Interesting poll on the Hearthstone Twitter right now
Jackpot Rogue
Every time I see a cool deck on YouTube
How is Reverberations allowed to exist in its current form?
Oh, you played Thaddius? Let me just get a copy and massively discount my whole hand... for 3 mana.
Oh, you played your Titan? Let me just get a copy and use one of their extremely busted abilities for myself... for 3 mana.
Oh also, I can now ping your big monster and kill it instantly.
I recently started playing again, and this spell is so unbelievably overpowered I cannot believe it's in the game. One third of this spell needs to be removed for it to be balanced.
If it's going to be making my monster killable with 1 dmg, you should be getting a silenced copy. If it's gonna be getting an unsilenced copy, then only their monster should be getting the debuff. And if its to remain as it is, then it literally needs to cost at least 6 mana. Why is this card allowed to just win the game on its own sometimes? What's the counterplay if you're a control/big deck, am I just not allowed to play my big impact cards? This card is silly. I hate it 10x more then the fucking Snake.
Blindeye Sharpshooter is ridiculous
Alright, I am playing Naga DH and I just had the craziest turn of my life. It was turn 7, my opponent was at 30 health and had a small board (a 3/2 and a 1/4 with taunt). I was at 4 health, had no board and 9 cards in my hand with very little set up (All cards in my hand were normal except that I had 1 coin and one specific card had its cost reduced by 1).
And, with a single Blindeye Sharpshooter, I won. I dealt 36 damage from hand, turn 7, with minimal preparation.
Don't get me wrong, it felt awesome. I also know that it is rare to deal that much, but you can still deal a lot most of the time.
As much as I loved doing this, this card is overpowered. Like seriously broken. A bit more subtle than snake but still very OP. This card needs a nerf.
Here is the game if you want to see what happened (
It's insane how beautiful life can be
Does this happen because when it says "another" it means it has to be 2 mana too? I couldn't get a coin from this...
I'm starting to think the tech i've posted in custom hs would've been so fun to play against them warlock lmao
Favourite Card of the Expansion so far? Pic related
Bug? Or am I missing something?
70% from diamond to legend: shadowborn abysal
Got about every win con
Nerf Suggestion for Azerite Snake - Please dont brick the card
With the announcement of the nerfs to Azerite Snake, it might be too late for the suggestion, but figured I'd post this as I'd hate to see the changes be too heavy handed.
The effect of stealing 10 HP from your opponent is strong, but in itself its not too strong for the payoff of excavating. The issue with the deck is the interaction when you can bounce the card back into your hand to play it again. What I would love to see is a change that impacts this specific interaction. My suggestion would be something like below...
Battlecry: Steal 10 Health from your opponent, transform into Depleted Azerite Snake
Where a Depleted Azerite Snake is a 4-Mana 5/5 with no card text. We can assume the act of stealing the health depleted the magic of the Azerite from the snake, for any concerns of flavour and what-not.
This will entirely remove the ability for warlocks to bounce the card back, while keeping the card itself effectively the same.
Edit: Removed the comments on the balance of Warlock Excavate cards as it wasn't the point.
What deck/hero grinds your gears the most?
Setting aside my crys for stupid stuff like azerite snek since it's getting nerfed friday.
Mine's Priest. Close second is secret mage.
Priest just feels like they have an awnser to everything, steals or copys your best cards and can bounce back due to heals etc every game.
Secret mage for stopping me from playing my cards in a card game and doing it annoyingly good.
What deck grinds your gears?
A Bot Almost Made It To Rank 1 Legend
Isn't Boompistol Bully supposed to make Watcher of the Sun cost 5 more mana?
I don't hate this deck or anything, I just thought this was funny
For the guy saying he's taking all out luck away, no you didn't :)
Ogre Rogue keeping true to the cards
I wish they'd release another dungeon run someday...
Wholesome ladder interaction 💪
Does anyone know if Enchanter works with Kurtrus?
I think I figured out Skarr
Staff of Nine Frogs doesn’t do anything special after the 9th frog :(
The new Reno hero card says it limits to 1 minion, but it really means one board space.
I.e. Colossal minions don't get their other pieces.
Thanks, that is all.
Best legendary to get for free?
For all the Snake haters out there