Catch Up Pack Bundle is purchasable with gold
Warlock once again ruining a day one expansion. I’m having quest lock PTSD.
I’ve been sucked dry enough by azerite snake make it stop.
Ragnaros is in the shop for 1000 gold coins as of right now.
Welp. I’m the idiot of the expansion. So long my hard earned gold. Sigh.
You love to see it
I don't know WoW lore, but the dragons feel a bit off setting in the Badlands.
Showdown in the Badlands Pros & Streamers Deck List Compilation (Standard & Wild)
Hey [r/hearthstone](, neon31 from []( here.
For this Expansion, we are allowed to present you with the best Decks for the new Expansion Showdown in the Badlands for the first few days of its launch. Usually, I focus on only showing Top 500 Legend Decks (maybe you are familiar with our weekly Reports), but for this time, I post decks a lot more freely, featuring more Streamer Decks.
If you like these articles, make sure to follow us directly on [Reddit](, join our [Discord](, or follow us on [Twitter]( or [Facebook]( \- you can also support us directly on [Patreon]( if you would like.
**Friendly reminder that you should not get baited into crafting new decks early, especially for the Theorycrafts listed - if a Deck appears strong it is possible it will get nerfed soon.**
# Next Update: 1-2 hours after the Expansion launches
## [Standard Decks](
### [Death Knight](
* [\[Theorycraft\] Excavate Frost Death Knight – FunkiMonkiHS]( November 13, 2023
### [Demon Hunter](
* [\[Theorycraft\] “Reno” Demon Hunter – Diviciados]( November 13, 2023
### [Druid](
* [\[Theorycraft\] Renathal Reno Druid – JarlaHS]( November 13, 2023
* [\[Theorycraft\] Dragon Druid – McBanterFace]( November 13, 2023
### [Hunter](
* [\[Theorycraft\] Beast Buff Hunter – FunkiMonkiHS]( November 13, 2023
### [Mage](
* [\[Theorycraft\] Excavate Lightshow Mage – Stinzy\_]( November 13, 2023
### [Paladin](
* [\[Theorycraft\] Reno “Pure” Paladin – Diviciados]( November 13, 2023
### [Priest](
* [\[Theorycraft\] Naga Priest – egrazHS]( November 13, 2023
* [\[Theorycraft\] Reno Priest – egrazHS]( November 13, 2023
### [Rogue](
* [\[Theorycraft\] Ogre Rogue – McBanterFace]( November 13, 2023
* [\[Theorycraft\] Ogre Rogue – pocket\_train]( November 13, 2023
### [Shaman](
* [\[Theorycraft\] Overload Nature Shaman – Diviciados]( November 13, 2023
* [\[Theorycraft\] Elemental Shaman – pocket\_train]( November 13, 2023
### [Warlock](
* [\[Theorycraft\] Excavate Warlock – McBanterFace]( November 13, 2023
### [Warrior](
* [\[Theorycraft\] Taunt Buff Warrior –
Can’t wait for this
Can't wait to try this!
Rogue and DK race synergy perhaps?
Rin's Time to Shine? New Sludge package makes her *a lot* better.
New Warlock Card Revealed - Disposal Assistant
New Card Revealed - Sludge on Wheels
Feel old yet?
New Legendary Revealed - Pog'gar, the Putrid
Excavation Warlock sucks to play against. Thoughts?
Anyone else finding Excavate Warlock kind of busted? Doesn't seem to be any play around my monkey brain can think off, tried Steam Cleaner just in case but bouncing a card back to the hand doesn't count.It just seems super easy to pull off and ignores healing or armour as well as being almost impossible to stop happening since they have so many easy excavate cards.It feels like it needs to cost waaay more than 4 mana so you can't just get turn 9 ten health off into turn 10 twenty health off. Any non aggro deck is just going to get stomped, tempted to start running Theotar again so I can hope I high roll and delay the game by like 4 turns for them to get another.
Edit: Reading the comments it seems like the key is to play either even bigger high roll scam decks from older expansion choices or play DK and hope for the best. Either way it has soured my day 1 experience being a (mostly) f2p player and only being able to get most of the stuff for 2 decks.
What do you think he's in for?
Due to an appalling design the first "New" pack for sale in the shop is a Twist pack and Blizzard will need to refund duped buyers
What decks are you trying day1?
I didnt pre-prucharse any of the bundles so I might have to play whatever I pull but if I could I would play Highlander Dragon Druid, Blackrock Taunt Warrior and a meme Wishing Well Rogue.
Also, even tho safe crafts dont really exist day 1, which deck do you think is the safest one to craft this expansion?
Edit: the amount of people saying Arcane Hunter and Pure Paladin made me lose faith in humanity 😔 (I get it if it's for lack of cards)
Do you guys also have that one deck that you just excel at?
Im talking about that one specific deck that you just make work wonders. A good deck but not that good, and you just make it work perfectly.
I am a good player but not good enough to reach legend without grinding, just diamond 5. I can play a lot of diffrent decks and do well with them. But with some decks, i just excel. I could never pilot a tier 1 combo/aggro deck as well as i could tier 2 control one.
Do you also have that one deck every once in a while, where you just know what do to every single time and have some absurd winrate compared to avarage?
I had it first with cubelock when i started playing, 300 wins in 3 weeks right into rank 5. Couldnt match that winrate for months. Yes the deck was very good but there have been many more broken decks that i just couldnt push to that level.
Then renolock, i just knew what to do, what to play around, when to aggro and when to hold off, all while aggro was better but not for me. I could hold cards for ages knowing they would be usefull later, despite the obvious plays available. Health is a resource like any other.
Same story with reno mage and priest, old kingsbane, new 3b dk, recently its even (odyn) warrior.
For warrior i just somehow know exactly what to do, that if i use this card now its good but i need to save it for 8 turns later if i draw this and my opponent does this and somehow, it happens and i win. I could never do that with another deck. The hindsight is just not there.
The best or broken decks like odd paladin, sorts of combo druids, demon seed, the whole dh when it came out and many others i could pilot well, but nowhere near as well as the decks mentioned before. Better decks, but not for me.
Do you have a playstyle or a deck that you just do so much better with than you should? There are players that can think about many turns and plays in advance in combo or aggro, something i just cant do that well. What is your kink in this game?
Just to be clear, all kinds of decks require skill to play. Aggro, control, combo, others, even druid all can be played well. The deck can be easy to get 60% winrate with, but you can play it extremely well and get 80%. Im asking, do you also happen to land on a deck like that? When you are expected to do well but you crush the competition instead? While unable to do so with any (often better) other decks?
Diviciados]( November 13, 2023
## [Wild Decks](
### [Death Knight](
* No decks yet – you can view some older decks: [Death Knight Decks](!
### [Demon Hunter](
* [\[Theorycraft\] Reno Demon Hunter – c0nt1k]( November 13, 2023
### [Druid](
* No decks yet – you can view some older decks: [Druid Decks](!
### [Hunter](
* [\[Theorycraft\] Renathal Reno Hunter – c0nt1k]( November 13, 2023
### [Mage](
* [\[Theorycraft\] Elemental Conjurer’s Calling Mage – sirdoobins]( November 13, 2023
### [Paladin](
* [\[Theorycraft\] Renathal Reno Paladin – c0nt1k]( November 13, 2023
### [Priest](
* No decks yet – you can view some older decks: [Priest Decks](!
### [Rogue](
* No decks yet – you can view some older decks: [Rogue Decks](!
### [Shaman](
* No decks yet – you can view some older decks: [Shaman Decks](!
### [Warlock](
* No decks yet – you can view some older decks: [Warlock Decks](!
### [Warrior](
* No decks yet – you can view some older decks: [Warrior Decks](!
## Submit your Deck
Do you want to be a part of the following weekly Report? If so, submit your Deck if you reached Top 500 Legend in any constructed Mod (Standard, Wild & Twist), 12 Wins in Duels, or 5k MMR+ in Mercenaries.
You can also tag us on Twitter, use our Discord, or comment with your Deck.
Got to legend for the first time ever!
Is it just me or is it just me...
After 10years I don’t know any card name
I am playing hearthstone for 10 years and have 5.5 wins according to profile menu. I only read effect text ( I don’t know real name of this area) and differentiate cards from picture. This year I started browsing this subreddit then wtf everyone speaking with cardname like it is default skill for living there. I realize I only know deathwing and thrall from wow cinematic. Last month I learnt card the scourge this time for swearing.
This is my little confession.
Just realized how this elemental got his midriff missing
My luck in life, thanks Hearthstone...
All Warlock Cards Revealed - 10/27/23
New Card Revealed - Furnace Fuel
New Warlock Card Revealed - Fracking
New Warlock Card Revealed - Waste Remover