why can't I rm "file"
Edited: I did a mistake: hi, doing ls I have some files named "name'", why do not I can rm them?
when I tipe rm name nothing pass. rm nam<tab> nothing pass...
these names have " '" note ' before last "
Thank you and Regards!
do you know if command dmesg has history?
Hi, i'd like to see if I can see the history of command dmesg for see log for a session before ...
command journalctl -p err -b -0 has history changing the number
can I do similar for dmesg?
Thank you and regards!
Having a lot of problems trying to call Ncat from a script. Kinda going crazy trying to find a combination that works as expected, need some guidance.
As the title alludes to, I've been trying to make a bash script that calls the Ncat util ([from nmap](https://nmap.org/)) to capture phone logs being streamed from our phone server. This works as expected 10/10 times, I run the command as such:
ncat <IP> <PORT>
Boom, expected behavior. Ncat makes connection, immediately starts displaying data.
When I try to put this into a script, it also works as expected. The problem comes when I try to redirect the output. I've encountered some odd and unexpected behavior when trying to load the PID into a variable in a script by means of VAR=$!
No matter what I do when using the format:
ncat <IP> <PORT> > output.csv & NCAT_PID=$!
the script fails immediately. File gets created, but of course nothing inside.
This led me down a rabbit hole of trying many many different variations of this trying to get the script to keep alive after calling it, and I tried at least 5 different methods, all ending with the same result.
Based on GPT recommendations I've tried:
* using the -k flag (never expected this to work cause it's not being used in listen mode)
* using nohup
* using disown
* using a basic while loop with "while true; do"
* redirecting stdin to /dev/null
After lots of trial-and-error, the ONLY THING that seemed to yield a different result was using && to get the PID, like so:
`ncat <IP> <PORT> > output.csv && NCAT_PID=$!`
This method does keep the ncat process alive, and appears to correctly load the NCAT\_PID variable.
Running ncat in an interactive shell like this
`ncat <IP> <PORT> > test.csv & PID=$!`
Somehow does ALMOST what I'm looking for. It starts an ncat process in the background, and loads A PID into that variable, for some reason it's just never the correct one.
I'm kind of at a loss as to how to proceed.
Part of why I started this was to figure out a way to run this ncat process each day, load the output into a unique file for that day, and kill it and restart at the start of a new day, to create a new file. I thought something like this would be pretty straight forward but it's proving rather difficult.
Any thoughts on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated :)
Thanks in advance!
Run command after certain time has elapsed
Hi, I'm trying to create a volume/brightness overlay that opens a window and closes it after a certain amount of time. The problem is that if I run my overlay script multiple times, the overlay window gets closed at random and flickers a bit. I'm currently doing the following:
Overlay() {
eww update icon="$icon" percent="$percent" && eww open overlay
sleep 2
eww close overlay
if $percent -gt 100 ; then
wpctl @ 5%+
This is a simplified version of my script. The full version can be viewed here.
can I use mv (here only files) dir/
Hi, could I use any flag in command mv for only move files to destiny (a dir is destiny). Not recursive! just first level.
mv -¿...? dir/
= only files (with and without extension)
Thank you and Regards!
Can I set bash to automatically start in POSIX mode?
Hi, stupid question: Can I set bash to automatically start in POSIX mode? Could this be done using chsh or .bashrc?
I have written a utility to transcribe user-specified media files to subtitles using Bash
Bash script to simplify finding Flatpaks via the command line
Filter video files by codec?
How to list and sort/move video files by codec?
Ideally just move all have/x265 files into a subfolder kinda thing.
I've just grabbed mediainfo and am prodding at but don't really know what I'm doing....I suspect with a little bash and some knowledge it should make this simple.
What terminal app do you use on your Linux distro
Hello everyone,
I am a Mac user, and there is a long time I don't use a Linux distribution. My terminal app is iTerm2. What is the best replacement for iTerm on Linux distro, such as, Ubuntu/Fedora/Alpine ?
My requirements are 256xterm colors and font change ability.
When a process is killed because it exhausted free memory, I'd prefer bash says "Killed: out of memory" instead of just "Killed"
I see in siglist.c the internationalized string:
sys_siglist[SIGKILL] = _("Killed");
But I'm wondering if we can use anything that the kernel does around https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/mm/oom_kill.c#L947 to tell the user that the reason was low memory?
Learning more practical automation
Can anyone point me to where I can learn more real world scripting. More so applying updates to things or monitoring system health, so far all of the “courses” don’t really help more than understanding simple concepts.
Trying to understand why my search returns no results
Hi all,
Let me preface this by saying this is day one of my scripting journey. I'll also add that I am using ChatGPT to try to cheat the hell out of it!
With that said, here is my problem. I am going step by step through the process of converting a PDF to text, parsing the text for info and then saving that info into a csv file.
I am on OSX so I started by using Shortcuts to "Get text from PDF" which i initially outputted to a text file; it worked fine. I then added a script (generated by ChatGPT) to search the clipboard (I changed the Shortcuts output to the clipboard) for the line "Grand Total" and output the line below (which had the amount) to a csv file. However the script can't find the line "Grand Total". Ive tried this initially with Applescript and now with a shell script, neither work.
Here is the code I'm using:
echo "pbpaste version: $(pbpaste)"
# Get the clipboard contents
# Convert the clipboard text into an array of lines
mapfile -t lines <<< "$input_text"
# Initialize variables
# Loop through each line
for ((i = 0; i < ${#lines[@]}; i++)); do
# Normalize the line by trimming spaces and converting to lowercase
current_line=$(echo "${lines[i]}" | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
# Check if line contains "grand total" (case-insensitive)
if [[ "$current_line" == *"grand total"* ]]; then
# Get the next line for the total amount and trim whitespace
grand_total_value=$(echo "${lines[i+1]}" | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//')
# Check if "Grand Total" was found
if [ "$grand_total_found" = true ]; then
# Prompt for output file location
echo "Enter the path to save the CSV file (e.g., /path/to/output.csv):"
read -r output_file
# Write "Grand Total" and value to the CSV file
echo "Grand Total,$grand_total_value" > "$output_file"
echo "Grand Total saved to CSV successfully at $output_file"
echo "No 'Grand Total' found in the clipboard text."
And here is the output from that currrently:
> pbpaste version: Remittance Statement
> 1.00
> To:
> Date: 31/10/2024
> Ref: TR16246
> (Property) REDACTED
> Date Main Tenant Description VAT
> Charge
> (inc VAT)
> Payment
> (inc VAT)
> 29/11/2022 Not Applicable 392208 7,850.29
> 0.00
> 7,850.29
> 0.00
> Grand Total
> 7,850.29
> E-mail: REDACTED
> Page 1 of 2
> Income and Expenditure
> Type VAT
> Charges
> (inc VAT)
> c000- Contractor Charge 7,850.29
> Payments
> (inc VAT)
> Totals
> 7,850.29
> Total Remitted 7,850.29
> Page 2 of 2
> No 'Grand Total' found in the clipboard text.
I added the echo just to review the text it was taking from the clipboard was correct.
Any help at this basic stage much appreciated as this is going to get more complicated (I'll eventually need to output multiple lines). Also, what are the best places to look for documentation onn this sort of stuff?
Thanks all.
Who else has something like this in their .rc?
straight to prod \(\/s\)
Idea's needed
I was mildly annoyed at the one line update script for ubuntu. So I created a wonderfully bloated monstrosity of a bash script to accomplish the updates and some other stuff. I wish to bloat this thing further with more functionality. Any ideas would be appreciated.
for avoid inrtermitent wifi I use a radioonline, I'd like to test doing instead a ping...
Hi, I'd like to do a command with ping during the time I am online, so I will open a terminal and write a command with ping,what will be that command?
ping -time configurable for repeat every ¿1 min, or 2 min 0r 30 seg?...
when I cut wifi close the terminal. just I need that command with config time and where to do the ping.
Thank you and Regards!
Naming conventions for constants (readonly variables)
For variables and functions, the naming conventions seems to be snake_case. Is this also the case for all constants?
Or are primitive constants (like int, string) always SCREAMING_SNAKE CASE and non-primitive constants (like arrays) use snake_case?
How to sequentially execute commands with a bash script?
I want to make a simple blocklet for i3's status bar to cycle through ddcutil "presets" for my monitor brightness. Basically, to make it execute the ddcutil command (ddcutil set 10 100
) with brightness values in a sequence like 100, 75, 50, 25, 0 (and wrap around after reaching 0) each time the script is executed. But I'm really new to bash and I'm not sure how do I do it. Is there an example available?
I'm fairly sure I'll need to make it read the current brightness value (that is reported with ddcutil getvcp 10
with the output looking like VCP code 0x10 (Brightness ): current value = 50, max value = 100
) to decide which command should it execute next time.
How can I replicate this ZSH prompt using Bash?
this is the code:
function fmt_ms() {
local total_ms=$1
local ms=$((total_ms % 1000))
local total_seconds=$((total_ms / 1000))
local seconds=$((total_seconds % 60))
local total_minutes=$((total_seconds / 60))
local minutes=$((total_minutes % 60))
local hours=$((total_minutes / 60))
local formatted=""
[[ $hours -gt 0 ]] && formatted+="${hours}h "
[[ $minutes -gt 0 ]] && formatted+="${minutes}min "
[[ $seconds -gt 0 ]] && formatted+="${seconds}s "
echo "$formatted"
function preexec() {
timer=$(($(date +%s%0N)/1000000))
function precmd() {
if [ $timer ]; then
now=$(($(date +%s%0N)/1000000))
formatted=$(fmt_ms $elapsed)
PROMPT="%(?.%F{green}%?%f.%F{red}%?%f) %F{blue}%1~%f %F{8}${formatted:+$formatted}%f%F{yellow}$%f "
unset timer
PROMPT="%(?.%F{green}%?%f.%F{red}%?%f) %F{blue}%1~%f %F{yellow}$%f "
PROMPT="%(?.%F{green}%?%f.%F{red}%?%f) %F{blue}%1~%f %F{yellow}$%f "
it looks like this:
From left to right it shows the status code of the last command, 0 is green, anything else is red, it shows the current directory in blue, the execution time of the last command in gray formatted with hours, minutes and seconds and finally a yellow dollar sign.
DirDiff: does anyone know to set depht to compare?
Hi, I'd like to use dirdiff with a degree of depht for compare 2 dirs. why? I have some heavy sub-dirs (with lots of pics, vids) and spend lot of time seeing into them! If I can set depht: bingo!
Thank you and regards!
Config skill issue
How to remove line number in bat command
GitHub - helpermethod/up: Climbing the directory tree at the speed of thought.
Article about Bash Strict Mode
I write an article about Bash Strict Mode.
I would love to hear your feedback:
Looking for some guidance on how to tackle this problem with bash. Had a few ideas that I think can work but would like more experienced opinions.
Hello! For context to the title, I'm trying to make a bash script(s) that use the ncat util from nmap to capture data being streamed by a phone server, that part I've been able to accomplish no problem. I'm running into an issue when trying to take that data capture and output it to unique daily files, and having those files have only the output for that specific day.
The issues i've ran into are:
* if I move the file where ncat is being redirected to, it keeps appending to that same file even after renaming
* if I try to have the script running ncat change the file name to make new output file every day, no dice.
* using a cron job worked to an extent, in that scenario the ncat command was still putting everything in 1 big file and that was what was copied daily.
How would you approach something like this??
I've changed my scripts around a lot and the concepts are pretty simple so I haven't pasted my code here in the post, but if you'd like to see some of it by all means just ask :)
One thought I had was to make the script running ncat in a way where it can be called by a cron job, the only issue I can see there is making sure the ncat process stops after the day's over.
ImageMagick6: ¿how change save 75 compr.(default) to 95 compr.?
Hi, this ask is about ImageMagic 6: Do you know how I change the compression for save by default is 75 and I'd like to set compression 95 (so change 75 for 95 by default).
Thank you and Regards!
Simple bash script help
Looking to create a very simple script to start a few services at once just for ease. My issue is it only wants to run one or the other. I'm assuming because they're both trying to run in the same shell? Right now I just have
cd ~/path/to/file &
./run.sh &
sudo npm run dev
As it sits, it just starts up the npm server. If I delete that line, it runs the initial bash script fine. How do I make it run the first script, then open a new shell and start the npm server?
Temporarily change terminal 16 color palette in a script?
What's the specific term to call/describe the 16 colors that's always being used by the terminal? (neofetch colored squares, etc.)
And is there a way to dynamically change them through a script?
Searching for solutions, not sure if the command I need is tput
or dircolors
or something else.
Why do I want to do this? One utility I'm using will only use the set of 16 colors used by the terminal. I'm looking for a workaround so that I can force it to use colors I specify (from the 256 color set) without changing the defaults of my terminal.
Bash grep
I've tried numerous rules, but I can't seem to figure out the correct pattern.
I have numerous words in a file
abcd:1234:ef35 f24a:5fa3 ab12:34fa:cd42
Help (Newbie)
if i gonna learning bash scripting, where to start and how?. i know understand bash scripting, but can'not make it myself