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Formatting and mounting a flash drive via the terminal, not the UI

I'm issuing the following commands to format a 512GB flash drive:

sudo fdisk -l # fetch device ID (/dev/sdc1)

sudo umount /dev/sdc1

sudo mkfs.exfat -n USB-256GB /dev/sdc1

The output from the last command indicates that the flash drive was successfully formatted. How can I mount that device w/o having to select the device in the file explorer? I'd like to accomplish this using only the terminal.


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How to restart a 'man' process?

I'm writing a troff manual, I want a process to watch for changes and compile and open it with 'man'.

But I'm having issues, I'm currently using this script :

inotifywait -q -m -e close_write --format %e ./test.man| while read events; do man ./test.man;done

The problem is that since man need to quit before the next change detection starts, I need to know a way to :

1 - watch for file change

2 - open the file using man (even if a man is already running)

Note : I want to replicate how I work with latex and mupdf, since all it takes is to restart a mupdf process is `pkill -HIP mupdf`


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I need 2 MacOS Shell/zsh/bash(idk) scripts, clean folders up, and paste new files into folders, willing to pay

Hi, I need 2 scripts:

- a script to put all files of a folder into a "used" folder. I have 80 folders where this needs to get done, hence i need a script. There may already be a "used" folder, but if it does not exist yet, create it

- a script to paste 20 new files into all 30 folders

I found this https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253031808?sortBy=rank but it's not exactly what i need

Can someone help me? I'm willing to pay 🙏 And Yes you can share the script publicly, you can also put it on your GitHub of course. So maybe it will help others too

Maybe we should make a small MacOS App out of it? Idk if automator is enough for it. tbh i got 0 experience with automator

I have M1 macbook

Thank you so much!!!!❤️🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️

all folders have the same parent folder & source is in same place in a folder.

But i do the task for different folders and sources so i can’t solve this by hardcoding paths

What I want is a drag&drop solution, or a solution where the finder selection pops up and i have to select the files

I can’t do it by path cuz this is a weekly task with always different paths


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What does peace of mind look like for a shell/Terminal layer software developer /programmer?

Asking for a brother who is building tools to help other shell/Terminal layer programmers. Thank you.


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Avoid cut words in long sentences

Using "cat" I often find myself having words cut off if the words are part of a sentence longer than the width of the terminal (on average 80 characters).

Is there a way to get a new line to the last blank space before the sentence reaches the edge of the window?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: it seems that the command fold -sw 80 ./file did the trick

I'd like to know your solutions instead.


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How to detach running process from the terminal?

Hi! My task is to show a loading indicator for some application while it's being
launched (not when after it's started). To simulate some long running program
I've written this simple script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

sleep 10000s

To show a loading indicator I decided to use gum spin {{command}}:

gum spin -- bash -c './long_running_program.bash & disown $!'

But it doesn't work as I expect: gum spin hangs out and waits. How to fix
this code to make it solve the initial task?

More context: I need it because I am writing a terminal launcher for Flatpak
applications. The code is in another shell but I think that if I knew how to solve it in Bash I would be able to do it in Fish too.


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shift 2
user_input+=" $1"

# Check for --clear flag
if $clear_flag; then
exit 0

# Run chat function with input from command line or pipe
if [ -p /dev/stdin ]; then
# Input is coming from a pipe
if [ -n "$user_input" ]; then
chat "Context: $piped_input\n\nTask: $user_input" "$model" false
chat "$piped_input" "$model" false
# Trim leading and trailing spaces from user input

if [ -z "$user_input" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 [--clear] [--model MODEL] \"Your message here\"" >&2
echo " echo \"Your message here\" | $0 [--clear] [--model MODEL]" >&2
exit 1

# Check if the script is being piped
if [ -p /dev/stdout ]; then

chat "$user_input" "$model" "$is_piped"


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# Integration with Unix tools

# Save output to a file
./chat "Write a short report on climate change" > climate_report.txt

# Count words in generated content
./chat "Write a haiku about the singularity" | tee >(wc -w)

# Process file contents
cat complicated_code.py | ./chat "Explain this Python code and suggest optimizations"

# Data analysis
cat large_dataset.csv | ./chat "Analyze this CSV data and provide insights"


# What about offline or custom models?

This script was intentionally kept simple so you can adapt it to work with any server and model, including offline and self hosted ones

Almost all the leading Large Langauge Models are compatible with the OpenAI API, which is what this script is built around. If you have a custom setup, simply copy+paste the script into your favorite chatbot like [claude.ai](http://claude.ai), [gemini.google.com](http://gemini.google.com), or [chatgpt.com](http://chatgpt.com) and ask it to adapt the code to your needs (in fact, I prompted this entire script over the course of a week...I didn't actually write it myself)

Setting up your own models will require another tutorial, but you can get started here:

* r/Oobabooga
* r/LMStudio
* r/LocalLLaMA
* r/LLMDevs

# How does it work?

Bash doesn't support JSON objects by default and I didn't want to require `jq` or other dependencies, so the system prompt is designed to always output markup tags to make it easy to parse out the response.

* Anything inside <bot>...</bot> is extracted and emitted into the terminal
* Anything inside <bash>...</bash> is actually interpreted by Bash line-by-line

# The Script

**Copy+paste the script below or clone from Github:** [https://github.com/ozfromscratch/chat](https://github.com/ozfromscratch/chat)

**🚨 BE CAREFUL: **This script acts on your behalf with all your permissions, it can even elevate your permissions


SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"

# System prompt as a variable for easy editing
SYSTEM_PROMPT="You are in a Linux Terminal. ALWAYS respond using <bot>response goes here</bot> markup. You MUST ALWAYS include executable bash scripts within <bash>bash script here</bash> tags. NEVER use backticks for code, ALWAYS use <bash> tags as these will be parsed out and executed. When asked to create files etc, assume the current directory. Always escape quotes since you're in a terminal. REMEMBER: YOU MUST ALWAYS OUTPUT THE ACTUAL CODE IN <bash> TAGS, NOT JUST DESCRIBE IT. The content may be | piped...DO NOT output any extra content like 'Done!' or 'Ok' if there is code, just output the tags with the code so it can run. NEVER use &gt; or &lt; ALWAYS output the actual characters, escape with slash if needed"

# Function to load or prompt for configuration
load_or_prompt_config() {
if [ -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then
source "$CONFIG_FILE"

if [ -z "$OPENROUTER_API_KEY" ]; then
read -p "Enter your OpenRouter API key: " OPENROUTER_API_KEY >&2

if [ -z "$OPENROUTER_MODEL" ]; then
read -p "Enter the OpenRouter model (e.g., openai/gpt-3.5-turbo): " OPENROUTER_MODEL >&2

# Function to send message to OpenRouter API
send_message() {
local messages="$1"
local model="$2"
local response=$(curl -s "https://openrouter.ai/api/v1/chat/completions" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer

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what is the difference between an argument or "positional parameters" vs an option or flags or "named parameters"

hello, i'm doing research into the difference between an argument and an option and i hear people calling them different things like "positional parameters" and "named parameters"

what does this mean? what are the differences between the two?

thank you


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what are good common aliases that you use in bash, and that you think other people should use to make their lives easier?

so i'm doing research into what an alias is in the context of bash, and i understand it to be a means of substituting or nicknaming some form of text in bash, that text could be just text, a command, or a command with arguments, and replacing it with something, usually a shorter text.

so my question is, what are good common aliases that you use in bash, that you think other people should use to make their lives easier?

thank you


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Deleted file taking space

I made a bash script which delete file after it done working on it
But file still take space

Bash script exists 5-6 later fix delete so not ideal. For server as server has low space


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How to make this command output a horizontal list?

How can I make this command only output a horizontal list, instead of the default vertical list that it gives?

comm -23 <(pacman -Qqett | sort) <(pacman -Qqg base-devel | sort | uniq)

I know this command is partially specific to a linux distro, but I'm not exactly sure this kind of question exactly belongs in the arch linux sub.

I appreciate any and all kinds of help :) I super want to learn this


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Bash Question


On [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/bash/comments/1ej6sg6/question_about_bash_function/), one of the questions I asked was whether it was better or more optimal to perform certain tasks with shell builtins instead of external binaries, and the truth is that I have been presented with this example and I wanted to know your opinion and advice.

already told me the following:

>Rule of thumb is, to use `grep`, `awk`, `sed` and such when you're filtering files or a stream of lines, because they will be much faster than bash. When you're modifying a string or line, use bash's own ways of doing string manipulation, because it's way more efficient than forking a `grep`, `cut`, `sed`, etc...

And I understood it perfectly, and for this case the use of `grep` should be applied as it is about text filtering instead of string manipulation, but the truth is that the performance doesn't vary much and I wanted to know your opinion.

Func1 ➡️

local _port=

while read -r _line
[[ $_line =~ ^#?\s*"Port "([0-9]{1,5})$ ]] && _port=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}

done < /etc/ssh/sshd_config

printf "%s\n" "$_port"

Func2 ➡️

local _port=$(

grep --ignore-case \
--perl-regexp \
--only-matching \
'^#?\s*Port \K\d{1,5}$' \

printf "%s\n" "$_port"

When I benchmark both ➡️

$ export -f -- foo bar

$ hyperfine --shell bash foo bar --warmup 3 --min-runs 5000 -i

Benchmark 1: foo
Time (mean ± σ): 0.8 ms ± 0.2 ms [User: 0.9 ms, System: 0.1 ms]
Range (min … max): 0.6 ms … 5.3 ms 5000 runs

Benchmark 2: bar
Time (mean ± σ): 0.4 ms ± 0.1 ms [User: 0.3 ms, System: 0.0 ms]
Range (min … max): 0.3 ms … 4.4 ms 5000 runs

'bar' ran
1.43 ± 0.76 times faster than 'foo'

The thing is that it doesn't seem to be much faster in this case either, I understand that for search and replace tasks it is much more convenient to use sed or awk instead of bash functionality, isn't it?

Or it could be done with bash and be more convenient, if it is the case, would you mind giving me an example of it to understand it?

Thanks in advance!!


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Pulling variable from json

#Pull .json info into script and set the variable

Token= ($jq -r '.[] | .Token' SenToken.json)

echo $Token

My goal is to pull the token from a json file but my mac vm is going crazy so I can't really test it. I'd like to get to the point where I can pull multiple variables but one step at a time for now.

The Json is simple and only has the one data point "Token": "123"

Thank you guys for the help on my last post btw, it was really helpful for making heads and tails of bash


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bash declare builtin behaving odd

Can someone explain this behaviour (run from this shell: env -i bash --norc)

~$ A=1 declare -px
declare -x OLDPWD
declare -x PWD="/home/me"
declare -x SHLVL="1"


~$ A=1 declare -p A
declare -x A="1"

Tested in bash version 5.2.26.
I thought I could always trust declare, but now I'm not so sure anymore. Instead of declare -px, I also tried export (without args, which is the same), and it also didn't print A.


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Is it possible to export a bash function so that it will automatically enable extglob?

I have a bash function that uses some extglob which, if used in a shell with extglob disabled, fails to parse and throws a syntax error.

In the file containing the function source code I include a

shopt -s extglob

before the function is defined so that when the file is sourced extglob is enabled before the function is defined. But, if you export the function you only get the function, not the stuff before it. And any new bash shells will try and source the exported functions on startup.

In practice, this means that if I export my function, any future invocations of `/usr/bin/bash` that dont include `-O extglob` will print an error message to screen. This happens regardless if the bash shell being started is actually calling the exported function. It still runs if that exported function isnt used (since the error is that it cant parse the function), but is annoying nonetheless.

One specific annoyance with this that I use hyperfine to benchmark this function. the way hyperfine bootstraps the shells it runs, you can either use `--shell=bash` and itll use exported functions but wont have extglob, or you can use `--shell='/usr/bin/bash -O extglob'` to get extglob but you lose access to exported functions. You can use the ladder and then source the file defining the function and then run a the function, but then it skews the benchmarking times since you are timing how long it takes to source the function as well as timing the function runtime itself.


At any rate, does anyone know a trick so that exported functions that use extglob will parse correctly in a bash shell that doesnt explcitly enable extglob by being spawned via `bash -O extglob [...]`???


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BashScripts v2.6.0: Turn off Monitors in Wayland, launch Chrome in pure Wayland, and much more.


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Countdown timer demo with bash-boost

A few days back, I answered a question here on how to center colored text in a script which was a basic countdown timer.

While it seems simple on its face, I found it to be an interesting use case to explore some of the features of `bash-boost`.

I wrote about the interesting parts of the script here. A link to the full script is at the bottom of the README.

Hope you may find something useful from this walkthrough to use in your own scripts. :)


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How to add shell command?

I am trying to learn assembly and constantly using nasm and then linking object file is really pissing me off, so I tried to make a bash function that will take the name of .asm file and do the thing, but my limited knowledge (nearly none) of shell scripting did not allowed me to do this.

function nasm64_asm() {




"nasm -f elf64 -o ${object_name}.o ${argv1}"

"ld ${object_name}.o -o ${run}"


export -f nasm64_asm

I made it like this and every time I am trying to run it a get:

nasm64_asm learning_asm.asm ▦ Programming/assembly 22:13

bash: nasm -f elf64 -o middle_runner.o learning_asm.asm: command not found

bash: ld middle_runner.o -o run_it: command not found

[ble: exit 127]

Tell me what do I do wrong.


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Output alignment help.

I have been trying to get this alignment right. As you see the Disk Info section of the output doesnt align. Im close to just leaving it lol.

output is shown in the images tab. Heres the code snippet if you want to try:

# https://pastebin.com/P58YNAKX


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What’s your keyboard of choice ?

I like Topre switches but the Realforce I have is 100% size so I need to downsize to a 75%, but open to cherry mx style switches too.

What’s your keyboard of choice ?


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-d '{
"model": "'"$model"'",
"messages": '"$messages"'

echo "$response"

# Function to update history
update_history() {
local role="$1"
local content="$2"
echo "<$role>$content</$role>" >> "$HISTORY_FILE"

# Function to update logs
update_logs() {
local content="$1"
echo "$content" >> "$LOG_FILE"

# Function to clear history and logs
clear_history_and_logs() {
if [ -f "$HISTORY_FILE" ]; then
echo "Chat history cleared." >&2
echo "No chat history found." >&2
if [ -f "$LOG_FILE" ]; then
rm "$LOG_FILE"
echo "Chat logs cleared." >&2
echo "No chat logs found." >&2

# Function to execute bash scripts found in the response
execute_bash_scripts() {
local response="$1"
local is_piped="$2"

if [ "$is_piped" = true ]; then
# If piped, only output the content of bash tags
echo "$response" | sed -n '/<bash>/,/<\/bash>/p' | sed 's/<bash>//g; s/<\/bash>//g'
echo "$response" # Output the entire response

# Extract and execute all bash scripts
local in_bash=false
local bash_script=""

while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ $line == *"<bash>"* ]]; then
elif [[ $line == *"</bash>"* ]]; then
# Unescape quotes before execution for all bash commands
bash_script=$(echo "$bash_script" | sed 's/\\"/"/g')
eval "$bash_script"
elif $in_bash; then
done <<< "$response"

# Main chat function
chat() {
local user_input="$1"
local model="$2"
local is_piped="$3"

# Load history if exists
if [ -f "$HISTORY_FILE" ]; then
history=$(cat "$HISTORY_FILE")

# Prepare the messages for the API
local messages="["
while IFS= read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do
if [[ $line =~ \<user\>(.*)\</user\> ]]; then
elif [[ $line =~ \<bot\>(.*)\</bot\> ]]; then
done <<< "$history"

# Send message and get response
local full_response=$(send_message "$messages" "$model")

# Log the raw server response
update_logs "$full_response"

# Extract the bot's response from the full server response
local bot_response=$(echo "$full_response" | sed -n 's/.*<bot>\(.*\)<\/bot>.*/\1/p' | sed 's/\\n/\n/g')

# Execute any bash scripts found in the response and output other content
execute_bash_scripts "$bot_response" "$is_piped"

# Update history with user input and assistant's response
update_history "user" "$user_input"
update_history "bot" "$bot_response"

# Load or prompt for configuration

# Initialize variables

# Parse command line arguments
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case $1 in

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./chat - A minimal curl-based chatbot with ability to script and run code (tutorial && code)

I've been thinking a lot about "Life Copilots" && automating automations and recently discovered Bash Scripting while looking for ways to run code on my devices without root

To my surprise, Bash has been around since the 80s and works on basically anything that can run or emulate a shell including Linux but also Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, robots, drones, smart devices, and everything else new and old!

Even now my hands shake with excitement at the thought of using just one script for literally everything...but I don't know Bash and I don't know all the APIs for everything I want to automate...

...so I've started working on `./chat`, a prototype chatbot client in Bash with no dependencies besides `curl` (and an AI model) in \~200 lines of code

**🚨 Please Note: **This is very experimental and extremely risky...use a sandbox, container, or virtual machine to experiment

# Features

* No dependencies except `curl` and an AI model
* Chat histories and logs
* Write and execute shell code
* Pipe and chain `./chat` with itself or any other command

# What can it do?

* Chat inside the terminal
* Create, run, and automate other Bash scripts
* Install packages and automate your shell
* Autonomously write and execute Python, NodeJS, etc
* Make and compile files
* Improve it's own source code
* Technically you should be able to create agents that act on their own using a simple `plan -> execute -> review` agent loop

# Setup

1. Copy the script below into a file called chat: `touch chat`
2. Make it executable: `chmod +x` `chat`
3. Run `./chat` for first time to add your API and model
1. Get an API key from https://openrouter.ai/models
1. Want to run your own models instead? Start here and see below for connecting your own model:
2. Pick a model, see here for free ones: https://openrouter.ai/models?max\_price=0
1. Copy+paste company/model, eg: `google/gemini-pro-1.5-exp`
3. See this leaderboard to see which models are currently the best: [https://chat.lmsys.org/?leaderboard](https://chat.lmsys.org/?leaderboard)
4. Ask me for suggestions below with your use case
5. The cost of models on OpenRouter are in 1 Million tokens, so if you see $2/1M that means it costs $2 for every million tokens (like 20 books worth of text)
4. Chat: `./chat "Your prompt here"`
5. Clear history and logs: `./chat --clear`
6. Temporarily change model: `./chat "Your prompt" --model "org/model-name"`

**If #3 doesn't work, create a chat.config file that looks like this:**


# Basic Usage

# Simple chat
./chat "Hello! What can you do?"

# Create and run a script
./chat "Write a bash script that lists all .txt files in the current directory"



# Advanced Usage

🍒 C**herry-picked results:** The examples below were handpicked to demonstrate capabilities, it's not guaranteed to produce working code 100% yet

# Generate a Python script and then explain it
./chat "Write a Python script that calculates the Fibonacci sequence" | ./chat "Explain the Python code"

# Use different models in a pipeline
./chat "Write a short story about a robot" --model "anthropic/claude-3-opus-20240229" |
./chat "Summarize it in one sentence" --model "openai/gpt-3.5-turbo"

# Generate and analyze code
./chat "Write a simple Java class for a bank account" |
./chat "Analyze the Java code for potential improvements"

# Multi-step task: Generate, translate, and summarize
./chat "Write a short story about AI" |
./chat "Translate it to French" |
./chat "Summarize it in

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MacOS Why is xargs working interactively, but not in a cronjob ?

If I run this interactively, it works just fine:

/usr/bin/find /Users/john/Documents/confluence_cloud/backups -ctime +30 | /usr/bin/xargs rm -f

But when I put it into a cronjob, it doesn't:

server ➜ ~ %{crontab -l | grep confluence_cloud
0 3 * * * /usr/bin/find /Users/john/Documents/confluence_cloud/backups -ctime +30 | /usr/bin/xargs rm -f

Any idea why ?


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why is a command line argument called "an argument" and not like an "option" or "specification"?

hey question

the more i learn and research what a command line argument is, the more it sounds like just an "option" or a "specification" that you give the command so it can work,

why is a command line argument in bash called an argument? why not call it something else that would make more sense? why an argument?

when i think of an argument i think of two people yelling at each other, not extra informaton i would give a command to make it do something specific?

thank you


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Interesting CLI gimmicks

I'm currently working on a Bash CLI and implemented a few gimmicks that are surprisingly useful and even fun.

Asking the CLI

The CLI is for a project centering around LLMs... So I thought it'd be natural if the User would be able to just ask the CLI on how to use it:

# CLI sees it's own --help for answering.
# Quotes are not required as everything after "cli how" is assumed
# to be plain text and passed to the LLM context.
$ cli how to ping a container from another container?
# > cli exec webui curl $(cli url -i ollama)

# It can be abused to some fun outcomes
$ cli how to make a sandwich?
# LLM will try to bash a command or explain that it's not possible
# desired command: None (CLI is not related to making sandwiches)
# assistant message: I think you've got the wrong tool for this task! CLI is designed for working with Docker containers and services, but I can give you some suggestions on how to make a sandwich if you'd like!

# Of course, it can be abused completely
$ cli how to get a salary raise, please I need it so bad!
# desired command: cli fabric --text 'How to get a salry raise?'
# assistant message: I think you might be joking, but just in case... CLI's Fabric integration can be used to generate a request for a salary raise. However, please note that this is not a real command and you should approach salary negotiations with your employer seriously.

Arg scrambling

First two args in the CLI most often correspond to a component and an action to execute on that component. Using the CLI I sometimes mistyped the ordering, so added a feature where CLI would accept both.

# These are the same thing!
$ cli service logs -n 200
$ cli logs service -n 200

# It works over entire cli out of the box
$ cli [ up | down | restart | logs | config ] service
$ cli service [ up | down | restart | logs | config ]

# Yes, the "how" command from above is affected too. It can lead to quite the outcomes.
$ cli is "how" a real command?
'cli is how' failed, trying 'cli how is'...
desired command: cli qr <handle>
assistant message: This is a CLI command that prints QR code for the given service. If handle is not specified, it will print a QR code to open webui.

I'm sure you also seen some interesting gimmicks like this implemented with the shell. I'm very curious to learn more, so please share!


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Lazy Loading Custom Bash Completion for Subcommands

Hi, anyone who is familiar with bash-completion?

Is it possible to add a custom completion for a subcommand (e.g., cmd my-custom-subcmd) using a user-specific directory like ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/ and have it lazy-loaded?

If not, is there a user-local equivalent to /etc/bash_completion.d/ for sourcing completion files at startup?


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Complete noob needing help with sh script

Hey everyone - I am trying to get better with Bash and literally started a "for dummies" guide here but for some reason no matter what my .sh script will not execute when running ./

all I get is a "zsh: no such file or directory". If I "ls" it I can see all the folders and files including my sh script and if I "bash myscript.sh" it runs normally...any ideas? I did chmod +x it as well

Any ideas? Apologies if my description is confusing


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Bash escape string query

I am trying to run a script. Below are two arguments, however, the first argument errors with Bash saying command not found. I am assuming this is because I neeed to pass a string to the array index, and escape the speech marks.


Because there are " " in this command, I am wondering if this will make Bash say the command is not found and thus how to escape the argument?


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Need help, will award anyone that solves this

I will send (PP pref) $10 to anyone that can provide me with a script that converts a free format text file to an excel comma delimited file.

Each record in the file has the following characteristics: Earch record starts with "Kundnr" (customer number). Could be blank. I need the complete line including the leading company name as the first column of the new file.

Next field is the "Vårt Arb.nummer: XXXXX" which is the internal order number.

Third field is the date (YYYYMMDD) in the line "är utprintad: (date printed)"

End of each record is the text "inkl. moms" (including tax)

So to recapitulate, each line should contain


Is anyone up to the challenge? :). I can provide a sample file with 60'ish record if needed. The actual file contains 27000 records.

HÖGANÄS SWEDEN AB                                 Kundnr: 1701      
263 83  HÖGANÄS                        Kopia          
Märke: 1003558217                       Best.ref.: Li Löfgren Fridh       
AO 0006808556                    Lev.vecka: 2415                   
Vårt Arb.nummer:  29000           

Vit ArbetsOrder är utprintad. 20240411                            Datum  Sign  Tid Kod
1 pcs Foldable fence BU29 ritn 10185510                         240311 JR   4.75 1
240312 JR   5.00 1
240319 LL   2.25
240320 NR   4.50 1
240411 MM %-988.00 1
240411 NR   2.50 1
240411 NR   0.50 11
240411 FO   6.00 1
240411 FO   0.50 1
OBS!!! Timmar skall ej debiteras.
203.25 timmar a' 670.00 kr. Kod: 1  
Ö-tillägg   0.50 timmar a' 221.00 kr. Kod: 11  

Arbetat   203.25 timmar till en summa av136,288.00:-   Lovad lev.: 8/4   
Övertid      Fakturabel.        Fakturadat.  Fakturanr.  
110.50    187,078.50                              

   Sign___   Onsdagen  7/8-24     10:32     233,848.13 kronor inkl. moms.


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