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PT 风向旗关注一切 PT 相关新闻,为你筛选出最具价值的信息。 This is a channel for tracker news. ⚠️ 注意:请勿在本频道求任何 PT 站点的邀请! ⚠️ Attention: Do NOT request any tracker invites in this channel. 群组: @PtfxqGroup 投稿: @PtfxqPWSBot

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#CMCT #SSD #春天 #综合公告

1. 2021年9月起,我们开始执行公共空间内提及本站或求邀的封禁用户将不会再被解封。

2. 月贵宾(vip)价格调整,邀请权限已调整至神王。

3. 猫站(PTerClub)官方邀请入驻本站点。

4. 专题选项已下放至普通用户,勾选原生原盘专题会触发促销,请各位发种时规范填写信息。

5. 欢迎7³ACG组入驻本站。

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#Audiences #观众

全局优惠生效:官组 FREE

优惠开始:2023-12-27 23:00:00 (GMT+08:00)
优惠截止:2023-12-30 23:59:59 (GMT+08:00)

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#CinemaGeddon #CG

Witty message.
Ends on or around 12AM UTC, Jan 1.
Send pills.
Invites may or may not be dispersed.

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#Redacted #RED #综合公告

1. 新 Mod 上任
2. We're still accepting user lists to determine the best releases of 2023, with many thanks to those who have already posted their favorites. At the time of posting we've recieved 282 lists, but you can still submit your lists in the official thread up until 23:59 UTC on January 20th, 2024. You'll likewise earn a badge for doing so, for those who may want a little extra incentive to participate.
3. 一些工作人员挑选的专辑,这些专辑 are all freeload until 23:59 UTC on January 31st, 2024

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#GazelleGames #GGn

1. 两周内首页领奖
2. 愿意的可以去投票GOTY,截止日期为 Dec 30, 00:00 site time.

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#FileList #FL #站点活动

FileList Christmas Gift! Starting on the 24th of December until the 10th of January you will be able to claim a gift, by clicking in the lower-left corner of the website, once every 24 hours. The gift is similar to the one in the shop and you can win: Upload, FLCoins, Invitations, FLTokens, VIP.

Discounted Shop prices! From this moment up until the 10th of January, you can enjoy the Shop at reduced prices!

Contests! As usual, this year there are no shortage of contests organized by our staff, so be on the lookout in the forum section.

FileList Staff

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#ACM #站免

ACM 五周年,站免两周。

Dear @everyone

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that we are celebrating the 5th anniversary of our beloved platform dedicated to the mesmerizing world of Asian cinema! 🥳🍾

It feels like just yesterday that we embarked on this incredible journey, passionate about bringing you the best of Asian cinema. Over the past five years, we've delved deep into the heart of cinematic artistry, exploring the rich tapestry of stories, cultures, and talents that make Asian cinema truly exceptional.

One of our core missions has always been to spread our love for Asian cinema around the globe and are very proud of what we have been able to accomplish so far. We've had the privilege of showcasing masterpieces, hidden gems, and emerging talents from across Asia. From the heartwarming dramas to the pulse-pounding action, the thought-provoking indie films to the visually stunning blockbusters, every frame has been a celebration of the cinematic excellence that defines Asian cinema.

To mark this momentous occasion, we have activated global FreeLeech (FL) for the next 2 weeks so you can finally download all those films you have bookmarked since our last global FL :). This celebration is not just about looking back but also about looking forward to the exciting cinematic adventures that await us.

None of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of our dedicated community. To each and every one of you who has shared their love for Asian cinema, contributed insightful discussions, and made this platform a vibrant hub – THANK YOU! Your enthusiasm fuels our passion, and we are incredibly grateful for your ongoing support.

As we raise a virtual toast to the past five years, we eagerly look forward to the next chapter. With your continued support, we are confident that the future holds even more exciting discoveries, cinematic treasures, and shared moments of joy.

Thank you for being a part of our cinematic journey. Here's to five years of Asian cinema magic, and to many more to come!

Cheers to the love of film! 🎉🎬✨


AsianCinema Team

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#EMP #综合公告

EMP 发布公告招收 FLS,要求如下
You must be a Good Perv or higher.
Your account must be at least 6 months old.
Your account must be in good standing.
You must have 2FA enabled or be willing to enable it.
You must be an active contributor of the community.
IRC is required when performing FLS tasks.

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Site update: We are back in business!

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#Empornium #EMP #站免

In celebration of this holiday season, and the closing out of 2023, we will be saying goodbye to this year with a 7-day (1 week) Sitewide Free Leech Event, running from:

Monday December 25th - Monday January 1st
starting at UTC (25-12-2023 00:00:00)
and ending on (01-01-2024 00:00:00)

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#SpeedApp #开放申请

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#bV #bitvaulttorrent #站点关闭

bV 是一个拥有 17 年历史的意大利站,近日 bV 管理员的在其论坛发布了帖子,宣告了站点将在 2024 年 1 月 13日关闭。

Carissimi Utenti,
Con un mix di emozioni profonde, lo staff di BV si rivolge a voi per comunicare la conclusione di un capitolo straordinario nella nostra storia comune.
Dopo un percorso lungo 17 anni, è giunto il momento di salutarci.
In questi decenni, abbiamo assistito a incredibili trasformazioni su Internet, passato da un territorio inesplorato ad un vasto universo digitale. La velocità delle connessioni internet è cresciuta esponenzialmente, portandoci in mondi virtuali con una facilità che all'inizio sembrava un sogno.
L'avvento delle piattaforme di streaming ha rivoluzionato il modo in cui consumiamo i contenuti multimediali. Da quando abbiamo iniziato questa avventura, il modo in cui accediamo alla musica, ai video e tanto altro materiale è cambiato radicalmente e siamo felici di essere stati parte di questa evoluzione insieme a voi.
Ma ciò che rende questo momento particolarmente difficile è il ricordo delle connessioni umane che si sono formate qui. Ogni utente era una parte integrante della nostra comunità, un contributo unico che ha reso questo sito ciò che è stato. Abbiamo attraversato gioie e dolori insieme, risolto problemi e ci siamo sostenuti l'un l'altro nelle sfide della vita online e offline.
Ogni sezione del nostro forum ha raccontato una storia, una storia scritta da tutti voi.
Ogni moderatore, ogni uploader, ogni membro, ha lasciato un'impronta indelebile in questo luogo virtuale che abbiamo chiamato casa.
Mentre chiudiamo questo capitolo della nostra storia, vogliamo ringraziarvi tutti per aver reso questa comunità speciale. Siete stati la forza che ha alimentato il nostro impegno, e il vostro contributo ha reso possibile ogni passo del nostro percorso.
Anche se chiudiamo questa porta, ci auguriamo che il vostro cammino continui a essere ricco di nuove scoperte e connessioni significative, proprio come è stato qui.

Grazie di cuore per tutto.

Con affetto,
Lo Staff di Bitvault

P.S.: non ci saranno resurrezioni ne "accessi alternativi" per cui se leggerete il nome di BitVault da qualche altra parte dopo il 13 Gennaio 2024, sappiate che non siamo e non saremo noi. Fate attenzione.

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#Karagarga #KG #站点活动

Take part in Karagarga's Top 100 Movie Poll

We are collecting Top 10 lists from our members until midnight (UTC) on 24 December 2023. A KG Top 100 list based on these votes will be revealed on Christmas Day.

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#CMCT #SSD #春天 #功能变动



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#Empornium #EMP #站点恢复

After an extended downtime we're finally getting parts of the site back online. We're not quite there yet, so please bear with us as we iron out various kinks (we'll leave the good kinks ofc).

Very short summary of what happened, more details may follow later: A number of issues combined caused some critical components of our infrastructure to go down. Due to limited availability on the part of our tech team, we were unable to properly address the underlying causes immediately.

We'll update on the status as things become more stable. For now, please don't report any issues related to tracker or site availability/reliability.

Thanks for your patience!

Update 08 Dec, 19:51
Everything is up and running. Depending on some user's DNS, the domain might not yet be reachable, but it should work for most. This should resolve within the next few hours for everyone. If you notice any abnormalities, please let us know.

Now have fun.

Update 08 Dec, 21:25
Uploading on Jerking Image Host should now work thanks to a temporary fix.

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#HDSky #HDS #站免


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#UHDBits #UHD #站免

FreeLeech: Sitewide freeleech until 2024-01-01 23:59:59.

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#PassThePopcorn #PTP #综合公告

1. 节日快乐!
2. 有位 Mod 非常厉害:250,000 checks and 100,000 torrent reports resolved. 所以挑选了他最喜欢的10部电影两周免费;
3. As part of our effort to be more transparent, we have brought back the Rules Changelog and the accompanying Rules Changelog Discussion posts. We expect you all to know and abide by the rules of this site but every once and a while those rules change. Going forward, all new changes will be announced there. There will be some changes announced in the coming weeks regarding SD retention.

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#Passthepopcorn #PTP #HDBits #HDB #开放官窑

省流:PTP重新开放HDB官窑,要求Elite + 一年,中国以及其他被ban国家不让注册

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#SugoiMusic #站免

站免到 some time after 24th January

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#iAnon #站免 #综合公告

iAnon 站免至 2024.1.4 18:00 GMT.

小编注: iAnon 是一个专注于 Apple 软件的 PT 站,由 BrokenStones 的管理员分家后创建,发展迅速,而 BrokenStones 则大不如前。

Thanks to the work and the support of everyone in the iAnon family, we continue to thrive with over 9000 torrents uploaded and a growing community of new members joining everyday.

To celebrate this joyful holiday season, there will be a sitewide freeleech from now December 21st 18.00 UTC through January 4th 18.00 UTC to express our gratitude to the most important part of IAN, you the members ...and yes, there is also some snow.

May this small gift add a smile and a touch of magic to our days.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We hope you all enjoy this time and have a safe and healthy new year.

Warm regards,

-The Staff at iAnon

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#HDBits #HDB #站免

We would like to wish everyone Merry Christmas and only the best going forward into the new year 2024.
To boost the Christmas mood, we are having sitewide Free Leech until 2023-12-29 23:59 GMT.

We are now also running donations to cover our servers bills. This year they are completely remade to allow choice from six cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Dogecoin (DOGE) or Monero (XMR).

Go to Donate Crypto button in the top right corner to find out details. Due to high transaction fees of Bitcoin and Ethereum, you have other alternatives which have almost zero fee and are just as simple to obtain and send with the usual crypto wallet providers. We encourage not to waste dozens of euros on fees and pick one of the alternatives. For example Monero also offers full anonymity.

For more information about crypto and donations, you can visit this topic.

We are highly grateful for your support as we wouldn't be here or last this long without you. You, our members, are what makes this community so special and great to be part of. Thank You and Merry Christmas!

tldr: 站免到 2023-12-29 23:59 GMT;捐款不推荐选择BTC和ETH,手续费太高;感谢社区,圣诞快乐!

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PT风向旗 #综合公告

End of the year 2023

Hey kids, I hope you are well! Thank you for spending time on our silly little site!

How about joining our staff team here at JPTVclub?
We are always looking for more people to help out on staff. If you are interested in joining our team, send Benkei a message on the site or Matrix.

Currently we need staff to help out moderating torrents, applications and the forums, but we are always looking for other new staff members that can help the site run smoothly. If you think you have something to offer, send Benkei a message. We look forward to hearing from you.


Have you seen JPTVclubTV yet? The official JPTVclub IPTV servers are up and running!! The links have been up on Matrix for a couple days now (Have you joined our Matrix server yet?).

You can download the channel list using your site credentials from here:

Currently, 6 channels at 360p with a limit of 2 streams per user. That all may change in the future. If you have any ideas, let me know. Our servers are weak, your performance will vary. Let me know if you think there is are channels we should add or take away. I am interested in what you think!!

If you have never used IPTV before, VLC or a browser plugin is a great place to start. Ask in the forums or Matrix if you have any questions or problems.

If users are interested in the IPTV service, it will stay around for a while, but if there is no interest, it will go away early next year.


New User Classes!!!
Finally the new donor user classes are here!

“Donor” = H&R immunity + Freeleech USD $10 per month
“VIP” = H&R immunity + Freeleech + JPTV Recorder + Fileokiba USD $30 per month

The VIP user class is limited to 10 members currently.
“JPTV Recorder” allows recording and streaming of Japanese TV. “JPTV Recorder” is in beta and will often not work as expected.
“Fileokiba” is https and WebDAV access to all bot recordings of the last month or so.

To sign up for Donor or VIP user class, send Benkei a DM for more information.

If you are not interested in a monthly donation but would still like to contribute, we gladly accept one-time donations as well.

I really appreciate anyone that is kind enough to donate. The site is expensive. And without your help, its days are numbered. 🙁

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#AsianCinema #ACM #站点维护

Site news: The site is currently down due to a proxy suspension. We are working on a replacement. More updates are to follow soon. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause everyone.

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#Blutopia #BLU #站免

🎁 Global Freeleech Mode Activated 🎁
🎅🏻 Happy Holidays! 🎅🏻

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#PassThePopcorn #PTP #站点维护

Site: DOWN | Tracker: DOWN

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#Audiences #观众 #站免

站點生日慶生🎉,站免至2023-12-13 23:59:59



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PT风向旗 #开放注册

Announcemnt form registration page:

In December we will have open signups in random days. You can check this page or subscribe to our waiting list get e-mail notification when we are open.

To subscribe access our waiting list

Users: 11k

Peers: 66k

Torrents: 11k

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#DiscFan #碟粉 #功能变动





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#HDTorrents #HDT #规则变动

In short now we are allowing to be uploaded 1080p encodes with >2.0 channels lossless audio, but they can be replaced by an encode with better video quality proven with comparison screenshots no matter the audio.

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