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PT 风向旗关注一切 PT 相关新闻,为你筛选出最具价值的信息。 This is a channel for tracker news. ⚠️ 注意:请勿在本频道求任何 PT 站点的邀请! ⚠️ Attention: Do NOT request any tracker invites in this channel. 群组: @PtfxqGroup 投稿: @PtfxqPWSBot

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#BTschool #学校 #开放邀请

北京时间 2022.12.08 至 2022.12.12,邀请权限调整至 user 级别。

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#Brokenstones #BRKS #综合公告


我们的的 tracker 后端已经宕机,但是网站依然正常。您之前在网站上发布的种子可能会因为没有做种而被系统自动删除,但是请不要担心,我们在 tracker 宕机的时候已经备份了整个网站,当我们解决技术问题后将会恢复备份,这段时间内丢失的东西将会一并回来。

1. 当 tracker 出现问题的时候,请勿上传或者下载任何内容,否则你将会收获一个小红帽(警告)。
2. 不要删除您客户端内的做种。

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#ACM #站点回归

ACM 现已上线。目前还有一些小问题有待解决,当一切都准备就绪的时候将会启动一周的全站 Free。

以下为 ACM 管理员的原话:

Good day everyone!

As some of you may have noticed by now, we are back online!

There are some things that aren't fully resolved yet so you may encounter some issues here and there. We are doing our best to get them sorted ASAP. Once this is fully resolved, we will also activate global FL for one week.

We thank you once more for your patience and support during this challenging time.

The ACM Team

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#HDB #HDBits #规则变动

新增规则:所有 1080p 分辨率的 HDR/DoVi WEB-DL 都可以被 2160p HDR WEB-DL Trump(顶种/替代),因为 1080p WEB-DL 码率太低。如果 2160p HDR WEB-DL 已存在,则不允许再上传 1080p HDR 版本。从 4K 蓝光重编码的 1080p 不受此规则影响。

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#ACM #站点关闭


Dear all, it is with a heavy heart we must announce the termination of our beloved ACM. We tried hard to keep things going but no matter what we do, someone just doesn't want to see us have a peaceful journey.

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著名的主打高清的法国站 HD-O 在 2021 年的 10 月份在 HDB、M-team、Xthor 等站点开放了官方邀请,引得不少 PTer 去申请官方邀请,但大部分人在几个月内相继因为不明原因被 ban,在当时就有人推测可能是因为不活跃导致的被 ban。

前几日,他们的官方人员讲述了详细的事件经过,揭开了不少人被 ban 的原因。以下所述翻译自 HD-O 的官方人员。

F 提出在几个知名的站点开设 HD-O 的官方邀请帖,不管是不是法国人都可以申请邀请并加入到 HD-O 社区中来,这个想法受到了大部分工作人员的支持。从 2021 10 月份起,F G 都没有闲着,F 收到了几百条私信,G 则创建了几十上百的账号。而后 Xthor 宣布关站的消息使得 HD-O 的官方邀请帖更火热了起来。但,我们不得不承认,有上百个用户超过了三个月没有使用 HD-OG 只能一个接一个的手动禁用掉这些账户,对于保持 HD-O 社区的活跃,这是一个繁琐且必要的操作。

PT风向旗提醒各位 PTer,各个站点对于不活跃的定义不太相同,有的站点只是需要你登录即可,但有些站点会切实要求你使用它,切勿只将重心放在“收割”上,保持活跃也同样重要。最好在加入一个站点后的一段时间内保持活跃(积极下载并保种、论坛发帖、捐赠、种子评论等)。

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#BHD #圣诞活动

BHD 开展了圣诞节抽奖活动,从 2022.12.01 开始,每一位 BHD 用户都可以在抽奖页面抽奖,每天一次。除此之外,每个用户将会在圣诞日当天获得 2 个永久的 FL 令牌。


1. 最高 4800 魔力值
2. 两个在两周内使用的 FL 令牌
3. 一个收藏品(可以转卖其他人或直接出售系统,大概价值 6600BP)
4. 指定一个种子免费(72 小时内使用,仅 8G~128G 的种子)
5. 一个徽章,外带可在一年内使用的 25 个 FL 令牌

1,5,10,15,20 日的特殊奖励
1. 最高 3600 魔力值
2. 两个在两周内使用的 FL 令牌
3. 一个收藏品(可以转卖其他人或直接出售系统,大概价值 6600BP)
4. 指定一个种子免费(72 小时内使用,仅 8G~128G 的种子)
5. 一个徽章,外带可在一年内使用的 25 个 FL 令牌

1. 最高 2400 魔力值
2. 两个在两周内使用的 FL 令牌
3. 一个收藏品(可以转卖其他人或直接出售系统,大概价值 6600BP)
4. 指定一个种子免费(72 小时内使用,仅 8G~128G 的种子)


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#BTN #公告 #世界杯

省流:BTN 的因为世界杯重新开放了赌场。以下为公告原文:


Yes it's classic World Cup time: the arse-end of November!!!! Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, the 2022 FIFA© World Cup® in Qatar™. All festive favourites. And at the chilly auld temperature of *checks notes* 24*C/76*F at 0200 in Doha as I write this. Ideal playing conditions.

To celebrate, we're running the auld betting system again! Come one, come all, and spaff all your wealth up the wall for the chance to make bank on a truly worthless currency: the British pound BTN BPs!!!!

I feel happy, I feel great, I feel content.

If you're on IRC, go to #btn-sport to shitpost about the World Cup, or anything else sport related. Yes it's quiet but it's also there. You can do this by ticking #btn-sport on your IRC page.

1. As is tradition, we (the house) take 10% for all bets. This is non-refundable; if you cancel your bet, you will be refunded 90% of your bet, the house keeps the 10% take.
2. House takes are put into the request pool, and are applied to requests using whatever black magick powers it.
3. I will be paying out bets. This is done manually because automation is nice, but it's better to have someone who can be shouted at for doing something wrong (I did this last year, was lols). I will try to pay them out within 15 min of the ref blowing up for FT.
4. You are betting on the result at FULL TIME after 90 (NINETY) MINUTES (plus injury time). In the knockout rounds, this is not the same thing as who goes through. If a game goes to extra time, this is considered a draw for the sake of this betting system.

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#HDHome #站点活动

For the English version, please visit comments.


2022.11.18 - 我们八周岁啦!

11 月 24 日是家园成立八周年的日子,时光如梭,仿佛站点还是在昨天成立,风雨走来,衷心的感谢每一位管理员、工作组和所有的会员们!


1. 魔力值抽奖活动:
11 月 24 日晚 8 点开启魔力值抽奖活动,有 VIP、京卡、100TB 上传等奖品,敬请期待!

2. 邀请权限开放至 Power User (排长):
开放时间 2022/11/24 下午 18 点
关闭时间 2022/12/01 下午 18 点

3. 全站 FREE:
开放时间 2022/11/24 下午 18 点
关闭时间 2022/12/01 下午 18 点
此次 FREE 时间较长,请务必留意 FREE 时间,及时调整下载状态。
请在新手考核状态的朋友们特别注意,FREE 期间如缺少下载量请及时联系管理组。

4. 捐赠特别优惠:
捐赠 1888 元:奖励永久 VIP、永久保号、做种魔力值双倍。
捐赠 1200 元:奖励 2 年 VIP、永久保号、做种魔力值双倍。
捐赠 700 元:奖励 1 年 VIP、永久保号、做种魔力值双倍。

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站点不知不觉已经陪伴大家度过了10个年头,12月之前回复本贴你和关于 本站 或者 PT 或者 电影 或者 任意主题 的 >= 140 字的故事,即可获得10周年勋章。

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#FileList #FL #2022黑色星期五

Are you ready for Black Friday?

The Black Friday Event you’ve all been waiting for is here. If you've been saving FLCoins, now is the time to visit our store to see the real discounts and purchase your Special Rank Status, Permanent VIP or maybe a Gift Box?!

The offer is going to last between 18.11.2022 00:00 and 25.11.2022 23:59.

We're excited to see what you bought!

Happy Shopping!

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#HDBits #HDB #功能变动

HDR format changes in torrent

With ever increasing amount of uploaded HDR content and several HDR and SDR versions of the same movie or episode per resolution, it can create a small chaos at first glance. So we decided to remove the inconsistencies in usage of HDR format in the torrent's titles and improve user experience and way to tell HDR compatibility directly from the torrent's title, which can be handy for RSS users too.

All HDR torrents now designate the type of format in the title for all kinds of torrents including sources and remuxes which didn't have it there before. It's always listed before HEVC/x265 keyword. Parsing mediainfo/bdinfo is fully automatic so even if uploader names it differently, we change it to our preferred format. This kind of duplicates the tags that are also automatically created for it, but both can serve their purpose.
6 possible variants are:
DoVi HDR10+ = Dolby Vision, HDR10+ compatible
DoVi HDR10 = Dolby Vision, HDR10 compatible
DoVi = Dolby Vision (not HDR10 compatible, aka green/purple)

HDR torrents (except Blu-rays) now show HDR format also in torrent's Technical Information section.
And for easier overlook we have moved tags above description as well.

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#HDChina #HDC #站免


全站免费一天纪念!免费截至时间为2022-11-03 00:00:00。

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#Empornium #EMP #人才招募

Hi everyone,

We are once again reaching out to see who would be interested in joining our First Line Support (FLS) team. The FLS are a vital component in helping to keep Empornium running smoothly. They assist by answering questions via StaffPM and IRC, and also checking forum posts/torrent comments for rule violations. Staff may also ask or assign other duties to FLS team members as needed, including but not limited to running contests and assisting with Medals and Awards. FLS and Staff work closely together and the staff value the opinions of the FLS.

If you're interested in helping out, can spare a couple of hours each week, and you meet the requirements below, simply post in this Thread: Open FLS Recruitment. The thread also contains some more detail about the position and what it involves. Let us know if you have any questions.

You must be a Good Perv or higher.
Your account must be at least 6 months old.
Your account must be in good standing.
You must have 2FA enabled or be willing to enable it.
You must be an active contributor of the community.
IRC is required when performing FLS tasks.

Thank you!

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#LemonHD #LHD #综合公告


活动一:12 月 31 日~1 月 2 日,开放邀请注册(需使用邀请卡,在购物中心内选购),Elite User 及以上的普通用户可发 1 个邀请,VIP 用户可发 2 个邀请,工作组成员可发 3 个邀请(优秀工作组成员可发更多邀请,具体咨询管理)。
活动二:12 月 31~1 月 2 日,站免三天。
活动三:1 月 1 日~1 月 8 日,开放购买三周年徽章,在论坛灌水区开展三周年站庆盖楼抽奖活动。

1、近期可能随时关闭游客访问,请保存好网站的 Cookie,并且不要在公共场合讨论本站。
2、2022Q4 美工招募进行中,有兴趣的朋友请 点击 查看招募详情。

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UltraHD 关闭了两周年活动并给出了每人 20W 魔力的补偿。

以下为 PM 全文:

好不容易开次邀,感觉好多人阴阳怪气的,各种版本都飞起来了 那种吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸的感觉!开我的站让不相干的人说去吧 管理组决定以后(终生)还是用进群审核邀请进站的方式邀请进站!望大家能理解!(开邀风险太大,虽然有连坐 还是不可控,随便一个邮箱和用户名都能进站搞事,开邀公告一出来估计都有人在偷偷乐吧)

补偿:给每位用户补偿 20 万魔力。

温馨提醒:1. 进群审核邀请进站的审核群,在官方群放出,站内成员有朋友想进站的可以告诉他审核群号(不是官方群,官方群是站内人员才能加入)。
2. 因管理组这次的失误,考虑不周 对不起大家,抱歉! 所以本次延长审核群 审核截止时间与 2023 年 2 月 1 日,望想进站的互相传达!
3. 自开站快 2 年以来,进群审核进站的朋友进站后(站内会员),从没要求大家怎么样(哪怕酱油也好收割也好)?至于有条件限制进站的,是找不到渠道(急需想进本站的),都会留给大家一线生机!
ps: 审核进站的条件,都超级简单 都在群公告,大家有目共睹 。 不认真审题,然而与 2 者混为一谈,抹黑本站(简称黑历史),那些跳梁小丑 你是何居心呢 本公告至此一次,后面不做解释!

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#UltraHD #综合公告 #周年活动

UltraHD 给每位用户赠送了 2 枚邀请且下调了发送邀请的等级至 User。以下是完整公告:

开放邀请权限至 user

开站快 2 周年了,闲聊与运维聊天,还是嫌弃站点人数太少,PT 本来就是小圈子,站点人少也能玩,但是谁不想把站点做的更好呢 想做好就需要源源不断的新鲜血液。特此站点把邀请权限开放至 User,每位会员都会赠送 2 枚永久邀请 (应该是第一次同时也是最后一次赠送) ,邀请身边认识的朋友和热爱韩剧的朋友们。

开放时间:2022/12/8 00:00-2022/12/12 22:00

1. 本次开邀有绝对的连坐制度,(买卖邀请 / 贩卖资源 / 转载禁转资源),这 3 种在本站绝对禁止。若下家违规,连同上家一同永久封禁。永不解封 。拒绝申诉。
2. 大家发放邀请时,提醒下进站会员 ,进站有新人考核。别浪费自己的邀请。
3. 再招募会员或者扩充会员,就是 2 年以后了,2 年内不会在官邀以外的任何地方发放邀请,所以身边有想进本站的朋友,可以邀请进站。切勿乱发。

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据悉,ACM关站的原因是被服务器提供商锁定了服务器与 IP。站点最后一次备份的时间是本文发布的 12 小时前,现在他们的管理员正在检查与恢复备份,如果一切都顺利的话,ACM 能够在不损失很多东西的情况下回来。

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#GazelleGames #GGn #综合公告 #功能变动

GGn 发布了新的公告,总结了最近的站点改动与宣布了一些事情,完整的公告请详见评论区。

* 完全禁用了 utorrent
* 新的 SysOP 人员 Dawn
* 开始招聘新的 Torrent Moderator (种巡)
* 站点功能变更:
* 允许手动刷新头像
* 求档允许同时使用金币与上传量作为奖励
* API 修正与调整,新增将消息标为已读的 API
* 可以在不命名的前提下将集合重新归类

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RED 在前几天迎来了它的六岁生日,同时,RED 的工作人员还为所有人赠送了 50 个免费令牌。

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#PTP #规则变动

在稍早时候,PTP 的管理员已允许杜比视界 MKV。可以在论坛中的 Approved Ideas 中找到相关的帖子与管理员的回复。

期待众多 Encoder 为我们带来更多支持杜比视界的视频!

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#SSD #CMCT #综合公告

1. 本站新成立了CMCTA制作组,专注发布以有声书为主的音频资源,欢迎大家下载支持。

2. 本站调整了种子区的地区分类,现在香港、台湾、日本和韩国是单独的分类,并增加了印度分类。地区的数字编号已发生变化,使用脚本自动发布种子的会员需做相应的修改。同时,我们已尽可能按照新的地区分类修改了存量种子,但肯定还存在许多分类错误,大家可以随时向管理组举报这些种子,谢谢!

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#OurBits #站点活动

OurBits六周年纪念 | OurBits 6th Anniversary Celebration!



网站全局免费三天(2022-11-19 00:00:00 ~ 2022-11-22 00:00:00, GMT+8)。
邀请权限开放三天(2022-11-19 00:00:00 ~ 2022-11-22 00:00:00, GMT+8),Veteran User及以上等级用户可以购买和发送邀请。



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#HDTorrents #HDT #临时邀请

Users with a rank HD Newbie and above were given 2 invites for 2 days.
Use them wisely!

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#SugoiMusic #功能变动

Latest uploads now shown on main page!

Many of you have requested this feature - and it is finally here. You can now see the latest uploaded torrents on the main page. The pictures are arranged in a 'brick wall' effect instead of the fixed-width way as done at JPS. This way the varying widths are handled better.

The existing code to do this was wall.js, you can currently see this on page collages as well as on user pages. It has some limitations though so the excellent Justified-Gallery is used here. Expect to see this replacing wall.js on other areas of the site soon.

Please let me know your suggestions / comments on the latest torrents view.

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#HDBits #HDB #功能变动

Change to 50% FL and to remux button

Because of numerous uploads of Hybrid WEB-DL/Remux combining HDR10 and Dolby Vision into single file and duping previous HDR10 only upload, we changed the 50% Free Leech modifier to also include all torrents (that are not 100% FL already) which have keywords Hybrid, Proper or Repack in the title. This mainly affects TV/scene uploads that were previously 75% or 100% download counted, while remuxes or internal encodes already all are 50% FL. This will ease a bit on the cost of redownloading them to be able to seed them indefinitely.

Second change is to the remux button, after numerous tweaks, constant complaints, abuse and F5 spamming, we decided to go back to the roots and allow pressing of the button immediately after torrent is uploaded, except for uploaders with 5 or more remuxes in the last month (those users have a 1-hour delay before the button appears). This gives a fair chance to normal users, who don't upload constantly, to take a button on a high profile movie. And the frequent remux uploaders have a fair chance among themselves to take the button without refreshing the page 500x. Or maybe they could talk to each other and divide them among themselves, all 3 of them.

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#GazelleGames #GGn #2022万圣节

Happy Halloween GGn!

Ghastly spirits are once again haunting us. But don't let these dreaded specters and their fiendish witches spook you! If you remain devoted until their departure, you can scavenge some dreadfully delectable delicacies all over the site and IRC! For the weak-willed among us, you can edit your profile to disable holiday effects altogether, although you should feel ashamed to gorge on your undeserved bounty!

For the past years, wicked witches have been brewing up new beastly treats, filled with all sorts of hellish things. While some are quite crunchy, most of them seem to be moving. There might even be remains of frail spirits mixed in! So beware, you may be tricked! Eating Candies may be bad for a Gazelle's health, leading to short negative buffs and small amounts of lost gold & upload! There are also some new fiery and colourful blueprints, spirited away from the witches' evil concoctions. Can you find them among the horde of recipes and illuminate even the darkest and dankest cave in divine colours?

Most importantly, we've once again put together a selection of creepy treasures, hexed away from evil lairs. Clicking the box below will award you a Boxy McBoxface. If you dare open it in your inventory, you can expect a horrid selection of candy, cards, and other unspeakable horrors!

Be sure to claim your box quickly. The witches have noticed the heinous theft and are already planning a revenge heist. We've built sturdy caskets and hidden them away deep in dark and chilly vaults, but we fear in two weeks time, all boxes will be found and stolen.

We hope you'll have a wonderfully frightful time!

<3 GGn Staff

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