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Qt GUI in C

I created a Qt Quick Application which shows a button. Is it possible to use show the window GUI in a C program? Maybe like export the Qt project into a .dll or .so and use it in C?


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Qt - Reddit

What is the standard way to connect mysql database from QT? How to fix missing driver errors for mysql?

I'm trying to connect to mysql database from QT. I got an error while doing so


QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded

QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE QMIMER QODBC QPSQL

Failed to connect to the database


I tried searching for different resources, but the guides are not so easy. Why these things aren't kept simple? Somewhere, they're asking to copy the mysql dlls (libmysql.dll) to the build dir where the exe files are there..

Somewhere, I'm seeing complex discussions in stackoverflow and qt formus What are the exact procedures to be done in order to work with mysql database with QT?
Please help me with this. I'm an innocent guy, learning QT for my school project.

I'm in windows with qt version 6.7.2


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Qt - Reddit

QML Help

How do you rotate each character in a text for specific a degree?

Need to animate the said rotation too


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Qt - Reddit

Collapsable accordion like widget in standard Qt6?

Based on this StackOverflow question I know that there are a lot of user defined solutions for this. But I do ask my self if these days with Qt6, doesn't Qt has a widget by its own to achieve something like this?



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Qt - Reddit

Is this displaced transition possible in Qt?

Hi, I just wonder if it's possible to create this with QtWidgets as I'm using PySide2/PySide6 in Maya.
Or would I need to go into QML for this?



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Qt - Reddit

Passing QString from MainWindow to NextWindow

Hey everyone so im creating a simple project where I just want to pass a QString from my MainWindow to the NexWindow, I kinda get the concept of signals and connect but im still iffy on the full concept, if possible could someone show me a simple way to send a string over so I can fully understand the concept?


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Qt - Reddit

KDE Stack training

KDE Stack Training with Kevin Ottens. Learn Qt, KDE Frameworks and Plasma. October 20th at 14:00 UTC.

# Explore the KDE Stack at our in-depth training session. Follow Kevin Ottens on a deep dive into KDE Frameworks and how Plasma uses them, and learn how to build Qt and KDE apps.

# Date: October 20th at 14:00 UTC.

# Online at: https://meet.kde.org/b/far-lb5-yjy-xar


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Qt - Reddit

Qt 6.8 LTS Released!


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Qt - Reddit

Trying Qt Quick for the first time, but the default project Qt Creator gives me is broken. What can I do? Everything is installed and updated, and Qt Widget projects work fine.

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Qt - Reddit

I am trying to install qt opensource 5.12.12 but failed and now giving the above error. What should I do?

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Qt - Reddit

"#": "2",
"cover": "images/img.jpg",
"title": "Leyla",
"artist": "Salman Khan",
"album": "Leyla"
"#": "3",
"cover": "images/img.jpg",
"title": "Jumka",
"artist": "Muza",
"album": "Jumka"

delegate: DelegateChooser
// #
DelegateChoice {
column: 0
delegate: Rectangle {
required property bool selected
required property bool current
color: current ? "green" : (selected ? "blue" : "lightblue")

// onCurrentChanged: if (current) console.log(model.row, "is current")
// onSelectedChanged: if (selected) console.log(model.row, "is selected")

implicitHeight: 50
implicitWidth: 40

Text {
text: display
anchors {
fill: parent
margins: 5
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter

ColMouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent

// Cover
DelegateChoice {
column: 1
delegate: Rectangle {
required property bool selected
required property bool current
color: current ? "green" : (selected ? "blue" : "lightblue")

implicitHeight: 50
implicitWidth: 50

Rectangle {
anchors {
fill: parent
margins: 3

radius: 5

ColMouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent

// Title
DelegateChoice {
column: 2
delegate: Rectangle {
required property bool selected
required property bool current
color: current ? "green" : (selected ? "blue" : "lightblue")

implicitHeight: 50
implicitWidth: 50

Text {
text: display
anchors {
fill: parent
margins: 7
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter

ColMouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent

// Artist
DelegateChoice {
column: 3
delegate: Rectangle {
required property bool selected
required property bool current
color: current ? "green" : (selected ? "blue" : "lightblue")

implicitHeight: 50
implicitWidth: 50

Text {
text: display

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Qt - Reddit

How to Create an Image with Rounded Corners in Qt Quick 6?


I'm currently working with Qt Quick 6, and I'm trying to create an image with rounded corners. However, I haven't been able to find a solution that works.

Would you have an idea ?

Thank you!


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Qt - Reddit

.txt file not found in an app exported to desktop using windeploy

Hello everyone, I'm an absolute noob. I've started a code along project, a simple todo app which retains data in a .txt file and exported to desktop.

I followed the exporting method described in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXojtB8vS2E&t=1642s&ab\_channel=Sciber

From 18:04 to 22.18

The exported app successfully worked, however the txt.file is that of the original app in Qt and doesn't save changes. Infact, in the exported app only .ddl files are present. Any solutions?


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Qt - Reddit

QT6 desktop docker image

Hi all,
I want to use VScode for building a QT desktop application. Yet, I want my build system to be easily movable as a docker so I can later share the same build tools between developers or to the cloud. I would test the application on either VM or my windows os.
How can I do so? I can't find any QT docker images.


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Qt - Reddit

Showcase of my project released : Scheduled PC Tasks

First official release of my tool for PC!
I invite you to test it, it could be useful to you

It allows you to schedule tasks by simulating them as if you would do them yourself. For example:

Schedule the shutdown of your PC
Simulate repetitive copy/paste as well as keyboard/mouse key presses
Schedule the sending of messages via any software
and much more...

Available for free on the Microsoft Store: Scheduled PC Tasks

Video of presentation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue6FPNrjD4c

It is open source \^\^ (C++ using Qt6) : https://github.com/AmirHammouteneEI/ScheduledPasteAndKeys

And don't hesitate to give me your feedback (in fact I need people to explore it, I had too few feedback for the moment)




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Qt - Reddit

QodeAssist Update: Introducing AI Chat in QtCreator!

Hey Qt developers! I am excited to share about an update to QodeAssist, AI-powered plugin for QtCreator.

# What's New?

* **Integrated AI Chat**: Communicate with AI directly within QtCreator in side panels and bottom tab
* **Add support chat models like:** Qwen, Deepseek, Codellama
* **Just the Beginning:** This update lays the foundation for our ultimate goal - full AI integration with QtCreator!



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Qt - Reddit

Qt Creator & KDE Plasma Modules

I'm new to Qt Creator, and I'm attempting to use it for KDE Plasma work. I'm getting a 'QML module not found' error on an import statement (import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid specifically). The other modules seem to be found. According to Qt Creator, I need to use an import path env variable, but the other modules import fine. I'm lost... here's a screenshot:


Any feedback is greatly appreciated!


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Qt - Reddit

Modify background color in nested QGroupBox

To my understanding Qt does modify the background color when you nest one QGroupBox into another. Makes totally sense. But I have a case where I would like to not having it that way. I would like to have for the inner group box the same background color as the outer/parent group box.

In the following picture, for debug reasons, I tried to modified the background color with a stylesheet. But as you can see in the inner border the blue is a little bit more dark. So there is something else I don't know about.


Let's remove the debug blue color and let me show you the whole parent and inner group box.


So what do I miss here? Is there a hidden widget inside the inner GroupBox? Or do I have to catch a special event?


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Qt - Reddit

Getting started for Linux unattended terminal

Hi. Can anyone help me get started with developing for Linux terminals? I have installed Qt but I’m not sure which project template I should choose to start with. The project says it is only compatible with Desktop. My goal is to use Qt GUI in a C program that will be packaged and installed into the Linux device. I find the documentation quite confusing.


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Qt - Reddit

Qt6 and libefence

I am having an issue where electric fence always crashes any qt6 application including the simple examples from qtcreator. I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this?


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Qt - Reddit

QToolBox seamless tab and widget?

Hey all. I am trying to style my QToolBox similar to one like Blenders:


Notice how the tab title and widget are seamlessly connected? Well I tried this with QSS stylesheets, and heres the result


As you can see, I pretty much have it dialed, except for the internal QWidget. I am getting a natural gap between tab title and widget, how can I remove it? Any help is appreciated, and heres my stylesheet:

background-color: #303030;
padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;

QToolBox::tab {
background-color: #3d3d3d;
border: 1px solid #3d3d3d;
border-radius: 5px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #c2c2c2;
image: url('mpsoftwarestylesheets/assets/triangle-right.svg');
image-position: left;

background-color: #606060;
color: white;

image: url('mpsoftwarestylesheets/assets/triangle-down.svg');
border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;


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Qt - Reddit

(PySIde) Why are the properties width, height, and border-radius not working? The checkbox remains the same size and the corner roundness doesn't change

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Qt - Reddit

why readAll method return empty byte array

Recently, I've been writing some programs about TCP network communication, using the QTcpSocket class, I connected the QTcpSocket::readyRead signal, as this:


void Foo::readFromSocket() {
auto socket=qObjectCast<QTcpSocket*>(sender());
QByteArray readBuffer=socket.readAll();
... // handle read buffer

and I want to be able to read data from the socket when this signal is triggered, but sometimes, the readAll call will return an empty byte array, and I expect the data to be received will be returned by the readAll call the next time the readyRead signal is triggered.
I know that TCP is a stream-based protocol, so it's unlikely that I can expect to be able to return data of a specified length and structure in a single read call, but I don't quite understand why I can't even read one byte when the readyRead signal is triggered, and what do I do if the readyRead signal doesn't guarantee that?


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Qt - Reddit

Qt UART disconnects

Hey everyone, hopes your weekend is great.

Quick question here im using UART with a microcontroller and when I open the GUI its connected problem is I have to constantly re open the app for connection, how can I keep it connected even if I go back one window?


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Qt - Reddit

anchors {
fill: parent
margins: 7
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter

ColMouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent

// Album
DelegateChoice {
column: 4
delegate: Rectangle {
required property bool selected
required property bool current
color: current ? "green" : (selected ? "blue" : "lightblue")

implicitHeight: 50
implicitWidth: 50

Text {
text: display
anchors {
fill: parent
margins: 7
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter

ColMouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent

component ColMouseArea : MouseArea {
onClicked: {
tableview.selectionModel.select(tableview.model.index(row, 0),
ItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect |
ItemSelectionModel.Current |
onDoubleClicked: {
tableview.selectionModel.setCurrentIndex(tableview.model.index(row, 0),
ItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect |
ItemSelectionModel.Current |
ItemSelectionModel.Rows); // Set the current index on double-click


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Qt - Reddit

Resizable TableView whole Row selection


I'm trying to make a Resizable TableView, where I can select a single row at a time. The selection works perfectly. The problem is only the first column is set to current, I want the TableView to set all the columns' current in the row being double clicked. There's a \`QItemSelection\`, but that can't be used in QML. I could use a for loop to set all the columns, but is there any other way?

import QtQuick
import Qt.labs.qmlmodels
import QtQuick.Controls

Rectangle {
color: "gray"
width: 500
height: 400

TableView {
id: tableview
anchors.fill: parent
columnSpacing: 0
rowSpacing: 2
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
clip: true

// Num(3), Cover(2), Title(1), Artist(4), Album(5)
property var preWidths: [40, 50, 50, 50, 50] // Different initial widths for columns
property var hideAtWidth: [300, 0, 0, 500, 640]
property var resizableCols: [false, false, true, true, true] // Whether a column is resizable
property var visibleCols: new Array(preWidths.length).fill(true)
property var postWidths: new Array(preWidths.length).fill(0)

onWidthChanged: {
var totalPreWidth = 0;
var remainingWidth = width;

// Calculate the total preWidth of non-resizable columns that are visible
for (var i = 0; i < visibleCols.length; ++i) {
if (remainingWidth <= hideAtWidth[i] + columnSpacing * (visibleCols.length - 1)) {
visibleCols[i] = false; // Hide this column
postWidths[i] = 0;
} else {
visibleCols[i] = true; // Keep this column visible

// If column is not resizable, keep its preWidth fixed
if (!resizableCols[i]) {
postWidths[i] = preWidths[i];
remainingWidth -= (preWidths[i] + columnSpacing); // Subtract fixed width and spacing
} else {
totalPreWidth += preWidths[i]; // Accumulate total width for resizable columns

// Redistribute remaining width among the resizable columns proportionally
var visibleCount = visibleCols.filter(col => col).length;
var totalSpacing = (visibleCount - 1) * columnSpacing;
remainingWidth = width - totalSpacing; // Subtract total spacing from available width

for (var j = 0; j < visibleCols.length; ++j) {
if (visibleCols[j] && resizableCols[j]) {
var proportion = preWidths[j] / totalPreWidth;
postWidths[j] = remainingWidth * proportion; // Proportional width distribution for resizable columns

// console.log("Visible columns: ", visibleCols);
// console.log("Column widths: ", postWidths);

columnWidthProvider: function (col) {
return postWidths[col];

selectionBehavior: TableView.SelectRows
selectionModel: ItemSelectionModel {}

model: TableModel {
TableModelColumn { display: "#" }
TableModelColumn { display: "cover" }
TableModelColumn { display: "title" }
TableModelColumn { display: "artist" }
TableModelColumn { display: "album" }

rows: [
"#": "1",
"cover": "images/img.jpg",
"title": "Kahani Meri",
"artist": "Kaifi Khalil",
"album": "Kahani Meri"

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Qt - Reddit

Qt Creator debugger keeps sending me to the dissassembler files instead of the regular code

I am genuinely tweaking




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Qt - Reddit

Qt6 JSON Debugger Visualizers for Windows (NatVis)

Even though it might not be the fastest, Qt's JSON support is pretty convenient. Debugging code that uses these types, however, is a bad experience, as you can only see pointers to private containers that store the actual values. Aleksey Nikolaev made a QJson.natvis for Qt 5 to visualize JSON types on Windows. Since then, some parts have changed, so I updated this to Qt 6 and fixed a few issues I found.

You can find Qt6Json.natvis on my GitHub (permalink). Since the JSON containers use some private types, the debug symbols for Qt6Core need to be loaded by the debugger. I provide a bit more info in the documentation.

Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to integrate these visualizers into the existing generic ones provided by qt-vstools and the VS Code extension, because my visualizers rely on the name of Qt's Qt6Cored.dll (it would probably require some preprocessing - but I'd love to be proven wrong).

I hope this helps other developers when debugging!


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Qt - Reddit

Help setting up QT Creator on VSCode

I am trying to setup the new VSCode plugin for Qt

I managed to setup the QML language server and debugging but I am not able to get my application to run.

It builds correctly but the GUI does not launch and from the debugger I am getting an error 0xc0000135 which means that there is a missing DLL. I have added the Qt bin folder to path but it is still not working

Path Variables: https://imgur.com/a/o5x906x


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Qt - Reddit


Dear Community!

I come from a background in C# with Xamarin Forms and netMaui and started with a course with QT recently. I am a bit confused, however, as the teacher stated that QT out of the box calculates everything on the Main Ui Thread. Is this true? Doesn't it automatically create working threats for calculations or the code behind and stuff? I simply cannot believe that in a Framework i actually have to pay money to use it i have to create and handly my threads by hand on my own for everything when all other Frameworks in different languages do that themselves out of the box. Can you clarify this for me please?


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