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Any tips for rainbow mage?

Or decklists, I’ve been struggling to climb with it “hardstuck diamond 5 last season, just started this one and I’m still plat”, it just feels inconsistent and I seem to be at disadvantage at every matchup except, weirdly, control warrio

Is xl or normal better? Any good decklists?


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I hope the next event reward is a varian skin for warrior that’s actually good. What are you hoping for?

Warrior is my favorite class but I don’t really like garrosh that much after playing some of the book of hero’s. Dude is a douche. Varian has the 3D skin but honestly it looks horrible and can only be bought with actual money which is even worse.


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AND i have to choose cards for it, too

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Getting fucked by stupid RNG in Arena feels the worst out of all

Was 100% sure i will win this game and then the (probably even a chinese botted deck) guy rolls this.. literally the perfect scenario.


Ended 11-2 with this deck so went short from 12 wins cuz of this :D


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BM: Druids when they high roll the game, has lethal, but draws more


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Best (paid) adventures?

I'm not that interested in the actual PvP of hearthstone but I love adventures.

I've almost got enough gold to get my first paid adventure, so which one is the best? I like the ones that use custom decks since I have trash decks right now (being new).


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Mass Enchant Bug

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what should i spend on?

Should i save up for the mini sets and just disenchant the legendaries that i dont need or do i save up for titan packs and save up using the next reset of the reward track along the way for the nex expansion?


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What one character has the most hearthstone cards dedicated to them?

(spells and other minions summoning that character don't count, sorry rag)

Deathwing has 4 cards

Onyxia has 4 cards

Yogg has 4 cards if you count prison

E.T.C has 4 cards

I may have said "Bolvar technically has 4" if it weren't for the fact the lich king in KotFT is painfully obviously supposed to be Arthas.



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I go out on my own terms

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hot take about cho'gall

it should be 50% of the time, 25% feels too low imo, like it should be a coin flip or 100% because its already like 20 diffrent effects, not all of them are helpful to your deck but they are fun to have XD and its an odd card to put in your deck its not the best without the effect poping up, its a 6 mana 6,7 taunt lifesteal, like good stats but not the best its taunt lifesteal are nice but it gets killed with 2 mana and 3 mana spells super easily, its just meh but the effects are fun and nice, but its random and its rare, its 25% of the time


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66,945 more bot accounts banned.


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Water Moccasin not counting Drone?

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why is druid alergic to playing the game normally?

its actually funny how long its been since druid just played the game like everyone else instead of having some grand combo they play solitaire for


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What happened to the Primus animation?

He had the sickest animations when you used one of its ability's.
The blood one had you sucking the minion and direcing the health to the primus and your hero. Now its kinda just... happend
The minion die and you get the discover options immediately.
The frost one was cool too with the frost rune animation on your hero.
Is it to decrease the game size?


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After a few years of not playing I installed again, is this normal?

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Tavern Brawl this week is... "A Less Friendly Game of Chess" (Oct. 11, 2023)

Description: "Things have gotten a little underhanded at Medivh's Magical Chessboard. Bring 6 unique cards and hide them under the table, they could swing the match in your favor!"


Format: Constructed / Wild, though practically speaking your "deck" is limited to 6 cards with no duplicates. Please note that each side starts with only 20 Health, not 30 per usual. (and before you ask, Prince Renathal is banned, so nobody will have 35 Health OR 40-card decks)

Speaking of verboten cards, the banlist includes but is not limited to: Sir Finley of the Sands, Zayle Shadow Cloak, Whizbang the Wonderful, Genn Greymane, Justicar Trueheart, Baku the Mooneater. and all Hero Cards (Galakrond, the Death Knight heros from KotFT, etc) Some nifty cards that ARE NOT banned include C'thun the Shattered, ETC Band Manager, Prince Malchezaar and Rivendare Warrider.

Reward: one Standard pack for your first win. Since you play as either "the Black King" or "the White King", do not expect to make any progress on "Play as Class A B or C" daily quests.

History: This is the sixth time we've seen this format, and the first time since August 2022, so the DK class can take part this time. One could consider this the format's seventh appearance if you include its one-time Brawl forerunner "A Friendly Game of Chess." Both formats were derived from the Chess encounter in the One Night in Karazhan adventure.

Anyway, here's the Gamepedia article if you want some pointers. Good luck and have fun!


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Held this bot hostage for 20 minutes just to get the biggest climax I could have possibly gotten

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Hearthstone mini decks

If i buy the mini set containing the jailer. Will i be able to disenchant him and gain 1600 dust??


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What is the best Control Deck in Hearthstone’s History?

Which control deck would be considered the best overall (at the time of its release considering other matchups of the time)?
I am thinking of Cube Lock but maybe thats not even considered a Control Deck anymore?


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Here is mine then! Thanks for the previous posts and OP's for pushing me up for this grind.


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Best control decks?

Hey guys, I'm a new player, and I would like to know if there are any "control" decks viable right now?

Also, I'm not sure where to check, but how soon are we "rotating cards"? Basically if it's soon I may wanna play whatever until the next rotation and THEN craft a deck.


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Why are there no hearthstone tournaments for the general public

...the kind of tournaments where anyone could enter for a fee (say, a couple bucks, like in poker) and the top 10 would win cash prizes? I'm sick and tired of only the 'pro players' being able to play online tournaments. They should make it so that anyone could enter...no?


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Regional Power Rankings - HSReplay.net - Oct 10

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Any advice for any definite must-have cards for an aggro priest deck centered around Soulburner Varia?

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What is the ACTUAL deck that is most infuriating for you to face?

I saw a poll like this earlier, but the choices were horrible, so I felt compelled to make a better one. Silver Hand/Pure Paladin would have been number 6.

View Poll


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I fell over

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I got so upset they Banned Mechwarper, I'm recreating Hearthstone inside the Warcraft 3 Reforged Engine lol :Skull_Emoji:

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Reward Track Hero Skins All Unlocked, what's next?

What happens once you've unlocked all 10 hero skins for rewards tracks?

Just unlocked all of them so is there any plan going forward for the lvl 100 reward


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What should I pick?

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