Weekends suck for me
I’m 29m, diagnosed at 28, on meds.
I work hard during the week, but I have this detest for the weekends, which really drives me crazy. I know everyone else looks forward to the weekend, to relax, have fun ect. But I just end up doing very little, to nothing. I’ll watch tv all day because it’s my comfort activity. But I won’t get up and do things I know I need to do or just want to do.
My partner is tired of it as well, because if she suggests something I usually just say no or tell her that I feel like shit to go do whatever it is. Which is another part of the issue, I just end up feeling crappy and even more lethargic as the day goes on.
Can anyone relate or have any tips on how they maintain a weekend where they don’t feel horrendous and can do things?
How is your dating life?
I’ll be honest with you guys all my life I’ve struggled romantically. Lately in the last few years I haven’t dated anyone and it’s beginning to really hurt.
I read that people with ADHD may have difficulties with dating because of their symptoms, such as:
Being easily distracted by other stimuli or thoughts, Having trouble remembering details or following through on commitments, Being impulsive or acting without thinking of the consequences, Having low self-esteem or feeling insecure about their abilities, and Having difficulty expressing their feelings or understanding those of others.
Do you have trouble or is it just me?
Imagine your perfect ADHD product, what is it ?
Imagine the next time you are experiencing symptoms of ADHD you count to 3 and the perfect product to help the problem appears in front of you.
What would that product be ?
Be as imaginative as you like! :)
For some context, this is intended to be research for a design project at school. I am creating something to help with ADHD symptoms and am looking for inspiration.
An example could be : a robot that turns off distractions in your home or a flying bed to get to school so you can get an extra hour sleep.
It doesn't have to make total sense and can be silly.
Thankyou for your ideas !
I just got an official ADHD diagnosis at the age of 40.
I haven’t been put on any medication yet because I just got the diagnosis and they are working out the best meds to go with ones I’m already on. Aside from all of that I never felt my brain made dopamine that little reward chemical, I only felt the reward kick in when I drink. With a little bit of alcohol I felt calm more focused but of course I usually over did it. My mind has never been at peace and my doctor says what he will prescribe me will help. I’m really hoping for peace inside my head for once.
Why You Should Go To The Doctor (Positive Twist)
When I was a teenager my doctor found a nodule on my thyroid and told me to go to an ultrasound clinic to have imaging done. I didn't do it, because they expected me to schedule it on my own, I had really bad phone anxiety, and I straight up forgot.
Over the last 10 years the wall of awful has just been building and building, compounded by my parents' shitty health insurance. Now that I have my own, much better health insurance, I recently had a random thought that I should go get that thyroid nodule checked. I was anxious that it might develop into cancer, so I booked an appointment.
My doctor couldn't find the nodule.
The ultrasound tech couldn't fine the nodule.
There is no thyroid nodule. They said what my first doctor found was probably a swollen lymph node during an allergy flare up. According to both my doctor, and the ultrasound tech, there's nothing unusual at all in my entire neck area.
I've lived with anxiety for 10 years over nothing.
I am so relieved to have confirmation that it's nothing. Also, I'm riding the high of feeling like an adult after making and attending my own appointments on-time before the holidays :)
Get checked! If you don't, best case scenario you're going to be worried about nothing for years on end. If it's not nothing, that's all the more reason to get checked.
Don’t want to apologize because I was overstimulated.
I (28) work with a fairly small team in a bar. I’m the only person in charge of my area (kitchen manager) at the moment. Last week, I developed a sinus infection, I’m still battling it, and I feel like I’ve been punched in the face. My teeth hurt, my skin doesn’t feel right, I feel dry, the antibiotics are making me nauseated. I can’t breathe correctly without coughing. I haven’t been able to eat or sleep well either. It’s been an unpleasant time. I’m usually fairly aware of my emotions and distance myself if I’m overstimulated/in a bad mood. I’m also, without fail, always the first person to apologize for my behavior during these times.
Two times last week, I came into work with things moved around or broken and put back. When I was upset about it, my coworkers just told me I was overreacting. I also had one of our coworkers Later on, a coworker (who has a habit of talking down to me) yelled an order at me from across the bar. I asked him to not yell at me and to please come closer to tell me. He rolled his eyes and told me I had an attitude problem and I shouldn’t be such a jerk. The bartender told me I upset that coworker and I should apologize because it was my fault. I said no, I went back to my area. Same bartender asked if they could rearrange my space, and after being told no, still did it. So I told her to move everything back and to not touch my stuff.
The owner told me everyone has been tiptoeing around me now since then, especially since I haven’t apologized. I keep overthinking about it and I want to make amends to everyone, but I’m tired of apologizing first (they haven’t apologized either) and feeling disrespected.
Docs office said he won’t write scripts until he is back from vacay on Jan 2nd!
Edit- I got my meds! Everyone was right. The office manager was extremely ill informed and it only took me demanding to speak to anyone else to get my doctor to refill instantly. I love this community. Thank you for the guidance and valuable info. I’ll be talking with my doctor about all of this at my next appointment.
I’m on Vyvanse. As we all know, you can’t get a prescription renewal until 3 days away from when you run out. I called my doctors office yesterday like clockwork to ask for refill. The office attendant was so rude to me, said I needed to have CVS request it. I informed her it’s a controlled substance so that is not possible. I asked for a backup doc, she said they don’t have one and that “I should have called earlier if I knew I was running out of medication” I explained the 3 day rule. I said “why wasn’t I notified that my doctor would be unavailable for this long?” She said “I’m not going to call all of his patients.” I asked what could be done. She said she could send him a note but he wouldn’t read it until Jan 2nd. What do I do now? I am in Los Angeles. I read medical board rules on this and they don’t have to provide backup during vacations but most doctors do. But they also have to provide 15 days of services and prescriptions before terminating your care. My next course of action is calling the office again and asking to speak to someone else. The one woman I spoke to was so rude and didn’t know what she was talking about.
Crushes are a nightmare with ADHD
I have always known I don’t crush on people in a ‘normal’ way. Instead, I get fixated to the point of complete obsession. Luckily I don’t get crushes too often but I have been like this since I was a young teenager (well into my 30’s now). I’ve always thought i was just nuts.
After reading this sub I think a lot of it is ADHD related and I’m simply hyperfixating on a person much like I would a new hobby, but it is so much more embarrassing.
I’ve been crushing on a new person for a few weeks and honestly there have been times where I thought I was going insane. It literally feels like I’m addicted to this person. When they give me the slightest bit of attention I’m on the highest of highs, followed by the crash of depression when they don’t respond to my texts immediately or I don’t see them for a few days. Like I said, so embarrassing. I know it’s not normal at all. I try my best to keep busy and NOt obsess but it is so so difficult lol
In conclusion, this is torture and I can’t wait to get bored and move on lol
I‘m not lazy, it’s my ADHD
Dr. Barkley on how to treat ADHD.
this video it hit me it made me cry it made me feel seen.
adhdvideos286?si=aYofmzV3_dOPlLH4">Also this entire channel
like the shorter videos
the never getting things done on time?
Can’t believe that I’m just seeing this, wanted to share so badly. <3
Megathread: Medication Shortages
As many of you are aware by now, the current shortage of medications used to treat ADHD has patients and parents of patients who rely on these medications scrambling to fill their prescriptions, leaving some people in a position where they are starting a new medicine or going without.
Discussion of the ongoing medication shortage is overwhelming the community and making it more difficult to discuss other topics; we have started these threads to contain all discussions until this shortage has ended. A moderator will remove any posts from here on out, and the moderation team will direct the user here. We will edit this post as vetted information becomes available.
[Joint Letter from FDA & DEA](https://www.fda.gov/media/170736/download) (US)
* If you are curious to see if there is a shortage of medication, the FDA provides access to their [shortage database](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/drugshortages/dsp_SearchResults.cfm)
[Alert from the Department of Health and Social Care](https://www.cas.mhra.gov.uk/ViewandAcknowledgment/ViewAlert.aspx?AlertID=103238) (UK)
## American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Shortage listings
* [Amphetamine mixed salts/Adderall XR](https://www.ashp.org/drug-shortages/current-shortages/drug-shortage-detail.aspx?id=863)
* [Amphetamine mixed salts/Adderall IR](https://www.ashp.org/drug-shortages/current-shortages/drug-shortage-detail.aspx?id=857)
* [Methylphenidate ER/Concerta](https://www.ashp.org/drug-shortages/current-shortages/drug-shortage-detail.aspx?id=896)
* [Methylphenidate Immediate-Release Tablets](https://www.ashp.org/drug-shortages/current-shortages/drug-shortage-detail.aspx?id=973)
* [Focalin XR](https://www.ashp.org/drug-shortages/current-shortages/drug-shortage-detail.aspx?id=955)
* [Guanfacine Hydrochloride Tablets](https://www.ashp.org/drug-shortages/current-shortages/drug-shortage-detail.aspx?id=508)
* [Vyvanse Manufacturing Delay](https://www.vyvanse.com/supply)
* [Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate Capsules](https://www.ashp.org/drug-shortages/current-shortages/drug-shortage-detail.aspx?id=961)
# UK Department of Health and Social Care (DHSP) shortage listings
**Lisdexamfetamine** (Elvanse)
**Methylphenidate** (Equasym XL, Xaggitin XL , Concerta XL , Xenidate XL)
**Guanfacine** (Intuniv)
# News Articles
* [Adderal makers agree to increase production: DEA](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4292394-adderall-makers-agree-to-increase-production-dea/) - The Hill
* [Adderall shortage forces some patients to scramble, ration or go without](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/02/18/1157832613/adderall-shortage-forces-some-patients-to-scramble-ration-or-go-without) - NPR
* [Amid shortage of generic Adderall, frustration builds as demand increases](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/amid-shortage-generic-adderall-frustration-builds-demand-increases/story?id=98160584) \- ABC
* [What Can Clinicians Do to Mitigate the ADHD Medication Shortage?](https://www.medpagetoday.com/video-coverage/adhd-video-insights/103833) \- MedPage Today
* [Xanax and Adderall Access Is Being Blocked by Secret Drug Limits](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-04-03/adderall-shortages-are-made-worse-by-the-opioid-crisis?accessToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzb3VyY2UiOiJTdWJzY3JpYmVyR2lmdGVkQXJ0aWNsZSIsImlhdCI6MTY4MDUzMzM5NCwiZXhwIjoxNjgxMTM4MTk0LCJhcnRpY2xlSWQiOiJSU0pLNlpEV0xVNjgwMSIsImJjb25uZWN0SWQiOiI2MjYxNzM0MDVGM0M0OUIwQTVERENENjVDOTYxNzZCRiJ9.-IR1D_I3w_JnKyX7Nxipci0VID1yFDxLd3WHKOTJVjM) \- Bloomberg Gift Link
* [A ‘perfect storm’ led to an ADHD medication shortage. Here’s why](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/a-perfect-storm-led-to-an-adhd-medication-shortage-heres-why) \- PBS News Hour
* [Doctors in England told not to start new patients on ADHD drugs due to shortage](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/sep/29/doctors-in-england-told-not-to-start-new-patients-on-adhd-drugs-due-to-shortage) \- The Guardian
# Community Posts
* [💊How to
What's in your car right now? Be honest.
I just got shamed by the guard at the gates of the country club my company is hosting a Christmas breakfast at for how much crap is in my car. So I thought it'd be fun to get a little support and see what everyone else's cars look like right now!
Mine: to Belvita breakfast cracker wrappers, a single slice of pizza box, a hoodie, passenger seat crumbs, 3 nice water bottles (kept losing them, buying another, then finding them then promptly left all 3 in my car for months) lol
How do you get yourself in the mood for sexy time if you're stressed and impatient
I've been dealing with stress and health issues lately and it's affecting my relationship. It's really hard to get into the mood because I'm stressed and just impatient.
We've had a couple of discussions because he feels like i'm neglecting him with this type of affection and I know I've been not in the mood lately a lot.
But it's really hard for me because either I'm stressed and too tired, or I could get in the mood but the thought of this lengthy "session" is making me nervous because it's hard to maintain my focus on him/us for more than 10 minutes. It's also putting a lot of pressure to me that I feel like I have to give him the orgasm, because then I couldn't stop anytime I want, it's like I'm getting task avoidance with my boyfriend which is kind of weird.
I don't even have the focus right now if I'm getting horny myself, I'll just get horny start masturbatinf, get frustrated because I'm impatient and end up stopping because it's taking too long.
It's fine with me but it's unfair to my partner.
He feels bad too because he feels like I'll find him boring because I struggle with that.
We've already tried to let something play in the background but then I'll just get frustrated that I have to multitask which is too much sometimes.
It's not like I'm fine with it myself, I just never knew what to do and didn't bother to look into it because it only affected me but now it's affecting my partner too.
And I'm not blaming myself because that's just who I am, even if I'm not stressed but the stress is making it worse, I just don't know what to do.
He knows of my struggles and I'm medicated but it's not really helping in that aspect. He also tries not to pressure me but I see how it's hurting him because he feels rejected
I really wanna do nothing
I genuinely have no desire to do anything. All I want to do is lie in bed and watch TV all day while using my phone. I don't want to stand up or engage in conversation with others. Simply do nothing at all. Is this typical? Do you also feel like I do? I was medicated mostly for this reason—I had no desire to accomplish anything in life. I was failing college before I started taking medication because I was unable to get out of bed. I was unable to attend all of my classes, and I would even skip tests. Even though I was worried and upset about it, I chose to remain in bed.
Now that I'm an adult with a kid, things have changed drastically. I'm not motivated to move my child with me. All I want is to remain in bed! I don't want to read books to him or even take him somewhere.
Failed Uni Courses & ashamed to tell people irl
Hi I think I have undiagnosed adult adhd and am waiting to get diagnosed. (I heard the waiting list in Australia is both long and expensive),
I want to share my experience but am too embarrassed to tell people I know irl, and hoping for some empathy and advice from people who have been diagnosed and found treatment.
I’m currently doing my master’s degree at a top university and understand the concepts really well. In class I’m good at participation and discussions and have been transparent with my professors about having learning difficulties. However towards the end of the year, I got anxious and depressed and couldn’t focus properly to write any of my end of semester exams and failed all the courses despite doing well in the months before.
I felt really guilty for asking for extensions but still not being able to complete anything. In the past there would be times where I would ‘plan’ to go to the library to focus, but I’d spend the whole day mentally preparing and finally leave the house at 2am.
This isn’t the first time this has happened and honestly I feel burnt out emotionally pretending to be normal on the outside while struggling on the inside.
I’m supposed to see my psychologist soon to commence the process of diagnosis with a psychiatrist. Before I didn’t want to depend on drugs, but now I realise that maybe this might be the best way for me.
Has anyone found studying at uni easier after diagnosis and taking medication?
RSD, i ruined my bfs day
I 28F, Today my boyfriend graduated from the fire academy, a big day for him. When his name was called i went up on stage to pin his badge on him, after i pinned it i was expecting a kiss (just like i saw every other man do to their partner) but instead he scurried off of the stage and left me standing there. There were easily 100 people in the room. Immediately my thoughts start turning, my heart sinks to my stomach and my stomach sinks to my butt hole. I start thinking of everything i could’ve done wrong, did i not look attractive enough today, did i piss him off, is there someone in the crowd he doesn’t want to see him kissing me? (We’ve been together 3.5 years so all of this is ridiculous ) but it ruined the day. I could not drop it. We came home from graduation and i sat in the room and pouted and sobbed. Didn’t go to dinner with the family, nothing. He says he ran off because being in front of people gives him huge anxiety and he wanted to get away from the cameras and people and go back to his seat, which makes sense logically. But i can’t process it any other way than as total and complete rejection. And now he says anytime he looks back at graduation photos helll think of how i ruined the day
I basically dissociated for months and now have realised i have missed my first assignment for my summer school paper.
My summer school paper for human resources test has just closed. I didn't submit a damn thing. I'm not gonna lie, I am spiralling. I am sick of failing at academia and its all my fault. I think it's best if i just dropped out. I have wasted 6 years of my life gathering debt and failing papers. I feel so useless.
Kicked myself out of grad school via grades. Very disappointed in myself.
I didn’t do my homework remotely on time and kicked myself out of a full ride after fighting for 5 years to prove I was worthy. My BS was the lowest GPA accepted into the program.
I feel like a massive disappointment and do not understand where and how to give a fuck and move forward;
I’ve worked in medical settings and people dying or life in general is so much more than school and it’s hard to play the lil pretend game that shit matters and I feel like an imposter who got caught and am getting the retribution I deserve.
I spent my semester starting my thesis (early) and chapter 1 took up most of my working hours as I was working 16 hour days overnight every week, then turning around (0-3 hours sleep) for all day classes, then analyzing my data come Wednesday and having results submitted to colleagues in a timely manner. The sleep shift broke me. I fell behind, couldn’t read or process information and just imploded.
I failed a class I never thought I was failing. I am so disappointed in myself & don’t know where to find the drive but this is a contract and I fucking owe them if I don’t graduate on time. What do I do??! The Vyvanse just made it patently clear I also have OCD
Why are people so stupid when it comes to ADHD?
EDIT: (this is not an attack on people saying to not worry, you guys are lovely :)) No stress, I don’t get offended anymore, to be honest it’s more so the person that said it getting offended when I start cracking up in their face and pointing at them.
i don’t need to say anything, all I’m going to put down is what i’ve been asked/told, and all of these people are fully aware I have ADHD (i’m a combined typed 15f).
“You’re so bad at paying attention, like it’s not that hard to just.. watch?”
“Oh my god, just because you don’t wanna sit, doesn’t mean it’s ADHD related, you don’t need to be quirky.”
“I think you have autism..”
“How can you just stare at the wall for 3 minutes straight?”
“Stop spazzing out. It’s not hard to just NOT move.”
“Just breath or something.. it’s not that stressful.”
There’s more but I think everyone gets it 😂
Funniest part about all of these, I literally have “stereotypical” ADHD. Im the classic fidgety, can’t stop moving, etc. And the zoning out, can’t listen for shit type. People are so odd.
Did you do something you're proud of? Something nice happen? Share your good news with us!
What success have you had this week?
Did you ace your test? Get a new promotion at work? Finally, finished a chore you've been putting off? We want to hear about it! Let us celebrate your successes with you! Please remember to support community members' achievements and successes in the comments.
Don’t always dismiss fatigue as ADHD
For context I had been dealing with fatigue my whole life, I noticed it particularly when I was 15 and went to my doctor to enquire. The fatigue was dismissed by several doctors as just my adhd. The symptoms I experienced were not feeling rested in the morning, brain fog and the inability to be able to focus. Years later in my 20s after these symptoms which were mild for a very long time suddenly became so bad I couldn’t leave my bed.
Turns out after seeking more answers I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. I mourn the years prior to which I blamed every symptom I had on adhd and missed out on some very important years of my life to fatigue- depression and anxiety. Sleep apnea used to be mandatory to test along side adhd but they don’t do it anymore. It is extremely under diagnosed and needs to be talked about more.
Doctor put me from adderall IR 5mg to adderall XR 10mg. I'm confused.
I asked to increase the dose on my adderall because I wasn't feeling anything (besides the first day making me really sleepy) and my symptoms persisted. It has been over a month since my first appointment when I received the 5mg IR capsules. I was tested and evaluated for ADHD extensively before then by a professional, of course.
Isn't 10mg XR the same thing as 5mg IR, just for a longer period of time?
I'm kind of upset, because I am going through changes in my life currently with college, work, etc. and I was hoping to keep on track with things. I'm in no way knocking my care provider, though, as I could be wrong.
I will take it and see what happens as I know people respond to medications differently. Could anyone give me some tips?
For context, I'm a 21 year old male 145 lbs.
If you have crippling ADHD there’s literally no place for you in todays society
I’ve tried for 8 years and nothing comes from my efforts but constant failures. Im 26 , no career prospects and with no purpose in life.
No one understands this illness besides other ADHDers and even then it can be hit or miss depending on how affected they are by it.
When I was a kid my parents suspected I had it but didn’t want to medicate me for it.
When I finally got medicated as an adult it treated some of my adhd symptoms but not to the point my current employer felt was enough. I actually lost jobs a lot quicker due to anxiety and doubt shooting through the roof.
I’ve tried all the typical adhd jobs and I can only can hold down low paying unskilled labor. I Can’t even get good enough at a skilled trade. I’ve tried.
The jobs I’d do better at I’m still not “good” at. The jobs I want to do and would stomach the constant failure for I’d be bad at and I can’t get now.
I guess I’m destined to work low skill jobs and live out of a banged up pickup the rest of my life.
Im 25 years old with a useless degree, going back for my second BS so I can become a nurse. I won’t leave school until I’m 28. I’m so fucking dumb for doing this to myself do not be like me
I’m technically a “transfer” but so few of my classes even translate. I hate that I did this to myself.
I’m finally treated for adhd. This time will be different. I’m just so fucking sad about my wasted time and mistakes
Outrun the Stimulant Medication Shortage💊](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/11fm3v5/how_to_outrun_the_stimulant_medication_shortage/) \- [u/highway-dreamer](https://www.reddit.com/u/highway-dreamer/)
* [Should a class action lawsuit be filed against McKesson, AmerisourceBergen, and Cardinal for Causing the nationwide Adderall shortage with their monopoly on pharmaceutical distribution?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/13lxi09/should_a_class_action_lawsuit_be_filed_against/) \- [u/peacockblueburgundy](https://www.reddit.com/u/peacockblueburgundy/)
**If you are having issues with the effectiveness of your meds and would like to report it, please see this** [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/112crp6/if_your_vyvanseadhd_meds_arent_working_like_they/)**.**
* If you are in the UK, see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/112crp6/comment/jb22dxf/).
Shire (insert other manufacturers) does not feed you poison inside Vyvanse capsules. Please stop the conspiracies, they are only stirring up more discontent in this difficult time.
I told my conservative parents about my ADHD diagnosis and medication.
So I got diagnosed with with Inattentive ADHD today after assessments and consulting with a psychiatrist. When I told my parents they did not take it well. They were in complete denial. My parents even went as far as to say that I was just disrespectful to teachers and lazy as a child. I started crying and yelling at them that it was actually my disorder and not me being an ungrateful and disrespectful child. I felt invalidated. I get it that it might be hard for them to accept that their only child had a disorder that went undiagnosed for years. But I feel extremely bad and invalidated.
How caffeine affects people with ADHD
Being straightforward.
I am diagnosed with ADD.
When drinking coffee or energy drinks, it makes me really sleepy usually and rarely has no effect at all.
But i noticed, that if I drink either of them 1-2 hours before worrying about something or being stimulated, I become incredibly anxious and hyperactive, to the point where i can shake (my body/teeth are shaky or i cannot keep a calm tone of voice) and it will continue for a few hours.
Can anyone explain to me why it happens and if you have any tips on how to calm down?
My body is a pressure for me
My body is literally a pressure and a struggle for me which I deal every day. OMG. Eating three times a day for oneself? Are you for real? So you have to piss again? How ridiculously ordinary...Taking a shower and trimming nails... Stupid teeth brushing and flossing? Then again there are 100 other problems to deal with .
Its truly a kind of torture for me. How you guys deal with this every fucking day man?
Does abstaining from p0rn makes things any better?
Ive been excessively using p0rn/se.xting and kinky stuff(on the above normal spectrum) to always stimulate myself whenever i needed it and i do need it alot..but whenever i do,there is this empty feeling that struck me and u would feel stuff more boring than before.unmotivated as hell and all i want to do is sleep after..its just a vicious never ending loop that i get lost in whenever i feel unstimulated which gives me a short lasting dopamine that makes me more unstimilated than before.does anyone feel that as well or im just over analyzing stuff?im taking strattera 80 for couple of months and it barely make me get through the day.
Failed my first university class…
I’ve (M23) been burnt out this entire semester and barely was able to get myself to attend a handful of classes across 16 hours. I was able to drop 7 hours and get 6 hours as an incomplete, but my last class I couldn’t communicate with the prof in time and for the first time ever I’ve failed a course. I can’t tell if I even have the energy to care or not, I know it’s not the end of the world and I can recover, but it’s still devastating seeing myself where I am. I’m 4 years into recovery from depression and trying to heal my AuDHD burnout. I thought I was further along in my progress journey, and I feel a little defeated being in my 6th year of college and still unable to bring myself to get to a productive place in life. I hate how difficult and expensive life has to be, even if it gets better day by day. Some words of reassurance would really appreciated 💜
Roommate told me to "just try better" and now I just need to rant I guess
Like I haven't been doing that since the 3rd grade when I started to fail my parents or at least that's what it felt like and now I just, I don't know. The older I get the more I understand how my ADHD affects me and how my brain feels different than a non-adhd brain might and dang it's so hard to function. My brain is thinking at a mile a minute all the time and just wont slow down and its so hard to think about what I need to think about and I have constant 24/7 running audio in my brain that I can't control, usually it's voices or music and sometimes it's multiple audios playing over each other and sometimes my brain thinks about stuff that I can't stand thinking about but it just keeps thinking about them no matter what because it takes a lot of effort to change what my brain is thinking about and focused on and it's like torture and I just keep telling my brain to shut up and stop thinking about it but it won't and I hate it.
I have such a hard time translating my extremely abstract thoughts into English words even in just a casual conversation and I'm supposed to be on 5 medications but I'm taking none, I want to take them and feel better I think when I do but I don't know why I just never end up taking them and don't you dare tell me to set alarms that some non-adhd logic there that somehow just doesn't translate to my brain for whatever reason and I love someone I'm not allowed to love, that has nothing to do with this just felt like throwing that out there cause it kills me and my brain obsessed over him even though I haven't seen or talked to him since I moved to college this August. I talk to myself pretty much when ever I'm alone because IDK I guess it helps me process the world around me and what the hell is happening in reality while my brain is off 4 parallel universes away from reality thinking about who knows what. Ugh. That's all.