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This group is for questions, answers and discussions around the python-telegram-bot library. Off-topic group: @pythontelegrambottalk | Website:

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>>> telegram.Bot()

in the FAQ page there is a simple code but is not working.... bot.send_message() i can't find it

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>>> telegram.Bot()

As i saw yesterday....i need to read, in a chat, only the messages sent by the bot...not the messages user because i need to extract an information

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>>> telegram.Bot()

Hello! Is it possible to change the size/text size of the inline buttons?

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>>> telegram.Bot()

I saw this FAQ but the code is not good for 20.8v
it is not working......

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>>> telegram.Bot()

what is the best way to prevent the user from spamming a callback query handler ?

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>>> telegram.Bot()

do you know why it is not possible. 😅

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>>> telegram.Bot()

I guessed it, I will do a workaround then. thank you N and "This is fine(2)" for your support again.

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>>> telegram.Bot()

the edit of the message will be handle in the CallBackQueryHandler...

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>>> telegram.Bot()

Hi, I'm unable to edit a message send by the bot, if it contains a replay_markup.
anyone know why?

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>>> telegram.Bot()

Maybe, i saw too this class but (maybe I'm just misunderstanding too) i don't think this could help me. I'll try to explain the whole process
I have a command that calls an api that retrieve all my devices/services in my environment. I show them using a inline keyboard. When user click one of them, like the motor service, telegram a new api that retrieves all functions available for my motor. I show them using a new inline keyboard.
Functions may have different structures:
1)some of them can retrieve data (eg i want to know le position of my motor)
2)some are commands (eg i want my motor to return to its zero)
3)some are commands, so user needs to specify something (eg user says to motor to rotate 45 degrees).
So click on buttons in inline keyboard may be a good idea in case 1 or 2 but in case 3 i need something more. An idea is to prepare the message editable so user has to add only the custom part
u: /services
bot: telegram, motor, noir camera
u: *click on motor*
bot: *retrieve motor functions* getDegree, rotate, goToZero
Case 1 ->
u: *click on getDegree*
b: *retrieve degrees*
Case 2 ->
u: *click on rotate *
b: *prepare the following message in draft* /rotate ? motor1
u: *complete the message then send * /rotate ?motor1 90
b: *rotate motor*

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>>> telegram.Bot()

And json is a format not a python type. You can have json strings, dicts, lists, etc.

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>>> telegram.Bot()

You can always look at the docs or do a type() call

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>>> telegram.Bot()

You can only react with emojis

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>>> telegram.Bot()

Yes...sure i'm using a regex but i have to access to the bot message not user message....probably the @BiboJoshi solution can be the right way....

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>>> telegram.Bot()

Hi Harry...
Thank you for your quick reply....i send from graylog a message with an ip address inside.... The message is sent from the bot itself...

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>>> telegram.Bot()

I thought that the echo examples could be good for this but it read only user messages

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>>> telegram.Bot()

there always is a chance, currently it's just very low 🤡
The biggest problem is that we were not yet able to come up with a clean implementation idea.

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>>> telegram.Bot()

Is there any chance of a proper implementation coming in the library?

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>>> telegram.Bot()

Wiki of python-telegram-bot - Category Design Pattern
How to deal with multiple CBQ from one button

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>>> telegram.Bot()

The answer is still "Because Telegram said so"

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>>> telegram.Bot()

To be more specific — you can only edit messages with no reply markup at all, or with inline keyboard markup

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>>> telegram.Bot()

Because Telegram said so

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>>> telegram.Bot()

reply_keyboard = [[KeyboardButton("send phone no", request_contact=True)]]
markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(

msg = await update.message.reply_text(
"Start: Send your phone number", reply_markup=markup

^ this cant be edited

but if I remove reply_markup=markup It can be edited later using msg.edit_text

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>>> telegram.Bot()

You can't really prepare a message in draft, you could via inline queries but that is a very weird user experience.

Just edit the message, write in it "Please send the degrees you want the motor to rotate, as a number between 0-360" and messagehandler the next update

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>>> telegram.Bot()

Whatever mod.__user_info__( is. it's a coroutine. If you want to do something to the result of calling said coroutine, you have to await it first

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>>> telegram.Bot()

None, Message Object

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>>> telegram.Bot()

You mean what type? Message

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>>> telegram.Bot()

Sounds you know which format is the message variable?

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>>> telegram.Bot()

If you inject the IP address into the message surely you already have it? Or just do a regex to find the IP if its part of a larger string

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>>> telegram.Bot()

Wiki of python-telegram-bot - Category FAQ
How do I access info about the message my bot sent?

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