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guy's i have few questions about using emacs?

i use nvchad neovim distro and loved what emacs is it really will be fun when i know all bindings in doom emacs


but i'm in college so i have to ask,

will it be helpful if i spent hours learning emacs?

i used emacs for three days and couldn't change the tab spaces from 8 to 4

i don't know how elisp works neither do i know what lisp is.

are there themes in emacs that we can choose from because doom emacs looked really pale when i installed it

is Emacs future proof?

currently only highly elite people use emacs, and if we look at statistics the vim users are dominating the number of people using emacs, will emacs have good support in future because i will be sticking to my favourite editor for my entire lifetime i will be bound to it.

should i learn emacs after my college ends?

i learnt how to configure and use window managers but i honestly regret using them as my college sem cgpa lowered a lot using it converting to arch linux was a similar choice i love doing both things but they took a lot of time affecting my career if i had time i would absolutely choose learning window managers and using arch linux. will it be the same with emacs??


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Doom emacs remote python development config solution

Greetings, comrades!

I'm currently getting acquainted with Doom Emacs, and I've already experienced the benefits of org roam and local Python development. However, problems start to arise when I try to start developing in Python on a remote host for work. Not only have I not found any eglot configurations specific to working through Tramp, but the installation of pylsp for Python 3.7.3 is also not as smooth as I would like (perhaps it needs to be installed not in the user directory, but in the venv of the project).

If anyone has any insights, guides, or experience working under these conditions, I am completely open to suggestions. Maybe I am completely wrong when I try to set all this up through Tramp and ssh-deploy, or the installation of a remote instance on the host will work much better.

Please, help me!


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Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread

This is a thread for smaller, miscellaneous items that might not warrant a full post on their own.

See this search for previous "Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c." Threads.

Don't feel constrained in regards to what you post, just keep your post vaguely, generally on the topic of emacs.


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Treesit Text Objects and edit/movement commands


This is a new package for working with tree-sitter based text objects. Also, it provides some edit/movement commands. The
package uses new things machinery added in Emacs 30.0.50.
The only user interface available now is evil.
Maybe it will be useful for someone.


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Skeletons or templates for new file default content, per-project?

I do software consulting work, and each project has different requirements for what a C++/h/js/python file should look like. I'd like an easy way to configure "default file content" for new files in a per-project way, maybe through .dir-locals.el.
I use skeleton-mode for my own projects, but setting that up requires using its mini-language, so not easy to do with dir-locals. Is there a package I could use for this? Perhaps some way to use yasnippets?


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Johnny.decimal with org

Does anybody use the Johnny.decimal system with org? If so (or also if not) I have a couple of questions:

- does org also work well in a directory structure with Nester sub folder?
- is there a good way for liking files which will fuzzy find in that structure?
- do you have any other tips for me?

Thank you!


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Another syntax highlighting question

I'd like to use the standard font-lock highlighting to get things working how I expect. I'm sure these questions get asked a lot, but I can not get it working as I expect. As you can see in the image below there is very little being highlighted, especially inside js objects:


From what I've read, having (global-fontlock-mode t) and (setq font-lock-maximum-decoration t) set should be enough, and it's described as over the top, yet very little is being highlighted. I did try tree-sitter, but then everything is highlighted to a ridiculous degree and even with the package tree-sitter-langs installed non eof the -ts modes find a configuration. I've read that font-lock mode is good enough, so I'm wondering what I'm missing to get more highlighting?

Thanks for any help.


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Which font is used on the screenshot, and how can I use it in my emacs?

As far as I know, the font from the text area was pretty popular in old Emacs versions. I like how it looks (especially curly braces :) ) and it's pretty readable to me. Is there a change to set it up today?



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Emacs: abbreviations with abbrev-mode (quick text expansion)


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If someone were to rewrite gnus

What features would you most like to see in it?


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rookie question about uninstallation

i'm on windows, i uninstalled all emacs on windows but when i run "emacs" i still get:

Cannot find file at 'c:\\tools\\emacs\\bin\\emacs.exe' (c:\\tools\\emacs\\bin\\emacs.exe). This usually indicates a missing or moved file.

i tried looking at environment vars, path, ps1 profile, nothing. what more can i do?

i'm looking to get "The term 'emacs' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet..." so i can reinstall everything


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A $100,000 app inside Emacs...

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ekg version 0.5.0: inline tags, auto-save, and other improvements

ekg is a note taking package that is tag-based, and uses sqlite for storage. The new version 0.5.0 is out, featuring the following major changes:

- Inline tags! Now you can just add tags as you type, which I find very convenient. The tags are, in org-mode, turned into org-mode links, so those who like this style of having links in one note that enable "backlinks" will find this more familiar. The backlinks here are just the tag showing the notes that have the link to that tag.

- ekg-auto-save, a module by Qingshui Zheng that let's you enable saving notes automatically as you write them, which works in a similar way to the emacs auto-save functionality. If you write longer notes, this should be useful.

- Improvements to org-mode notes. Because of the way our notes buffer works, it has metadata at the top which has read-only elements that interfere with org-mode. We now have some ability to narrow the buffer before the appropriate org-mode commands so that they work correctly. But this solution isn't perfect, and more work needs to be done.

- Trash simplification - I previously had the notion that trashing a note should trash the individual tags, prepending them all with "trash/". That idea never really panned out, and was adding too much complication, so now there's just a "trash" tag. If your note has that tag, it's in the trash.

- Aborting a note. If you are capturing a note, save it as a draft, but then want to just abandon both the note and the draft, you can do that with C-c C-k. Also thanks to Qingshui Zheng!

- Many bug fixes.

Demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKQB686SHQs


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great themes, both light ones
;; and dark ones. Use M-x load-theme to select one.
;; The first time you load one, it asks for
;; confirmation. You can see what they all
;; look like here:
;; https://github.com/doomemacs/themes/tree/screenshots
(setup (:package doom-themes)
(when (not custom-enabled-themes)
(load-theme 'doom-dark+ t)))

;; These settings relate to how emacs interacts with your operating system
(setq ;; makes killing/yanking interact with the clipboard
x-select-enable-clipboard t

;; I'm actually not sure what this does but it's recommended?
x-select-enable-primary t

;; Save clipboard strings into kill ring before replacing them.
;; When one selects something in another program to paste it into Emacs,
;; but kills something in Emacs before actually pasting it,
;; this selection is gone unless this variable is non-nil
save-interprogram-paste-before-kill t

;; Shows all options when running apropos. For more info,
;; https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Apropos.html
apropos-do-all t

;; Mouse yank commands yank at point instead of at click.
mouse-yank-at-point t)

btw, when I hove with mouse it displays message in minibuffer and strange window (frame) appears aside. I use yabai window manager on Mac



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lsp-ui doesn't display errors/warning sideline

Hello, everyone! I am new to Emacs, trying to get the hang of it while developing on Clojure

To dive into Clojure development in Emacs, I installed configuration from the book "Clojure for Brave and True", here is a repo: [https://github.com/flyingmachine/emacs-for-clojure/](https://github.com/flyingmachine/emacs-for-clojure/)

among other useful packages, there is lsp-ui, that should display diagnostic messages. But in my case it doesn't

As far as I understood, it should work out of the box((

I use emacs 29.2, installed via brew install --cask emacs

here is my config for this

(setup (:package lsp-mode lsp-ui lsp-ivy lsp-treemacs)
(:hook lsp-enable-which-key-integration)
(:bind "M-<f7>" lsp-find-references))

;; clojure-mode is (naturally) the major mode for editing
;; Clojure and ClojureScript. subword-mode allows words
;; in camel case to be treated as separate words for
;; movement and editing commands.
;; https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clojure-mode
;; subword-mode is useful for working with camel-case tokens,
;; like names of Java classes (e.g. JavaClassName)
(setup (:package clojure-mode)
(:hook subword-mode
;; CIDER is a whole interactive development environment for
;; Clojure. There is a ton of functionality here, so be sure
;; to check out the excellent documentation at
;; https://docs.cider.mx/cider/index.html
(setup (:package cider)
(:bind "C-c u" cider-user-ns
"C-M-r" cider-refresh)
(:option cider-show-error-buffer t
cider-auto-select-error-buffer t
cider-repl-history-file "~/.emacs.d/cider-history"
cider-repl-pop-to-buffer-on-connect t
cider-repl-wrap-history t))

;; company provides auto-completion for CIDER
;; see https://docs.cider.mx/cider/usage/code_completion.html
(setup (:package company)
(:hook-into cider-mode

;; hydra provides a nice looking menu for commands
;; to see what's available, use M-x and the prefix cider-hydra
;; https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider-hydra
(setup (:package cider-hydra)
(:hook-into clojure-mode))
;; additional refactorings for CIDER
;; e.g. add missing libspec, extract function, destructure keys
;; https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clj-refactor.el
(setup (:package clj-refactor)
(cljr-add-keybindings-with-prefix "C-c C-m")
(:hook-into clojure-mode))

;; enable paredit in your REPL
(setup cider-repl-mode
(:hook paredit-mode))

;; Use clojure mode for other extensions
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.boot$" . clojure-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.cljs.*$" . clojure-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("lein-env" . enh-ruby-mode))

;; these help me out with the way I usually develop web apps
(defun cider-start-http-server ()
(let ((ns (cider-current-ns)))
(cider-repl-set-ns ns)
(cider-interactive-eval (format "(println '(def server (%s/start))) (println 'server)" ns))
(cider-interactive-eval (format "(def server (%s/start)) (println server)" ns))))

(defun cider-refresh ()
(cider-interactive-eval (format "(user/reset)")))

(defun cider-user-ns ()
(cider-repl-set-ns "user"))

So, there is error, for sure - `into` should be called with a collection as last argument. And it shows "!!" but no any message



btw, I come to this config only bc when I've set my own config with use-package it didn't work too.

Maybe I need to configure project itself, somehow?

here is my own config with emacs-mac 29.2

;(use-package clojure-ts-mode
; :ensure t)

(use-package clojure-mode

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Routing ob-ipython console output and tracebacks to Inferior Python buffer

When I run ipython src-blocks, all console output automatically pops up in ob-ipython-out and ob-ipython-traceback, instead of in the Inferior Python:one buffer that I've opened with C-c C-v C-z. The Inferior Python still has access to the results of the cells (if they define a new variable for example), but it's just not showing any output, and the popups from the other ob-ipython buffers are very annoying. Is this expected behavior, and if so, is there some way I can reroute the output?


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Hide #+ metadata tags and < > and date tags in org-mode?

Hi everyone,

I've been using org-modern for ages now and I just took it out as it really has some weird issues with certain things (like with tables). So I'm back to straight up org-mode with org-superstar, as well as hiding markdown stuff. That all works great! But, I'm wondering:

Is there a way to hide #+, < > and [ \]? Specifically:

Turn #+filename: into filename: at the top and <2024-07-02> or [2024-07-02\] into just 2024-07-02? I find them kinda ugly to look at in really nicely presented documents/files.




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org-roam auto kill buffer?

I've recently picked up org-roam as part of an attempt to better organize studies with org-mode. As I create org-roam nodes, I C-c C-c them after filling out my templates, but this is not killing the buffer and over time they are building up. Is there a better command that I've not found for closing and auto killing the buffer?


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Looking for a new forge

Hi all, I'm curious to get the opinion of the Emacs community on this issue, as basically all of my side projects revolve around Emacs package development.

Background: I am looking to get away from GitHub for development. I would like something a little more in line with FOSS/Libre ideals.

I've been on SourceHut for a while and I really like that there is 0 Javascript—it's fast, reliable, and has worked well so far. Trouble is, collaboration is a little trickier as it's all via mailing lists right now. I've appreciated learning about mailing lists and I have had some people collaborate with me on some software via email—so cool!—but I know this is a blocker for some people. Also, it's technically still in alpha; I know Prot recently left SourceHut due to some missing features, and I kind of look up to Prot's deliberate approach to all things development.

An alternative I'm considering is Forgejo. (The Codeberg instance, specifically.) They seem to have similar goals in regards to free software and portability, but the workflow is much more PR-based, which is much more comfortable for many users.

I'm curious to hear people's opinions on the two forges: where do you like developing software? (Especially Emacs related software.)

View Poll


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How to open a file but not really load the data into buffer?

When opening a binary file, I want to show the metadata obtained from some shell commands, instead of the real content of that file. For example, I want to do emacs binary.h5, but instead of showing the binary code, I want to show the result from h5ls binary.h5.

Of course I can use some hook to run the function I like, but the problem is that emacs would load the content of the file at some point, and I want to avoid this, because the size of the binary file can be huge.

I think one way to solve this problem is to define my own functions in shell/emacs, and only use those functions to open the file. But I'm curious if there is a way to avoid emacs to load certain files.



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Synchronize Google Calendar with Doom emacs

Hey I would like to synchronize my Google Calendar with Doom emacs. I have heard that there are different ways to do this. I am an Emacs beginner and don't know much about the terminal commands. I use a Macbook. I am happy about any help


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Is it worth it to switch to Doom/Spacemacs from vanilla?

Hello everyone!

I've been using Emacs for a couple months now as my primary editor and a little longer before for just Lisp-related stuff. I have my config (\~500 LOC) I'm pretty comfortable with but it's far from perfect. It's a little messy, not everything works as expected. Like I still don't know how to set custom font for Emacs client or solaire mode doesn't work for some reason despite using themes that support it, not a big deal but it'd be nice to make them work. Now I'm thinking whether is it better to polish my current config so I have everything set up exactly how I want or to use some distribution that makes it all easier. I know it's pretty much matter of preferences, but it's hard to make a decision by myself not knowing what I miss from Doom/Spacemacs nor what trade-offs there are + I already have somehow functional config and I don't know if at this point making a switch is a right move.

And, despite I'm ex hardcore Vim user I don't use evil-mode in Emacs (I mostly do program in Lisp languages in which Vim keybinding is just useless thanks to structural editing and paredit), but I know both of these distribution use evil-mode by default. So what is their support for Emacs keybinding?


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YAML mode buffer formatting issues

I am working with yaml files in this format

name : clojure-tools
version :
release : 9

When ever I save the whitespace around the : is removed, I have been looking for some kind of function called on the autosave hook to disable this functionality but I can't find one, anyone know how I can configure / disable change the behavior so that the whitespace stays ?



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What's the best way to run a dev server within Emacs?

For a frontend project, I've started running a dev server with M-x Compile. This generally works well except it's not respecting a .nvmrc, of course, and I'm debating writing some elisp to switch nvm versions when compiling and there exists an .nvmrc (for non JS devs, this a file that specifies the Node version to use in a directory).

Got me to think, are there any alternative, and perhaps superior, ways to start long running processes like this? Obviously opening a shell is an option but I've been tending to avoiding doing that where possible.


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How do I get emacs to indent by 4 spaces?

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mode-line and horizontal split windows

I've been tinkering with getting the tool tips on the mode line to show the full buffer name

;; try switching buffer name tooltip in the mode line to actually be the full buffer name

(setq-default mode-line-buffer-identification

(list (propertize


'face 'mode-line-buffer-id


'(format "%s\\nmouse-1: Previous buffer\\nmouse-3: Next buffer" (buffer-name))

'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight

'local-map mode-line-buffer-identification-keymap)))

Switching above works as expected with a single window or when horizontally splitting



However, when you do a vertical split window. All of a sudden the tooltip reverts to the default behavior despite no changes in the mode-line-buffer-identification variable.



Does anyone know what's going on and how to fix the behavior so it works as expected?


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Decorate frame's client-side decorations with PGTK Emacs

I'm using yequake to make temporary frames quickly appearing for quick capturing stuff.

I'd like to make the window (Emacs Frame) stand out from the other windows but the only thing I've been able to do is to undecorate the frame, but it removes any shadow and rounded corners and looks kind of out of tone with the rest of the windows. It would be neat to have rounded corners but no title bar or some similar customization, but I do not know if Emacs can edit its client side decorations. (I'm using GNOME 45)


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Magit and proejct.el integation: Calling magit-status when opening a project

I wanted to have the the option to call magit-status as the first thing I do when opening a project. Project.el allows to define this kind of behavior using projects-switch-commands and, in fact magit does that once magit-project-statusis called.

I'm not able to make this work the way I want without resorting to the following: explicitly requiring project.el, and copy/pasting the code from magit-extras that sets the magit command to so:

  (require 'project)

;; Git management
(use-package magit)

;; Copied from magit/magit-extras.el
(when (and (boundp 'project-prefix-map)
;; Only modify if it hasn't already been modified.
(equal project-switch-commands
(eval (car (get 'project-switch-commands 'standard-value))
(keymap-set project-prefix-map "m" #'magit-project-status)
(add-to-list 'project-switch-commands '(magit-project-status "Magit") t))

There must be a way to do this without the need of repeating code, but I failed to make other approaches work.

Any help is welcomed.



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:ensure t)

(use-package lsp-ui
:ensure t
:commands lsp-ui-mode
:hook (lsp-mode . lsp-ui-mode))

(use-package lsp-mode
:ensure t
:hook ((clojure-mode . lsp)
(clojurec-mode . lsp)
(clojurescript-mode . lsp))
:commands lsp
(setenv "PATH" (concat
"/usr/local/bin" path-separator
(getenv "PATH")))
(dolist (m '(clojure-mode
(add-to-list 'lsp-language-id-configuration `(,m . "clojure")))
(setq lsp-clojure-server-command '("/opt/homebrew/bin/clojure-lsp"))
(setq gc-cons-threshold (* 100 1024 1024)
read-process-output-max (* 1024 1024)
treemacs-space-between-root-nodes nil
company-minimum-prefix-length 1))
; lsp-enable-indentation nil ; uncomment to use cider indentation instead of lsp
; lsp-enable-completion-at-point nil ; uncomment to use cider completion instead of lsp

my current ui config, if it is make sense:

;; These customizations change the way emacs looks and disable/enable
;; some user interface elements. Some useful customizations are
;; commented out, and begin with the line "CUSTOMIZE". These are more
;; a matter of preference and may require some fiddling to match your
;; preferences

;; no startup tutorial
;;(setq inhibit-startup-message t)

; disable tool-bar, menu-bar, scroll-bar
;(menu-bar-mode -1)
(set-fringe-mode 10)
;; hightlight current row
;(global-hl-line-mode t)

(defun font-exists-p (font) (if (null (x-list-fonts font)) nil t))

(when (window-system)
(cond ((font-exists-p "ComicMono Nerd Font") (set-frame-font "ComicMono Nerd Font:spacing=100:size=18" nil t))
((font-exists-p "UbuntuMono Nerd Font") (set-frame-font "UbuntuMono Nerd Font:spacing=100:size=18" nil t))))
;; set relative line number
(setq display-line-numbers-type 'relative)
;; set transparency
(set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'alpha '(90 . 90)) (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(alpha . (90 . 90)))
(setq visible-bell t)
;;(setq scroll-margin 20)

;; Make ESC quit prompts
(global-set-key (kbd "<escape>") 'keyboard-escape-quit)

(tooltip-mode -1) ;; disable tooltips
(tool-bar-mode -1) ;; the toolbar is pretty ugly
(scroll-bar-mode -1) ;; disable visible scrollbar
(blink-cursor-mode 0) ;; turn off blinking cursor. distracting!
(setq create-lockfiles nil) ;; no need for ~ files when editing
(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p) ;; changes all yes/no questions to y/n type
(setq inhibit-startup-message t) ;; go straight to scratch buffer on startup
(setq ring-bell-function 'ignore) ;; turn off audible bell

;; show full path in title bar
(setq-default frame-title-format "%b (%f)")

;; initial frame height and width
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(height . 45))
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(width . 100))

;; increase font size for better readability
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 140)

;; for some reason, this crashes Emacs on Windows. Argh!
(setup (when (not (string-equal system-type "windows-nt"))
(:package doom-modeline)
(doom-modeline-mode t)))

;; on a Mac, don't pop up font menu
(when (string-equal system-type "darwin") 'ok
(global-set-key (kbd "s-t") '(lambda () (interactive))))

;; doom is a whole Emacs distribution unto itself,
;; but it's got some really nice packages that you
;; can use a-la-carte. doom-modeline is simply a more
;; modern and more beautiful modeline.
;; doom-modeline uses nice icons from all-the-icons
(setup (:package all-the-icons))

;; Lots of

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Beautifying Org Mode in Emacs


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