When you're about to concede at the start of the game but you're opponent concedes before you
Is it too much to ask for up to date loading screen tips?
Saw on Tieba... That's $50,000 missed.
Not sure if my longest, but certainly by far the loudest DH run I've ever had!
No hesitation on this choice
Please make gold even!
Tired of having 20 leftover gold. I didn't know how the new system was going to work. Biggest annoyance for me right now in HS.
How to not lose to Armor Druid
I'm not supposed to tell you all this ...
But Bobs been rooting for me and he thinks I can win this whole thing.
Top Cards of the Week from r/CustomHearthstone (12/19/20)
Just hit wild legend for the first time on my 1000th paladin win with Exodia+librams!
I hate this deck
Yeeey! İt's my first golden leg
So, Blizzard's strategy worked, right?
When the battlepass came out and everyone was complaining, many people pointed out that Blizzard would probably:
1. Anchoring - Release a system that was deliberately way worse than intended
2. Give a slight improvement to that system to make users think they care
3. Wait for all complaints to completely die out
This is a common strategy in mobile games, and looking at the front page it seems like it worked completely, right? There are basically no complaints about how expensive Hearthstone is now, even though practically nothing changed.
Blizzard, you really need to do something with these macro users.
Yesterday I was playing Pirate Warrior in wild to increase the win number on my Warrior. Out of 7 matches three of them were macro users.
All of these macro users are the same. They are all warriors(because of the hero power), and they all have taunt or field destroying minions like Doomsayer. They all waste time by burning the rope and their cursors go in a pattern from hero power, then left to right on their hand. If there are any minions they can play within their mana, they play it which is all taunts and field destroyers.
I mainly play in Asia server so I am not sure if this is Asia only problem but seriously, Blizzard you gotta do something about this macro users. Can’t you develop any macro detecting software or something and kick these players out?
This site made by D0nkey has decklists of streamers playing live and you can search by card or filter for how much they played with the deck. Great source for finding player's decklists and weird archetypes.
Biggest pack opening ever charging up? :) | The result of playing competitively arena since 2015 (22x Arena Leaderboards atm; FreeToPlay) | www.twitch.tv/bommy3
Buy, Sell, Buy, Buy, Triple, Sell, Buy
Ironically Nozdormu was late to the party
Hows nerfs work in Hearthstone
The Current Shaman Transform Deck is 100% Not Interactive or Fun to Play against at All!
Alright so you draw a weapon, cheat out a bunch of minions and totems, swing and hope for the best?
News flash, it's always pretty good.
This is the least fun deck to play against in the game. It MIGHT be fair if they get to transform 2 minions randomly, shit, even at choice. But a whole board? Just because you got lucky and got your weapon and some other cards? I've never played the deck but it feels like it's either 100% win or you don't do well.
Just my opinion, it isn't fun to play against win or lose. Currently 3 wins from legend and have played 3 shamans in the last hour.
Can please low effort BG screenshots post be removed?
There are some interesting post about BG, videos showing new "exodias" compositions, screenshots showing uncommon strategies, but these are few, most of the screenshots posted in here are:
"Look at this weird gold composition I pulled."
"Look how beefy my warband is."
"I managed to win with this tribe that have zero sinergy with my Hero."
"I feel dirty by wining with this poison composition."
They are basically all the same post and they're spammed everytime there's a BG update.
And they do break a rule from this sub, the Low effort one, people play the game then press the screenshot button to subsequently post it in here with no apparent context or explanation besides "Look at this stuff of mine", If they were to be allowed, rules should be created to justify them.
I would like to know what people think about this, Why do you think they should be allowed?
Nice to see HDT tracking the level too. Whoever keeps up with that, you guys are great! Keep it up!
My biggest achievement in Hearthstone
Can we please get auto-squelch
Please... It would also be great if when someone was squelched their hero wasn’t highlighted when they emote. Really tired of having to click it at the start of every single match. Such a small quality of life improvement that would be very much appreciated.
2021 Hall of Fame Community Bingo
Victory/Defeat Music Cutting Off?
Does anyone else have the music cut off when wining/losing after you go back to the deck selection screen?
Hearthstone Deck Tracker currently shows your opponent's pieces of C'thun
The pay off is just too small.
The fabled 20th turn warband
After hours of playing with a deck solely built around generating Sayge, I finally completely his achievement without ever having to craft him.