Completely missed this reference. Funny flavor.
Literally unplayable!
"Am I cooking?" No. No you are not.
You are not a chef. Chefs know when they are cooking, and when they are done, they enjoy a delicious meal. At no point in this process do they ask themselves "Am I cooking?"
Do you want to know who asks themselves and others if they are cooking? Toddlers who can barely see over their collection as they craft yet another irrelevant legendary. Cavemen who just discovered Prince Renathal and threw all of their “cool” cards in it. Early 20-somethings who base all their decks off the newest Vicious Syndicate report but still manage to fuck it up more often than not.
When you ask me if you're cooking, I already know what I'm about to see. I don't even need to open the post. Tony Thief Priest is inedible. Alagon the Observer is not on any menu I've seen. And a triple tech card E.T.C. Band Manager has never been part of a balanced breakfast. You would know this though, if you ever took the time to try your deck in a higher rank bracket than Bronze before presenting it to me.
Unfortunately, I can't stop you from posting your creations. Everybody has to start from somewhere. But please, instead of asking if you cooked, ask if what you put in your deck slots is even a 20% win rate deck.
New Warlock Card Revealed - Mo'arg Drillfist
We've been with the Titans for a while, who is your favourite?
Accidentally discovered the worst possible turn 1 play in the game
I emoted "Well Played" thinking I narrowly lost
I can’t read the card text
Is this card really going to rotate out next year without anyone ever playing it? It’s legitimately disgusting under the right circumstances and I’ve never seen anyone cast it besides me
Would you download your opponent's hand?
New Hunter Card Revealed - Saddle Up!
New Hunter Card Revealed - Silver Serpent
Some of today's (Hunter) reveals will be delayed to next week due to shooting in Maine
Finally did it! 18 damage & seven useless 5/12s to end the game
Warlock's Legendary Excavate Treasure Revealed - The Azerite Snake
So... I assume Yogg is not to be played ever?
Reminder for those who didnt buy Titans miniset
Its super worth to buy titans miniset now, as it contains 7 recently nerfed cards which are disenchantable for full dust value.
2x Sanitize - 80 dust
2x Contaminated Lasher - 200 dust
2x Prison Breaker - 200 dust
Yogg-Saron, Unleashed - 1600 dust
So instead of getting regular 2520 dust value from mini-set you get 4110 dust which is by far better than anything else you can buy in the shop. Average pack value is just \~100 dust.
New Warlock Card Revealed - Smokestack
New Warlock Card Revealed - Tram Conductor Gerry
Why has the german version Charge instead of rush?
Yogg can now silence himself again, welcome back to 2016!
Am I the only one who completely hates this card?
Cuteness Overwhelming
Can we please keep Renathal in standard when everything rotates?
Finally, Festival of Legends is out!
New Hunter Card Revealed - Sneaky Snakes
New Hunter Card Revealed - Spurfang
With The Jailer, there are now 7 Legendary cards that had been nerfed from Murder at Castle Nathria
Ignus is getting stale
I think he should get the Astalore treatment. Nerf him a bit, but still a good include.
As it is, anything that is not aggro is pretty much forced to run vipers or just concede if you dont have an answer. Thanks to ETC it might not be that horrible, but it is still getting a bit stale how generally good the card is.
It is the annoying auto include where you just start rolling your eyes every time it is played, same as with astalore before the nerf.
My idea for nerf? Just plain remove the windfury from all levels.
Overall I would just like to go into the new expansion without too much of the old "stink". At least prison breaker and yogg have been taken care of. Ignus is the last bit for me. Again, dont kill the card, but tweak it.