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C++ - Reddit

Vasu Agrawal - [https://youtu.be/TRQWxkRdPUI](https://youtu.be/TRQWxkRdPUI)

04/29/2024 - 05/05/2024

* Lightning Talk: Let's Fix Sparse Linear Algebra with C++. It'll Be Fun and Easy! - Benjamin Brock - [https://youtu.be/vhpj-pQTJPA](https://youtu.be/vhpj-pQTJPA)
* Lightning Talk: (Fine) Wine and MSVC: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? - Yannic Staudt - [https://youtu.be/ogrJtlaZfl4](https://youtu.be/ogrJtlaZfl4)
* Lightning Talk: Know Your Audience: Who’s Building Your C++ Code - Chris Thrasher - [https://youtu.be/xSrEHZ6Sgfg](https://youtu.be/xSrEHZ6Sgfg)
* Lightning Talk: Writing a Better std::move - Jonathan Müller - [https://youtu.be/hvnl6T2MnUk](https://youtu.be/hvnl6T2MnUk)
* Lightning Talk: Enhancing C++ exceptions with Context - Shachar Shemesh - [https://youtu.be/LvzmAJ9\_rDk](https://youtu.be/LvzmAJ9_rDk)

All of these talks can also be accessed at [https://cppcon.programmingarchive.com](https://cppcon.programmingarchive.com/) where you can also find information on how to get early access to the rest of the CppCon 2023 lightning talks.

**Audio Developer Conference**

05/20/2024 - 05/26/2024

* Aliasing and Oversampling for DSP Engineers - Sam Fischmann - ADC23 - [https://youtu.be/yJrJi-4SDUQ](https://youtu.be/yJrJi-4SDUQ)
* Motion and Music Modeling in Hindustani Classical Music - Tejaswinee Kelkar - [https://youtu.be/1Twq707hVj0](https://youtu.be/1Twq707hVj0)
* Virtual Acoustics: Recreating Natural Phenomena in the Digital Domain - Aidan Baker - [https://youtu.be/n4W4g8dmi7Q](https://youtu.be/n4W4g8dmi7Q)

05/13/2024 - 05/19/2024

* NO MORE CODE: New Graphical Programming Language for Audio Research and Developers - ChangHun Sung - [https://youtu.be/uYUblZhbG1A](https://youtu.be/uYUblZhbG1A)
* PANEL: Audio Tech Ecosystem in India: Opportunities and Challenges - [https://youtu.be/ivYVCgzDzYk](https://youtu.be/ivYVCgzDzYk)
* Recent Updates to MIDI 2.0 and the newest MIDI 2.0 APIs in the Apple, Google, Linux and Microsoft operating systems - Florian Bömers - [https://youtu.be/EKJbUKx\_WIg](https://youtu.be/EKJbUKx_WIg)

05/06/2024 - 05/12/2024

* Accelerated Audio Computing: From Problem to Solution - Alexander Talashov & Alexander Prokopchuk - [https://youtu.be/X9TN9la0Q0Y](https://youtu.be/X9TN9la0Q0Y)
* Virtual Studio Production Tools With AI Driven Personalized Spatial Audio for Immersive Mixing - Dr. Kaushik Sunder & Krishnan Subramanian - [https://youtu.be/Uhf4XUQwcLk](https://youtu.be/Uhf4XUQwcLk)
* Workshop: An Introduction to Inclusive Design of Audio Products - Accessibility Panel - [https://youtu.be/-iVDiV1Iwio](https://youtu.be/-iVDiV1Iwio)

04/29/2024 - 05/05/2024

* Legacy Code for the Learning Audio Engineer: Examples In C++ - José Díaz Rohena - [https://youtu.be/b9z8a2z4ZP4](https://youtu.be/b9z8a2z4ZP4)
* AI Generated Voices: Towards Emotive Speech Synthesis - Vibhor Saran - [https://youtu.be/5FoI9JPNbo8](https://youtu.be/5FoI9JPNbo8)
* Audio Technology Industry Standards - the Agony and the Ecstasy - Angus Hewlett - [https://youtu.be/wVxS9Rv1y88](https://youtu.be/wVxS9Rv1y88)


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C++ - Reddit

Using boost::signalset to handle SIGSEGV corrupt the coredump

The application has multiple threads and uses a logging library that send the logs to a logging server.
When fault occurs, the latest logs are missing as the component crash and the logs buffer is cleared.
The SIGSEGV is handled in the main thread, a delay is used to give a chance to the logs to be delivered to the logging server.
std::abort is used in the handler to generate the core dump.

The issue here is the core dump only contains the trace from the main thread, and doesn't include the fault trace.

If std::signal, the core dump is correctly generated (by correctly I mean that fault trace is visible in the coredump.

Is this the case with BOOST::signal\
set or can I achieve the same behavior as std::signal?


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C++ - Reddit

Gamedev and C++

How to get started with gamedev and C++? I have decent experience in C++ say 3 years. I want to develop games just as a fun hobby and projects I can showcase but I don't know where to start or what resources to use to learn. And what game libraries are there for C++.

I tried to follow online guides but most of them use Visual Studio, I never used it as I am on linux (manjaro) and dont know anything about VS.


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C++ - Reddit

Qt on clion

Guys,I'd like to know how to add qt libraries on ide clion, I'm gonna work with a scholar proyect and I wanted to make a gui, but I'm having problems adding the qt libraries to clion, what is the easiest way to do it?
Sorry for the English


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C++ - Reddit

Programmer freedom and learning-through-mistakes vs. program safety: where is the line?

C and cpp give the programmer 'total control' I suppose. Compare to rust which has more checks and balances built in. But given bureaucracy, is it realistic to believe that systems programming will favour an approach that allows programmers to 'shoot their feet' (even though there are capable programmers who can avoid this)? On the other hand, are we creating a culture of 'padded walls' in computer science by not allowing programmers to learn to be safe programmers rather than the programming language being inherently safe for them?

Context--someone in this forum said:

"People feel like if a language can't protect you from yourself, it's not a language worth using. I personally think that's an ignorant take surmised by some of the worst programmers out there.

If you've ever had the "pleasure" of trying to do anything complicated with memory in Rust, you'll know what kind of a horrible pain it is to fight against the borrow checker. You have to write your whole program around appeasing this beast and the code it forces you to write looks downright awful.

Something that is super simple in C or C++ becomes a whole ordeal in Rust."


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C++ - Reddit

Odd design choice for basicstring constructors: is there an explanation?

[C++ Quiz question 287](
https://cppquiz.org/quiz/question/287) highlighted a very confusing design choice in the C++ standard.

constexpr basic
string( const basicstring& other, sizetype pos,
const Allocator& alloc = Allocator() );
constexpr basicstring( const CharT* s, sizetype count,
const Allocator& alloc = Allocator() );

The first constructs a string with the substring pos, end)
The second constructs a string with the first `count` characters of `s`.

Why do these two constructors for `basic_string` have such different meaning for nearly identical format?


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C++ - Reddit

don't get offended by a simple question

While many C++ developers liken Rust to a 'religion' or 'cult,' there's a prevailing consensus across platforms like YouTube, Reddit, and Google that Rust boasts significant strengths, including superior memory safety, concurrency features, and a heightened emphasis on meticulous memory management and pointer usage. The primary advantage I currently perceive for C++ lies in its extensive libraries and frameworks. As someone entrenched in C++, what keeps me loyal to the language instead of migrating to Rust, despite its evident superiority in several areas? (And let's set aside job prospects as a factor for now.) Just to clarify, I don't program in C++ or Rust; I'm simply interested in your opinions


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C++ - Reddit

The C++ Object Lifecycle | Basit Ayantunde


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C++ - Reddit

Our first ios app on Cpp20 to reach out more audience

To support me in reaching a wider audience, my wife developed an app featuring free quizzes and paid blogs on C++20 for iOS devices, including iPhone, iPad, and Vision Pro. You can download the app here: C++20 Quiz and Blog App.

The Long Story
Some of you may know me from my blogs on Medium and my YouTube videos about modern C++. For over two years, I’ve been creating content focused on C++20 features, driven by my passion for teaching and modern C++. However, despite my efforts, the financial return has been minimal due to high competition and the need for consistent content posting to meet monetization thresholds.

Living with my wife in a metropolitan city in Germany comes with substantial monthly expenses. Like many developers, we work full-time jobs, and I dedicate my free time to creating C++ content. Unfortunately, my attempts to monetize this passion have faced significant setbacks. I launched a course with over 55 videos on C++20 (https://mastering-modern-cpp-features.thinkific.com/courses/mastering-modern-cpp-features) after Udemy blocked me without explanation. Despite investing nearly €800 and countless hours of vacation time, I received no subscriptions and had to take down the course.

I then shared some of my videos on YouTube, but the platform does not compensate me for my content. Although I’ve improved the quality of my videos with feedback from friends and family, time constraints from my full-time job have limited my ability to produce more content.

About a year ago, my wife began learning iOS app development. She came up with the idea of creating a C++ quiz app using the questions from my previous course. After nearly five months of development, she launched the first version on the Apple App Store. This marks a personal milestone, as I now have my wife’s support in reaching a broader audience.

Launching the app was challenging. It faced multiple rejections from Apple, each for a different issue, resulting in a lengthy review process that took about four weeks. The app collects no user data and contains no advertisements, making the rejections all the more frustrating.

Despite its initial shortcomings, we are eager to improve the app and ask for your support. Please download the app, try the free quiz content, and leave feedback on the App Store to help us enhance it and support my wife in becoming a better developer.

Here is the link to the app on the Apple App Store: C++20 Quiz and Blog App.

Best, GG


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C++ - Reddit

Visual comparison of benchmarking configurations: GCC vs. LLVM on Arm


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C++ - Reddit

Is instantiating std::uniform_int_distribution<uint8_t> really UB?

I was rereading the wording for <random> and assuming I am reading [this part](https://eel.is/c++draft/rand#req.genl-1.6) correctly, instantiating `std::uniform_int_distribution<uint8_t>` is just flat out UB.

Am I reading the requirements correctly? Because if so, the wording is absurd. If there was a reason to avoid instantiating `std::uniform_int_distribution<uint8_t>` (or one of the other places with this requirements), it could've been made just ill-formed, as the stdlib implementations can check this with a simple `static_assert`, rather than technically allowing the compiler to do whatever.

If the goal was to allow implementations to make choices that wouldn't work with some types, UB is still terrible choice for that; it should've been either unspecified or implementation-defined.


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C++ - Reddit

C++ Developers Job Opportunity


LOCATION: Berlin, Germany

POSITION: Full-time

NUMBER OF VACANCIES: 10+ (on-going search)

FORM: On-site

SALARY: 90 000-130 000 € gross per year, after the 1st year - 130 000 € guaranteed

We are looking for bright, creative Developers with a solid theoretical background. Our team of Developers consists of a wide range of people, from recent graduates in Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics to developers with 10+ years of experience. A university degree or work experience with C++, together with a fresh and creative problem-solving approach would be an excellent combination for the role.


Language: Fluent English or German. We only require one of these languages

• Tech stack: C++ (overall language knowledge, we dont require latest standards e.g., C++ 17), algorithms

• Working experience: Any, we have several fresh university graduates

• Education for those who relocate to Berlin:

EU citizens– no restrictions
Others, who don
t have an EU passport - required to have a technical university degree (starting from bachelor) or 3 years of proven IT experience (both are needed for visa purposes only)







Kindly comment if interested.


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C++ - Reddit

Project build targets - best practices your thoughts

Hi, I'm am looking for information on the way you handle your project's build targets, the best practices, what worked the best for you and your teams.

Specifically, other than debug and release targets, do you maintain other build configuration when releasing software ? Personally, I rarely only maintain those 2 targets: I have at least a RETAIL/FINAL build, and sometimes, a test build. More than 4 targets is a pain to deal with, so I never go there. Here's the differences between them, the features they have:

Debug build: should be for development only, not for testing. Debug version will include debug info, and no optimization;

Release build, more specifically 'development release': does contain liited debug information (generated program database files, pdbs) but also has some degree of optimizations. The rationale of this build is that the debug build often is too big, bulky and slow to be practical when testing or reproducing a bug.

Final/Retail : here the build has zero debug information, full optimization and for example, in visual studio, WholeProgramOptimization and link-time code generation to perform whole-program optimization. Leveraging optimizing compilers : OCs take the code that you have written and re-write parts of it in order to minimize the memory footprint, maximize execution speed, or both. Making it very hard to debug.

Sometime, a QA build is maintained because our QA have specific needs in regards with what they need to test the software.

What are you guys thoughts oon this ?
If you also maintain a 'production' build in addition to the release buid, how to did you name it ? retail ? final ?



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C++ - Reddit

Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x368) How to fix error?

I’ve followed a tutorial (link follows) on how to set up GLFW and GLEW on a Mac by entering everything as it was presented.


After trying to run the final code to see if everything works I get this error that pops up on line 25 (line 25 in tutorial).

* glfwGetFrameBufferSize( window, &screenWidth, &screenHeight); 

The error says: Thread 1: EXC\_BAD\_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x368)

I don’t know what to do to fix this


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C++ - Reddit

Would using gestalt psychology be useful in learning c++?

Hello, everyone.

So I have been doing some beginner research on C++. From what I have read, with how C++ uses classes and attributes, it gave me a weird connection to how gestalt psychology is based on.

Where gestalt (from my bare basic thought on it) is how a whole object is made of tiny details that makes up the whole object.

With how that is phrased and how C++ and made, would this connection make any bit of sense? And would utilizing a bit of gestalt psychology help me better understand C++ programming?

Thank you for reading, and I hope that I am making sense to everyone.


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C++ - Reddit

New C++ Conference Videos Released This Month - May 2024 (Updated To Include Videos Released 05/20/2024 - 05/26/2024)

This month the following C++ videos have been published to YouTube. A new post will be made each week as more videos are released


05/20/2024 - 05/27/2024

* The Evolution of Functional Programming in C++ - Arno Schoedl - [https://youtu.be/qEvd9gqnJhQ](https://youtu.be/qEvd9gqnJhQ)
* Well Balanced Test Driven Development (TDD) in C++ - Jan Van Ryswyck - [https://youtu.be/TFVQpK4dX2E](https://youtu.be/TFVQpK4dX2E)
* Improving Safety With Quantities and Units Library in C++ - Mateusz Pusz - [https://youtu.be/jA\_aOb3OPtY](https://youtu.be/jA_aOb3OPtY)

05/13/2024 - 05/19/2024

* The Evolution of Functional Programming in C++ - Abel Sen - [https://youtu.be/H52B6dGgqHE](https://youtu.be/H52B6dGgqHE)
* Empowerment with the C++ Generic Programming Paradigm - Eduardo Madrid - [https://youtu.be/MGal7ixwkk4](https://youtu.be/MGal7ixwkk4)
* Cpp in the Developing World, Why It Matters - Mathew Benson - [https://youtu.be/lQ05xJEH-w4](https://youtu.be/lQ05xJEH-w4)

05/06/2024 - 05/12/2024

* Advanced SIMD C++ Algorithms in Pictures - Denis Yaroshevskiy - [https://youtu.be/uAVXVzWIIBM](https://youtu.be/uAVXVzWIIBM)
* Optimising a High Performance C++ Library: Lessons Learned - Dave Rowland - [https://youtu.be/c\_cXuL\_L0Gg](https://youtu.be/c_cXuL_L0Gg)
* Keynote: What Does It Take to Implement the C++ Standard Library? - Christopher Di Bella - [https://youtu.be/XP21DsoPaGw](https://youtu.be/XP21DsoPaGw)

04/29/2024 - 05/05/2024

* What’s New in Compiler Explorer? 2024 Update - Matt Godbolt - [https://youtu.be/28Gp3TTQYp0](https://youtu.be/28Gp3TTQYp0)
* Clean C++ Code Is Not the Norm: Why? - Sandor Dargo - [https://youtu.be/Rn6EMwPoHZk](https://youtu.be/Rn6EMwPoHZk)

**Pure Virtual C++**

05/06/2024 - 05/12/2024

* Automated Testing of Shader Code - Keith Stockdale - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqnNOhOCesc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqnNOhOCesc)
* Progress Report: Adopting Header Units in Microsoft Word - Zachary Henkel - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvliLGtaQ0c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvliLGtaQ0c)
* Templates View for Build Insights in Visual Studio - Nelson D. Troncoso - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68pOEQ5YA5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68pOEQ5YA5s)

04/29/2024 - 05/05/2024

* Optimizing Game Development Workflows with Visual Studio and AI - David Li & Greg Denton - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ4uS8\_lUzM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ4uS8_lUzM)
* Debugging GUI Applications in a GitHub Codespace - Michael Price - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewLbgs1thSk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewLbgs1thSk)
* New Editor Features in Visual Studio for C++ Programmers - Haley Welliver and Caleb Blake - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgfSJ2\_2TGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgfSJ2_2TGI)
* Message Handling with Boolean Implication - Ben Deane - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIPvb\_PaI1A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIPvb_PaI1A)
* Enhancing C++ development with Copilot Chat - Sinem Akinci - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpxPB6FuIAM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpxPB6FuIAM)
* I Embedded a Programming Language In Debug Information - Sy Brand - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luogje8IHpM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luogje8IHpM)


05/06/2024 - 05/12/2024

* Lightning Talk: Is Polymorphism in C++ Really That Bad? - Paul Tsouchlos - [https://youtu.be/BujbOFNHHIY](https://youtu.be/BujbOFNHHIY)
* Lightning Talk: Program Complexity and Thermodynamics - Vadim Alexandrov - [https://youtu.be/E1\_AgDj\_2kw](https://youtu.be/E1_AgDj_2kw)
* Lightning Talk: Undefined Behavior - Toolkit to Improve Communication With Clients - Laura Kostur - [https://youtu.be/zKZiWVNenVk](https://youtu.be/zKZiWVNenVk)
* Lightning Talk: Detecting Constant Folding to Prevent Substitution Failure - Patrick Roberts - [https://youtu.be/Hoo9H9z-0VM](https://youtu.be/Hoo9H9z-0VM)
* Lightning Talk: Making Friends With CUDA Programmers (please constexpr all the things) -

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C++ - Reddit

how to extract the data of the array_name[].compare() from the for loop?

Currently learning C++ and I'm stuck on one of the exercises given. I want to extract the comparison data of the contacts string and the input string but when i run the code, it ends up showing me an error regardless of whether there result == 0 or not.

`for (;;) {`

`cout << endl << "enter the id: ";`

`getline(cin, input);`

`for (i = 0;i <= max_names;i++) {`

`result = contacts[i].compare(0, 9, input);`


`if (result == 0) {`

`size_t score = contacts[i].find_first_of("#");`

`size_t name_start = contacts[i].find_first_of(" ");`

`size_t end = score - name_start;`

`cout << "The name is" << contacts[i].substr(name_start, end)`

`<< " and their score is " << contacts[i].substr(score + 1)`

`<< endl;`

`return 0;`


`else {`

`cout << "try again.";`




If i do put the for loop end brackets after the else statement, it will run, but it will only give me the else statement cuz it'll only run its first duration. I really have no clue where to go with this. Please help.


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C++ - Reddit

Learning c++ with the most comprehensive way

I would like to learn c++ with most comprehensive way, so-called I know it but when it comes to some keywords and some deep techniques, I really mess it up. Do you guys any suggestions about learning it in the most comprehensive way. Books or video tutorials, doesn't matter.


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C++ - Reddit

Question about header includes and changing to later version of gcc

So we upgraded at work from gcc 8 version to gcc 11. Now we have check in makefile to remove unused include files. All it does is remove the include lines one by one and if the source file still compiles after removing a line the we give error that include not needed. And we remove the include line.

Okay so all is fine here but another person tries to compile on gcc 13 which changed some of the include locations so they got errors compiling which I suppose is expected. To fix we had to add back some include lines.

But just wondering if this is some problem with language in that it is not totally backwards compatible in that you may have to change source to get it to compile with later version of gcc.


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C++ - Reddit

how good is AI at writing cpp TODAY?

Can AI (e.g., LLM) already (in the present day) generate something with significantly more depth than required in a 'hello, world' program in cpp, i.e., something that is at all impressive to an experienced cpp programmer? Or is it still even today basically just regurgitating cpp books/tutorials online, i.e., not able to solve any interesting cpp problems?

I wonder about this because over in r/rust I suggested that I would not be at all surprised if AI/LLMs generate rust boilerplate en masse in the next 5-10 years and there is a significant shift in the direction of programmers role as originators of code bases to in some cases reviewers, editors and maintainers of code generated with a high percentage correctness by some stochastic model (which I don't see as being an 'inferior' job...). Some/many people responded to the effect that it was naive to think that AI (well, LLMs) will be able to do serious rust programming in the next 5-10 years.

I know cpp is 'just another programming language' w.r.t. rust in some sense (they are both Turing complete, after all) but to me that belies the many intricacies there are in languages--after all, why do we always make new programming languages (btw, I am a noob with both cpp and rust, but am told by a couple of rust programmers that rust is that hardest language they have seen for AI to be good at). Even though there could well be a difference in opinion between cpp and rust programmers about ai, I also wonder about whether cpp programmers have experience that their language in particular seems too hard for AI to get anywhere with (beyond surface level regurgitation) in the near future.

If so, that would suggest to me that maybe AI, at least LLMs, would require a very significant breakthrough before being relied upon for anything beyond cpp code suggestions and command completions, etc., due to unable to verify that it is not hallucinating at a deep level that could have devastating consequences irl. And maybe tells us something about the rust replacing cpp debate... To give one example, if cpp is less like natural language than rust is not only in appearance but logic, maybe natural language trained AI models struggling to understand cpp without substantial tutoring.


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C++ - Reddit

What are some things about C++ you wish you had learned earlier but for some reason took way too long to figure out? I'll start:

For me, it was how to overload operator=, operator== and copy constructor.

Before I learned how to properly overload those, I would often write methods such as Foo::SetEqual(const Foo& other) , Foo::Equals(const Foo& other) and Foo::CopyFrom(const Foo& other), and then call those instead of using operators.


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C++ - Reddit

Transitioning from Android Development to Kernel Networking and eBPF: Seeking Advice

Hello everyone,

I’ve spent the past 7 years as an Android developer working with Java and Kotlin, focusing on the network layer where I designed a WebSocket protocol and helped improve app performance leveraging my Linux knowledge. Before this, I engaged with C/C++ projects involving microcontrollers since my youth. However, I’ve realized that UI-centric roles no longer excite me, and I tested AOSP development, and that exploration didn’t quite fit my interests either.

Given my strong interest in Linux OS internals and lower-layer functionalities, I’m planning to pivot my career toward kernel networking, load balancing, and eBPF, aiming for roles in cloud companies and data path management.

Despite my background, I feel like a junior in this new field. To bridge the gap, I’m studying Linux kernel networking, diving into the source codes of gRPC, Envoy, and NGINX, and deepening my understanding of TCP/IP, IPV4/6, and advanced C and C++ programming. I’m also developing a Load Balancer project to apply what I learn practically.

I have 2 Questions:

1. Has anyone here made a similar transition from high-level application development to more system-centric roles? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

2. Do you think this approach will help me secure a job in this new domain, potentially aiding in migrating to another country(EU) for career growth?

Thank you for any insights or experiences you can share!


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C++ - Reddit

Jobs in c++

I’m at my first job, already a year in. I’m currently not liking it. I just don’t like that they don’t use stls or even c++ features and instead it’s mostly written like c++98 or C really. I like working in c++, python, and even rust. How are the opportunities in those languages, especially in c++?


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C++ - Reddit

"Introducing ipvar: A C++ Library that simplifies interprocess variable sharing.

I'm sharing a small library I wrote in C++ time ago, that simplifies sharing data between multiple processes.


In this example, Program 1 counts seconds. Running Program 2 will show the value of the counter. Any additional argument in the command line will provoke the termination of program 1

--- Program 1


#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include "ipvar.h"
#include "ipvar_util.h"

int main(int, char **)
decl_ipv_variable(std::atomic<int>, myAtomicInt);

// Declare a boolean and initialize it to false.
decl_ipv_variable_3(bool, stopIterating,"Boolean for stopping",false);

while (! stopIterating->load())
std::cout << "Counter = " << myAtomicInt->load() << std::endl;
*myAtomicInt ++;
std::cout << "Exit. Counter = " << myAtomicInt->load() << std::endl;
return 0;

--- Program 2

include <iostream>
include "ipvar.h"
include "ipvar_util.h"

int main(int, char **)
decl_ipv_variable(std::atomic<int>, myAtomicInt);
decl_ipv_variable(bool, stopIterating);
std::cout << "Counter = " << myAtomicInt->load() << std::endl;
if (argc > 1)
*stopIterating = true;
std::cout << "Stop flag set to true" << std::endl;
return 0;



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C++ - Reddit

Project level Configurations

Greetings to all r/cpp members!
First of all, I would like to say that I’ve been in software development for a decade and haven’t used C++ as a main programming language. Been working with PHP for a pretty long period of time.
Let’s start with the task I am working on and what problem I have got and want to tackle in the best way possible.

Recently, I have reminded myself a project I have been working in university - Trains Schedule.
Main functions had to be:
- Show trains schedule
- Search among various filters

So I have decided to rework on that using Raylib with a GUI instead of console. Wanted to fancy fonts, SFX and stuff.

Problem came from place where I didn’t though of - Config class. Because config file contains fonts settings, sfx settings, misc, etc.

How do I properly do a Config class to be able to be used among various classes without a need of re-reading a config file?

Would really appreciate some constructive feedback on this matter.



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C++ - Reddit

Why all the 'hate' for c++?

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