Suddenly they can't find the "end turn" button anymore
Just finished my first ever HS game! I tried out Control Priest and unlocked this beginners achievement :)
Malygos Spellweaver into Hellya = infinite plague damage
Thought I'd share this hilarious interaction I just had in Arena. I played Hellya, opponent plays Malygos the Spellweaver. Opponent constantly draws plagues, but they shuffle back in after each draw resulting in infinite damage
Asvedon, the Grandshield shows the last secret played while in the hand
I have been blessed
So when is it safe to buy Caverns?
No blue post about the bugs and issues, as usual. Was going to get 11 packs. Any official word?
I guess that guy really IS backstage!
Fanottem is kinda flavorful, intentionally or not
Most of the time youre either using him as a target for loken to summon a 15/15 tentacle, or using him with wing welding to do a crazy broad clear. But you almost never play him from hand.
It's like a composer writing all kinds of epic operas but never go on stage himself
Doomhammer would appear to be a minion now....
Theotar is incredible in this meta
Stealing an Odyn or Sargeras is insta-concede and Warlock/Warrior are like half the ladder at the moment.
Twist only uses standard-rotation boards apparently...
Renounce Darkness Just Loses You The Game 2/11 Times
I got to legend for the second time!
Complete Collection
New Twist season "Wonders" really brings back memories
imo getting perfect lethal is way more satisfying than massive overkill bm
My opponent just copied my Kangor, Shallow graved him and hia Kangor just got... Discarded for some reason??
Fuck me in particular I suppose
I had a dream last night...
Has fate splitter science gone too far?
I have never felt more sympathy for my opponent, if this happened to me i might uninstall the game.
It genuinely baffles me that Tyr's tears was released in the same expansion as Watcher of the Sun
Like, who thought this was a good idea? This card is legitimately unplayable in any class other than paladin, yet it was added in the same expansion as a card that can give it to every other class. Especially since they also added spell school mage this expac, a deck that can reasonally expect to encounter this card.
I don't get why this isn't "resurrect X different non-nuetral minions. Set their stats to 2/2." It still functions identically in paladin, but it would allow the card to be playable in other classes when randomly generated. As it currently stands, it is one of the lowest low-rolls you can get from rng effects, only beaten out by the likes of [[glacial mysteries\]\] in wild.
Rank 1 legend in twist with N'zoth warrior
Accidentally hit rank 1 legend in a twist with N'zoth warrior with 72% over 30 games, probably your best option against the agro. Hope you will enjoy the list!
Just got my 13th win in Arena!
Can we talk about this?
More cards should function like Sense Demons or Innervate
Playing Twist, and I realized that if you don’t have enough demons in your deck, Sense Demons gives you a 1/1 worthless imp, rather than just being a dead draw.
I really appreciate that interaction, since it feels very bad to draw sense demons after I’ve already drawn Mal’ganis/Void Caller, and getting that 1/1 demon at least gives me something to play.
I realize that almost no card printed in the modern era functions like this, or innervate, which would give you a free draw if you were already at 10 mana… and I think that’s a shame. Not only do these secret interactions like these lessen the impact of the “feelsbadman” moments, they also feel like these cool little easter eggs that you can only learn about by playing with the cards.
I hope the HS team adds more cool secret features like this to cards in the future, it would be fun to get cards like these again.
Twist atm feels like the good old days
I love it. Started during old gods. Love that the game is slower.
That’s it. I know the entry barrier to twist is high, yet I love the current season.
Caverns of Time packs are confusing in regards to what they offer.
As others have noted already, CoT packs offer their own version of past cards. While you will open the new cards first, past cards are a separate issue and down right confusing.
For example, Dark Arakkoa should have its own version in CoT. However, after 60 packs, I've began opening duplicates of other past cards that have their own versions in CoT yet have opened any CoT Dark Arakkoa.
What gives Blizzard?
Honestly, why couldn't CoT just work like Wild packs where you can open the past expansion versions instead of creating a reprint?
Also, Golden Cards are fucked. I am missing a vanilla version of "Totally Totems" and was chasing it but opened a "Charged Hammer" instead, which I own multiple copies from the past already. Note, I do own a single vanilla and golden copy of TT and I do realize that the golden copy blocked me from getting the second vanilla version and that's why I'm saying it is fucked.
All in all it feels really lame and completely turned me off from playing with the new cards let alone playing twist.
Tiny knight of evil split into two, and the art aligns