DARPA Research: Translating all C to Rust
I'm new and I have only made console applications but I want to start developing gui since any product attracts people if it has a slick looking gui , but I don't know what you need to create a gui and searching it on youtube didn't help , I want to know what the common way of doing it is and it would be better if the gui application development works on linux (debian based distro)
thanks in advance
Does reinterpretcast require parentheses?
I left out parentheses on a reinterpret\cast, and it was accepted in unit tests but not in production. They use different compilers. I think the unit test should have failed. Am I right?uint16_t* pPointer = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>pSource
vsuint16_t* pPointer = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(pSource)
How to "speed" up the read and writes
Hello, I'm really curious how exactly cpp is used in the field of finance. What methods and techniques are used when deploying servers on the stock market.
I may be completely wrong but I read that spaces are purchased to keep the servers as close to the exchanges as possible. That's how much speed matters.
Can someone give me resources that are used by seasoned programmers?
MPI or GPU: parallel computation of DEM code for particles
Recently I published a paper on a new contact detection algorithms for DEM (discrete element method) simulation of non-spherical particles.
Now I want the code to simulate 1 million + particles for industrial applications. As a beginner of HPC, which one is easier between CUDA and MPI, in terms of learning curve. I had some experience on OpenMP to make some computationally intensive loops run in parallel.
CTAD is incorrectly implemented by compilers
I was browsing standard papers, as I always do before bedtime. While going through the paper [https://wg21.link/P2082R1](https://wg21.link/P2082R1), I noticed in section 3.1, which discusses "Fix deduction for aggregates with elements of array type," the following sample code:
template <typename T, std::size_t N>
struct A {
A array[N];
According to the cppreference site, it is supported by all three major compilers, but in reality, none of them can compile it. I am quite disheartened; none of the compilers are conforming to the C++20 standard. :(
Lawall - [https://youtu.be/eLyyfXMtR9o](https://youtu.be/eLyyfXMtR9o)
* Lightning Talk: Disentangling The Mikado Method When Refactoring C++ Legacy Code - Phil Nash - [https://youtu.be/W\_v0pvr9pT4](https://youtu.be/W_v0pvr9pT4)
07/01/2024 - 07/07/2024
* Lightning Talk: Keeping Up to LLVM IR: An Introduction to LLVM IR - Isaac David Bermudez Lara - [https://youtu.be/5FbhwOxoJsg](https://youtu.be/5FbhwOxoJsg)
* Lightning Talk: Use SIMD Pairwise Reduction in C++! - Andrew Drakeford - [https://youtu.be/QYkU0u9M9Mg](https://youtu.be/QYkU0u9M9Mg)
* Lightning Talk: Why False Is Less Than True in Boolean Algebra - Ben Deane - [https://youtu.be/vAwYP0Ox96I](https://youtu.be/vAwYP0Ox96I)
**Audio Developer Conference**
07/21/2024 - 07/28/2024
* Bringing Plugins to Live: Fourier Audio Introduces transform.engine - Henry Harrod - [https://youtu.be/kn4aPKgHHIM](https://youtu.be/kn4aPKgHHIM)
* An Introduction to CLAP, a New Plug-In Standard - Alexandre Bique - [https://youtu.be/9kuP87ZMHJo](https://youtu.be/9kuP87ZMHJo)
* How to Make a Successful Plugin From Scratch as a Solo Audio Developer - Marius Metzger - [https://youtu.be/4TtpQn1ovaE](https://youtu.be/4TtpQn1ovaE)
07/15/2024 - 07/21/2024
* Digital Modelling of the Roland RE-201 - Jordan Evans - [https://youtu.be/gqdTI0QYmEQ](https://youtu.be/gqdTI0QYmEQ)
* Native Instruments NKS2: Building a Physical Experience for Virtual Instruments - Moritz Heppner & Tim Adnitt - [https://youtu.be/xdBVMqM9a\_s](https://youtu.be/xdBVMqM9a_s)
07/08/2024 - 07/14/2024
* Why You Shouldn’t Write a DAW - David Rowland - [https://youtu.be/GMlnh6\_9aTc](https://youtu.be/GMlnh6_9aTc)
* Inference Engines and Audio - Harriet Drury - [https://youtu.be/CcSi\_Lgxz-4](https://youtu.be/CcSi_Lgxz-4)
* Building an Accessible Juce App - Harry Morley - [https://youtu.be/wrZyRMxLlx0](https://youtu.be/wrZyRMxLlx0)
07/01/2024 - 07/07/2024
* Creating Ubiquitous, Composable, Performant DSP Modules - Stefano D’Angelo - [https://youtu.be/lKhVtbnILDk](https://youtu.be/lKhVtbnILDk)
* Running High Channel Count Audio Applications on Linux RT - Olivier Petit - [https://youtu.be/1TgzjOoiqIs](https://youtu.be/1TgzjOoiqIs)
* Odd Challenges of Using Deep Learning in Designing a Feedback Delay Network Reverb - ADC23 - [https://youtu.be/5URLvwFmlb0](https://youtu.be/5URLvwFmlb0)
cppfront: Midsummer update
make a diamond with array
hey its been 4 days since i started studying coding . help me out please. i have already made a diamond with * using nested loops. however i have no idea how to make a diamond with an array which is char a[\] = { '*' };
thank you all
why virtual function is wrong.
A long time ago, I tried to find an easy way to explain why C++ virtual functions are damaged. Finally, I found a good example to illustrate this.
Here's an example from C#. This is something C++ should support, but it can never achieve in c++.
public readonly struct Int32 : IComparable<int>, IConvertible, IEquatable<int>, IParsable<int>, ISpanParsable<int>, IUtf8SpanParsable<int>, System.Numerics.IAdditionOperators<int,int,int>, System.Numerics.IAdditiveIdentity<int,int>, System.Numerics.IBinaryInteger<int>, System.Numerics.IBinaryNumber<int>, System.Numerics.IBitwiseOperators<int,int,int>, System.Numerics.IComparisonOperators<int,int,bool>, System.Numerics.IDecrementOperators<int>, System.Numerics.IDivisionOperators<int,int,int>, System.Numerics.IEqualityOperators<int,int,bool>, System.Numerics.IIncrementOperators<int>, System.Numerics.IMinMaxValue<int>, System.Numerics.IModulusOperators<int,int,int>, System.Numerics.IMultiplicativeIdentity<int,int>, System.Numerics.IMultiplyOperators<int,int,int>, System.Numerics.INumber<int>, System.Numerics.INumberBase<int>, System.Numerics.IShiftOperators<int,int,int>, System.Numerics.ISignedNumber<int>, System.Numerics.ISubtractionOperators<int,int,int>, System.Numerics.IUnaryNegationOperators<int,int>, System.Numerics.IUnaryPlusOperators<int,int>
What would you want to have in an UI library?
I'm creating a UI library in C++, using sdl2, generally for study. But the question is: among the alternatives that already exist, what is missing? What you would like to exist that does not exist.
As the project is still in its infancy, I don't even have a public repository on GitHub, but as soon as I have I'll publish it here. Since I'm doing it in C++, I intend to have binds for the newer versions of python (>3.10) using pybinds11.
I'm still planning the features, so far the main ones (besides the basics of a UI library) will be:
- Use of XML to compose UI (similar to the .net MAUI xaml system;
- Event handling system by widget;
- Static and dynamic windows (which update in the main loop);
- Routing between pages
The Windows version will be compiled in GCC using msys2 and the Linux version will also be compiled in GCC, using wsl2. There won't be for Mac because I don't have Mac lol
Note: I'm working on this project alone.
Export a C++ object with VSDebugPro in Visual Studio
gcc development
tldr; ranting about old-school gcc development techniques.
Recently I started looking into contributing to libstdc++. I am just mesmerized that this huge project still uses development techniques from some decades ago: mailing lists, configure+make, no chat forum. I have never interacted myself with mailing lists and it just feels so archaic. Can you even easily search through them? People actually copy-and-paste git patches into mails? Editing of sent messages seems impossible?
Currently I am only interested in contributing to libstdc++. I tried building it yesterday night and it feels like I need to build the whole compiler beforehand?
Is there a reason to use make over CMake? Is someone working on a switch to CMake or is it just too much work?
Are there any plans to move to a modern and unified collaboration platform, e.g. github, self-hosted gitlab?
All in all the development process feels a bit outdated and I could imagine that it puts off alot of new contributors.
(Documentation on the other hand is quite thorough, but still not visible appealing to younger generations.)
Is it bad to look up code to solve issues I’m not understanding or do I need to do it on my own?
Which one is the industry standard c++ compiler? ( g++, clang, intel c++ compiler .. )
I am starting to learn c++, there are a lot of feature that are compiler dependent. Can anyone please help me know which one is typically used in HFT firms? ( Like Tower Research, Quadeye etc )
Also I wanted a good source from where I can learn to write low latency c++ projects from scratch.
I did a udemy course and have an understanding of OOP cncepts, templates, pointers etc, but would love to learn about real world C++ projects. ( like how can I write low latency c++ trading app )
Looking for a C++ Tutorial that helps me with good programming practices in modern C++
I have been doing programming for some time now, and my code in C++ has been limited to only Leetcode and Codeforces etc. I finally learnt OOPs and other C++ concepts like const-ness and overloading, and would like to build something.
Can the community suggest a tutorial (could be a blog or YT video) that builds up a fairly large C++ project from scratch and specifically focuses on good programming practices while using modern C++ (preferably C++20)? It can be as complex as you like.
Latest News From Upcoming C++ Conferences (07/30/2024)
This Reddit post will now be a roundup of any new news from upcoming conferences with then the full list now being available at https://programmingarchive.com/upcoming-conference-news/
New News
C++Now - Early Access NOW ONLY $100 For The Remaining 46 Videos! Early Access to the C++Now 2024 YouTube videos has been discounted by 33% from $150 to $100 now that public releases to the YouTube channel have begun at a rate of 3 per week. Find out more and purchase access to the remaining 46 videos (correct at time of posting) at [https://cppnow.org/announcements/2024/06/early-access-now-open-for-cnow-2024-youtube-videos/](https://cppnow.org/announcements/2024/06/early-access-now-open-for-cnow-2024-youtube-videos/)
CppIndiaCon - CppIndiaCon have released their schedule for the 2024 event. View the full schedule here https://www.cppindia.co.in/conference/2024/schedule/
Have released their schedule for the 2024 conference! View the full schedule here https://cppcon2024.sched.com/
The Call For Posters is now closed
ADC - ADC are due to announce the schedule for their conference on Monday 5th August. I expect there will be a link to it on their website when it's ready https://audio.dev/
Meeting C++ - A quick reminder that early bird tickets finish selling on the 11th August
Core C++ - Have opened their call for speakers which is open until the 1st September. Find out more including how to apply by downloading this PDF https://corecpp.org/assets/CoreCpp2024\_CallForSpeakers.pdf
Keynote: Safety, Security, Safety and C / C++ - C++ Evolution - Herb Sutter - ACCU 2024
My WG21 C++ Standards Committee St. Louis 2024 Trip Report
andrziss/wg21-c-standards-committee-st-louis-2024-trip-report-4e5ca6e1dd04" rel="nofollow">https://medium.com/@andrziss/wg21-c-standards-committee-st-louis-2024-trip-report-4e5ca6e1dd04
Alternatives to djarek/certify?
It appears that Damian Jarek's certify lib has been archived without comment as of March 2024, so I'm wondering if there are other libraries folks are using for similar purposes. I'm trying to implement a relatively simple HTTPS client using Boost.Beast on Windows, but I'd like to try to keep the code at least open to becoming portable in future.
If anyone's got a suggestion for an alternative certificate handling library, I'd love to hear about it.
New C++ Conference Videos Released This Month - July 2024 (Updated To Include Videos Released 07/21/2024 - 07/28/2024)
This month the following C++ videos have been published to YouTube. A new post will be made each week as more videos are released
**ACCU Conference**
07/21/2024 - 07/28/2024
* Lexy: A DSL Library For C++ Parsing - Jonathan Müller - [https://youtu.be/O5VEMAEDM5U](https://youtu.be/O5VEMAEDM5U)
* Creating Better Computer Systems by Focusing on Sustainability - Jutta Eckstein - [https://youtu.be/aiao2Q1dhjg](https://youtu.be/aiao2Q1dhjg)
* What's Eating My RAM? - Memory Utilization in C++ - Jianfei Pan - [https://youtu.be/DcJuzAag-iQ](https://youtu.be/DcJuzAag-iQ)
07/15/2024 - 07/21/2024
* NASA Apollo 11: To the Moon and Back With 4KB of RAM - Adam Smart - [https://youtu.be/xxxB4sW8RYg](https://youtu.be/xxxB4sW8RYg)
* The Fight for Right to Repair: From Seed to Sabotage - Joshua Webster - [https://youtu.be/Znttrm2QQOA](https://youtu.be/Znttrm2QQOA)
* Work-Work Balance - Organisational Culture Matters - Will Woods - [https://youtu.be/eJv0touFMgg](https://youtu.be/eJv0touFMgg)
* Keynote: Reflection in C++26 - Welcome to the meta::\[\[verse\]\]! - Inbal Levi - [https://youtu.be/G4i45R7sX8I](https://youtu.be/G4i45R7sX8I)
* Safer C++ with MISRA-C++-2023 - Peter Sommerlad - [https://youtu.be/oCZ1Rn-4AQE](https://youtu.be/oCZ1Rn-4AQE)
07/08/2024 - 07/14/2024
* Amplifying Black Women's Voices - Building Inclusive Tech Spaces Beyond Tokenism - Yemi Adenekan - [https://youtu.be/0makY11qYs8](https://youtu.be/0makY11qYs8)
* Shaping Perception - The Evolution of 3D Graphics and Cultural Transformation - Ben Kyd - [https://youtu.be/0T7r6zWWUBw](https://youtu.be/0T7r6zWWUBw)
* Gamification - Falling Down the Leader Board? - Char Ryder - [https://youtu.be/qO5sxo\_liR8](https://youtu.be/qO5sxo_liR8)
* Understanding the Filter View to Use It Right - Nicolai M. Josuttis - [https://youtu.be/jR3WE-hAhCc](https://youtu.be/jR3WE-hAhCc)
* When Less Is More: Designing & Decoding Complex Distributed Systems - Jessica Winer & Jacqueline Pan - [https://youtu.be/hz1CrNSz4OE](https://youtu.be/hz1CrNSz4OE)
07/01/2024 - 07/07/2024
* How to Maximize the Benefits of Neurodiversity in Software Development Teams and Support Neurodivergent Developers - Dom Davis - [https://youtu.be/bt25w\_O05KI](https://youtu.be/bt25w_O05KI)
* Future of Software Programming with AI Bots at Hand - Amir Kirsh - [https://youtu.be/bz7M6rOKZLo](https://youtu.be/bz7M6rOKZLo)
* Contracts for C++ - Timur Doumler - [https://youtu.be/lHRyuTFig0U](https://youtu.be/lHRyuTFig0U)
07/21/2024 - 07/28/2024
* C++ Type Erasure Demystified - Fedor G Pikus - [https://youtu.be/p-qaf6OS\_f4](https://youtu.be/p-qaf6OS_f4)
* Embedded Asynchronous Abstraction C++ - Implementing Senders & Receivers Without an OS - Ben Deane - [https://youtu.be/eI5b-q4K9vo](https://youtu.be/eI5b-q4K9vo)
* Value Oriented Programming Part V - Return of the Values - Tony Van Eerd - [https://youtu.be/sc1guyo5Rso](https://youtu.be/sc1guyo5Rso)
07/15/2024 - 07/21/2024
* An Adventure in Modern C++ Library Design - Robert Leahy - [https://youtu.be/W29fY7Ml4-w](https://youtu.be/W29fY7Ml4-w)
* Fast Conversion From Cpp Floating Point Numbers - Cassio Neri - [https://youtu.be/w0WrRdW7eqg](https://youtu.be/w0WrRdW7eqg)
* Reflection Is Good for C++ Code Health - Saksham Sharma - [https://youtu.be/GQ5HKL0WRGQ](https://youtu.be/GQ5HKL0WRGQ)
07/08/2024 - 07/14/2024
* C++ Reflection - Back on Track - David Olsen - [https://youtu.be/nBUgjFPkoto](https://youtu.be/nBUgjFPkoto)
* C++ Coroutines at Scale - Implementation Choices at Google - Aaron Jacobs - [https://youtu.be/k-A12dpMYHo](https://youtu.be/k-A12dpMYHo)
* Keynote: Employing Senders & Receivers to Tame Concurrency in C++ Embedded Systems - Michael Caisse - [https://youtu.be/wHmvszK8WCE](https://youtu.be/wHmvszK8WCE)
07/08/2024 - 07/14/2024
* Lightning Talk: How I Became a C++ Mentor the "Hard" Way - Paulo Chiliguano - [https://youtu.be/dLobaazrvYg](https://youtu.be/dLobaazrvYg)
* Lightning Talk: Coccinelle for C++ - Julia
Looking for examples of good idiomatic code/libs to read for catching up with "modern" C++
I've used C++ a lot in the past but had a pretty long hiatus, I lately have the feeling that I want to get back to more "formal" practice after years of backend dev and started to learn a lot of concepts that were added to what folks commonly refer as "modern C++" (value/move semantics, type erasure, compile time/constexpr and the like) and I'm at the point I would benefit from reading avidly some actual code to get a feel for how all those concepts play out in concrete applications.
Would you please suggest some nice codebase to dive into ?
I'm looking for medium sized libs/projects that you could consider representative of modern C++ regardless of their purpose (I'm still in a quite general approach) please be kind enough to add a quick comment on what you find interesting.
Laptop reccomendation for serius C++ development
I'm considering buying the latest MacBook, or possibly waiting for the M4 model, but I've heard many negative experiences regarding development on Macs. It seems that those who find Macs suitable for software development are often web or Android developers, which is quite different from what C++ programmers typically work on.
Could those of you who have been working with C++ for years recommend a good laptop for this purpose?
Project in c++ Setlang
I have a project in c++ about Setlang. I need someone to do it. Of course with payment on if interested
What's the best inline coding assistant right now for cpp?
I currently use Claude 3.5 in a browser and with aider-chat. While I'm generally happy with it, I'd like an inline completion for VS Code (preferably fixed cost per month, which is why I'm not just using a Claude API extension yet and asking first). I'm pretty much 100% next 14/react 18 so that's where I'm looking for best performance.
Thanks in advance.
Should I Get "The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition" Or "A Tour of C++, 3rd Edition"?
Or should I get a different book? Already have some C++experience. Looking for a tutorial book, not a reference.
Note: I am young (only 13) so I don't know much math concepts if that makes any difference.
Thanks for reading.
I'm not asking: Will Rust replace C++. I'm asking: Will Rust become more popular than C++?
I know so many questions about replacing C++ by Rust is answered: No, just because people will not rewrite all C++ codebase to Rust.
My question is focused on people who will be using Rust in new projects over C++.
What's your opinion?
Is “The C++ Programming Language - Second Edition” Worth Reading?
(It’s the one by Bjarne Stroustrup) My grandpa gave me this book cause he was getting rid of stuff. Just wondering if the book is worth the time. As I have said in many other posts I already understand the basics of C++, so I think I can handle it. Thanks.
CppCast: Swift for C++ Developers