Can we Tone Down Evolve Shaman Please
Right now this deck feels incredibly oppressive.
It seems like you need 4-5 board clears from turns 4 - 8 just to hope to survive. They don't even have to draw to the nuts...they just need to be sorta on curve and you are faced with wave after wave of over-statted minions for the middle game.
Something needs to be toned down. You can't have a weapon that hits for 8 over 2 turns while effectively healing every minion to full with the evolve...combined with minions that make multiple copies as their battlecry...combined with high-cost minions that are discounted based on how many units are in play. The net results is a deck that is almost unstoppable if they have a decent curve.
If you go wide it discounts their 9 and 10 drops which isn't what you want. If you go tall you can't handle the multiple wide boards they can create. You are basically hoping that they low-roll the 8 waves of evolves.
And when you add in Hoard Pillager it becomes broken. If the text on Hoard Pillager read "deal 4 damage to any minion and then evolve into a random 5 drop" everyone would say is was OP. Hoard Pillager is an under-statted 4 drop because it brings back a weapon. Knuckles completely eliminates the downside of the card. You are basically paying 4-mana for a 5-cost weapon and a 5-cost minion. It literally costs negative mana?!? Sure you can low-roll the 5 drop but even if you do it is a push at worst.
Evolve Shaman has no bad match-up right now. It's worst match-up is it's deck order. I don't want this to be the meta for the next month because it will be disastrous, IMO. I'm not saying destroy the deck, but I think it needs to be slowed down somehow. This deck has always been an issue, but it was masked by the DH scourge of the last month. With DH toned down a bit, now it is obvious how broken this deck is (IMO).
If people have a deck that does well against Evolve Shaman (or tech cards that give you a decent chance) let me know. I guess I can put 2x Sticky, Indiana Jones and The Blob in my deck but I can't imagine that is a legit strategy. Is there an aggro deck that can neutralize it?
Should Evolve Shaman be nerfed?
Is it only me or experienced other Players that the Game right now seems like Shamanstone? 12 of my last 20 Opponents were Evolve Shamans and if you dont play another Superaggro Deck these Games are Most likely lost. What do you think, is shaman too strong right now?
Card back keychain
The best part of getting rewards is not being able to actually get them.
I'm still not happy with the updates to the reward system.
It takes 5000 XP to level up and I'll only get 200 gold. So after 3-5 days I get 2 packs.
Live footage from post-nerf ladder
Nethrandamus is a Yogg Bro
Can only think of this when I play him
Wife made me a Hearthstone Bottle
oEltinho]( December 16, 2020
### [Shaman](
* [(R)evolve Shaman #37 Legend – VitorioRadke]( December 20, 2020
* [(R)evolve Shaman #39 Legend – SuperiorDavidHS]( December 20, 2020
* [(R)evolve Shaman #53 Legend – LiquidOxHs]( December 20, 2020
* [Control Shaman #39 Legend – Dono\_\_HS]( December 20, 2020
* [(R)evolve Shaman #90 Legend – wiRerHS]( December 18, 2020
### [Warlock](
* [Galakrond Warlock #13 Legend – HS\_StoneCN]( December 20, 2020
* [Galakrond Warlock #11 Legend – MegaGliscor\_HS]( December 19, 2020
### [Warrior](
* [ETC Warrior #16 Legend – Rase\_HS]( December 19, 2020
* [Bomb Warrior #72 Legend – SuperiorDavidHS]( December 17, 2020
* [ETC Warrior #26 Legend – Sialed]( December 16, 2020
## Wild Decks
### [Demon Hunter](
* [Odd Demon Hunter #97 Legend – Maym\_52]( December 19, 2020
### [Druid](
* [Malygos Druid #247 Legend – Vlad\_vladkravec]( December 17, 2020
### [Hunter](
* [Reno Hunter #147 Legend – LordXav\_HS]( December 20, 2020
* [Reno Hunter #71 Legend – GetMeowth]( December 17, 2020
### [Mage](
* [Secret Mage #198 Legend – MrFoxyDucky]( December 20, 2020
* [Secret Mage #204 Legend – igna77HS]( December 19, 2020
* [Secret Mage #99 Legend – hs\_vlad1k]( December 17, 2020
### [Paladin](
* [Odd Paladin #37 Legend – HS\_Mentalistic]( December 20, 2020
### [Priest](
* [Reno Priest #1 Legend – HazerHS]( December 20, 2020
* [Dragon Priest #2 Legend – sipiwi94]( December 19, 2020
* [Reno Priest #27 Legend – KremePuffHS]( December 16, 2020
### [Rogue](
* [Combo Rogue #191 Legend – laboresangre]( December 19, 2020
* [Kingsbane Rogue #54 Legend – SmudgeHS]( December 19, 2020
* [Shuffle Rogue #499 Legend – Sadon1991]( December 19, 2020
* [Kingsbane Rogue #83 Legend – BanditKeithHS]( December 18,
Post Nerf Deck Lists Compilation | Weekly Report #85 (Duels, Standard & Wild)
Welcome to our weekly Report for Hearthstone, right after the recent Nerfs!
In our weekly Report, which we post (almost) every Sunday, we share with you Decks played in Top 500 Legend and Top Duels Decks.
Did you see a Streamer play a Deck in or reach yourself 500 Legend? Simply comment below, or message us on [Facebook](, [Twitter](, or [Discord](, or use our [Form]( You can also submit it if you reached 10+ Wins in Hearthstone Duels.
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## How to use Deck codes
1. Copy the code.
2. Open “My Collection” in Hearthstone.
3. Click “Yes” when prompted to create a new Deck
## Newest [News](, [Guides](, and [Articles](
* [Hearthstone Nagrand Garrosh Bundle: 5 packs & skin for $9.99]( December 16, 2020
* [This Weeks Tavern Brawl is “Gift Exchange”]( December 16, 2020
* [19.2 Patch Notes: Battlegrounds, Constructed, Duels Updates and more!]( December 14, 2020
## Category Pages
* Duels Decks: [](
* Standard Decks: [](
* Wild Decks: [](
## Duels Decks
### [Demon Hunter](
* [Hearthstone Duels 11 Win Demon Hunter – NyZtan0 (Outlander | Gift of the Legion)]( December 18, 2020
* [Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Demon Hunter – 虎牙丶夜帆 (Outlander | Mo’arg Outcast)]( December 18, 2020
### [Druid](
* No decks yet – you can view some older decks: [Druid Decks](!
### [Hunter](
* [Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter – 虎牙丶夜帆 (Death Games | Bonecrusher)]( December 18, 2020
* [Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter – ZoltanHS (Death Games | Bonecrusher)]( December 17, 2020
### [Mage](
* [Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Mage – 虎牙丶夜帆 (Secret Studies | Infinite Arcane)]( December 18, 2020
### [Paladin](
* No decks yet – you can view some older decks: [Paladin Decks](!
### [Priest](
* [Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Priest – Titan\_HS2 (Shadow Mend | Droplet of
I hate my life
Shitstorm incoming
Problem/Bug with C’thun in Even Mage
So I just made an Even Mage C’thun because why not make some fun decks and I just saw that the C’thun breaks into pieces before OR after the HeroPower gets discounted. Basically you start with a 10 Mana C’thun so you should have the effect go off every time but when the pieces get shuffled before the discount it doesn’t happen... I build my deck as required, so there’s a program mistake right there
hey everyone! get in here!
A short sad story
Khadgar and alistar combo
Holy Crap, it’s finally over...
I just realized the hidden genius behind the card dirty rat
Ok so for context I’ve played hearthstone 1 week before tavern brawl came out and stopped when witch wood came out (whatever expansion shutter walk shaman was a thing)
I was in the showering remembering the good old days of Un’goro and for whatever reason dirty rat popped into my head.
it makes even more since when his playing sound is “I ain’t talking!” Then proceeds to say “me talk me talk!”
I talked to my friends about this right after the shower and they never realized this either.
There is no way this was a mistake on blizzards end and this was intentional and I’m surprised how stupid I am for just realizing that
Which streamers teach you how to play battlegrounds?
I have started watching some streamers on twitch and while they're undoubtedly good at what they do and sometimes talk out their strategy, I'm looking for some streamers more primarily focused on a teaching or education based stream.
Any names come to mind?
After playing on and off since Goblins vs Gnomes I finally did the thing
Rexxar canonically has 3 hands
It turns out time has been VERY kind to Disidra
* [Odd Rogue #16 Legend – jafferdoodles]( December 17, 2020
### [Shaman](
* [Reno Shaman #482 Legend – c0nt1k]( December 19, 2020
### [Warlock](
* [Discard Warlock #94 Legend – Husky0821]( December 19, 2020
### [Warrior](
* [ETC Warrior #470 Legend – camilotp89]( December 19, 2020
* [Odd Warrior #68 Legend – Simo17713]( December 18, 2020
* [Pirate Warrior #401 Legend – rahktoh]( December 17, 2020
* [Pirate Warrior #93 Legend – slizzle466]( December 16, 2020
Insanity)]( December 20, 2020
* [Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Priest – leokend\_hs (Shadow Mend | Droplet of Insanity)]( December 17, 2020
### [Rogue](
* No decks yet – you can view some older decks: [Rogue Decks](!
### [Shaman](
* No decks yet – you can view some older decks: [Shaman Decks](!
### [Warlock](
* [Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Warlock – Rooneygp (Dark Arts | Killmox)]( December 19, 2020
* [Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Warlock – mind\_malkavian (Dark Arts | Killmox)]( December 18, 2020
### [Warrior](
* No decks yet – you can view some older decks: [Warrior Decks](!
## Standard Decks
### [Demon Hunter](
* [OTK Demon Hunter #181 Legend – l\_qz]( December 20, 2020
* [OTK Demon Hunter #1 Legend – pocket\_train]( December 18, 2020
* [OTK Demon Hunter #1 Legend – RaFaEl\_\_hs]( December 16, 2020
### [Druid](
* [Spell Druid #193 Legend – KrakenFlying]( December 19, 2020
### [Hunter](
* [Highlander Hunter #169 Legend – hattri\_k]( December 19, 2020
### [Mage](
* [Secret Mage #185 Legend – Macheenhs]( December 17, 2020
### [Paladin](
* [Libram Paladin #67 Legend – Paulss\_]( December 16, 2020
### [Priest](
* [Highlander Priest #9 Legend – Nightningz]( December 20, 2020
* [Highlander Priest #49 Legend – DmoneyBrand]( December 18, 2020
* [Control Priest #4 Legend – MoleStarHS]( December 17, 2020
### [Rogue](
* [Secret Rogue #325 Legend – Nightningz]( December 20, 2020
* [Combo Rogue #7 Legend – kagomechan\_\_]( December 20, 2020
* [Combo Rogue #93 Legend – HazeHS\_HS]( December 20, 2020
* [Combo Rogue #36 Legend – EggowaffleHS]( December 19, 2020
* [Secret Rogue #8 Legend – mo\_soooooo]( December 18, 2020
* [Combo Rogue #25 Legend – kagomechan\_\_]( December 16, 2020
* [Combo Rogue #235 Legend –
In low MMR battle grounds it gets rough trying to achieve the 30 damage achievement. Knew I was gonna lose so I sold everything to give it to Patches. If you're out there buddy I hope you needed to get it ^.^
What's scribbled on the front of the box?
So I had noticed this a while back: when the game loads in and you see the front of the chest at a fairly sharp angle, there seems to be something scribbled on the plaque.
I couldn't find anything online about it, so today I decided to record and check it out today. It appears to be signed "Team 5". Which of course is the dev team that made Hearthstone.
Thought that was neat and wanted to share.
Everytime I see someone using emotes in Battlegrounds
Nothing more satisfying than unlimited fireballs.
I died but it's so worth it. I'm rich.