#TIK #站免 #Cinematik
Global Freeleech Mode Activated
03 Day 16 Hour 51 Minute and 25 Second
#海棠PT #HTPT #站点公告
#HDT #综合公告
DDOS attack: As some other private trackers at the moment we are under DDOS attack too.
Keep your torrents seeding, your stats will be updated accordingly.
#HDBits #HDB #站点公告
DDoS attack on our servers is still ongoing. We are trying to mitigate it and so far it looks like a cautious success with over 12k IPs banned and counting.
We had to limit maximum requests for the site to 15 requests per second. This doesn't concern announce.php or scrape.php but it could hinder some API usage. Perhaps best to disable the apps using API for now. Exceeding this limit will result in temporary 24h ban for the IP.
Hope this will end soon.
#NicePT #老师站 #综合公告
#Cinematik #TIK #站点维护
We first must apologize for this sudden announcement and the short window of execution. The relaxed en-devour of moving our beloved Cinematik.net to a new server has been blocked by software incompatibility issues. This and the inability to stay on our current server (expires at the end of this month) has forced our new destiny earlier than planned. Ready or not we must embrace the newer UNIT3D code-base in its entirety and call it our new home.
On Saturday the 27th 8pm GMT time our current server will go offline and the login screen will be replaced by the site landing page with the current status. Effective immediately new uploads are disabled and the approval thread locked to help negate further modifications to the server data. Please visit this thread for any further discussion. We hope you can join us in keeping a positive attitude going into our new home and allow it any benefit of doubt and time for you to get acquainted.
Our new home should be ready by the 2nd of February
#MoreThanTV #MTV #站点公告
We are an experienced, streaming oriented group of people who you are able to rely on to bring you a consistent flow of efficient but high quality movies, primarily in 1080p and 4k. We anticipate expanding into providing TV releases in the future, but we ask for your patience there.
We aim to be highly streamable, though willing to compromise to bring you some anticipated features. Be aware that while most users will not see any drop in streaming performance, we anticipate a small number of plex/jellyfin/emby/kodi/etc. edge cases will transcode, particularly for users with strict bitrate limitations set on their platform of choice, or antiquated hardware. Please note that if you plan on enabling subtitles on a computer, the plex browser player will transcode the video. Please install the desktop app to stream subtitled films to your computer for the best experience.
At this small cost, you will find the following benefits:
Dual audio for foreign films.
Muxed English subs.
Better image quality, particularly for grainy films.
If that sounds appealing, we encourage you to take a look at our first release, Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery. We happily take requests, preferably on the requests page, but we welcome requests made in this forum thread to start. You can find all of our releases here.
We always are open to community feedback, do not hesitate to bring questions, comments, or concerns to my attention.
#HDBits #HDB #站点公告
敬告各位用户,本站对买卖邀请零容忍。禁止代求代发,同时也禁止在任何地方,包括邀请制论坛和其他 PT 站点 giveaway HDB 邀请。
小心骗邀的。有些人骗子 are really convincing and they go to unbeliveable depths trying to persuade 你,用 social hacking skills 和你建立友谊就是为了骗邀。
友情提示:你要是在任何 invite trading forum (如ti)注册了账号,建议你赶紧销号然后祈祷别被我们发现。
如果你买了号没被砍,赶紧坦白从宽,如果你是这个 seller 树上第一个坦白的,管理组会考虑保留你的账号。这个机会只有一次。同理,如果你从别人那里搞到了成品账号或者和人共享了账号,速速坦白,如平日表现不错可获得赦免。
因为账号交易问题,现在 ban list 除了 China, Egypt, Latvia, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Vietnam, 新增加了 Poland, India.
#MyAnonamouse #MAM #站点恢复
Your history graph. That's still a massive part of data to move.
IRC services login via password (we're not sure why it's broken, we're investigating)
Search updating bookmarks (seems to not be for some reason)
about 80 Author/Narrator/Series names didn't get copied, due to better case and accent folding. These will need to be manually resolved.
#GazelleGames #GGn #站点活动
tldr: 博得3是GGn的2023 GOTY。另外,Top 3 games of the main GOTY vote, as well as all the games that have won their categories will be freeleech throughout 2024.
#BeyondHD #BHD #HDBits #HDB #开设官邀
HDB 在 BHD 开设了官方邀请,要求为:
King+ with account age greater than 2.5 years. (Member Since: 2021-08-01)
AVG seed time of Five Months (3600+ Hours)
同样不接受来自 China, Egypt, Latvia, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Vietnam, Poland and India 的用户
值得注意的是这是 BHD 第一次开设联盟站的官方邀请。
#Cinematik #TIK #站点重构
另外,ALL Asian content except for anime and pinku is now allowed. 4K UHD discs are now allowed as well. 还明确规定了3天的hr。
其他变动请阅读 Welcome to Cinematik 2.0! 一文
#憨憨 #hhclub #活动
三、开放邀请活动:最低发放邀请等级为:Insane User(裝憨打呆),开放邀请时间为:2024年2月3日00:00:00至2024年2月10日23:59:59(北京时间)
#HDSky #HDS #站免
#BroadcasTheNet #BTN #功能变动
tldr: After many requests we have finally done it! Format Tags are live on BTN!
#HDB #HDBits #公告
DDoS attack ongoing! Logins temporarily disabled - 2024-01-27
We have ongoing massive DDoS attack. It seems to focus on a single login URL so I disabled it.
If you are reading this, don't log out :)
Disabling Lock session to IP in your profile may be of use now.
重点:站被DDOS了,别登出,现在登出你就登不回来了。同时别忘了在个人页面上给 Lock session to IP 取消勾选
#MyAnonamouse #MAM #站点维护
Downtime 2024-01-18, starting 1600 UTC (until complete)
We'll be having downtime starting 2024-01-18, to migrate our whole database to the new server. We will first move the parts relevant for the tracker, so it can start up first, before continuing to move everything else. The estimate is "hours" but unknown how many. We will put up an "offline" page that will auto refresh, and we'll post updates on it as we go. The offline page will redirect to main site once it's all back up.