Do I even bother playing normally if I keep getting no teammates?
I'm missing apex legends hours and refuse to play cause its too hard 😔 instead I'm made the crochet dolls
I don't always play horizon but when I do lol
revival removes your inventory after you die, also removed my mastiff in the 3rd slot
Crypto mains watching their ultimate have zero effect against a lifeline team in a halo.
[LTM Concept] After almost 6 years with the same ordnances in the game. I've designed 'Blast Storm', a Fuse Based Revival LTM that will introduce new types of ordnances in a setting of total chaotic fun. It might also allow respawn to gather some data & feedback for a possible new future ordnance.
Fun fact they silently nerfed respawns in revival so now you only spawn with the 4 cells, 4 syringes, a stack of ammo for each gun you had, and your guns instead of everything you had but your survival item
Servers down?
Are y’all able to get into a ranked game?
Mine has been saying matchmaking for a while now
rare footage of both players dying at the same time
Big nessie found
My friend and I were in the firing range looking for nessies, when we rediscovered the big Nessie!
has anyone else found it or are we the first to find it again? we hope we found something new
“He wouldn’t put himself in the middle, it’d be too obvious!”
John Wicking pretty hard in Gun Run. Wraith teleportation headshot to win was kinda gross.
Ice cold R301 skin bugged out
This is what the ice cold skin for the R301 looks like in game if you don't have a sight equipped. I have no idea when this started but hey have a stupid image
The most unbelievable Sentinel shot. How does this connect?
Yet another "Mastiff is TOO strong" Clip - did not expect this to go this way LOL
What made you stop playing?
I stopped because of the Players. Not the Game itself.
All of my friends stopped playing Apex because of the toxic side of Apex' Community.
The more casuals stop playing Apex the more toxic Players will stay.
I really enjoyed Apex for a long time (started in Season 9) but the toxic behavior of this Community ruined the fun slowly.
"Just mute them then." - i did, but you cant mute the ~~game~~ text chat, sadly.
I just learned you can mute the text chat. I feel stupid now.
"Just ignore them!" - i tried. I really tried.
It’s not that i meet toxic players once in a while but almost every second game.
I met many many friendly, fun and helpful people here, but most of them… stopped playing Apex.
You arent many but I enjoyed every encounter with you.
Downvote me all you want; you can’t deny the truth. Recent feedback and an even lower player count than last season speak for themselves. And by the way, stop sending me chat requests—I won’t delete this post. I don’t care about your "I will leak your IP" threats.
Who knew you could snipe with a mastiff? I know now
[PlayApex] Straight Shot Revivals is back! And with it comes bonus XP 👀 Drop in this weekend and reap the rewards.
Nessie saw me getting Finished and Took It As a Personal Attack
[PSA] There is a second, coins-only collection event in the shop...