All this for someone to say…. “ Apex is a dead game”
Coolest play I’ve had so far as a newer player.
Diamond gets 20 kills in Platinum lobby. It's crazy.
The Battle of the Ages: P20 hammer points vs Mozam hammer points
1300 hours later, 0 dollars spent on the game and i finally got it, my reaction tells you all u need to know abt the state of the game
I think I just figured out why the mozambique is called the mozambique
To 'Mozambique' someone is a military term meant shooting them twice in the chest and once in the head. The spray pattern for the mozambique? A triangle, two points on the bottom and one on the top. if you shoot someone with a mozam at center mass guess how those pellets are gonna hit them. Thats right, two in the chest, one in the head. Is this unknown knowledge or have I just blown my own mind with shit that everybody already knows?
-200 RP and a 9 minute penalty for an issue completely out of my control. How is this still an issue
When someone sucks at the game, why do you feel the need to tell them?
Legitimate question. I’m not very good at the game, and I get a lot of people that are silent the match, then turn on their mic at the end to tell me I’m trash. I know I’m bad. I don’t need you to tell me.
I will never understand Pathfinders (I was Mad Maggie)
Mozambique here
Idk how many lifeline mains are out there but I am begging all of you to do this :
Just played a game of duos with a random. They picked lifeline and decided today would be the day they'd ping every Mozambique they could cross.
every. single. one.
I may have a broken humour but I swear it was the funniest thing ever.
We ended up playing like shit and losing but it doesn't even matter, this is peak comedy.
So please, to all my Ajay Che s out there, go full on "mozambique here". It brings happiness to people.
Tired lifeline main…
We can not teleport to your exact location the second you get downed. We do not have our health drones infinitely or whenever YOU need it. I will drop my drone the second i get it, I promise. They have fucked my girl up since season 5. I feel like i have to relearn techniques every season since she gets changed around so much. Please, go give your closest lifeline main a kiss. We need it.
year 3 of cosplaying our mains at NY comic con!!