You will be muted until you read the rules. Read them! @Rules_for_Python A group about the Python programming language. Offtopic things go here: @pythonofftopic Resources to learn python: @pythonres Group for Hy: @hylang Selenium: @SeleniumPython
And please i can not access the link you send
Please if you can help with the free Book
I will be very thankful
That is the Link that i can Install in my phone
Good morning sir
Am also new here
And i really want to learn python Programming
hello members, I am new to this group. I want to learn python programming from a scratch in preparing of my MSc in engineering (for my research). could you help me by sending good books for beginner, please? in addition, advices on how will I strike it successfully will be appreciated.
Читать полностью…Please those are the lines of codes and the challenge has got to do with line s 1-6
Читать полностью…If anyone has used speech to text models in python , please suggest to me which is light weight and efficient
Читать полностью…No, I mean programming is not specific to countries, not sure what exactly you mean
Читать полностью…maybe he's talking about the group rules
there's some of his posts a little higher up
Python is a programming language and SQL is a query language. Both are not an application (program).
Читать полностью…Hello
how to fix this error
from aiogram import Bot , Dispatcher , executor , types
from aiogram.types.web_app_info import WebAppInfo
bot = Bot('bot token')
dp = Dispatcher(bot)
async def start (message: types.Message):
markup = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup()
markup.add(types.KeyboardButton('hello' , web_app=WebAppInfo(url = ' https :// ')))
Copy your code on any of these sites, save it then share the generated link here
Читать полностью…Rule 5️⃣: Never post walls of text or screen photos. Use paste bins like,, or your favorite one!
Читать полностью…I am told I could get help with problems related to programming in Python
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Читать полностью…Hint: Pay close attention to details and stop calling Python and SQL programs.
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Читать полностью…Sorry can you explain me about it? Because I know mathematics very good and I hope that I can learn it.
Читать полностью…This group is not for mentoring or teaching one-on-one. Here we can try to help you if you have an error in the python code you wrote and you tried everything to solve it, but couldn't succeed.
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