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Disco Warlock is at 70+% winrate in wild solely because of this new card

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Bug: Shouldn't I have gotten a reroll for my old Aya?

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I just highrolled and got the signature patches I was praying for only for the game to reroll it by mistake. I am absolutely devastated. How can I get this fixed? I have screenshots to prove it. It should have rerolled the gold one like it said.


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Finally, inner peace.


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For some reason, Sword Eater is allowed in twist... Despite originally being a Darkmoon Faire card.

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packs in general. Even if you don't purchase any Caverns packs, and even after you've got the Caverns-exclusive cards, you can now get duplicates of cards you already own before getting other unowned cards. For example, if I'm missing Rinling's Rifle from for Darkmoon Faire, I can now start getting the Caverns version of A Light in the Darkness (even though I own both Whispers versions) before getting to these unowned cards that I want. Again, this is basically screwing duplicate protection in general even for folks who don't want to participate in Caverns packs specifically.


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I just bought the Jade Shaman twist deck that at least includes Aya Blackpaw that I already have. I did not get another copy to disenchant, what gives?

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Cavern of time duplicate bug!

as many of you might have guessed already in the new tavern of times the reprint cards take president over the wild cards in your collection, in situations like this you will end up having full set copies from cards from different expansions while you can see only the new ones, this for me and many other players can end up "losing" the potential for a lot of dust that they may need for their collection or decks. Example in the images as follows:


Edit: look at the mysterious challengers.

Edit 2: apparently the different versions of the cards bug in the deck creation aswell.






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Probably the unluckiest Aman’Thul I’ve seen

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27.2.2 Patch Notes


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What the heck?

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I didn't know rank resets every month :(

Title. I am brand new to hearthstone. I played previously a few times on and off to play mostly arena as I am (was?) a typical MTG draft player. Been playing MTG on and off (off atm) for 20+ years. I started grinding rank on the 28th two nights ago just to see if I could do well and found out tonight that my rank will reset basically in a few days :( Should I stop trying to get rank now or keep going? I don't know what the benefits are for MMR vs the star bonus or whatever or how that even works etc. I also can't find any info on rank distributions to know where I even stack up right now on the way up. I am currently Plat 6 as I type this. Any info on the ranking system or where to find any info at all would be helpful as I am quite lost. Thank you !

PS I am playing standard ranked, is that the norm or do more people play wild etc?


Edit* downvoting a request for info and help from a new member of the community? That's a yikes.


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How did this guy stay at tavern level 1 the entire game?


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decent burns i would say

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How on earth do you counter treant Druid?

It seems like on turn 6 they have 6 or more 6/8’s with taunt and then if I can’t kill all of them, next turn they either make a board full of the same thing or just buff their already big board and kill me. I’m Diamond 9 and I usually play XL blood control death knight or XL big beast hunter but it’s like I can’t keep up with their insane tempo


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Opened 8 Caverns of time packs and got these two bad bois!

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Renounce Darkness in Twist can turn you into Death Knight and remove all of your cards in hand.

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Grim Patron Easter Egg

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Guys did you hear? He got to legend for the first time!

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Rainbow mage still feels strong in current meta

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Cataloguing the issues/confusions with Caverns of Time duplicate protection

Tl;dr: Duplicate protection is not functioning the way a lot of people expected. In case it's considered by design by Team 5, and not a bug, I want to catalogue all the messed up experiences that result from this in an effort to convince them that it should be considered a very bad experience and a bug that should be fixed.


I've seen lots of people finding duplicate protection not working the way they exist, including for myself. There's a degree to which it does work: Caverns of Time packs will give you unowned Caverns-exclusive cards before it gives you cards you already own from other sets. But it does not in general give you unowned Caverns cards that also belong to other sets before giving you owned Caverns cards (e.g. you can get an additional "Caverns" A Light in the Darkness even when you own already both "Whispers" A Light in the Darkness before you get a Worgen Greaser even if you don't own Worgen Greaser). A lot of people were not expecting this. The blog post made it sound like it applies in the more general case:

>Duplicate protection applies to both the original version and the Caverns of Time version of all 113 reprinted cards. That means that if you already have these cards from the original set that they appeared in, you won’t open them again in Caverns of Time packs until you have all cards of a given rarity from the Caverns of Time set – meaning that players who already have the reprinted cards will be able to get all the new cards even faster!

Note that the blog post does not say "until you have all cards of a given rarity exclusive to the Caverns of Time set", which is what would more accurately describe the way it's actually working. What's going on in general appears to be that the post made it sound like the different versions of the card work interchangeably, but in reality there are 2 separate versions that are treated as separate in most ways. At this point, I'm not sure if this is considered a bug or is the intended design, but below is an attempt to catalogue (feel free to suggest other things I missed that I should add) all the negative and/or confusing experiences that result from the way it currently works, so that hopefully if it is by design Blizzard can see that it is a bad system that should be fixed:

1. The value of Caverns of Time packs (both non-golden and golden) goes down a lot if they cannot be used to help fill out collections. It circumvents the whole point of duplicate protection in the first place if I can keep getting duplicates of cards I already own rather than getting a card I don't own, e.g. A Light in the Darkness over Worgen Greaser.
2. Cards earned through Caverns of Time packs do not count towards the achievements for getting all the cards in particular sets.
3. A corollary is that when you get duplicates from Caverns of Time, the collection does not consider them duplicates for the purpose of disenchanting (i.e. you can't just press the global disenchant button for them). If you do want to disenchant, it's hard work to navigate to the specific set to disenchant them that a lot of casual players won't figure out. Similarly, searching for "Extra" does not show the duplicate copies as extra.
4. Adding to that point, it is unclear if it is even considered "safe" to disenchant duplicate copies across sets. If, for example, Mean Streets Worgen Greaser and Caverns Worgen Greaser are effectively considered two separate cards, if a future Twist format includes Mean Streets but not Caverns, does it mean I can't play Worgen Greaser if I only own the Caverns version but not the Mean Streets version? Can the developers give us assurance they will be treated as interchangeable? Or can the developers give us assurance that Twist formats would always be set up to avoid this problem? Or is this actually by design to make more money by getting you to need to actually own both versions of all these cards to truly have a full collection?
5. An added issue is that this devalues Wild

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Don't open Caverns of Time packs if you already own cards

As said. IDK if it's a bug or it was intended the whole time. You can open cards that you already own (but it still shows that you opened a new card) and you can even open cards that later are not shown in your collection.

In my case, I opened a couple of Commons I already have and the new cards are nowhere to be seen in my collection.

So, I would suggest to hold the pack opening until we can be sure how it's supposed to work!

Edit: So, the thing seems to be a collection issue. It seems that it doesn't display some cards that you already had and got again. I assume they'll fix it asap, but at least they are working on it.


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Hot Take: 5 Line Texts on Legendary Cards are Refreshing to See

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Halduron Brightwing does not grant full dust refund after nerf.

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Celestial Projectionist is the best filler in the game right now, period.

To say the least, I think Celestial Projectionist is the best filler in the game right now.

With that wonderful card, I can recycle good cards, especially battlecries. I enjoy it more than I used to enjoy Brann.

Really, whether you're F2P or not, try it!

Do you agree ? Do you think it's more than a good filler ?


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More expensive than both Baldur's Gate 3 and Elden Ring btw...

More expensive than both Baldur's Gate 3 and Elden Ring btw...



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Faithful companion change prediction

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the least aggressive secret mage in wild:

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A quick note about old portraits in the shop

We all know about heroic brawl shady practices to suck player’s gold dry before the miniset, or at least I suppose that people are aware of it. But… what if I tell you that I’ll give you 2500 gold without any hard feelings if you would bring other fire festival portraits like fireeater Tyrande, Kael’Thas and Ragnaros? Honestly easily one of the best portraits in the game, and I would think the best offer for the last days of summer. But otherwise I just wanted to add that adding those cool old portraits for gold is a nice idea, I really appreciate it since I missed a lot of it in the past - but it might be reasonable to make them available not only for gold, but also for $.


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Standard Chad Anduin

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