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Automatic differentiation and dual numbers in C++ are pretty neat, with a single exception


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Open Source CPP Libraries

I have an internship coming up where I will need to contribute to a C++ codebase. What are the best C++ open source projects that I can have a look through to get a better understanding of production-level C++?

Topics of interest:

- Concurrency

- Trading Systems

- Low Latency


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Life and Death of a Graphics Programmer


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I made a 100% C++ seamless Host Migration Plugin for UE5


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What's new in PikiwiDB(Pika) v3.5.4



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Pulling a single item from a C++ parameter pack by its index - The Old New Thing


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Understanding AddressSanitizer: Better memory safety for your code


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Hello i'am new in c++ and i don't understand how use include

I use visual studio code and mingw. i want open a window with sdl but that don't work. i watch many video but i always have a problem. Like "SDL2/SDL.h: No such file or directory" or "undefined reference to `WinMain' " if someone can tell my how use correctly sdl and vsc please.


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What CPP tooling do you use?

Let's imagine a situation: you've joined a new project and are given the opportunity to upgrade the build system and CI/CD. What would you do? I am looking for new ideas.
Obvious things that came to my mind:
- Add compiler flags -Werror, -Wall etc.
- Make use of sanitizers in tests
- clang-format
- clang-tidy checker in CI/CD


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C++ in NYC job market

You think it would be a better bet learning c++ then Java because of the amount of financial institutions here?


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Does anyone know the status of win32's ioringapi?

Specifically: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/ioringapi/

I've been trying to follow this but it seems like development has slowed down and no one is talking about it. Is IoRing abandoned? When can we expect stuff like networking to also be ported over?


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New C++ features in GCC 14


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Need Advice!!!

Thinking to learn DSA should I do it in C++ cuz i have recently completed OOP in C++ also can anyone provide me with the best resources for it


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How to track your binary size in CI


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(C++20) Why std::u8string lacks support in other C++ standard functions?

std::format doesn't support it, I can't even output an std::u8string with std::cout or read it with std::cin. Why's that?


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Aiming for a low latency engineer C++ (graduate) at HFT

Same as the topic above.

My GPA is not among the outstanding ones (4.3/5); I am from one of the IITs in India.

Q1. Should aim for such positions, given my GPA

Q2. Should I focus on Competitive Programming or not

Q3. Is this the *complete* list of topics I should be familiar with for the interviews?

* Computer Networks
* Computer Architecture
* Operating Systems
* Compilers


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Intel C++ support for std::endian and <bit> header?

Hi! As far as I can tell, the Intel C++ compiler, icpx, does not support anything in the <bit> header. Specifically, I'd like to use std::endian in my project. Here is an example that fails with icpx -std=c++23. It works with gcc-13.2.0 and clang-17. It is a bit confusing becasue the compiler uses the GCC library which does support this feature. Feature description and search for std::endian.

#include <iostream>
#include <bit>

int main()
std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
if (std::endian::native == std::endian::big_endian)
std::cout << "Native is big endian" << std::endl;
else if (std::endian::native == std::endian::little_endian)
std::cout << "Native is little endian" << std::endl;

I'm being pressured by management to use the Intel compiler for "customer support" reasons. But this is a four year old feature that doesn't compile... Is supporting the Intel compiler a bad idea?


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Building Clang 18.1.5 on Linux with support for std modules


I built `llvm`, `clang` and `libc++` on a rocky linux machine (the host compiler is `g++` 11.3.1) by using the following options:

`cmake -S llvm -B build -G Ninja -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS='clang' -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='/home/test/local' -DENABLE_RUNTIMES='libcxx;libcxxabi;libunwind' -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=X86 -DLLVM_TARGET_TRIPLE='x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu' -DLIBCXX_INSTALL_MODULES=ON`

Everything worked OK (or so it seemed) but when I try compile a simple program like the following:

`import std;`

`int main() {`
`std::vector<int> v;`

using `xmake` with the following setup `xmake.lua`:

set_policy("build.c++.modules", true)

I get the following error:

**error**: module dependency `std` required for `src/main.cpp` not found

Whereas, everything works ok on my homebrew installed `llvm` 18.1.5 on an Apple Silicon. What am I missing ?


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A single-header message-passing library I wrote in C++

So I created a single-header message-passing library.


I use it myself, and it works well for my needs.

The reason I created it, is because I couldn't find any that were small. For example there is MPI, but it is huge and complex. For certain people (me) this is a problem.

For example, you might want to create a small program that does a lot of things. If you need to include only a few large components, like a compression lib, a message-passing lib, maybe a XML/JSON parser, and each one takes 1MB, now you have a 3MB program, but your code might only take 50KB. It just seems wrong.

To many people this isn't an issue, but to some of us, its either something we do for fun, or an obsession. Not sure which. But there can be practical needs too, such as creating many small programs that run on low-end hardware.

If you are making a programming language and want to include PicoMsg as it's default message-passer, that is another good use-case. You don't want your language to get bloated by dependancies.

PicoMsg has C interface, but the internals are all C++. I had to write my own "ring buffer" memory system, as I was getting some kinda memory-corruption bugs I couldn't solve as it was buried under C++ vector classes somewhere. Once I managed memory myself, I was able to find the problem and solve it. In fact the C++ Vector classes would have been just fine. They are useful, but the abstraction can make diagnosing issues more difficult.

Anyhow... I hope someone likes it or finds it useful. I have this licence https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ as I feel unknown or unappreciated and it would be nice if... people with a positive attitude knew about me.

The source code's internals is a little wierd as I kind of went mad while writing it. Which is a common thing as writing message-passing code can drive anyone mad. For example I renamed my "locks" to "trousers" (because it is something only one person can wear at at ime, haha). I also inserted spiders into my comments.

I probably had too much fun making this thing. Or perhaps I needed to make it fun to counter how awful it was (at times) to debug the concurrency issues.

It is about 1000 lines of code, and probably under 500 lines of significant code. (excluding headers, the C-API wrapper, empty-lines, comments, etc). Would be nice to find users who appreciate it.

I'm happy for contributions... if anyone wants to add features. I'd be interested in a speed comparison... I could improve it's speed if it doesnt compare well. But my tests seem to show it running fast. Im not an expert in this area actually so Im sure people can do better.

The main limitation (At the moment) is that this runs only locally. It doesn't know how to connect across a network (just yet). It already uses socketpair() to create sockets to communicate locally, and send()/recv() so extending PicoMsg to work across a network won't be too hard to do. But I won't add this until either I need it myself, or if I had a lot of users... (or I got paid?). But I'm happy to accept this feature added by any contributors.

Thats all bye!


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How did you learn C++?

View Poll


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Where can I learn how to use the library windows.h. I'm currently a university student from Mexico and we only use the console for our programs, i'd like Learn the basic to create windows and programs with more "shape"


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EF core how to Delete / rebuild DB between tests

So I am kinda new to using .Net and EF core and am currently trying to create a simple database. I have it set up and load in some seed data. However, I am trying to test it and would love to drop a table and then recreat that table for a test. I dont know If I may be wording my question in the wrong way, so that google never seeams to show me a good solution, but does anyone have any solution. Is there like a command in EF core that lets you drop a table and then one that lets you recreat that table or is this not possible?


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Two cases when forward declaring is not enough


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Inconsistent handling of template parameter pack and dependent type names

Clang, GCC and MSVC appear to disagree on how to handle potential "shadowing" of parameter pack names by dependent types:


Now, this is the sort of issue that can be easily avoided by using names that do not clash (or writing some wrapper that exposes the dependent type with another name), but I cannot, for the life of me, figure out which compiler, if any, is right according to the standard (so that the bug can be properly reported).

I would say Clang handles everything according to my intuitive expectations, but I recognize the possibility that it is simply being overly generous with what it accepts.

(I realize there is some overlap with /r/cpp_questions since this is technically a question about C++, but, as it has mostly to do with what appears to be an edge case in the standard and its handling by different compilers, I felt it was more appropriate to ask here.)


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How to compile, run, and export a C++ program without Visual Studio?

I need help. The only way I know to work with C++ projects is using Visual Studio. I've heard about CMake, but I don't know where to start. The tutorials I've found are quite complex and go into too much detail. Do you know of any beginner-friendly material that you could recommend to me?


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Tools for big refactorings

I was just wondering if there is any good tool to automatically refactor big c++ code bases (ie thousand of files).
For instance being able to rename certain kind of variables to change the naming convention, updating comments, doing custom rule checks. No matter how complex it is to write the rules, but then the process should be automatic for all the files.

I saw some papers about tools used by Google, but no "almost-ready" solution.

I was hoping about something based on clang.
Suggestions? Using msvc or clangcl atm.

I guess in the future we'll have AI to do these things , but we are not there yet...


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Release of TeaScript 0.14.0 - integrated Tea StackVM, a Compiler, Dis-/Assembler, Suspend + Continue, Yield ...

A new release of TeaScript is done.
*(TeaScript is a standalone as well as an embeddable multi-paradigm script language in and for C++.)*

All details to this release can be found in the blog post:

**Summary of this Release**

* (automatically) **compile** and **execute** TeaScript files in the new **integrated Tea StackVM**.
* **Save** and **Load** compiled TeaScript programs as TeaScript Binary files (\*.tsb).
* **Suspend** and **Continue** TeaScript programs at (nearly) any time by either themselves, by maximum time or instruction constraint or by an external request from another thread.
* Use TeaScript code similar like a **coroutine** in your C++ Application by yielding values from any place and **co-operative / preemptive execution** possibilities.
* Nerd feature: program directly in TeaScript **Assembly**.
* improved debugging capabilities with single stepping, view the callstack, view corresponding source code and more.
* Opt-out header only library usage for save includes and compile time.

The TeaScript C++ Library is also on Github:

Enjoy! 😊


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Discouraged from continuing with C++ Due to lack of roles in my region.

I have been coding in C++ for around 6–7 months now. I went to look at the junior roles available out of curiosity, and there is literally nothing—not one single job listing—and I’m starting to feel discouraged about continuing with it, especially seeing as I will have to put in another year or two worth of studying. I get that C++ is harder for an “entry-level” language, but if no company wants to hire juniors, how are people who code solely in C++ supposed to get their foot in the door?


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How to avoid one C++ foot gun


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C++ DSA Resource?

I am willing to learn DSA in Cpp, but can't find free resources, I am ready to buy a course too but can you guys recommend a good one? And also free resources if you have?
I am Computer engineering student in 2nd sem, so I have very little idea of all this.
Thank you.


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