Issues with Qt 6.8 and FFmpeg on iOS - Anyone else stuck with the “Invalid Swift Support” error?
Hey all,
I’m diving into iOS app development with Qt 6.8, and overall, things are running pretty smoothly. However, I hit a snag when it comes to deploying my app with Qt Multimedia’s new default FFmpeg backend. To get FFmpeg linked in, I’m using qt_add_ios_ffmpeg_libraries (also considering QTBUG-130488), which bundles the FFmpeg dynamic libraries into the package. Everything works on a development device—no issues there.
The problem comes when I try to upload to the App Store. I’m getting this dreaded “Invalid Swift Support - The Swift Support Folder is missing” error. After a bit of digging, I found out that App Store Connect seems to reject apps with .dylibs in the Frameworks folder. Manually deleting the Frameworks folder solves this issue, but then, of course, the app won’t run since it relies on FFmpeg.
So… has anyone else experienced this? It feels like a general issue for any iOS app using Qt Multimedia with FFmpeg, but I haven’t found a clear workaround yet. Sure, I could roll my own custom build of Qt without FFmpeg, but that defeats the point of having a default multimedia backend. Not exactly ideal for anyone looking to use Qt as a solid iOS dev platform, right?
Any tips or workarounds would be super appreciated!
Cant compile project with qmake on Ubuntu!
Hi everyone! I'm a complete newbie on Qt / qmake. I'm trying to compile a Qt project called JBlade on Ubuntu 24.04 with qmake. I've installed g++, build-essential, qt5-make, etc..., but I'm getting the following errors:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lQGLViewer2: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lOpengl32: No such file or directory
Thats how the end of the .pro file look like:
# for the libqglviewer
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
LIBS += -L$$PWD/src/QGLViewer/debug -ldQGLViewer2 -lOpengl32
CONFIG(release, debug|release) {
LIBS += -L$$PWD/src/QGLViewer/release -lQGLViewer2 -lOpengl32
Any suggestions are welcome!
edit: thats the rep of the project: [](
Cannot load library
While running the application either in debug or release mode facing below issue
Cannot load library C:\\Qt\\6.8.0\\msvc2022_64\\qml\\QtWebEngine\\qtwebenginequickplugin.dll: The specified module could not be found.
In the location the dlls are present import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Window
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtWebEngine
Window {
width: 640
height: 480
visible: true
title: qsTr("Hello World")
WebEngineView {
settings.pluginsEnabled: true
anchors.fill: parent
url: ""
Any solution of the above issue
Why VLC for iOS and android is not build using Qt?
I just noticed that vlc for windows is made using Qt while for android and ios were developed natively even though Qt is a cross platform framework. Any special reason for this?
Tilde symbol expansion to home directory in QCompleter with QFileSystemModel
Hello. I am using QLineEdit with a QCompleter connected to QFileSystemModel to let user navigate directories. I want to show the default completion behavior even if the directory path begins with a \~ (tilde) symbol on linux, which expands to the home directory. I tried the following codes:
connect(m_path_line, &FilePathLineEdit::textChanged, this, [&](const QString &text) {
QString expandedText = text;
if (text.startsWith("~")) {
expandedText.replace(0, 1, QDir::homePath()); // Replace ~ with home directory
} else {
qDebug() << m_completer->completionPrefix();
Second approach which looked promising:
class PathCompleter : public QCompleter {
explicit PathCompleter(QAbstractItemModel *model, QObject *parent = nullptr)
: QCompleter(model, parent) {}
QStringList splitPath(const QString &path) const override {
QString modifiedPath = path;
if (path.startsWith("~")) {
modifiedPath.replace(0, 1, QDir::homePath());
return QCompleter::splitPath(modifiedPath);
This works for the most part, but let's say if I enter `~/.config/` then the completion doesn't show up, and I have to press backspace on the forward slash or add another slash and remove it to get the completion. Anyone know what's happening here ?
Thank you.
Making a troubleshooting list for common errors so I can refer to it when I get stuck. Please let me know of anything you think I should add.
Bitmap fonts are invisible since updating to QT 6.8.0
Need a UI urgently
Can somoene please help me make a UI based on this code below
\#include <iostream>
\#include <vector>
\#include <cstdlib> // For rand() and srand()
\#include <ctime> // For time()
using namespace std;
// Function to find the maximum sum of a subarray using Kadane's Algorithm
pair<int, pair<int, int>> kadaneAlgorithm(const vector<int>& arr) {
int current_sum = arr[0\];
int max_sum = arr[0\];
int start = 0, end = 0, temp_start = 0;
for (size_t i = 1; i < arr.size(); i++) {
if (arr[i\] > current_sum + arr[i\]) {
current_sum = arr[i\];
temp_start = i;
} else {
current_sum += arr[i\];
if (current_sum > max_sum) {
max_sum = current_sum;
start = temp_start;
end = i;
return {max_sum, {start, end}};
// Function to generate a random array with positive and negative values
vector<int> generateArray(int size) {
vector<int> arr(size);
srand(time(0)); // Seed for random number generation
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
arr[i\] = (rand() % 21) - 10; // Generates numbers between -10 and 10
return arr;
// Function to display the array
void displayArray(const vector<int>& arr) {
cout << "Array: [ ";
for (int num : arr) {
cout << num << " ";
cout << "\]" << endl;
// Main function to play the game
void playGame() {
int size = 10; // Size of the array
vector<int> arr = generateArray(size);
// Display the generated array
// Calculate the maximum sum subarray using Kadane's Algorithm
auto result=kadaneAlgorithm(arr);
int maxSum=result.first;
int start=result.second.first;
int end =result.second.second;
// Display the optimal solution using Kadane's Algorithm
cout << "Optimal Subarray using Kadane's Algorithm: [ ";
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
cout << arr[i\] << " ";
cout << "\] with sum = " << maxSum << endl;
// Game starts
int playerScore = 0;
int playerPosition = 0;
char choice;
cout << "\\nGame Start! Choose your starting point (0 to " << size - 1 << "): ";
cin >> playerPosition;
if (playerPosition < 0 || playerPosition >= size) {
cout<<"Invalid starting position! Game over." << endl;
playerScore += arr[playerPosition\];
cout<<"You started at position " << playerPosition << " with initial score = " << arr[playerPosition\] << endl;
// Player chooses the path to move forward
while (true) {
cout << "\\nChoose direction (L for left, R for right, Q to quit): ";
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 'L' || choice == 'l') {
if (playerPosition > 0) {
playerScore += arr[playerPosition\];
cout << "Moved left to position " << playerPosition << ". Current score = " << playerScore << endl;
} else {
cout << "You can't move left any further!" << endl;
} else if (choice == 'R' || choice == 'r') {
if (playerPosition < size - 1) {
playerScore += arr[playerPosition\];
cout << "Moved right to position " << playerPosition << ". Current score = " << playerScore << endl;
} else {
cout << "You can't move right any further!" << endl;
} else if (choice == 'Q' || choice == 'q') {
cout << "You quit the game with a total score of " << playerScore << endl;
} else {
cout << "Invalid choice!" << endl;
// Compare player’s score with the optimal score
if (playerScore == maxSum) {
cout << "\\nCongratulations! You matched the optimal score!" << endl;
} else {
cout << "\\nYour final score: " << playerScore << ". Optimal score was: " << maxSum << endl;
cout << "Better luck next time!" << endl;
int main() {
char playAgain;
do {
cout << "\\nDo you want to play again? (Y/N): ";
cin >> playAgain;
} while (playAgain == 'Y' || playAgain == 'y');
cout << "Thanks for playing!" << endl;
return 0;
If someone knows any app that can quickly generate a ui for this please let me know i need to submit urgently
A weather application python + Qt
🌦️ Exciting Day Working on My Weather Application! 🌦️Today, I dove deep into developing a weather application, and it was an incredible opportunity to enhance my UI skills! While there’s still plenty of room for improvement, also tried to make it responsive, I learned so much throughout the process.✨ Here are a few key takeaways:1. UI Design Principles: Understanding the balance between aesthetics and functionality is crucial.2. User Experience Matters: Creating an intuitive interface can make all the difference for users.3. Problem-Solving: Every challenge I encountered taught me something new and helped sharpen my coding skills.I’m eager to keep refining my abilities and creating engaging applications. Stay tuned for more updates on my journey! 🚀hashtag#WeatherApp hashtag#UIDesign hashtag#LearningJourney hashtag#Python hashtag#Development hashtag#TechSkills
Qt Rapberry Pi
Hey everyone just have a quick quick question, I've been looking around I just see tutorials with Qt installed in Pi but im wondering if I could just use Qt in my laptop and upload my qt rapsberry project to it?
A keyboard disable and enable utility developed with python and Qt
So I found myself needing to watch some tutorials and write down notes.....but then I didnt have enough space to write on so I decided to use my pc a a table lol...... but then didnt want my pc going all crazy coz its pressing all sorts of buttons
So developed this little guy here over the weekend...what are your thoughts, suggestions and roasts
Creating a 2FA Application for my PC using Qt and Python
So its been 3 days now working on this application of mine.....nothing fancy just a small simple 2FA for my pc... its about 80% done now with most basic functionality up and running
Now I need to figure out how to integrate this application with windows Auth to fire up as soon as the user logs in
and maybe adding a bit of random 2FA sessions during pc usage
to try it out theres a build in the release page:
Release 2FA - Version 0.0 Release · TaqsBlaze/2FA · GitHub
it's open source on github:
GitHub - TaqsBlaze/2FA: 2 Factor Authentication application for windows pc
A newbie looking for insights
Hello there, for a long time I've wanted to publish an app programming in java with android studio, faced a bug that couldn't solve no matter how much I've tried, ended giving up on java.
So for the last few weeks I started to learn Python and it was a great experience, so I tried to create the same app and had some hell of a time trying to export the apk with buildozer, stuck on it for days without any light on how to solve the issue.
Now I have discovered Qt and PyQt5 and I was wondered if would be possible to migrate my app and start developing apps for android with this language, but it's all too new for me and I wonder if it's a good idea, so I come here looking for recommendations (is this a good idea? There's free tutorials on youtube? Books I should read?)
As someone who is really a newbie in programming, any tips I get here would be really valuable.
qInstallMessageHandler() binding for Go
Hi! I need to intercept and modify which logs and how they're printed to Stdout. I read that I need to use qInstallMessageHandler() for passing a custom handler. I'm using therecipe/qt bindings for Go. However, I can't find the qInstallMessageHandler() function implementation. I'm aware they might have not implemented it yet. Is there a workaround I could use? I'm kinda lost and would appreciate some help.
KDE Calligra 4.0 Qt6 office suite tutorial
PySide6: Click on an item in a List Widget to open a PDF File
I have a PDF Search App that allows me to search PDF files on my local device. Currently, I am displaying the results on a listWidget. What I want to do is when I click on a result in the listWidget, I have the option to open that particular PDF File in a PDF Viewer. How can I go about doing that?
QListView with widget based rendering
Hey, I have been using QListWidgets, using setItemWidget and setting their sizeHint based on the widgets im addings height. This has worked fine for me with small numbers of widgets. However, this time i could be dealing with 1000's of widgets to be displayed and i'm obviously taking a huge performance hit with creating a widget for each data point I have. I quite often have to re build the entire QListWidget as my data changes a lot.
I'm aware QListView should solve a lot of my issues, but do i really have to manually paint each item in the list using a delegate? I'd like to use widget based rendering as I have a UI framework built using QTWidgets, some of which are complex and I dont want to have to re-invent the wheel by rendering myself in a delegate.
Does anyone have suggestions for Widget based rendering in a scrollable list, where each widget can be variable height based on the type and contents of the data im adding?
Thank you in advance :)
Proper backend in QML.
Recently I am trying to develop some skills in QML. I know Qt a little bit, but most of knowledge is from widget style. I am working on simple image editor. I wanted do focus on creating UI with QML and make whole backend in C++ and also use (and learn) Model View pattern. I know that to most of editors, widgets are easiest way to approach but.. This is my "challenge" in learning QML.
Currently I have a little bit confusion with registering a class in QML. Most of tutorials shows that best way to register class is to use qmlRegisterSingletonInstance. I see that I need to create every instance of my class in the beginning of the program and register it into QML. But what if my app will grow into large app and I will have a lot of models? Do instantiate every model at beginning is really only option? Creating every object at the beginning seems to be a lot of memory cost.
I work since January in company that use Qt but app is very large and still don't get every aspect. In this app we have some sort of "Backend" thread that is connected to another thread resposnible for UI, and they talk to eachother. But I don't know if its good way so I try to learn by myself how to create apps.
My thinking is focused more or some Backend controller that will call needed object responsible for action that is called (most of like in widgets).
I see in internet that I can use setContextProperty but I saw also tutorial that tells that approach is not recommended.
Another method (from chatGPT xd ) is to use Factory pattern to create models on demand, but I am not familiar with this.
Do you have any advice how to create proper backend for QML without loosing performance and have it well organized? I appreciate every source of knowledge to build.
Can you make QTWidgets look modern?
First off I develop in python because it’s what I know the most. I know a little bit of c++ but nothing of the advanced topics (I just got pissed at fiddling with cmake and its issues I was having importing 3rd party libraries and gave up on C++ to learn rust as a second language lol)
I wanna start in game development in godot with a few friends for 2D and wanted to make my own sprite sheet editor for us to use to where it splits the cells into their own separate files for each frame. Godot might have this feature but I want a way to where I can do it in batches if needed if the files are the same dimensions. For example characters all with the same height dimensions of images to batch process.
Can you make nice clean modern flat looking interfaces in QtWidgets with custom title bars or should I start to learn QTQuick instead even though it looks like a bit more work but is much more flexible looking.
I could just do a quick and dirty dearpygui interface since it’s just for us mainly but if I ever publicly release it I would want it to look more polished than dearpygui “game development tool look”
Also I saw there’s but I’m not sure how much faster c# is than python (especially if I compile with cython and use cython static types) and if it’s even really updated for qt6 (python and c# where my first languages I’ve learned, while I haven’t used c# in a while it might all come back to me after using it after a while)
10 Tips to Make Your QML Code Faster and More Maintainable
QML: anchors.centerIn vs
I am currently making my very first experiments with QML (and Python + PySide) and already found something I cannot explain and cannot find any documentation or even mentions anywhere on the www (at least not with google)
I found an example here:
(see the end of the posting for my code)
The provided example worked out of the box. I began experimenting with the version numbers in the qml import statements, they make no difference, at least not for what I am doing here. I used virtualenv to install pyside6 along with all libs it pulled in and the example (below) is working (and I don't know why).
Then I began looking for QML documentation and found this:
and for Text
I found this:
My Version of Qt (or PySide6) seems to be 6.8 (installed with pip just 4 hours ago) and the above should be the correct documentation. Or is it not?
My problem is with the property
I cannot find it in ANY qml documentation or mentioned ANYWHERE on the internet at all (except this example [which is working for unknown (to me) reasons!\]), even the search function on the Qt website will refuse to search for centerIn
and instead changes my search query to center
when I try to change it to
as it is mentioned in all documentations I was able to find during the last 4 hours it will error out with the following:
Cannot assign to non-existent property "center"
What am I missing? Where is the correct documentation?
my code currently looks like this (changed it back to centerIn
# qml:
import QtQuick 6.8
import QtQuick.Controls 6.8
import QtQuick.Controls 6.8
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 600
height: 500
title: "HelloApp"
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Hello World"
color: "#ff0000"
font.pixelSize: 24
# python:
import sys
from PySide6.QtGui import QGuiApplication
from PySide6.QtQml import QQmlApplicationEngine
app = QGuiApplication(sys.argv)
engine = QQmlApplicationEngine()
Make Exclusive Checkboxes Uncheckable
Is there a way to make exclusive checkboxes uncheckable within Designer? If not, how would I do it using code?
At the moment I'm trying to use a toggle function but when I click the checkbox, it gets marked as checked and then runs the function.
def oncheckboxtoggled(self, checked):
sender = self.sender()
if checked:
Qt6/Texeditor - qtedit4 - v0.0.2-beta
I will release "soon" version 0.0.2 of my text editor. Change log is visible on the site, read it there (added more config issues, that is more or less the change). I will enable automatic update next week (I hope it works... ).
* Windows users: you get an \*.exe installer.
* Linux users: you get an \*.appimage, download it and "chmod +x" it. Then from "Help" choose the command "Install desktop file" - this will make the editor available on KDE/Gnome.
* OSX users: help is wanted to support OSX. Should be relatively simple, as the code is Qt6+C++17.
* v0.1.x Finalize the editor component of the IDE
* v0.4.x Better project management support
* v0.5.x Add support for LSP/DAP (language/debugger adapter/server protocol).
* v1.0.0 ???
Android with Qt Creator
Android dev with Qt Creator?
I use Qt 5.12.7. I can't build to emulator because I don't know the compabilities. Qt Creator wants to install SDK 16.0 and NDK 25. Could somebody help me with knowing to right versions so I can use Android Studio to download it all?
QT Creator Project: I need to send e-mails.
Hi, I am a software engineer student and I applied to a hackathon arranged by a company and they send me a pre-task before the hackathon. I needed to do a project which is a data management system.
I did it almost all using QT Creater and cpp but I as a part of the task I need my project to send e-mails but I've never done a project alone and never made a program to send e-mails. I tried to download smtp client and tried to make it work but failed. When it comes to mess with the project files I get confused a lot. I downloaded smtp client for qt from github but couldn't manage to put write files in right directories or something.
I did the necessary changes to my .pro file but still my project couldnt see the source files, gpt said I needed a lib directory but the version I downloaded didn't have any lib files. Whatever I did I couldn't do it. Can anyone help me please?
Showcase of my free & open source Windows tool program (C++/Qt6)
Hey !
I present to you Scheduled PC Tasks
version 1.2 is up \^\^
Schedule automated simulations of actions you would perform on your PC.
Those actions simulations are available :
- Keys sequence
- Move Cursor
- Paste text
- Open files, folders, executables, url
- Run Windows system specific command (shut down, reboot, kill processes, create files...)
- Wait
And other features like data management, scheduled tasks at system startup...
Need your feedback :)
Developing a Beautiful and Performant Block Editor in Qt C++ and QML
Please HELP!!!!!
I have been looking everywhere for a solution but I could not do anything. I tried to reinstall it twice and the same issue persists. even in the maintenance tool does not have the necessary libraries. I am trying to run this project by TechCoderHub.
repo link:
Save cookie data in Qt
I'm building an application using the Qt Framework and QtWebEngineQuick
, and I'm creating a wrapper for a web app (like WhatsApp Web) that requires authentication. The problem I'm facing is that the app doesn't keep me logged in between sessions—I have to log in again every time I restart it.
I want to make cookies persistent so the login session can be saved and reused. Here’s what I have so far in my main.cpp
#include <QtWebEngineQuick>
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
#include <QWebEngineProfile>
int main(int argc, char argv[])
// Initialize Qt WebEngine
// Create the application
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
// Get the default WebEngine profile
QWebEngineProfile defaultProfile = QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile();
defaultProfile->setHttpUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) "
"AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) "
"Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36");
// Set persistent cookie policy
// Create QML engine and load main QML file
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
// Check if QML loaded successfully
if (engine.rootObjects().isEmpty())
return -1;
// Execute the application
return QGuiApplication::exec();
In this code, I've set the PersistentCookiesPolicy
to ForcePersistentCookies
on the default profile. However, I’m still being logged out after restarting the app.