A Bash Script To Display Animated Christmas Tree In Terminal
Integer not incrementing correctly (help a bash newb)
Hi guys, made this bash script to record a radio show every week, I use id3v2 to insert the metadata / track number but it doesn't seem to wanna work, if someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong I'd greatly appreciate that.
RECORDS_COUNT=$(ls -l $COUNT_PATH | grep \^- | wc -l )
For some reason RECORDS_COUNT doesn't increment anymore, it only displays the number of files in the path and the +1 doesn't seem to take effect.
What's the best way to find supported colors programmatically?
** Note: GoLang is referenced, but the post is mostly about the bash environment
What's the best way to find all supported colors of a bash shell programmatically?
I'm making an app that helps with formatting text with colors, made with Go, but built for Linux shells. It's working, but I'd like to find a better way of selecting color support.
As of right now, I just check the value output by the tput colors
command. If that gives a value other than 8 or 256, I check the TERM environment variable against a list of known TERM values to determine if it's a 256 or 8-color shell. If the TERM is unknown, default to no color.
// Convert the TERM variable to lower
switch strings.ToLower(term) {
// 256 colors
case "xterm":
case "rxvt-unicode":
case "rxvt-unicode-256color":
// 8 colors
case "ansi":
case "rxvt":
case "linux":
case "vs100":
case "vt220":
// Otherwise, load no colors
After which, I load a map (dictionary) with up to 256 values that can fetch hex color codes via a color name, then output those colors formatted in RGB later (i.e. '\\033[X8;2;R;G;Bm').
I know this system is very flawed, so I ask:
Is there something else I should be doing?
Is this a minor shellcheck omission?
Assigning a variable that starts with a digit inside an arithmetic context.
echo $num "$2num"
Shellcheck 0.10.0 bash 5.1.16. 2num
on line 4 isn't marked as an error by shellcheck.
$ shellcheck --color=never test.sh
In test.sh line 2:
^------------^ SC2282 (error): Variable names can't start with numbers, so this is interpreted as a command.
For more information:
https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2282 -- Variable names can't start with n...
$ bash -x test.sh
• test.sh 2 1num=11
test.sh: line 2: 1num=11: command not found
• test.sh 3 (( num=1+2 ))
• test.sh 4 (( 2num=10+2 ))
test.sh: line 4: ((: 2num: value too great for base (error token is "2num")
• test.sh 5 echo 3 num
3 num
What does value too great for base
error actually mean?
Several questions about my shell script:
xsetroot -name "$(free -h | awk '/^Mem:/ {print $3 "/" $2}') $(uptime --pretty | sed -e 's/up //g' -e 's/ days/d/g' -e 's/ day/d/g' -e 's/ hours/h/g' -e 's/ hour/h/g' -e 's/ minutes/m/g' -e 's/, / /g') $(date +"%a, %B %d %l:%M%p"| sed 's/ / /g') $(amixer get Master | tail -n1 | sed -r 's/.*\[(.*)%\].*/\1/')"
1. How do I replace uptime with the load given via the uptime command?
2. How do I make the date ISO-8601 format, and the time 24 hour time?
3. How do I add disk space (/)?
4. Is it possible to add IPv6, wireless, and ethernet, so that it looks the same as i3's:
`wireless _first_ {`
`format_up = "W: (%quality at %essid, %bitrate / frequency) %ip`
`format_down = "W: down"`
`ethernet _first_ {`
`format_up = "E: %ip (%speed)"`
`format_down = "E: down"`
Duplicated HTTPD Log parsing output issue.
I've written a bash script that works almost perfectly but I am having an issue with the output. The issue is that each of the data for a filename is being duplicated.
The purpose of the script is to parse all of the Apache2 httpd log files in a directory and to count how many times an IP address accesses wp-login.php. It then should output the file name and Ip counts below the filename. While this is working, the output is duplicated for each filename. I've tried so many ways to fix this, but I'm pretty sure it's beyond my skillset. Here is the script:
log_files=$(find "$log_directory" -type f ! -name '*bytes*' -size +0 -not -name 'ftp*' -not -name '*imapbytes*' -not -name '*popbytes*' | sort -u)
​for logfile in $log_files; do
filename=$(basename "$logfile")
wp_login_accesses=$(awk '$7 == "/wp-login.php" {print $1}' "$logfile")
ip_counts=$(echo "$wp_login_accesses" | sort | uniq -c)
sorted_counts=$(echo "$ip_counts" | sort -nr)
total_count=$(echo "$sorted_counts" | wc -l)
​if [ "$total_count" -ge 5 ]; then
top_5=$(echo "$sorted_counts" | head -n 5)
echo "Top 5 IP Addresses in $filename:"
while IFS= read -r line; do
printf "%s\n" "$line"
done <<< "$top_5"
Printf -v var
printf -v var “%s” “hi”
echo “$var”
printf “%s” “hi” | tee somefile
cat somefile
Why this one doesnt work?
printf -v var “%s” “hi” | tee somefile
echo “$var” # var is empty
cat somefile # file is empty
So what is your bash coding environment?
It's a quiet Saturday on the subreddit, so I was curious.
My setup is:
Neovim → conquer of completion (coc.nvim) → coc-sh Current version 1.2.2
I do want to learn lua to set up those nvim language server protocol to skip coc. Just not that good on learning new things.
I do not have any other bash related plugins. Ok, I use nerdtree
to navigate sourced files, but I don't think that counts.
My PS4='•\[\e[1;33m\] ${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/} ${LINENO}\[\e[m\] '
So I usually have the code in my right pane and the execution of the code with bash -x on the left, to see where I messed up.
Any workflow, cool plugins you might want to share?
Help with quotes and variables
Hi all, I am new to bash. I have a problem to which I haven't found a solution yet. I am starting to learn right now, so forgive me if my knowledge of bash isn't the best at all.
What I want to achieve is this output:
command $d
Where "command" is a command and $d is a variable. The variable d is based on another variable, called a.
It's something like this: d="/home/name/$a".
The problem is that variable a contains single quotes, like this: a='name of the file'
So, as you can guess the idea is to launch a command with the path of the file. However, the single quotes make it very difficult because when under the double quotes ("") are interpreted differently. How can I overcome this problem?
Bash script help to launch docker container
I’m running Debian 12 and I have a Windows 11 docker container that I use with FreeRDP. I would like to have an “app” for lack of a better term that when clicked would start the windows container and start FreeRDP. I’ve written an easy little bash script that starts both the container and FreeRDP. I’m running into trouble checking to see if the windows container is already running. If it is, then just launch FreeRDP. If not, launch both.
I also need to have the script automatically stop the Windows container when I close out of FreeRDP.
Anyone have any ideas about the best way to do this?
TIL: not all line continuations are the same
An unquoted slash `\` can be used to continue some command onto the next line:
$ echo abc \
> def
abc def
Both `||` and `&&` act like that:
$ echo abc &&
> echo def
$ ! echo 123 ||
> echo 345
But there is something more to the last two: you can put multiple newlines OR comments in-between:
$ echo abc &&
> # some
> # comment
> echo def
Or in a more practical code:
[[ $repack_early3 == n ]] ||
# The symlink is no longer needed
rm "$initrd_main/lib/modules/$kernel/kernel"
What is the role of bash script in Machine Learning?
This is the requirement of a ML intern. Can anyone tell me what is the use cases of bash script in ML field?
Thanks in Advance
A bachelor’s, master's, or PhD (ongoing or complete) degree or equivalent from a top university, available to join for an in-office Summer Internship from May 2024.
Prior experience with training, building, and deploying models via Tensorflow/Pytorch (or similar) is mandatory.
Experience with CI/CD pipelines and MLOps for automating model deployments.
Skilled in using Linux, SQL, Git, and BASH scripting.
Strong knowledge of Python and hands-on.
Help with variables
Hi all. I am not a programmer though I have some basics of coding from some years ago. I tried writing a script for my computer (Linux) mostly for fun.
I don't know much of bash, but since the script was overall easy, I only read the very basics.
The idea of the script is to launch some games with MelonDS or mgba.
The command for melonDS is "melonDS path/of/the game".
The script:
- lists the games
-asks for input for the name of the game and stores the name in a variable (a)
- if the last three letters are "nds" then executes the command "melonDS path/$a" (where a is the name of the game)
- haven't written the rest yet
The problem is that I don't understand what I might be doing wrong, because the final result is indeed "melonDS /path/of/the game" but melonDS just launches without the actual game. When I run the exact same command from terminal, it works.
Sorry, if this is maybe a noob mistake, that's my real first script.
Update 2: I noticed that the "d" variable part was wrong. Thanks for pointing out!
Now, I noticed that the name and path is not stored in the correct way. There are the '\' signs, so the final command comes out wrong.
rsync-based mv--remove dirs in source as they get synced?
I'm implementing an rsync-based version of mv because destination is not reliable (not using --checksum
though, rsync by default compares file sizes and modification times which I assume is good enough for media files)?
Any way, with --remove-source-files
it only removes files, leaving behind empty directories under the source directory. I handle this manually by checking if there are files in source dir after the rsync operation and if not, rm -r
However, the rsync operation is potentially very long and I would like it to behave like mv where as a file gets moved, it gets deleted (vs. the existing behavior described above where empty remaining directories do not get deleted).
Is there a way to implement this without invoking an rsync on every sub directory of source directory (so that when each sub directory gets synced, rsync ends so clean up of files can begin for that sub directory)? I imagine that would significantly slow down performance of the overall sync. I guess rync would need to support some kind of hook otherwise (not that I would expect it to, it's not inline with unix philosophy of just doing one thing well).
A script to automatically rename music folders
I'm doing some cleaning in my local music files and I would like to change the way the folders of my albums are named. Currently it is Album name (YYYY), "YYYY" being the release year of the album ; and I would like to change that for : YYYY_Album name
But since I have thousands of albums, I think it would be quite long to do this manually 😬, so I thought about writing a script. The only problem is... I do not know how to write a script 😭😁
Could you help me to do this ?
I need a script
I am trying to write a bash script that will search for MAC address pattern in a file. Any suggestions?
Fetching value from .json file
I've got a .json file that contains the following:
"delimiter": "|",
"queueFileName": "~/Documents/SendEmailQueue.txt"
Then I've got a script that fetches the queueFileName value via:
queueFileName=$(jq -r '.shared.queueFileName' Backup.json)
In an attempt to figure out what's happening, specifically the script is not finding the file in question, I added the following bit of code:
if -f "${queueFileName}"
echo "Queue file, \"${queueFileName}\", is present"
if -s "${queueFileName}"
echo "... and it's not empty!"
echo "... but empty!"
echo "Queue file, \"${queueFileName}\", not found"
When I run the script, the following is displayed:
Queue file, "~/Documents/SendEmailQueue.txt", not found
However... if I change the "queueFileName" value in the .json file, (removing the "\~/" shortcut), to this;
The following is displayed in the terminal window:
Queue file, "/home/babbayagga/Documents/SendEmailQueue.txt", is present
... and it's not empty!
It's as if the "\~/" shortcut is not being expanded. Does anyone know why this might be happening?
Having fun trying to figure out how much Perl do I have in my Ubuntu system
Here's what I got: file /usr/bin/* | grep 'Perl script text' | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/.$//' | xargs wc -l | sort -n
I'm sure it's not all but I'm getting over 60k LoC
(I was curious about this because it's a language that I hope I'll never learn and so these files will forever be a black box to me :) )
Hex encode
Is it possible to hex encode a string using bash one liner or common built in programs on linux instead of installing some program to do it?
Notifies me through dunst, when volume changes.
It would be nice, if someone could help me, because I don't know a lot about scripting.
I think this problem is not too difficult.
I want to use wireplumber to show me the volume level in percent through
"wpctl get-volume "@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@".
And I want the message to get displayed though the notifier dunst.
Building Signal for RaspberryPi. Look over the start of this script?
Using THIS blog post as a start I put this together. This will build but some things are hard coded and Id like to "detect" more. Like pulling a "stable" branch for Signal or always installing the latest nvm. I'm also struggling to use sed correctly to edit the packages.json file to add the "AppImage" part.
Any help is welcome. Hope theres a few folks out there that want this.
## This script based on Andrea Fortunas blog post here: https://andreafortuna.org/2019/03/27/how-to-build-signal-desktop-on-linux/
## NVH Homepage: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm
## Signal-Desktop releases: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Desktop/releases
sudo apt install build-essential -y
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash
git clone https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Desktop.git --branch v7.4.0-beta.2 .local/share/Signal-Desktop ; exit
####EXIT TERMINAL HERE (i think to reset bash enviornment)
cd ~/.local/share/Signal-Desktop/
#sed -i 's/original/new/g' package.json
nvm use ; nvm install 20.9.0 ; npm install --global yarn ; yarn install --frozen-lockfile ; yarn generate ; yarn build-release
mkdir ~/.local/share/applications
cat > ~/.local/share/applications/signal-desktop.desktop <<EOF
Desktop Entry
Exec=env LANGUAGE=tlh ~/.local/share/Signal-Desktop/release/linux-arm64-unpacked/signal-desktop --no-sandbox %U
Comment=Private messaging from your desktop
#rm -R ~/.local/share/applications/signal-desktop.desktop ~/.local/share/Signal-Desktop ~/.nvm ##.config/Signal/
I've implemented a few utilities to enumerate/disable/enable Linux input devices using Bash shell scripts
command help
I want to use a simple one-liner something like this:
whois $domainname | grep "Expir" | xargs $domainname = example.com
Something I can quickly change (or make into an useful alias).
I'm on the hunt for a new domain name, and want to avoid the long wall of text that comes from each whois search.
Is this possible without making it complicated and using script files etc?
why does /bin/bash -c 'ssh user@host' work?
I expected keyboard input for ssh running in a child shell to break, and that I would have to do something fancy with wiring the child process input/output to the parent shell's tty, but to my surprise this worked without any fanciness required? Would someone be able to explain what is happening at a low level that enables this to work? Thank you!
Validating input and adding a prefix before executing ansible playbook
I am creating a bash script that runs an ansible playbook. So far I have
cd /path/to/playbook
python3 inventory_updater.py
# Check if there are no errors from executing python script.
[ $? -eq 0 ] # Is this an appropriate way to check with an if condition and exit code ?
read -p "Enter store numbers separated by commas (e.g., 22345,28750): " store_numbers
ansible-playbook update_specific_stores.yml -e "target_hostnames=$store_numbers"
. Prompt user if incorrect.
duplicate a telnet entry
I am trying to replicate something simple like this
telnet IP
#011000 (typed in manually)
I hit the enter key and the command executes
when I try to duplicate that
echo '#011000' | netcat -N IP
this does NOT work. I'm guessing because of the carriage return isn't being sent.
What am I missing to get this to work. I'm guessing the echo isn't sending an "enter" key at the end
I also tried
echo '#011000\r' | netcat -N IP
but that didn't work either.
What am I missing?
grep \ sed \ awk random parameter from a line between special characters
I have a echo of "getend passwd <user>" with format:
How to get randomFullname parameter between fixed quantity of special characters like : ?
Enhance ArchLinux with this Bash Wrapper for Reflector
Greetings, r/bash and /r/archlinux enthusiasts,
I'm sharing a Bash script designed to automate the updating of your Pacman mirrorlist, ensuring you're always fetching packages from the fastest, most reliable mirrors. This tool not only updates your mirrorlist but also offers the flexibility to create a systemd service for automatic updates at your preferred frequency.
Key Features:
Update your Pacman mirrorlist with mirrors best suited for your region.
Customize the number of mirrors to test, filter by country, protocol, and more.
Create a systemd service to automate updates on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
Includes options for dry runs, logging, and verbose output for detailed process insights.
The script requires root or sudo privileges and is designed with options to tailor its operation to your needs, such as setting the country or region code for mirror filtering, excluding specific mirrors, and adjusting the number of mirrors to test.
Usage: ./update_mirrorlist.sh [OPTIONS]
Options include:
-h, --help for displaying the help menu.
-c, --country <code> to set the country or region code.
--config <path> to use a specific configuration file.
And more, detailed within the script's help section.
Example Commands:
To set the service frequency to daily and test 100 mirrors: ./update_mirrorlist.sh -f daily -m 100
For a dry run using HTTP protocol and creating the systemd service: ./update_mirrorlist.sh -s -p http --dry-run
The script is thoroughly commented, making customization straightforward for those different levels of Bash knowledge. Feel free to adapt, improve, and share your enhancements.
Half of why I post these things is to get feedback on how my submission can be improved and/or just done plain better. You don't know what you don't know.
GitHub Script
Config File