Is the Friday ghusl sufficient for ablution?
One of the brothers says: Does the Friday Ghusl suffice the ablution?
Shaykh: ❝ Ghusl is of two types: Complete Ghusl, and Acceptable Ghusl. Acceptable ghusl is to pour water over the whole body and then it is purified. This washing is not valid for ablution and is not a replacement for it, except (if it was done as) a Ghusl for janābah (sexual defilement) — this alone (is the exception). Because it is the type for which the evidence (for an exception) came. So we limit ourselves to the context of the evidence. We do not generalize this for the rest of the types of ghusl, because the fundamental principle is of its absence (i.e. wuḍū' is not fulfilled with Acceptable ghusl). If there had not been narrated an evidence in the case of janābah, we would not have given an exception to it as well. Because ablution is necessary and al-tartīb is obligatory (i.e. succession in washing the parts of Ablution). It is not possible to drop this order of ablution, except with an evidence. As for the (exception in) ghusl of janābah, it was dropped here with (a specific) evidence (for it).
The second type: complete ghusl, and that is, if it is for janābah: washing your private parts and cleansing. Then to perform ablution as of the ablution for prayer. After that you shed water over the body, wash your head three times, then shed water on the body once again. Whoever has performed this (type of ghusl), has sufficed for ablution upon consensus without a dispute, as he has already performed ablution. It is best that he performs this (i.e. complete ghusl) for the Friday (prayer). He is not required to perform ablution afterwards, unless due to ḥadath (passing anything from his back or private parts) or (in case he) touches his penis. On the contrary, if he takes an acceptable ghusl and spills water all over his body without performing ablution, and say: "Look, we are going to Friday prayers." We say: This is not valid and is not sufficient, yes, this ghusl is sufficient for the Friday (prayer's) ghusl — whether it is said that it (the ghusl of Jum'ah) is desirable (mustaḥab) or is said that it is obligatory (wājib). But this does not permit the performance of prayer, because ablution must be in tartīb, and the tartīb is obligatory⁽¹⁾ in ablution according to the more correct of the two scholarly opinions, which is the opinion of the majority...❞
— Al-Shaykh Al-Muḥaddith Sulaymān bin Nāṣir al-'Alwān (source)
~ Galandhaanu
[1] “Because everyone who described the ablution of the Prophet ﷺ, mentioned it in order. And what came in some aḥādīth that the Prophet ﷺ did not arrange it — as the ḥadīth of Al-Rubayyi'i Bint Al-Mu'awwidhi — this is a narration which is iḍṭirāb (inconsistent). In it 'Abdullah bin Muḥammad bin Aqīl was inconsistent. He is poor in memory...” — al-'Alwān (source)
އިސްލާމް އަދި ޖާހިލިއްޔަތު؛ ޢަޞަބިއްޔަތު އަލުން އަނބުރައި ޢިޔާދަވުން
ޢަޞަބިއްޔަތާއި އޭގެ ލައްތައް ފިލުވައިލުމަށްޓަކައި މި ސާފު (ހަނަފިއްޔަތުގެ) ދީނުން ކުރުވި އަސަރުގެ ވާހަކަ އަހަރެމެން ކުރިން ދައްކައިފީމެވެ. އަދި ރަސޫލު ﷺ ގެ އަޞްޙާބުން ކާބަފައިންގެ ޘަޤާފަތްތަކާއި އާދަކާދަތަކުގެ މައްޗަށް އަމިއްލަ ނަފުސުތައް އުފުއްލެވިގޮތްތައްވެސް މެއެވެ.
އެހެނަސް، ޢަޞަބިއްޔަތު އަނެއްކައި ޢިޔާދަވީކަން އަހަރެމެންނަށް ފާހަގަކުރެވެއެވެ. އެއީ ޢަޤީދާގެ ބަކިކަށިކަން އަތުވެއްޖެ ހިނދެވެ... އަދި އީމާން ކަމުގެ އޮށް ތަކުގައި މޫނުލައި ހުރި ހިނދުގައެވެ... އަދި ޤުރުއާނުގެ ތަރުބިއްޔަތު ބައެއް ހިތްތަކުގައި ނުބީހެ ހުރުމުންނެވެ... އަދި ވަރަށް ގިނަ މަރުހަލާތަކެއްގައި މިކަންތައްތައް ފާހަގަވެގެން ދިޔައެވެ:
1) ރިއްދާ ގެ ހަނގުރާމާގައި
2) ޢުމަވީންގެ ޒަމާން
3) ރައްޔިތުންގެ ހަމަނުޖެހުންތައް
4) މިޒަމާނުގެ ވަޠަނީ ޤައުމީ ޢަޞަބިއްޔަތު
ރިއްދާ ހަނގުރާމަ
އައް-ރިއްދާ ފިތުނައިގެ މައްޗަށް ވާހަކަ ދެއްކުމީ ފަސޭހަ ކަމެއް ނޫނެވެ. އެހެނީ އޭގައި މަފްހޫމް ތައް މަސްހުނި ވެފައި ވެއެވެ. ދީނުގެ އަޘަރު ފަނޑުވުމާއި، އަޢުރާބީންގެ ނަފުސުތައް ހަމަނުޖެހުމާއި ތަޅާފޮޅުމަށް ލެނބިފައި އޮންނަ އޮތުމުގެ ސަބަބަކަށް ޢަޞަބިއްޔަތުގައި ކުލަޖެހުނެވެ. އަދި އެތަކެއް ޤަރުނެއް މައްޗަށް ދާދި ފަހަކާއި ހަމަޔަށް އެއުރެން ދިރިއުޅެމުން އައި ގޮތުގެ މައްޗަށް އޮތް ޝަޥްޤުވެރިކަންވެސް މެއެވެ.
~ ނުނިމޭ
عن جعدة أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ رَأَى رَجُلا عَظِيمَ الْبَطْنِ فَقَالَ بِإِصْبَعِهِ فِي بَطْنِهِ وَقَالَ
لَوْ كَانَ هَذَا فِي غَيْرِ هَذَا لَكَانَ خَيْرًا لَكَ
(2140 المعجم الكبير للطبراني)
ޖަޢްދަތަ ބުނު ޚާލިދު އަރިހުން ރިވާވެގެން ވެއެވެ: ވަރަށް ބޮޑު ބަނޑެއް ލާފައިހުރި މީހެއް ނަބިއްޔާ އަށް ފެނިވަޑައިގެންނެވިއެވެ. އެހެންކަމުން އެކަލޭގެފާނު އޭނާގެ ބަނޑަށް އިނގިލިދިއްކުރައްވައި ޙަދީޘް ކުރެއްވިއެވެ:
"މިނޫންތަނެއްގައި މި ވީނަމަ، ތިބާޔަށް ހެޔޮވެގެންވީހެވެ."
އަލް އިޙްޔާގެ ތަޚްރީޖު 3/109 ގައި އަލް ޢިރާޤީ ވިދާޅުވިއެވެ: މީގެ ސަނަދު ޖައްޔިދެވެ. (ވަރަށް ރަނގަޅަވެވެ.)
މަޖްމަޢް އައްޒަވާއިދު ގައި އަލްހައިޘަމީ ވިދާޅުވިއެވެ: "ރަވީން ތެރޭން އަބޫއިސްރާއީލް އަލްޖަޝްމީ ފިޔަވައި އެހެން އެންމެހާ ބޭފުޅުންނަކީ އައްޞަޙީހުގެ ބޭފުޅުންނެވެ. (އެބަހީ ޞަހީހް އަލްބުޚާރީ އަދި އެހެންނޫނީ މުސްލިމްގައި ހިމެނޭ ބޭފުޅުންނެވެ.) އޭނާ (އަބޫ އިސްރާއީލް) އިތުބާރުވެވިގެންވެއެވެ. "
އަލް ޣަޒާލީ ވިދާޅުވިއެވެ: "އެބަހީ ތިބާގެ އާޚިރަތަށް (އެއިތުރުކާނާ) ފަސްކޮށްލައި، އެހެންމީހަކަށް (މިދުނިޔޭގައި) އެ ދޫކޮށްލިނަމަ ހެޔޮވީހެވެ."
3/88 إحياء علوم الدين
❞ އަދި ޞަލާތޭ ފޮނުއްވާށެ ޝާމިލް ވެވޭ
އަރިއަހަށް މާތް ނަބިއްޔާގެ ލޯބިން ވެވޭ
ފަރިވިހާ މާމަލާ ފަރިވަމުންދާ މަލާ... ❤️
~ ގަލަންދާނު
Is the Friday ghusl sufficient for ablution?
One of the brothers says: Does the Friday Ghusl suffice the ablution?
Shaykh: ❝ Ghusl is of two types: Complete Ghusl, and Acceptable Ghusl. Acceptable ghusl is to pour water over the whole body and then it is purified. This washing is not valid for ablution and is not a replacement for it, except (if it was done as) a Ghusl for janābah (sexual defilement) — this alone (is the exception). Because it is the type for which the evidence (for an exception) came. So we limit ourselves to the context of the evidence. We do not generalize this for the rest of the types of ghusl, because the fundamental principle is of its absence (i.e. wuḍū' is not fulfilled with Acceptable ghusl). If there had not been narrated an evidence in the case of janābah, we would not have given an exception to it as well. Because ablution is necessary and al-tartīb is obligatory (i.e. succession in washing the parts of Ablution). It is not possible to drop this order of ablution, except with an evidence. As for the (exception in) ghusl of janābah, it was dropped here with (a specific) evidence (for it).
The second type: complete ghusl, and that is, if it is for janābah: washing your private parts and cleansing. Then to perform ablution as of the ablution for prayer. After that you shed water over the body, wash your head three times, then shed water on the body once again. Whoever has performed this (type of ghusl), has sufficed for ablution upon consensus without a dispute, as he has already performed ablution. It is best that he performs this (i.e. complete ghusl) for the Friday (prayer). He is not required to perform ablution afterwards, unless due to ḥadath (passing anything from his back or private parts) or (in case he) touches his penis. On the contrary, if he takes an acceptable ghusl and spills water all over his body without performing ablution, and say: "Look, we are going to Friday prayers." We say: This is not valid and is not sufficient, yes, this ghusl is sufficient for the Friday (prayer's) ghusl — whether it is said that it (the ghusl of Jum'ah) is desirable (mustaḥab) or is said that it is obligatory (wājib). But this does not permit the performance of prayer, because ablution must be in tartīb, and the tartīb is obligatory⁽¹⁾ in ablution according to the more correct of the two scholarly opinions, which is the opinion of the majority...❞
— Al-Shaykh Al-Muḥaddith Sulaymān bin Nāṣir al-'Alwān (source)
~ Galandhaanu
[1] “Because everyone who described the ablution of the Prophet ﷺ, mentioned it in order. And what came in some aḥādīth that the Prophet ﷺ did not arrange it — as the ḥadīth of Al-Rubayyi'i Bint Al-Mu'awwidhi — this is a narration which is iḍṭirāb (inconsistent). In it 'Abdullah bin Muḥammad bin Aqīl was inconsistent. He is poor in memory...” — al-'Alwān (source)
ފޮތް: ”ޣައިބުގެ ތަޅުދަނޑިތަކުގެ ތެރެއިން - ރަޙިމުގެ ޢިލްމު“
މިއީ އައްޝައިޚް، ޑރ. އަބްދުލް ޖަވާދު މުޙައްމަދު އައްޞާވީ ގެ ދިރާސާ އެއްގެ މައްޗަށް ބިނާކޮށް އެކުލަވާލެވިފައިވާ ފޮތެކެވެ.
~ ގަލަންދާނު
📌 • ދެދޮރުގައި ބީހިގެން ވުޟޫއު ގެއްލުމުގެ ފިޤުހުގެ ޚުލާސާ • [hd ފޮޓޯ]
މަޞްދަަރުތައް: 1) އަލްޢަލްވާންގެ ބުލޫޣުލް މަރާމް ގެ ޝަރަޙަ[ޞ. 192 އިން 198] ، 2) އައްޠަރީފީ ގެ الأحاديث المعلة في الطهارة، 3) ސުލައިމާނު ބުނު އައްލަހީމީދު ގެ ބުލޫޣުލް މަރާމުގެ ޝަރަޙަ، [ޞ. 100]، 4) މުޙައްމަދު އާލްޢިލްވާ ގެ (ލިޔުން). މީގެ އިތުރުން 5) އައްސަޢްދު (އޯޑިއޯ)، 6) އަލްޢުޞައިމީ (އޯޑިއޯ)، 7) މުޞްޠަފާ އަލްޢަދަވީ (ވީޑިއޯ) އަދި އޭގައި ބުސްރާގެ ޙަދީޘް ބަލިކަށި ކުރެއްވި، 8) މާހިރު އަލްފަޙްލު (އޯޑިއޯ)
~ ގަލަންދާނު
📌 What is the ruling upon the ashā’irah?
The noble Imām, Shaykh al-‘Allāmah Sulaymān Ibn Nāsir al-‘Alwān (فك الله أسره) says:
❝What remains is a discussion on a separate point, so why don’t ahlus-sunnah make takfīr upon the ashā’irah, while they negate the attribute of speech from Allāh, the attribute of anger from Allāh [1], the attribute of pleasure from Allāh, the attribute of love from Allāh.
They say the Qur’ān is a hikāyah [2] from the speech of Allāh (i.e. that Allāh doesn’t speak the Qur’ān directly with His voice, and its letters are created, but rather the meaning we recite is uncreated and comes from Allāh), and this means that the Qur’ān is created.
The reply to this is that ahlus-sunnah differ concerning making takfīr upon the ashā’irah, contrary to the later scholars who stated that ahlus-sunnah don’t make takfīr upon the ashā’irah, this citation is wrong.
Yes it’s correct that the majority of ahlus-sunnah wal-jamā’ah don’t make takfīr upon the ashā’irah, however there are groups of scholars who make takfīr upon the ashā’irah, due to several matters:
1 — Because they don’t affirm the ‘uluw (ascension) of Allāh over His creation, and this is Kufr, since the textual evidence and intellect both affirm that, and the proofs concerning this is clear-cut.
And when Ibn al-Qayyim mentioned the sayings of the scholars regarding the kufr of whoever rejects the ‘uluw of Allāh over His creation, afterwards he said, when mentioning the statement of An-Nu’mān (i.e. Abū Hanīfah) and a group of scholars:
“Likewise, an-Nu’mān (i.e. Abū Hanīfah) and Ya’qūb after him, while the wording belongs to An-Nu’mān, he said; Whoever doesn’t affirm that His throne is above the heavens and above every place, and doesn't affirm that Allāh is above the throne, which isn’t obscure within the thoughts of every mind. He is the one in which there's no doubt in making takfīr upon, how amazing are you (Abū Hanīfah) as an Imām of your time.”
2 — They also reject the Āhād reports (in ‘Aqīdah — i.e. narrations which only come via 1,2,3 narrators in each level of the chain according to their definition), and this is Kufr in general.
3 — They deviate in negating many names and attributes of Allāh.
4 — They say the Qur’ān is created.
5 — They don’t affirm the attribute of speech for Allāh.
And they have other matters in which they’re made takfīr upon (such as saying the apparent meanings of the Qur’ān is disbelief due to resembling Allāh with the creation + most define Īmān as belief in the heart like the Jahmiyyah). However those who didn’t make takfīr upon them said, that’s because they have a misconception and misinterpretation stronger than other than them, so they are not made takfīr upon except after debating them, establishing the hujjah upon them, and clarifying the truth to them.
If an individual asks, why don’t we make takfīr upon them in general terms, nor make takfīr upon their specific individuals except after establishing the hujjah against them? We say it’s because they are of different types;
- Some of the ashā’irah reject the ‘uluw of Allāh over His creation, and groups of scholars among the ashā’irah affirm the ‘uluw of Allāh over His creation.
- There are groups of scholars among them who don’t explicitly profess in negating ‘uluw (Allāh’s ascension above the creation), they say that we affirm ‘uluw in general, then they make tafwīd (i.e. claim that ‘uluw doesn’t have a meaning — not affirming the reality of ascension).
So due to the misconception they have, many scholars abstained from making takfīr upon them. However if we debated an ash’arī, and he said I don’t affirm the ‘uluw of Allāh over His creation, and I say the Qur’ān is created, and I say that Allāh didn’t speak, and we established the hujjah upon him, and removed the misconception from him, and no valid misconception or misinterpretation remains with him, therefore he would become a kāfir due to that.
Continued ⬇️
🔺ދެދޮރުގައި ބީހިގެން ވުޟޫއު ގެއްލުމުގެ ފިޤުހުގެ ޚުލާސާ (މަޞްދަރުތައް)
—ޝެއަރ ކުރެއްވުމަށް [hd ފޮޓޯ]
~ ގަލަންދާނު
Summary: The Chains of the Narration Regarding the Marriage of 'Āishah (Based on the research by Shaykh al-Muḥaddith Muḥammad Sayyid Shiḥatā)
— Galandān
ސިލްސިލާ: ”ޢަޞަބިއްޔަތުގެ ދޮސް ފާރަށް، ޛަހަބިއްޔަތުގެ ފަރުވާއެއް“
~ ގަލަންދާނު
📌 ގަލަންދާނު ޓްވިޓަރ އެކައުންޓަށް ސަބްސްކްރައިބް ކުރައްވާ.
ހުކުރު ދުވަހުގެ ފަތިސް ނަމާދުގައި ”އައްސަޖިދާ“ އަދި ”އަލްއިންސާން“ ސޫރަތް ކިޔެވުމީ ސުންނަތުގެ ތެރެއިން ހިމެނޭ ކަމެކެވެ. މިކަން ދެޞަޙީޙުގައި ރިވާވެފައިވެއެވެ. އަބޫ ހުރައިރާ رضي الله عنه އަރިހުން: ނަބިއްޔު ﷺ ހުކުރު ދުވަހުގެ ފަތިސް ނަމާދުގައި ކިޔަވައި ވިދާޅުވެޔޭ: {الم * تَنْزِيلُ} އައްސަޖިދާ ސޫރަތް، އެންމެ ފުރަތަމަ ރަކުޢަތުގައި، އަދި ދެވަނަ ރަކުޢަތުގައި {هَلْ أَتَى عَلَى الإِنْسَانِ} (އަލްއިންސާނު ސޫރަތް).
~ ޝެއިޚް ޢަބްދު الله އައްސަޢްދު
ސާފު ކުފުރެއް ކޮށްފި މީހަކީ ކާފަރެކެވެ. މިއީ އާންމު ޙުކުމެވެ. މި ޙުކުމް އޮޅުވާލުމަށް ޚާއްސަ ހާލަތްތައް ގެނެސް ވާހަކަ ދައްކާ މީހަކީ އިޖުމާޢު އާއި ޚިލާފުވެ ވާހަކަ ދައްކާ ޖާހިލެކެވެ.
މިސާލަކަށް، އަހަރެމެން ބުނަމަވެ: ބުދަށް ސަޖިދަ ޖަހާ މީހަކީ މުރުތައްދެކެވެ. ދެން މީހަކު ބުނެފާނެ އެވެ. "ބަލަ އޭނާ އަނބުރައިގަނެގެން ވެއްޓުނީ ކަމަށްވެސް ވެދާނެ އެވެ. ނޫނީ މަސްތުގައި ހުރީ ކަމަށްވެސް ވެދާނެ އެވެ." މި ހެން ބުނާ މީހާ، ކަންކަމުގެ އާންމު ޙުކުމް މީސްތަކުންނަށް އޮޅުވާލައި، އެ ކަންޑުވާލައި، ޚާއްސަ ޙުކުމަށް އެކަނި ބަސްތައް ޝަރުތު ކުރެ އެވެ. މިއީ ބިދުއަވެރިންގެ ވައްޓަފާޅި އެކެވެ.
އަލްހާފިޛް އިރާޤި رحمه الله ވިދާޅުވި އެވެ: “ބުއްދި ހުރެމެ، އޭގެ ބޭރުފުށަށް ފާޅުވާ ކުފުރެއް ބުނެފި ކޮންމެ މީހެއް، ފަހެ އެ އީ ކާފަރެކެވެ. އަދި އޭނާ އެކަމުގައި ތައުޥީލުކޮށް ނިޔަތްގަތް ކަމަކަށް ބެލުމެއް، އަދި ބުރަދަނެއް ދިނުމެއްވެސް ނުވެ އެވެ.” އަދި ވިދާޅުވި އެވެ: “މިއީ ޠާހިރު ޝަރުޢާ ޢިލްމުގެ މަތީގައިވާ ހަތަރު މަޛްހަބާއި އެނޫން ސައްޙަ އިޖުތިހާދުގެ މަތީގައިވާ ޢިލްމުވެރިންގެ މެދުގައި ޚިލާފު އޮތް ކަމެއް ކަމުގައި އަހަރެމެން ނުދަންނަމު އެވެ.”
އަބުލް ހަސަން އަލްބަޤާއި رحمه الله ވިދާޅުވި އެވެ: “އެމީހެއްގެ ބޭރުފުށަށް ކުފުރު ބަސް ފާޅުކުޅަ ކޮންމެ މީހަކަށް އަހަރެމެން އޭނާ އަށް ޙުކުމް ކުރަނީ ކުފުރަށެވެ. އަދި އޭނާގެ އެތެރެފުށް ވަކީލު ކުރަނީ ﷲ އަށެވެ.
މިއީ އަލްއިމާމް އަބޫ އަލީ އުމަރް ބިން މުހައްމަދު ބިން ޚަލީލް އައްސުކޫނީ މިކަމުގެ މައްޗަށް އިޖުމާޢު ނެރުއްވާފައިވާ ފަދައިންނެވެ.
އަދި ސީދާ އެބަސް ނުވިޔަސް، މީގެން، އިމާމް އަލްޙަރަމައިން އާއި އަލްޣަޒާލީ އަދި އެންމެހާ އުސޫލިއްޔީން ފަރާތުން ނަގުލު ކުރެއްވި ބަސްފުޅަށް ބާރުދެ އެވެ. އެ އީ: މުރުތައްދު ކަލިމައެއް ބުނެއްޖެ މީހަކަށް، އެ އީ އޮޅުވާލުމަށްޓަކައި ބުނެއްޖެ މީހާ އަށެވެ. ބޭރުފުށުންނާއި އެތެރެފުށުން އޭނާ ކާފަރުވެއްޖެ އެވެ.”
Because ahlus-sunnah in general make takfīr upon whoever rejects the ‘uluw (ascension of Allāh over His creation), and the ashā’irah reject the ‘uluw.
And they declare the one who says the Qur’ān is created a kāfir, as the Jahmiyyah say, and the ashā’irah state this.
And they make takfīr upon whoever rejects the Āhād reports in general, and the ashā’irah reject them.
And they make takfīr upon whoever negates a single attribute of Allāh, as Mālik, Ahmad and a group of scholars mentioned, and the ashā’irah negate dozens of attributes from Allāh.
However, they have ta’wīl due to it coming from Āhād narrations, and due to it necessitating and implying such and such (i.e. affirming it implies equating and resembling the creation with Allāh), for that reason many scholars, infact most of ahlus-sunnah abstained from making takfīr upon them.❞
[1] Sh. Al-‘Alwān (فك الله أسره) was asked in “Fatāwā gatherings” (part 30/129) whether the word “La’n” which means “excluding someone from the mercy of Allāh” is considered a ta’wīl from its true meaning, and whether this supports the ashā’irah.
The shaykh replied by saying that most scholars explained “La’n” as that, even though some of them explained it upon its original meaning of “curse” (from Allāh upon the individual), however there is nothing wrong with describing “La’n” as excluding someone from the mercy of Allāh since this is not considered diverting it from its original meaning, but rather explaining the affect of this curse (La’n).
For example, the ashā’irah say that the anger of Allāh means “his punishment”, whereas this is distorting the attribute of Allāh from its true meaning, but rather we can say that from the consequences of Allāh’s anger upon the people, is that he punishes them and afflicts them with calamities.
Likewise with “Rahmah” (mercy of Allāh), the ashā’irah twist this into meaning “providing blessings”, whereas this is an innovative misinterpretation, rather we affirm the attribute of mercy to Allāh, but we say from the consequences and traces of this mercy, is that He provides the creation with blessings, favours, peace, delight and so forth.
[2] When the ashā’irah say the meaning of the words in the Qur’ān comes from Allāh (while Allāh didn’t speak the letters of the Qur’ān), it necessitates that these two statements have the same meaning;
“May the hands of Abū Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he.” [111:1], and “Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One.” [112:1], which is pure misguidance!
“What is the ruling upon the ashā’irah?” — Al-'Alwān
[English below]
(This was translated by Abū Bakr Al-Tarābulsī)
📌 ދެދޮރުގައި ބީހިގެން ވުޟޫއު ގެއްލުމުގެ ފިޤުހުގެ ޚުލާސާ [hd ފޮޓޯ]
މަޞްދަަރުތައް: 1) އަލްޢަލްވާންގެ ބުލޫޣުލް މަރާމް ގެ ޝަރަޙަ[ޞ. 192 އިން 198] ، 2) އައްޠަރީފީ ގެ الأحاديث المعلة في الطهارة، 3) ސުލައިމާނު ބުނު އައްލަހީމީދު ގެ ބުލޫޣުލް މަރާމުގެ ޝަރަޙަ، [ޞ. 100]، 4) މުޙައްމަދު އާލްޢިލްވާ ގެ (ލިޔުން). މީގެ އިތުރުން 5) އައްސަޢްދު (އޯޑިއޯ)، 6) އަލްޢުޞައިމީ (އޯޑިއޯ)، 7) މުޞްޠަފާ އަލްޢަދަވީ (ވީޑިއޯ) އަދި އޭގައި ބުސްރާގެ ޙަދީޘް ބަލިކަށި ކުރެއްވި، 8) މާހިރު އަލްފަޙްލު (އޯޑިއޯ)
~ ގަލަންދާނު
📌 ޢަޤީދާގެ މުޙިއްމު މައްސަލަތަކެއް އަދި ތަކްފީރާއި ހައްދުފަހަނަ އެޅުމުގެ މައްޗަށް "ގަލަންދާން" އިން ތަރުޖަމާ ކުރަމުންދާ ސިލްސިލާ:
”ފާޅުވަނިވި އިސްލާމުކަމުން ޙުކުމް ކުރުމަށް - ޠާހިރުވަނިވި މަގުދެއްކުން“
📣 وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا لسُّبُل /Dv ޗެނަލްގައި ޝާއިޢު ކުރެވެމުންދާކަން ހަނދުމަކޮށްލަދެން.
~ ގަލަންދާނު
Summary: The Chains of the Narration Regarding the Marriage of 'Āishah (Based on the research by Shaykh al-Muḥaddith Muḥammad Sayyid Shiḥatā)
— Galandān