Harmonic é um cliente lindamente projetado, de código aberto e com todos os recursos
para Hacker News. Ele tem um design Material You, um amplo conjunto de recursos e muitas opções de personalização.
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Como muitos entusiastas do Android root sabem, o kitsune mask é uma versão de código aberto do magisk, mas recebeu sua segunda atualização após cerca de 1 ano.
No entanto, temos o prazer de anunciar que um novo grupo foi aberto para aqueles interessados no repositório fork do github e do gitlab, que foi interrompido, arquivado e está disponível para mais recursos. " Aqui;@Fork_Repository_Chat "
Um novo grande projeto InstaEclipse Este grande projeto atualmente oferece suporte às versões Beta e Alpha do Instagram
### Características:
Aqui está um xposed em desenvolvimento com recursos minimalistas e muito mais no futuro:
~ Habilite as opções do desenvolvedor
~ Ative o modo fantasma
; 1:) Ocultar mensagem direta
2:) Ocultar ao vivo
3:) Ocultar história
~ histórias, feed, rolos, explore opções de exclusão ~
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A Xposed port of Smart Pixels feature (ALPHA)
### Features:
~ You can set 0% percent to use it as screen dimmer
~ Screen dimmer (useful for OLED/~AMOLED screens with bad PWM)
~ Shift system bars feature
~ Detect configuration changes
~ Prepare a settings screen
~ Add enable/disable option
~ Add quick settings tile
~ Add auto-enable on battery saver
~ Merge translations
~ EXTRA: Add screen dimmer
~ EXTRA: Add system bars shifting (status bar only for now)
~ Added system bars shifting
~ Added more workarounds for battery saver check
~ Added auto-enable on battery saver functionality
~ Added "drag your finger on statusbar to set dim" feature
After about 2 long years, we're delighted to announce that Lawnchair 14 has finally arrived!
Based on Launcher3 from Android 14, this release works with QuickSwitch from Android 10 to Android 14! You won't need to use an older version to integrate with the system.
Some major highlights:
• Search your phone, the web, and more with our new Global Search — no root needed!¹
• View flight info, see surrounding traffic, and keep an eye on your data usage with Smartspacer — all integrated within Lawnchair.²
• Want to further control your icons? Fret not, We now support custom icon packs for themed icons, alongside some new icon options.³
• Themers rejoice — you can now hide the Dock for a cleaner home screen. You can also change even more colors, fonts, and padding.
• Are you tired of Lawnchair crashing because of widgets? We've fixed that issue; you won’t need to do some hacky workaround to add them.⁴
Alongside that, we have a new partnership with Startpage — searching with Startpage (via the dock search bar or App Drawer search) helps support Lawnchair’s development.
We still have more things to share! See the announcement on our website for more information.
¹ Experimental feature, requires opt in Lawnchair Settings.
² Requires Smartspacer and respective plugins.
³ Requires a supported icon pack.
⁴ May still persist depending on the device.
🌀 Xposed Name : Bluetooth Toolkit
☄Version : 2.6.8
📲 Status : Android 13 Mi 11T Pro tested and working
📌 What is this ?
} Thanks to Bluetooth ToolKit you can receive any file via bluetooth, choose how to be notified when you receive a file, Materialize different parts forgotten by Google... All this in an adorable and sugary graphic! (now 2.0!)
All changes are on-the-go, and don't require reboots.
⚡️Some Features :
1- Receive any file type through bluetooth, with total control. Even files without any extension!
2- Decide in what way you will be notified when there is an incoming file
3- Open the list of files after reception
4- Set the discovery timeout to infinite
5- And more to come...
Warning! You need to make a small in-app purchase to unlock all functions.
Download : Direct link | Xposed APK repo
Don't forget to join for more: @XposedRepositorychat
Xposed Repository : @XposedRepository
This xposed will Support Android 8.1+
Xposed Name : Android Faker
version :1.8.2
-> Edit\Random Value.
-> Random All Value by 1 Click
-> Beautiful Material Design UI
-> Backup/Restore Feature
Module Can Spoof These Ids:
-> Imei
-> Hardware Id
-> Mac Address
-> Mac Bssid
-> Mac Ssid
-> Bluetooth Mac
-> Android Id
-> Sim Serial Id
-> Sim Sub Ids
-> Mobile No
-> MediaDrm ID
-> Advertisement ID
Download: Github | Xposed APK Repository
Support Group; @XposedRepositoryChat
Sharing Channel : @XposedRepository
Xposed Name : MobileIconChanger
☄Version : 2.2.2
📲 ⏫ Supported status and Requirements :
- Android 8.1 (SDK 27) or higher
An working XPosed framework
- (EdXposed/LSPosed) with API level 93 or higher
📌 What is this ?
} Change your mobile data icons! For example you can change the 3G/4G icons into 5G!
This module enables you to replace any of the mobile data icons with any other mobile data icon, from you system, other android versions and even a lot of custom ones.
📌 Features :
- All icons from Android 11
- All icons present on your system
- Some icons from Android 4.2 (Jellybean)
- All icons from Android 5 (Lollipop)
- All icons added in Android 7 (Nougat)
- Custom icons (handcrafted SVG remakes or self drawn)
🔗 Github ; Direck link
Lsposed Repository : Download
📺shot ; Direck link
⚡️ İcon store chat : @iconstore_chat
İcon Store channel : @iconstore_CD
Clima v2.0.2 (9)
⚡️Beautiful, minimal, and fast weather app that uses the OpenWeatherMap API. (Requires Android 6.0 or later)
⚡️Codeberg Repository
By: Lacerte
Follow: @AndroidRepo
Xposed Name : ApperrorTracking
☄Version : 1.1
📲 Test status : Android 12.1 Working
⏫ Supported status : For latest version android 13
📌 What is this ?
} Added more features to app's crash dialog, fixed custom rom deleted dialog, the best experience to Android developer.
📌 Features :
- Completely replaces the system's apps errors dialog
- Logs exceptions for each apps and persists until restart
- Copy, share, export errors stack trace functions
- Errors history record function, which can be entered through the notification bar tile "errors history record" and the main interface of the module
- Apps errors statistics function
- Errors display function for multi-process apps
🔗 Github ; Direck link
📺shot ; Direck link
⚡️ Xposed repository chat : @XposedRepositorychat
Xposed repository channel : @XposedRepository
Changelog :
- Fixed wallpaper and styles crashing for Android 12
Tested Android 12 Spark rom
Ported By: @AMRGAMAL1
Support Group: @aosp_stuff
Possible Android 12 support
Activate FaceUnlock for Aosp Custom ROMS
- Tested on A12 & A12L and works great
- It might work on some A13 ROMs [Test]
➥ Download
After downloading the file, you must decompress it and then open it. You will find 3 apk applications and a lsposed module that must be flashed first through Magisk and then restart the phone .. Then go back to the apk files. You will notice their names in this way:
Install This 1.apk
Install This 2.apk
Don't Install This.apk
1- You must install the first application and then activate it through lsposed
2- Then install the second application, and after installation, you must open it. It will ask you to download data does not accept the approval of the download. Click on the MANUAL IMPORT and select the apk file named ( Don't install this.apk )
3- Now the application will switch you to (Accessibility), then choose faceUnlock and activate it
- Now you can register your face inside the app and enjoy ❤
- You must restart the phone after doing all the steps
⚡Minimal widget that provides detailed information during battery charging and current
Version : 0.4A
🪡Features :
* Two widget designs (as two widgets in the widgets list) — Classic and Text.
* Notification — get real time alerts on high current values
* Transparent style with customization options
* Voltage & Battery level (%) display
* Log battery values (see this script for analysis)
* Set an arithmetic operation on the current value to adjust for different devices
* Plot current graph
⛓ Fdroid : Direct link
🔗 Source : Github
1:)Note ; The electric current reading doesn't work on all devices. The reason
is that the manufacturers (mostly Motorola and Samsung) don't support this in
the battery driver or in the hardware.
2:) Note ; It can also notify you when the device is using too much battery. Add widgets to home screen after installation
Widget Store Cloud : @WidgetStore_Cloud
Widget Store : @Widget_Store
✅ Added Support For Android 11 and Above 🔥
🔅Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (MOD APK,Paid/Money)
🔶 Version - 2.10
🌀 Five years ago, Carl Johnson escaped from the pressures of life in Los Santos, San Andreas, a city tearing itself apart with gang trouble, drugs and corruption. Where filmstars and millionaires do their best to avoid the dealers and gangbangers.
⬇️ MOD APK - https://therootdroid.com/?go=a9c48541
⬇️ OBB/DATA - https://therootdroid.com/?go=25f57049
ℹ️ Mod Info - https://apkmodhub.in/grand-theft-auto-san-andreas
🅿️ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rockstargames.gtasa
Lawnicons Release update 11/09/22
• Lawnicons 1.1.0 has arrived! This release includes 626 icons (195 linked icons and 431 made from scratch icons) and works with Lawnchair 12 Alpha 5 and Lawnchair 12.1. Thanks to all our contributors!
Full Changelog here
"Aplicativo de backup de código aberto, fácil de usar, simples e funcional com um estilo diferente"
Versão mais recente: 2.0.5
• Suporte multiusuário
• Suporte em nuvem
• 100% de integridade de dados
• suporte Magisk, KernelSU, APatch
• Oferecemos suporte a tar lz4 zstd (padrão)
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Este aplicativo oferece integração perfeita com MyAnimeList, fornecendo notificações em tempo real, configurações de tema personalizadas e navegação fácil de usar. Quer você seja um espectador casual ou um otaku dedicado, DailyAnimeList foi projetado para aprimorar sua jornada no anime.
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"bess post where all xposed is in one place for gaming enthusiasts"
Catsmoker App
It also serves as a utility that aims to unlock higher FPS in games by displaying your device as a different model for certain games.
⛓💥Github repository ⛓💥
Xperia xposed is a tool for improving games for its users.
⛓💥Github repository ⛓💥
High FPS and spoof feature for your games
⛓💥Github repository ⛓💥
Process Hook
Device spoofing to unlock hidden features in your games
⛓💥Github repository ⛓💥
para Poco F5 Pro | Brasil Photography Official Support opened:
Don't lag behind your notifications and keep ram, cache and battery consumption to a minimum.
• Features:
~ Keep getting notifications for frozen apps
~ Minimizing background battery, ram and cache consumption (notification uses analytics)
🔗Github Repo : Here | Xposed APK Repository
🧾 How to use:
Join the support group and check the #push
MenuBar v1.0.0
A menu bar I made as a rainmeter skin which is totally inspired from mac desktop.
First of all ,Should mention that expect most of the options to be broken since this is just a skin I made for fun and is customized with a ton of personal scripts. So you will need to edit things such as the shortcuts in the menus.
I will try to update as soon as I get a free time :)
Rainmeter skin on DeviantArt
🔗 Download
❗Join :
for this beautiful post @sameera_s_w
☄Version : 1.2.1
📲 Test status : Android 12L tested and Working
Xposed name : Update Locker
📌 What is this ?
} Block updates (and auto-updates) selected apps via popular markets
📌 List of Supported Markets :
• Google Play Store
• Aurora Store
• Huawei AppGallery
• Samsung Galaxy Store
• Steam
• F-Droid
• App lounge
> 1.2.1 Latest Changelog :
• Minor Uİ Fixed
🔗 Github ; Direck link
Got a problem with the installation? You can join a support group and get help.
⚡️ Xposed repository chat : @XposedRepositorychat
Xposed repository channel : @XposedRepository
Our group, where beautiful icons are shared, is now open!
v1.0 for A13 Only
[Magisk Module]
Support : @aosp_stuff
RicedroidOs Launcher ported
İnfo : Only lineage + Android 13!
Update changelog:
- For Android 13 + lineage only Fixed
Other aosp roms : /channel/aosp_stuffcld/35
ViPER4Android Re-Packaged Version
Magisk Module
Supported : Android 12+
Changelog :
- extended support for non AOSP ROMs
- update support for future releases
- Optimized by @BdrcnAYYDIN
Source : Direck link
Download : Direct link
Join : @aosp_stuff
Aospa Launcher for A13 Only
v1.0 [Magisk Module]
➥ Download
SparkOS Launcher for A13 Only
v1.0 [Magisk Module]
➥ Download
CorbusOS Launcher for A13 Only
v1.0 [Magisk Module]
➥ Download
NusantaraOS Launcher for A13 Only
v1.0 [Magisk Module]
➥ Download
ExtendedOS Launcher for A13 Only
v1.0 [Magisk Module]
➥ Download
TequilaOS Launcher for A13 Only
v1.0 [Magisk Module]
➥ Download
Crdroid Launcher for A13 Only
v1.0 [Magisk Module]
By: @BdrcnAYYDIN
➥ Download
Support group : @aosp_stuff
Channel : @aosp_stuffcld
🌀 App Name : Doodle
✨ Version : 5.5.1
📌 What is this ?
} an open-source app that provides colorful live wallpapers
⚡️ Features :
• Stunning wallpaper designs and Pixel feeling
• System dependent dark mode
• Power-efficient parallax effect on page swipe or when tilting the device
• Optional zoom effects
• Direct boot support (immediately active after device restart)
• No ads and no analytics
Advantages over original Pixel 4 live wallpapers
} Screenshots : direct link
} Source : direct link
} F-Droid : direct link
} Play Store : direct link
👉 Join @FossDroidAndroid for more..
👉Join FossDroid Android Chat: @FossDroid_AndroidChat
Xposed Name : MessengerPro
☄Version : V0.2Alpha
📲 Supported : minimal android 9 and Messenger Version 350.
📌 What is this ?
} An Xposed module which extends Facebook Messenger with a bunch of exciting features.
⚡️ Features :
1- Message formatting.
2- Ability to attach any file + pictures of poor quality
3-Automatically watermark any image you send.
4-A bunch of feature-rich commands. Currently supported commands ;
° /wikipedia [ISO 2 letter language code] [article title]
° /reddit [subreddit] [sort(optional)]
° /word (pronounce or define) [word]
° /empty [rows(optional) °columns(optional)]
and much more...
5-Show confirmation dialog before calling someone to prevent accidental calls.
6-Access to Messenger Pro settings
> Github : Direct download
Fast join xposed repository discussion group : @XposedRepositorychat
How to use? Join a support group and #howmessenger_xposed
check note.
Lawnchair Dev update 11/09/22
• Bump opto
to 1.0.15
• PreferenceCategory
: Remove bg color on the icons
• Cleanup build scripts
• Add uninstall button and it's fixes
• Change TopBar.kt
to use LargeTopAppBar
• Code cleanups
• Setup Crowdin sync via GitHub Actions
• Speed up build a bit
• Custom folder color support
• Bump core-ktx
to 1.9.0
• Add requireSystemService
to avoid assertions
• Minify Apk size a bit
• SwitchPreference
: Make switch interactable
• Create close_low_effort_issues.yml