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Telegram-канал ptfxq - PT风向旗


PT 风向旗关注一切 PT 相关新闻,为你筛选出最具价值的信息。 This is a channel for tracker news. ⚠️ 注意:请勿在本频道求任何 PT 站点的邀请! ⚠️ Attention: Do NOT request any tracker invites in this channel. 群组: @PtfxqGroup 投稿: @PtfxqPWSBot

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#KIMOJI #站点事件

据小编观察,KIMOJI 站点群发邮件时未密送 ,导致用户邮箱泄露。



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#U2 #功能恢复

2024.03.06 - 站点邮件系统已恢复
Site email system is now back

Mail related feature (changing email address, 2FA setup, sending invite, etc.) shall work normal. Please contact staff if anything still wrong.

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#BTN #BroadcasTheNet #站点公告

BTN 一年一度的烤派比赛来了,详情请戳首页公告查看。

#HDSpace #站点免费

2 March 开始,站免 48 小时。

#DigitalCore #DCC #站点免费

还剩下 7天+站免时间

#BlueBird #蓝鸟 #站点免费

站免至 2024-03-03 13:35:22 EET (GMT+3)

#AR #AlphaRatio #站点恢复

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#BroadcasTheNet #BTN #站点活动

SiteWide 2x Upload Activated

Time Left: 20H

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#TTG #开放邀请 #站点免费 #ToTheGlory

TTG 15周年开放邀请、站点免费至 2024-03-08 23:59:59。
商店上架 15 周年勋章,土豪版 1,555,555,普通版155,555。

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#AnimeBytes #AB #站点公告 #域名更换

Domain change for Mei image server
The domain for Mei image server has changed from to

We have performed automatic migration of most links and images posted on forums and comments. In case you notice content that still has old domain, please report it to Staff.


Domain change for IRC server
The domain for IRC server has changed from to

Please adjust your IRC clients accordingly.

TLDR; AB 的站点公告两则,IRC 域名更换,图床域名更换。

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#HDChina #HDC

HDC 是中国境内创立最早、用户规模最大、资源数最多的 PT 站之一,从 2008 年创立至今,期间虽被当局关注过,但均在数据毫无损失的情况下重开了。

在 2023 年 11 月 28 日,HDC 毫无征兆的宕机了,网站和 tracker 均无法访问,Telegram 群组 Bot 也无响应,至今已持续接近 4 个月时间。期间,有群友发现 HDC 群组的多个管理员的 Telegram 账号状态均显示为“last seen a long time ago”,仍在线的管理员一直告诉大家耐心等待然而并未传递任何具体的消息,人心惶惶。 期间甚至有谣言传出:HDC的站长沉迷原神,关站了。

2024 年 2 月 9 日,HDC 的群组管理员发送了一张截图,均为 tar.gz 文件,不难推测此为服务器的备份文件,振奋人心,站点数据还在。但很快又有 PTer 发现了 HDC 的域名于 2024 年 2 月 26 日过期。

然而,小编发现原本应该在今天(2024.02.26)到期的 HDC 域名被续费了,或许我们很快就能够与 HDC 再次见面。


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#杜比 #HDDolby #瓜 #绷

据杜比官方群组的管理员透露 杜比站长因燃放烟花爆竹被抓,站点后续走向需要等待一段时间来确定。

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#Siambit #站点关闭 #站点事件

Siambit 是泰国最大的 PT 站点,拥有超过 20 万注册用户,据说其中有超过50% 的用户捐赠了网站,它于 2005 成立,距今已有超过 18 年历史,在被关闭前,它是泰国最大、历史最古老的 PT 站点。在 2024 年 1 月 19 日被泰国当局关闭。

来自 ACE 的报道如下:
小编注:ACE 是 保护创意市场,致力于打击数字盗版和保护创意市场。

The Royal Thai Police’s Economic Crimes Department (ECD), with support from the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE), has raided four locations in Bangkok, Surin Province and Surat Thani. Four Thai nationals have been taken into custody and are expected to be formally charged with copyright offenses in the coming days.
泰国皇家警察经济犯罪部(ECD)在创意和娱乐联盟(ACE)的支持下,突袭了曼谷、素林府和素叻他尼的四个地点。四名泰国人已被拘留,预计将在未来几天内被正式指控犯有版权罪。 was the largest torrent tracker site in Thailand with average monthly visits of 5.5 million, and which provided access to a huge range of Hollywood, international and Thai content. 是泰国最大的种子网站,月均访问量达 550 万次,提供大量好莱坞、国际和泰国内容。

The site had been in operation since 2005 and is known to regularly change its domain to avoid detection. According to statements by the Royal Thai Police, had over 100,000 VIP members and the operators were making an estimated 1.5 million baht (USD $41,000) on a monthly basis.
该网站自 2005 年起开始运营,并经常更换域名以避免被发现。根据泰国皇家警察的声明, 有超过 100,000 名 VIP 会员,经营者每月估计赚取 150 万泰铢(41,000 美元)。


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#AnimeBytes #AB #站点事件

AB 的 SysOP 在他们的 IRC 上称:

20:09:37 [proton] Regarding DNS issues; for now I still do not have a reply from registrar but the domain remains in 'serverHold' state from (registry) ...
AB 的域名被注册商锁定(serverHold)了,且注册局目前没有回复他们任何消息。

20:09:40 [proton] Current assumption should be that this is legal hold on domain ...
小编注:当域名被锁定时,域名将会暂停解析,简单来说,就是无法通过域名访问站点了,这也正是这次 AB 宕机超过20小时的原因。

20:09:42 [proton] I'm giving registrar another 12h for reply before purging everything, all servers except for IRC are currently down and encrypted at rest ...
在清除所有内容前,我们会等待域名注册局最多 12 小时,现在除了 IRC 服务器以外的所有服务均已下线并加密。

20:09:44 [proton] We have no intention of continuing to endanger ourselves or anyone else here by continuing to operate site if it has been noticed by authorities.

几小时前,一位英国用户在 AB IRC 的 loli 频道讲述他被捕,警方因为儿童色情相关原因没收了他所有的电子设备,而且明确说到该网站正在接受调查。 但消息的真实性存疑。

目前 AB 的 IRC 还能够通过 IP 访问,但 IRC 的机器人服务已经下线,这也意味着现在无法加入受到限制的 IRC 频道,但 help linux 频道仍然有不少人在讨论此次事件。

@ptfxq 将持续关注此事件。

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#Empornium #EMP #站点公告

EMP 目前正在经历 撞库 和 DDOS ,请启用 2FA 以保证账户安全。


撞库 是指黑客收集大量网络上已经泄露的某网站的用户名和密码,然后使用这些用户名和密码去登陆另一个网站。



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#oldtoons #OTW 被黑,如果你有任何站点与 OTW 的密码相同,请立即更改密码。

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#PTP #PassThePopcorn #站点公告

Just a quick note to note that the user cap has been raised, to make room for our increased recruitment (together with some updated criteria and further tweaks). You're likely going to see a lot of new faces around the site.... so please give them a warm welcome.

为了官邀,PTP 的用户上限已提高 2000 人。同时,全部的 PTP 的官方邀请时间要求均变为了 2 年


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#BLU #Blutopia #综合公告

Invites are back! Thu, Feb 8, 2024 1:01 AM

As you may have noticed for the last 9 months or so invites have been not available in the store. We had a serious need of doing an audit of current membership to remove some bad eggs, which we have done during that time. That was mostly taken up by Audionut who you also may have noticed has stepped down from staffing recently, so if you see them thank them. Going forward invites are now available in the store for 250,000 BON, but to be able to send invites you need to be at least in the BluMaster/BluSeeder class and have 2FA enabled. If you think you should have invite ability but do not please wait 24hours before submitting a ticket to give yourself an opportunity to be corrected automatically.

When sending invites please be mindful of rules/restrictions. We are not going to reiterate them here but you can find them here

A couple of smaller notes/reminders
You are responsible for satisfying required seedtimes. We have seen an influx of users not doing so
You are responsible for ensuring your uploads comply with site rules. Over the last couple months the compliance of rules has slowly been decreasing, leading to more work for moderation team to ensure uploads are of quality and easily searchable
TOTP 2FA was added in the last 2-3 months, please enable if you can. Read more about it here
There has been some confusion regarding H.264/H.265 and x264/x265 in naming lately. H.264/H.265 are codecs and x264/x265 are encoders. For untouched content we do not care what encoder was used, so use codec in title, and for encoded content we want what encoder was used. BLU only allows encoded content encoded by x264/x265 so labeling this correctly is very important. Encodes without corresponding x264/x265 settings in mediainfo are not allowed.
If you have received invites via donation and cannot use them, open a helpdesk ticket and we'll temporarily grant you ability to send invites given you provide proof/evidence of user's value for the user you wish to invite.

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各位 PTer 们 2024 新年快乐!这里总结了多个内站的新年活动,请笑纳。列表为不完全列表,以首字母顺序排序,欢迎各位在评论区、投稿机器人补充相关站点信息。

#Audiences #观众
#站免 02.10 23:59 - 02.17 23:59
#官种免费 02.08 14:00 - 02.09 23:59

#azusa #梓喵

#Btschool #学校
#站免 #开放邀请 02.09 - 02.17

#carpt #车站
#开放注册 #站免 02.09 - 02.17 开放自由注册!种子2XFREE

#CHD #CHDBits #岛
#站免 02.09 - 02.15
#开放邀请 VIP邀请临时开放 02.09 - 02.11

#CMCT #SSD #春天
#站免 02.11 - 02.15

#hares #白兔
#站免 02.08 - 02.24

#HDHome #HDH #家园
#站免 02.08 12:00 - 02.13 12:00
#开放邀请 02.08 18:00 - 02.11 18:00(请勿在任何公开场合发送,包括但不限于各种论坛,贴吧,各种群聊等。)

#hdmayi #小蚂蚁
#站免 02.09 00:00 - 02.15 23:59

#站免 02.08 00:00 - 02.18 00:00

#HDSky #天空
#站免 02.09 - 02.17

#hipt #百川
#站免 站免至元宵节

#站免 02.09 00:00 - 02.25 全站2xfree,同时全站静默

#OB #OurBits
#站免 02.08 10:00 - 02.14 00:00

#站免 02.05 00:00 - 02.12 00:00

#redleaves #红叶

#sjtupt #葡萄
#站免 02.09 00:00 - 02.16 24:00

#站免 02.10 00:00 - 02-12 23:59

#TJUPT #北洋园 #北洋
最受欢迎管理组成员投票 请点 Miralia 喵 谢谢喵

#zmpt #织梦

#国语世界 #cnlang (这不是PT站,但这里可以找到不少字幕音轨,对PT的压制有帮助,就写到最后了。)
开放注册三天,开启 CHD 官方邀请。


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#EMP #投稿 #站点免费

Sitewide Freeleech for 1 day, 23 hours


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#瓜 #投稿


1. A 在馒头群发 ttg,没有要求,回复邮箱即发。B 回复 A 求 ttg ,A 请 B 留邮箱。C 乱入,回复 A 自己的邮箱,A 没检查就发给 C 了。
上下文 (部分被删除)

2. B 发现邀请被截胡后大怒,与 C 激情互喷 ,这时 A 回复另一位求猫邀的 D,请 D 留邮箱,热心群友提醒:没有验证它站低隐私会被砍。但正在激情互喷的 B 不知为何并没有遵守建议,在激情对话的同时抢着留邮箱并成功被邀请进入猫站。
上下文 (部分被删除)

3. 正当 B 开心的注册好猫站时,A 与 B 两位的猫因上家违反规定发邀而被封禁了。此时,B 正在 ttg 群求 ttg 的邀请。

4. B 在 ttg 群求 ttg 到一半发现猫站已被封禁,B 大怒在 ttg 群对猫站一顿输出后退群了。

5. 热心群友在馒头群回复 B 封禁原因以及告诉他错不在他,以后还有机会能进猫,但B依然无视并表示自己宁缺勿滥。

6. B 在馒头群表示歉意并把大部分对话纪录删除了。

7. 群友补充:当事人 A 吃到自己的瓜表示:自己的号被长时间不登录封禁后自动解封,现又因发药被禁,再次申请解封时,被机器人拉到三人 TG 群,让 A 供述违规经过,最终答复是不予解封。

8. A 的上家不知何时也早已封禁,所以整个事件变为了变相砍树。


小编附言:求邀请不规范,上下家两行泪。 因为部分记录已经灭失,如有错误,烦请勘误。若有后续,也请在评论区补充。

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#CMCT #SSD #春天 #站点公告

1. 请避免在公共场合提及本站。

2. 诚招压制组、字幕组以及种巡人员(请于新手考核完成后申请)

3. 自2024年5月1日后,因客户端问题违规的封禁将不再解封,请使用站点“常见问题”中“被允许客户端”的官方版本,禁止使用第三方魔改的“快检版”“跳检版”

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#SC #SecretCinema #站点公告

We have a new IRC channel that we actually control.
Channel: #secretcinema
Use site nick especially if you require assistance.

Please don't use the #sc channel for assistance or help with your account as staff will no longer idle in this chat.

TLDR; SC 更换了 IRC 的域名。

#shazbat #站点公告

2024-02-25 - Webchat broken
As you might have noticed, the webchat is a bit broken. We are working on fixing it, but it might take some time.
If you want a good chat experience, join IRC (see the help pages).

TLDR; webchat 炸了,要聊天就来 IRC。

#ABN #站点免费

站免还剩 8 天+

#HeBits #站点免费

站免还剩 1 天+

#AcidLounge #站点公告

Hey all,
We had over 10 accounts that someone took advantage of maybe from stolen database from another site. These peeps have now lost there account.
So please don't use the same password as other sites maybe consider using Two Factor Authentication (2FA) which can be setup in your settings.
You can use an app like Authy

TLDR; 有人号被盗了,记得开 2FA。

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#朱雀 #ZHUQUE #开放邀请

邀请开放至 2024-02-29 23:59:59

此外,朱雀的管理员在其官方群组中 提到 ,今后没什么特殊情况的话都会在月底开放邀请两天。

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#AnimeBytes #AB #站点事件

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#NicePT #老师站 #开放邀请

色色站 NicePT 下调发放、购买邀请等级至 PowerUser

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#憨憨 #hhclub #开放邀请

天上明月高悬,地上彩灯万盏,庆元宵,站点将调整可发放邀请等级至:明姿憨憨 Crazy User。


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#AnimeBytes #AB #站点事件

在到达预定的 12 小时后,AB 的 SysOP 在 IRC 发送了一条公告。

Amid some new information, we have decided not to proceed with a scheduled purge. Servers will remain powered down and encrypted-at-rest. We will update you as we learn more.

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#PassThePopcorn #PTP #站点活动

PTP Oscars Contest - 2024 Edition!

一年一度的奥斯卡猜谜 没啥重要的东西,详细内容请至首页查看。

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#GGn #GazelleGames #站点公告

1. 发放情人节礼物。
2. 公布了未来的发展计划,为更好的实现社区共建,将下放一部分管理工具的权限。


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#AsianCinema #ACM #站免

Global Freeleech Mode Activated! Note: seeding requirements are still in place (7 days)

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#JPOP #站点公告

Non-private torrents

Dear users,

There has been an old issue with jpopsuki torrents which has recently reared its head again.

A significant number of early torrent files uploaded to jpopsuki lack the private flag. Currently, the upload procedure automatically adds this flag and other details if they are missing. In the past, however, this was not automatic. We do not have a way of ameliorating this issue in an automated fashion due to a lack of access to the torrent database on part of staff.

Absent the private flag, a torrent client with DHT feature supported and enabled will publish the torrent's infohash to the DHT network. In this manner the torrent becomes effectively a public one which can allow participation of clients not registered with jpopsuki tracker.

Since jpopsuki is a ratio-counting private tracker the participation of unregistered clients in its swarms will cause at least the following problems:

1. it skews the tracker's statistics in unexpected ways;

2. it engages the upload bandwidth of registered clients in an unpredictable manner;

3. it adds potential security and privacy risks to torrent file sharing.

Considering these, and issues we probably have not thought of yet, we ask of you to take the following actions at your own convenience:

1. check your loaded torrents from jpopsuki for cases you can find where the private flag on a torrent is missing;

2. explicitly disable DHT in your client, or disable DHT per-torrent only for jpopsuki torrents if your client allows this;

3. report torrents based on torrent files that you notice miss the private flag, whether or not you have them loaded in your client;

4. if you notice such report on any given torrent and you have the files for that torrent locally, re-create that torrent file with private flag set, upload it using Add Format feature in the same group as the reported torrent, and report the old torrent again for it to be removed.

As you can tell from (4), this is an opportunity for you to increase your upload volume and uploaded torrent count using files that are already provided by other users to you. It is also a helpful service to jpopsuki's general health as a private tracker.

Thank you!

tldr; 因为历史遗留问题,有些种子缺失了 Private 字段,这些种子被载入到 BT 客户端时会自动启用 DHT 等功能,会对站点造成不那么好的影响。

又由于 SysOP 走丢了,没法在服务端上给所有种子打上 Private 字段,现在发动群众,如果你发现某个种子缺失了 Private 字段,请举报并替换这个种子。

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#Audiences #Notice #Freeleech #Invitation #观众

1. 站(官)免:官免【20240208 14:00:00至20240209 23:59:59】,站免【20240210 00:00:00 至 20240217 23:59:59(GMT+08:00)

2.電影票權限調整:影票購買權限調整至 (步履不停)Insane User,因部分用戶可能有存量電影票,發送權限降至 (街頭霸王) Crazy User,調回待定,免費期內不會調回,不另通知。(請各位低調發放)

3. 電影票限時折扣:288,888 至 20240217 23:59:59(GMT+08:00),視新成員人數及質量而定,可能提前終止。(請各位低調發放)

4. 人員變動,Telegram群組遷移,請在站内綁定后加入並維持綁定狀態,防止舊群組解散后失聯:/channel/+9L83UJYIDic5MGJl

4. 劇集類資源發佈都要求添加【完結】標簽

5. 再次强調,包括VIP在内,請各位注意論壇邀請區發貼回帖要求,站點會繼續加大處理力度,請知悉

Channel: @Audiences_Channel

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#BeyondHD #BHD #PTP #PassThePopcorn #开设官邀

PTP 在 BHD 开设了官方邀请,要求为:
unwarned King+ with an account older than two years

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