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Samurai Tattoo
Max tac aren't messing around anymore [ New Gameplay screenshot ]
Why are they so cheap?
Hi there! I doodled my V hope u like it 💖
I think I got an idea
I'm pretty blown away with how realistic some of the pics look. Path tracing is nuts.
I love the Don't Fear the Reaper ending
The Aldecado ending feels the most appropriate thematically. The Devil ending is also great because of how unnerving it is, but I love Don't Fear the Reaper for how hilarious it is in the context of the setting.
V and Johnny both know it's suicide, but it's the only way that won't risk the people they care about. Chances are you'll die in the lobby due to being under-levelled, and it plays out the same as if you just killed yourself on the rooftop. It feels like a punishment for making such a dumb play out of pride. It's comically anti-climactic.
If you succeed, however, it becomes hilarious. All the shadowy puppet masters of the city couldn't possibly have predicted something this boneheaded. It's the tabletop equivalent of just eating the dice. Imagine Hanako trying to explain this to her father, or Yorinobu and Takemura watching the camera footage of an army of ninjas and Adam Smasher himself getting blown away by this no-name merc.
It reminds me a lot of the 'Path of Legends and Pariahs' ending of Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, where you do the same thing and somehow pull it off.
The only complaint I have is that it plays out basically the same as Rogue's ending when I wish more had been done to flesh this variation out, like V refusing to leave the city because he now has the biggest target on his head and anyone who even looks in his direction is going to be someone Arasaka will target in order to get to him.
like a proper quests now), sidequests and other, simpler activities, like organized crime hideouts to bust open (now with a new icons), it seems like Dogtown will offer a fair share of content for players to sink in.
One thing for certain, I'm so glad only two months remain to release now, when I finally get to play Phantom Liberty in my own pace. Overall from my personal experience Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is not a completely new game, it's just still the same game that I felt in love with, but now with a ton of mechanical improvements and additions, turning it into even stronger experience then before. I think if you don't expect anything more, you should be more then pleased. I certainly am.
It's getting late, so I will add some additional notes in the comments later on. If you have any questions, I will try to answer them best to my ability. I hope you enjoyed reading my ramblings.
My impressions from Phantom Liberty demo (Phantom Tour)
I had a great pleasure to get invited for Phantom Tour Warsaw (by the way, big thanks for CDPR Community team for that, you were fantastic!), where outside of many fun activites and treats, we were also given an opportunity to play an hour long demo of Phantom Liberty. Since other participants already started to share their own impressions from playtime sessions, I decided to share some of mine as well. Just be aware that since we only had a mere hour to play, I was trying to go through the gameplay sections as fast as possible, which stands in opposition to my regular way of playing, so I missed many details. I will try to avoid spoilers, outside of the stuff that was already shown in the promotional materials.
Demo started with a brief narration by Songbird, explaining what we are doing in Dogtown, the scene that was most likely created exclusively for the demo to replace a lengthy story section leading to those events. After that I took control of V (we had three different builds to pick from, I chose Netrunner Street Kid) at the black market in Dogtown. It's something you probably already saw in the presentation by CDPR, so I don't have to explain how vibrant and full of life it was visually, but I can add that it was quite noisy as well, with several conversations in the background that I had no time to listen to. Despite that I still managed to overhear one funny easter egg, referencing the story behind the foundation of CD Projekt, which I won't spoil.
One interesting improvement I noted, while looking through different vendors, is that you can now access your wardrobe in every clothing store, which should make things more convenient for players who like to often change their displayed attire and were annoyed by frequent visits to V's apartment. Browsing through their offer confirmed that majority of clothing items no longer grants you any armor, now the best you can get is a percentage based bonus, which makes armor cyberware a lot more important. It was certainly an odd feeling picking up clothes with nothing written under their names, like some junk items, but I got used to it. Now when it comes to gear, I'm not the kind of player who can tell which clothing items were in the base game and which one were not just by looking at them, but we were assured by developers that PL will add a lot of new clothes to choose from.
After getting on top of the ruins and the plane crash, I had an opportunity to test out the combat a bit more on a Barghest's militia. Sadly in a rush I didn't change the difficulty, so I was playing on what was, I assume, Normal difficulty level, while I was used to playing on the highest one. On Normal I was able to take quite a lot of punishment as a feeble Netrunner (although it's possible that my character was equipped with armor augmentations or buffed up for the purpose of the demo) and enemies were dying fairly easily, even the ones marked with a red skull icon. Because of that I didn't really had too much of an opportunity to admire improved AI of the enemies, but they did seem more active then in the base game. Some of them displayed a new melee animations as well, but I didn't give them enough time to try out their fresh moves on me. There is something like a cooldown for healing items now, but it didn't seem to impact the combat as much as I expected, however I feel like this mechanic might be more crucial on a higher difficulty or during more challenging fights.
Now when it comes to hacking, things got a lot more interesting, thanks to some additions. Hacks are divided into two categories: ones that expose your position to the enemy (so pretty much all the combat hacks) and the ones that don't. When you get detected after using combat hack, but you are not found yet, you will notice a progress bar showing the time needed for an enemies to find your position via network and during that period every detectable hack will speed up this progress by certain amount of time. So if you want to take everyone down via hacks without
The straight girls who want a straight Fem V romance were fucked over
Just a little rant here since I've just finished another playthrough, and chose River as the main romance for my femV instead of Judy like last time. Aside from all the usual complaints about how the River romance was shoehorned and rushed, is anyone else bothered by how you just CAN'T have a "happy" ending with him by your side on the Aldecado ending like you can with Judy? It's unfair, like the devs were really pushing for Judy to be the only well developed and sort of happy romance for Fem V
EDIT: Just learned that River does stay with V on The Sun ending. BRB going to do that now
Do you have voluntary rules you restrict yourself to in game?
I am curious if anyone else does this. I am sure I am not the only one. If you do this too, list yours. Always looking for new ideas.
The game is too easy IMO. So to spice it up, I place restrictions on my character while levelling. No matter how desperate I get, I never violate them.
1 - Any damage to a civilian or innocent is an automatic fail, and requires a reload. Even if they don't die. This includes things like accidentally hitting someone with my car as well as collateral damage from things like grenades. Even if it was not my fault. It includes things like collateral damage caused by the Cyberpsychosis hack. I do not kill cops either, except for the cops that I can confirm are corrupt in the game (not just head has to be obvious in the mission text or whatever).
2 - In Situations with hostages, all hostages must survive, undamaged, if it is mathematically possible. With some missions there is no way to prevent damage because it is hardwired into the code. But if it is possible, I have to make sure they all survive.
3 - Never carjack civilians, ever. If I have to walk, I walk. I do not consider corpo vehicles or gang cars to be civilians.
4 - Never steal from civilians. This one is hard. But things like the safes in civilian businesses which you can help yourself to normally...I always pass on those. I do still loot dead civilian bodies at the scene, and corpos are not civilians. The cops or other people would do it if I didn't, and I had no part in their deaths.
5 - All members of gangs die. Not just defeated. I have to shoot every single one to make sure. If I miss one, I have to reload. I sometimes spare voodoo boys because I like them (yeah, I know they hate me and will always hate's like trying to hug a feral cat). I don't include Mox. This does include all Valentinos, 6th street, Maelstrom, Wraiths (and of course, Scavs), and Tyger Claws. If I cross paths with them on the street, I am obligated to wipe them before going to my destination.
Does anyone else do this? What are your restrictions?
This land is made of... LOVE & PEACE! ✌️
Claire? Do you need a hand?
Get in choom, we're goin scav huntin!
Lol why does she have a phone in 2077
Yall don't know how badly I want to edit this review to say "I told you so" but I'll wait for 2.0 and Phantom Liberty to drop.
REDstream announced , next major update will be showcase on 24th August
So how do I get paid to make crappy articles like this🙄
“I just moved shit, with my freaking mind!”
before and after edgerunners
Meredith Stout was missed potential for a Militech ending and showing a much more Corpo V
V and her best bud
being found, you need to queque them up in the right way, which adds another element of planning to that gameplay system. It's also worth noting that hostile netrunners were buffed up, so now instead of just trying to overheat me all the time, they were trying instead to, among other things, disable my weapon and cyberware.
When I reached Rosalind Myers, I noticed a cool change in comparison to the published gameplay footage from that scene. Since my V didn't have enough Body to overpower her when she aimed her gun in his face, my attempt to disarm Rosalind failed and Miss President simply pushed me down, which caused the follow up dialogue scene to play out a little differently. Pretty nice detail.
After flashforward and more story scenes, I finally got an opportunity to run around the world, while ignoring the narrative from that point on and see what Dogtown has to offer. Now when it comes to the new district, one thing that makes it really stand out is that, even though it's not that much larger then the Combat Zone that we can see at the current version of the map in the base game, it's a very layered area with the roads constantly going up and down, as well as many platforms and levels that you can climb on, which allows developers to pack quite a lot of content in it. Basically it feels like a giant abandoned construction site, that locals decided to turn into a settlement, with some nicer places sprinkled inbetween. This style is also present in the design of one of the new cars that I could buy in the game (and have stolen later), which fixer described as a local pride and joy, while it looked like two cars smashed together by a press, that some miracle worker managed to turn into a driveable vehicle.
Speaking of those, I had an opportunity to check those highly anticipated by some car chases after I caused some mayhem by shooting one dude marked with a blue dot, who turned out to be a local law officer. New police system works exactly as you would expect it to (I didn't go above two stars, which could change situation quite drastically), local militia chased me in a cars, trying to push me out of the way and block my road, while constantly shooting from their vehicles. I repayed them with my handgun by shooting back from inside the cabin (I couldn't switch to my rifle, my guess is you have to lean out from the car to use it, but I didn't have an opportunity to do so) to test out the vehicle combat, then, after my stolen car was wrecked, I instantly picked another one, which proved to be equipped with weapons, that I used to pay them back some more, this time with a turret. Or at least I tried to, but it wasn't very precise, since I didn't see where I'm aiming, maybe because I didn't had the right perk for that. Then in the end it turned out that reaching active quest area cancelled the chase, which might be a simplification, but I get why they did it, after all it would be even weirder if police started suddenly attacking us in the middle of the dialogue.
While running around wildly, I encountered several things to do. I saw one of the supplies drops marked with the red smoke that I could pick up for myself, which I didn't do, but I appreciated how they introduced this mechanic via story scene. After I stole a guarded vehicle, El Captain called me and asked me to bring it to a specific location, which led to a fairly funny exchange, also acting as an introduction to courier missions in Dogtown. There were obviously a new fixer gigs and a sidequest from an acquitance from the base game (I don't want to spoil, however it's a very minor character), but I run out of time right at the start of that last one, to my chagrin, since it looked quite interesting. One thing that grabbed my attention with the start of this quest is how even dialogue scenes in the side content seem to be greater quality then the ones in the base game. My client's movements and facial expressions made him come off as very likable to me after just a brief conversation. With plethora of new gigs (which supposed to be larger and feel more
I'm fully obsessed with rain in this game
Thanks Seattle Tacoma International for stocking the book early
Panam Badlands Artwork
I’m just sad
Did you reclaim the car or leave it with the new owner?
If all snipers see the float; the float sees all the snipers!
Showing Takemura how its done