Best pack of my life. Had to share.
If I had a nickel every time Youthful Brewmaster...
At least the class is consistent, right guys?
What's the point of this card?
The fact, that we unironically have the "Rogre" deck in the game, is incredible
I feel, like this whole expansion is a masterful shitpost from Blizz. The combination of flavour and fourth wall breaks in form of some cards, that allow such decks as "Industrial revolution Warlock" and "Ogre Rogue" to exist is, honestly, immaculate. Absolute bravo to everyone, who was involved in making this expansion
Lol this guy predicted the Azerite meta AND got downvoted.
To those of you who’ve given him a try, is Slagmaw just The Darkness 2.0?
JK, no dust refund
Mom, can we craft a Tram Conductor Gerry?
The worst possible outcome
I can't believe this doesn't do anything special, I tested a few extra times just to be certain
Gold Panner really came through for me in this pack
Blizzard Hates Mercenaries Players And Wants Them To Quit Their Game (XP Nerf)
Prior to launch of the expansion you could afk farm 168xp/30 minutes. If you were one of the few people that actually enjoyed playing the game mode you could do it perfectly fine and progress at a similar pace to someone that plays Battlegrounds.
After the expansion's launch XP/minute was nerfed to 30xp/30 minutes, meaning that you get 60xp/h or 20% of what you'd get from Battlegrounds.
I understand that they didn't want people to afk farm but now even the few people that actually enjoyed the game mode will feel like complete idiots for playing.
Not only that, it's a massive F U for everyone who spent money on mercenaries packs/skins.
I fixed Skarr
Which one is he talking to?
Dragon Druid is out of control
I was playing our favorite game (Azerite snake sim). Instead of it being like the normal slot machines with dopamine I almost got run over by a board of 3/3 whelps. It’s a good thing I got the snake and healed to 30 health while killing him but I’m just saying that was close. We should nerf that class and maybe buff some of warlocks excavate cards?? Maybe you guys have some ideas on buffs.
Everything is fine.
It's not the decks, or the snake, or anything usual that drives me to edge of sanity. It's the speed of some of you people. I do not care if I win or lose, but my god you do not need to rope every turn. I cannot believe how mad I am that I'm making a reddit post.
Like. Ok I can even understand if you're working from home or something. But it's nearly every game. It's turn 4 buddy. What master plan are you formulating over there? It must be a legit strategy because I'm thrown off. I'm rustled. I wish Nozdormu worked in one deck because I'd play it. I'd rather have 15 seconds than sit there for a 10 minute game that doesn't even make it to 10 mana. I want to punish these people but that's absurd and I'm being ridiculous. Just take 30 seconds less. I'm begging you. We'll both have more fun.
I hope this post gets lost in the complaints about the snake. This is cathartic. Thank you internet.
Showdown with the Snek
Azerite Snake confirmed to be nerfed soon by Gallon (details Friday)
RIP Snake
Official website shows different version of Fall of Ulduar cards
Update on my wrong pack purchase . Thank you Blizzard <3 Very nice of you!
Who has the best new Tier 1 skin then?
I think I I've stumbled across a pretty good counter to everyone's favorite snake that isn't just playing aggro.
Azerite Snake rant
Rheastrasza is so going to get nerfed
Since her Purified Dragon nest can draw another copy of Rheastrasza to continue the effect. This is going to be the first to be nerfed to remove itself from the discover pool of its effect
Pro player being a contrarian just to stick out? Check!
The catch up packs are absolutely great!
Can we buff it to steal 30 life directly ? So we can save some time