+ (daily box w/prizes)
RFX (daily box w/prizes)
SPEEDAPP (daily box w/prizes)
TRCD (daily box w/prizes)
#BHD #BeyondHD #站点活动
和往年一样,一年一度的 BHD 的圣诞活动开始了,12 月一整月每天都可以领一些奖励,更多详细信息请看 BHD 的活动页面。
#in #usenet #群友投稿
We'll be bringing all NZBs and user accounts along for the ride, so nothing gets left behind. However, there's one thing we need from you:Читать полностью…
Make sure your email address is up to date!
The new system uses a completely different password encryption method, which means we can't transfer your current password. You'll need to use the "Forgot My Password" feature to reset it after the migration.
#柠檬 #Lemonhd #LHD #开放邀请 #群友投稿
1、感恩节(11月28日)开放邀请注册(Power User及以上等级),同时降低普通邀请价格,全站免费下载1天。
#RED #Redacted
RED 已恢复,旧域名已弃用,新域名后缀为 .sh,前缀不变。
Tracker 不受影响,只有主站的域名换了。
#BLU #Blutopia
几天前,BLU 的 tracker 和站点突然无法访问,目前已知是因为站点的服务器硬盘出现了问题,导致了整个站点的宕机。
在 BLU 无法访问后,有网友发现 BLU 的 SysOp、U3D 架构的开发者 HDVinnie 在自己的站点监控项目中 移除了 BLU 的支持 ,并在 Jackett 的 Issue 下 回复 “可以将 BLU 移除出 Jackett 支持的站点了,稍候站点将会发布公告”。
此后,BLU 的 IRC 发布了公告:
Here's a brief update. The backup system and main hard drive failed.
At the current time the latest backup for the database is in April 2024 and the torrent files is Christmas 2023. We are trying to find a newer database. HDVinnie has resigned completely from Blutopia, and the remaining staff are debating if we want to bring it back or not. If we bring it back, it will be basically starting from scratch
在另外一名主管备份的 staff 辞职后,我并未及时处理这件事,并最终导致了站点宕机后无备份可用的困境,我背锅,我全责,我道歉。而正是因为我在备份上的疏忽,我不配继续在 BLU 当 SysOp 了,所以我辞职了。
我将继续开发 U3D,因为还有很多站点使用并依赖它。
#Empornium #EMP #站点免费
EMP 将于北京时间 2024 年 12 月 25 日早 8 点至 2025 年 1 月 1 日早 8 点期间站免,请有刷流需求的朋友们提前做好准备。
In celebration of this holiday season,Читать полностью…
and the closing out of 2024,
we will be saying goodbye to this year
with a 7-day (1 week)
Site-Wide Free Leech Event,
running from:
Wednesday December 25 - Wednesday January 1st
starting at UTC (25-12-2024 00:00:00)
and ending on (01-01-2025 00:00:00)
so, get yourselves prepared....
make room for the fun...
the countdown has begun...!!!
Happy Holidays EMPervs...!!!
#HDSky #HDS #瓜 #乐 #群友投稿
书接上文,在 PTer 们涌入 HDSky 官方群抽奖团建的数小时后,HDSky 的群组所有者来到了群里开启了激情对线。
(图1 - 图3,由于管理员打码没有意义,故管理员未打码)
起初,这位管理员装作一副无所谓的样子,说出“清者自清”的话语,频频爆典,更说出凸显 HDSky 商业氛围的话语 “年轻人,好好赚钱不好吗” “包包里有才是真的”。
随后,在一位 PTer 说出偷素材、资源的事实后,这位管理员画风突转开始了爆粗并设置了全体禁言,开始踢出部分 PTer 并删除消息,前后反差之大令人咋舌,而 PTer 们的团建活动也随着群组禁言戛然而止。
目前,HDSky 官方群组内大部分相关聊天记录被删除,群组为全体禁言状态,这位管理的部分话语被作为金句广为传播。HDSky 站点并未对此事发表声明。
此外,上文中的 "" 已经被群友改造,变为了具有极度嘲讽意味的页面。
(图4) (网页存档)
#BLU #Blutopia #规则变动 #站点公告 #站点免费
(1. 上传规则变动;允许发布演唱会内容,BD 遵循现有的 BD光盘规则,WEB-DL 需被 Staff 审核并批准,具体规则详见原文
(2. 捐赠福利恢复;之前捐赠过的用户现在可以重新恢复 VIP 福利了,截止到 12 月 31。已取消 VIP 不计下载的特权,所有用户一视同仁
(3. 用户数据修正;由于有坏东西提供虚假的数据,所以我们不会接受任何修改上传、Bonus 的请求了
(4. 捐赠更加透明;置顶了捐赠计划,目标年度费用为 $4070,募捐将在3月进行,达成目标后将关闭捐赠页面一年
(5. 用户组更改;正在重写用户组规则,取消部分旧用户组和加入多种不同的升级方式
(6. 站免;站免到 2025-01-08
Rule Change: Concerts are now allowedЧитать полностью…
- Concerts
- Disc sources follow the same disc coexisting rules as the rest of the site.
- Web sourced uploads must be staff approved (in the forums) and all Web sourced uploads must be put in the mod queue.
- For remuxed content the best surround lossless track and the best lossless stereo or lossless mono track are to be included. Note: For true digital stereo, that can be converted into FLAC 2.0, however please do not do this for mono or dual-mono. For all mono please use DTS-HD MA 1.0 only. See
- A named tracklist is required to be muxed in for all .mkv contained releases.
- As concerts are all about music (audio) lossless in encodes is preferred, 16 bit dithered down audio is acceptable. The choice of non lossless audio will result in the encode being considered trumpable.
- For concerts that have documentarial content (interviews etc.) are considered documentaries and therefore regular rules apply.
Legacy donations:
We have opened the system for you to reclaim your perks, as discussed there will be no free leech for donations but all the other perks have been restored. To claim please put in the date of the transaction and a copy of the receipt. Your perks will be activated without any loss of time. The system will shut down on the 31st of December as we will start the new year afresh.
Legacy upload / bonus:
We were originally honouring people's upload / bonus points being corrected but unfortunately someone always has to ruin it for everyone and due to people giving us fake information we can no longer do this. We know it is not great but we just can't restore the stats anymore.
Freeleech will be active til the 8th of January.
We will do a donation drive for the support of the site in March. However for total transparency the amount we will need to raise is $4070 a year - the initial costs have been met privately but obviously this is not a sustainable model. Once the $4070 is raised the donation system will turn off for the year and reactivate probably over December / January and that will be our normal window. However, with the site not being fully production ready the sysops are not comfortable with doing donations now.
lexical and Peterlol2x are rewriting the usergroups where instead of having different names you will have alternative paths to rank up. SpaceCat and a lot of the legacy groups are being retired.
#HDSky #HDS #瓜
在 HDSky 又双叒叕出现了偷 WEB-DL 事件后,HDSky 管理组正面回应了这次事件。
#RED #Redacted #站点公告
TLDR; 站免时间正式出了,站免到 December 10 @ 00:00 UTC ,也就是北京时间 12 月 11 日早上 8 点。
Belated Birthday BashЧитать полностью…
Break out the confetti, clear those hard drives: time to freeleech!
Our dear users, this one's for you! After some whispers, teasing and a surprise drop, we are thrilled to formally announce a ginormous freeleech event. This is our belated birthday celebration and you are all invited!
What's the Scoop?
Until Tuesday, December 10 @ 00:00 UTC, almost all RED torrents are freeleech. On such torrents, your download amount will not register, but your upload will.
Not everything is freeleech, so snatch with care. Essentially, any torrent larger than 5GiB is not freeleech.
Uploading during this event is both welcomed and encouraged, but we remind users to follow all of our uploading rules, including for WEB uploads. In particular, it is your responsibility to make sure that your lossless uploads do not have encoding errors.
We want to take this moment to once again thank our incredible community. Your support, patience, and continued enthusiasm have made RED what it is today. This event is our way of saying, "We see you, we appreciate you, let's celebrate!"
And hey, keep your eyes peeled – this might just be the first of several exciting announcements coming your way. ;)
RED Staff
直到12月10日星期二00:00 UTC,几乎所有RED种子都是免费下载的。在这些种子上,你的下载量不会被记录,但上传量会。
#瓜 #HHClub #HHan #憨憨
今天下午,有 PTer 发现憨憨发布了一个带有广告信息的种子,如图 1、2。目前,该种已被删除。
憨憨的管理员对此事于下午发表了 回应:
#OPS #Orpheus #皇后 #OpenCD #群友投稿
皇后在 ops 的官邀近期久违的发放了,并且没有私信通知,仅邮件通知,有效期7天。
#BroadcasTheNet #BTN #站点活动
BTN 圣诞送魔力!
BTN 每日左下角的蓝色礼盒能开出如下内容:
普通奖品:Up to 30,000 Bonus Points or 30GB Upload Credit
罕见奖品:Up to 100GB Upload Credit, or 250 Lumens
倒霉徽章:We've also added a special badge for those unlucky few... but the details about how to get it will be hush hush. Best of unluck to those who want it!
一枚金星 - 250k BP and 150GB Upload Credit
两枚金星 - Random Special Advent Themed Badge
三枚金星 - An exclusive badge for this year's advent!
四枚金星 - 24 hours of 2x upload, for everyone
This year we're changing a few things up. We've gone through and updated the prizes that you can win to bring them in line with how the economy on the site has changed:
• You can receive the following normal prizes: Up to 30,000 Bonus Points or 30GB Upload Credit.
• You can receive the following rare prizes: Up to 100GB Upload Credit, or 250 Lumens.
• We've also added a special badge for those unlucky few... but the details about how to get it will be hush hush. Best of unluck to those who want it!
The most important change is the rewards for the Golden Stars:
• 1 Gold Star - 250k BP and 150GB Upload Credit
• 2 Gold Stars - Random Special Advent Themed Badge
• 3 Gold Stars - An exclusive badge for this year's advent!
• 4 Gold Stars - 24 hours of 2x upload, for everyone
#AnimeByts #AB
TLDR: 没人捐钱,站要寄了,已经动用储备资金了,继续下去一年后就丸辣!于是站点修改了一下
最低起捐金额并公布了大致的开支,详见首页通知。希望喜欢 AB 的各位朋友出手相助!
This year has been pretty rough for us in terms of donations. Short of few months, we have consistently failed to hit our target or even reach amount we consumed each month, and we had used a fair chunk of reserve funds from previous years. This situation is not sustainable and unless something changes, we'll run out of funds to supplement monthly donations in about a year.
Because of the above, and because of base inflation in recent years, we are increasing minimum amount for donation perks from 5 GBP to 10 GBP starting from December 2024. We feel this increase is appropriate given current situation and it is first time we are doing this since 2009.
We ask people that are capable to consider helping us and we hope that the situation will improve following this change.
To summarize current costs, we are using per month:
270 GBP (340 USD) on core services
13 GBP (16 USD) for airing anime bot
Additionally, we incur these yearly:
60 GBP (80 USD) per year for domains
80 GBP (100 USD) per year for ProtonMail account (for handling incoming emails to our domains)
The overall cost per month is about 280 GBP (355 USD). Our donation target is currently set at healthy 350 GBP (440 USD). The above cost report can also be found directly on Donate page, where it is always up to date.
Now to a bit of even more spectacular news. Some of you may have already noticed the Donation button is gone. The reason it has gone you wonder?Читать полностью…
Wonder no more, the reason is that we broke the barrier and raised it all! What should have taken a year to do we did in a manner of months. Staff will have a wonderful surprise or two over the festive season to show how much we appreciate everyone and their contributions to the site. The drive has secured us through the whole of 2025 and this is truly magnificent news. None of us were expecting that it would happen so fast so we're caught on the hop, so watch this space for announcements of the joys to come.
#BLU #Blutopia #站点免费
站点已经上线并开启了站免(截止发稿还剩 6 天),但目前站点还有许多 bug,尚未完全恢复。
Well nothing is fully working yet, bit we're back! Watch this space as MiM gets the torrent side rolling and things slowly return to normal, thank you for your patience as we get Blutopia back to number 1.
#HHClub #憨憨
#HDHome #HDH #开放邀请 #站点免费 #站点公告
2024.11.21 - 家园十周年活动通知 | Happy 10th birthday to HDHome!Читать полностью…
2024-11-24 20点开启魔力值抽奖活动,敬请期待!
2.邀请权限开放至Insane User(团长):
2024-11-24 18:00 至 2024-12-01 18:00
2024-11-24 18:00 至 2024-12-01 18:00
#BLU #瓜
BLU 内部争议事件
近日,BLU 的前工作人员 Audionut 在 Reddit 上爆料了站点管理团队的内部矛盾及捐赠处理问题,并指控 HDVinnie 的多项行为。主要内容如下:
1. 售卖邀请:HDVinnie 以 BLU 管理的身份,在邀请交易平台上出售邀请。
2. 资金使用不透明:HDVinnie 利用 BLU 大肆敛财。所有捐赠资金被他个人挪用,未用于站点运营或分配给管理团队成员。此外,他曾开放“终身 VIP 捐赠”,声称限时限额,但实际并未执行限制。他甚至制定了一个不成文的规定——“不允许在捐赠有效期内封禁捐赠用户”,以避免用户争议退款造成损失(小编注:例如 PayPal 这种平台比较偏向用户,一般发起争议都会从商户扣款并退款回用户)。
3. 威胁他人:作为 U3D 的开发者,HDVinnie 公开发表 Reddit 帖子威胁一个使用 U3D 的站点,要求支付额外费用,否则便通过技术手段破坏对方站点。
4. 管理失误:BLU 停摆的根本原因是 HDVinnie。尽管刚举办完万圣节捐赠活动,HDVinnie 却未将筹集到的资金用于站点修复。此外,BLU 的服务器配置为 RAID-0(硬盘损坏将导致数据完全丢失,无备份冗余),且 HDVinnie 未进行站点数据的定期备份,致使站点出现硬件故障后无法恢复。
Audionut, let’s not pretend you’re some misunderstood hero here. You were banned for (not once but twice threatening the life) of a fellow staff member, something so utterly disgraceful it’s hard to imagine anyone trusting you with so much as a paperclip again. Oh and abusing a position of trust doesn’t make you noble; it makes you a liability for anyone who still speaks to you.
Meanwhile, the restoration of BLU is in fact charging ahead, completely unfazed by you and your theatrics.
翻译总结:Audionut 曾两次威胁同事生命,因此被封禁,你的指控也是毫无意义的,没人会相信一个威胁别人生命的人。BLU 的恢复工作依然在顺利推进,你的指控完全没有任何影响。
Audionut 调侃 nelsokege 回避指控,整个帖子都是气急败坏的人身攻击,没有任何实质回应。
Musicalmind 为 HDVinnie 辩护,否认了最近在网络上传播的猜测——“HDVinnie 为了敛财其有意破坏 BLU”,同时承认资金透明度确实存在不足。但批评 Audionut 在 Reddit 公开发帖,让管理团队与 HDVinnie 协商资金问题变得更困难。
Audiinet 指出 BLU 长期存在的管理问题才是根源,包括 HDVinnie 挪用资金等行为。他认为自己发帖无伤大雅,且 BLU 管理团队一贯袒护 HDVinnie,才导致问题恶化。Audionut 还在他的帖子中附上了与 MusicalMind 的私聊截图作为佐证。
Musicalmind 部分承认 Audionut 的指控属实,同时愤怒指责 Audionut 将私人对话截图公开的行为“像小学生一样”,尤其是这段对话还是两个站点管理人员之间的。同时表明这是 Audionut 被 HDB 封禁的原因。
小编注:小编发现 Audionut 多个站点的账户都被封禁了,可能是 MM 发起了全球 ban。
#RED #Redacted
RED 主站从今天开始变得不太稳定,多个群友反馈 RED 时好时坏,并猜测可能是因为最近 PTP 被 DDOS 而被波及。
但如图所示,根据 .ch NIC 的 whois 结果,域名已经进入了 40 天的赎回期,证明着 RED 的 sysop 与其他众多站点一样忘记续费域名了。
在本地的 hosts 文件中将 RED 的域名指向