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Help get CppQuiz to C++23 and win a book
I installed Conan and vcpkg via homebrew
How to start using?
On macOS
Why won't it let me compile or debug?\_link
An unexpected outcome in C++ and its impact
For those who feel like exploring a C++ problem and its impact,
you can read and comment on the series of posts starting here:
Unexpected Outcome - Chapter 1
( I hope it's what users expect and according to the rules here. It is uclear to me how a series of posts will be perceived. )
perf-cpp: Recording performance counters from the application
As many C++ developers are interested in performance analysis, I would like to share perf-cpp, our library dedicated to recording performance counters directly within C++ applications.
perf-cpp functions as a wrapper for the "perf\_event\_open" system call, allowing precise measurement and analysis from your C++ applications (and for specific code segments instead of recording the entire application).
Key Features:
Targeted Performance Counters: Record and analyze metrics specifically tailored to particular code segments.
Event Sampling: Detailed capture of events such as data accesses, instruction pointers, and branch records, providing deep performance insights.
We used the library already in several research-related projects and we are hoping that it can be of service to someone else as well. I value any feedback, ideas, or pull requests to further refine perf-cpp.
You can find the library and a bunch of examples on GitHub:
C++ In Action by Bartosz Milewski - Is it still worth the read?
Hey guys, I've been trying to look at more hands-on type of books regarding cpp and C++ in Action is a book that certainly interested me, I'm not new to programming but am new to c++
I really like the way that the book shows robust ways to create maintanable code, and that it has an interesting approach to OOP. This book, however is old. REALLY old. My question is: what are you guys' thoughts on the book? Is it too old to be relevant to modern industry landscape or is it still relevant enough to be a good introduction to oop and software creation with c++?
Does C++ Version Matter on DMOJ?
I often do competitive programming problems on DMOJ, and noticed there were many different versions of C++ on there to submit code in. This had me wondering: is there any performance difference (time, memory, etc.) between different C++ versions like C++14, C++17, C++20? Is there a "preferred" version?
How to refactor a large header-only C++ software?
I’m new to C++, so this may be a naive question.
The project I’ve been working on for over one year is a very large C++ software with only one cpp file, the main.cpp. I guess there are hundreds of header files. Not really sure.
The thing is it takes over 3 minutes to recompile, just for one small fix. I’ve seen people saying cpp/hpp implementation/interface structure is more suitable to large C++ software, so I think perhaps I should give it a try.
But honestly I don’t know where to start. How should one approach this daunting task? I mean, it looks like in each header file, there are always over 10 header files included. So it is really hard to find a place where I can divide some piece of the header file into cpp/hpp to reduce compile time.
And I wonder if there is some general rules for such a refactorization?
Sorry for my limited English. English is not my first language, but I’m trying my best to make it as clear as possible. Thank you!
Implementing General Relativity: Rendering the Schwarzschild black hole, in C++
JUCE C++ framework version 8 preview branch released!
Why aren't statement expressions part of the C++ standard?
Statement expressons allow statements to be used in place of expressions. The statement evaluates to the final expression.
As a contrived example you could do:
// a will evaluate to b's final value (10)
int a = ({
int b = 0;
while(b < 10) {
printf("a is: %d\n", a);
GCC offers this as an extension but it's not part of the standard. Is there a reason why it was never standardised?
The ternary operator enables branching while evaluating to an expression but it quickly becomes ugly if chained.
Is there some technical reason for statement expressions never becoming standardised were they just not viewed as valuable?
Data structure
Hello guys what are you thinking is the best YouTube channel to learn data structure in a shorter time possible...
can effective cpp compete with the newfangled systems programming languages?
This is NOT a question about the ‘wars’ (is language X ‘better’ than language Y).
Obviously we have seen the emergence of new and improved (arguably) systems programming languages such as Rust, Zig, Nim, Go and more (and they take different approaches).
Now, there seems to be the view that languages like Rust are in a variety of important ways and for a variety of purposes, ‘the way forward’, since they, for example, bake in memory safety and type safety, cf C and CPP.
However, cpp has been evolving for 3 decades and is now up to cpp.
So, my question is whether releases like C++23 have enough features in them that they allow highly experienced C++23 programmers to write safe code without necessarily having to use rust, for example?
Again, this is not about judging whether cpp will have to yield to rust. What I’m asking is whether cpp has evolved enough, and whether it might continue to evolve enough, that it could be used as an alternative to languages like rust which come with a lot of safety features at the outset?
Or is it a bit like a car? Modern cars have airbags and seatbelts and so on. With a very old car you can retrofit seatbelts and airbags and such but it might always be a little bit ‘hack’, since it hasn’t necessarily been engineered into the design from the bottom up?
Best IDE
Hi! I'm a c++ developer that for work i cannot use a simple file editor like vim or vscode (I've spent a lot of time finding a "working" solution). I usually use premake to create projects. Any advise on which IDE is best for programming in c++ in 2024? I mean... I could use CLion but I don't want to spend money for a license... the objective of the company in which I work is to use open source and/or free software
pls any help i wanna learning cpp oop
"Getting Started with C++: Tips for Beginners"
Hi everyone! I'm new to C++ and just starting out. How do i start C++ as a beginner in 2024
Can anyone tell me how do I start or from where?
Any Good C++ tutorials
Like so basically i go on C++ tutorials and they all they me what i know classes, std, variables. but i want one that teaches more things like a grand one have and suggestions
Using reference of a unique ptr
Hello there! I want to learn smart pointers in practice. I made an example something like this. This is the Scene.cpp:
void Scene::CreateDriversAndCars()
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++)
auto car = std::make_unique<Car>();
auto driver = std::make_unique<Driver>();
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Car>> m_Cars;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Driver>> m_drivers;
class Driver
Driver() {}
void SetCar(Car *car)
this->m_car = car;
Car* m_car;
What my intention is:
-ownership should stay in the scene
-I want to hold a reference of the car in the driver. So driver can call `car->accelerate()` etc.
In this case scene has ownership of the cars. Which can be destroyed or created. The question is: is this right approach? Or pointless to use pointers? I know there is no "correct" way to do this but I'm very please to hear your opinions about this.
C++ Primer5th
Hi everyone i’m 22 i’m french for the story in school i was awfull i never seriously tried/use my brain once since now, i am going trough C++ Primer 5th with no programming experience understood all concept since chapter 3 and coded along exemples and doing all exercices, im at string using subscript operator and feel like the book suddently becoming really hard i know c++ is not supossed to be easy,every day i wake up 6 am and learn/try coding all day 24/7 i literally only do this i’m really willing to do something interesting in my life and c++ intrigue me so much i love coding do you guys have any advice ? Since i only started reading book not long ago is there ways/techniques to understand better what you read? Or actually way to go trough a programming book ?
Btw i’m reading on ipad mini 6 so all tips are welcome ^^
Do you use Namespaces
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Support My C++/Qt Project: Physioform - An AI-Driven Physiotherapy Center Management App
Debugging Dockerized C/C++ apps with GDBFrontend
how would i make a redirect website that they would edit parts of the website of
for example it would be then they would put the file id or sorts of that
Web dev in c++
I know i am sounding so dumb , but i need to ask this. We know that javascript, python are some popular choice for web dev but i want to ask that can i use c++ with html and css for creating a web site?
Thank you!!
CppCast: Safe, Borrow-Checked, C++
why std::tuple is not implemented as POD (when all its members are)
a POD implementation is clearly possible:
to Mod: this does not belong in "Show and tell" as it leads to the discussion of why std::tuple
in the standard library is not POD
trivial and standard layout tuples
Rotten Green Tests in Google Test
Had an “aha!” moment with object files last night
So, I’m fairly new (<6 months) to learning C++, and lately I’ve been interested in test driven development, using Catch2. Catch2 works great, very simple to work with in any .cpp file. Problem is, v2 is a single header, so compilation times are obscene. (I’ve been having trouble installing or utilizing v3 and ended up giving up on the transition; I’m on Linux so this might be an issue of v2 still being around and used silently.)
I had learned about object files a while back, but mostly just tucked them away into the mental box of “things that exist but I don’t understand when I would need them”. Now, I found a case where I need them!
From now on, with Catch2 v2, I’m writing unit test files that \#include headers with my function declarations, but I compile them to object files without linking. Thus, I’m able to go through the long compile time once per unit test .cpp file (barring future additions to such a file), and then iterate on the function definitions until the test passes, without needing to go through the long compile time whenever I update the function!
I realize this is a fairly basic thing in anyone’s C++ journey, but it was magical for me in understanding the “why” behind some compiler features.
Error on verge of extinction, or why I put if (x = 42) in Red List of C & C++ bugs