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My enemy refuses to end his turn even when he has 0 mana (since turn 1) and he is purposely wasting time, as his name says...


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Victory via boardlock

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What makes Reno shaman good ?

I know the Highlander payoff card and Reno are very powerful, and framester can shutdown other Reno decks, I guess.

But the rest of the deck just seems like a pile of cards with very little synergy.

I just watched meati play a mirror match and it looked like an arena game.

What am I missing ? How is this deck good?


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Enrage warrior Dragon Druid

Ive been playing enrage warrior pretty much all season and last season and all I get paired against is either death knight or dragon Druid but I feel no matter what line of play I do I can't beat dragon Druid. Any advice ? I just don't understand how literally every match I get is pretty much Druid but at least according to various outlets it's not even top tier but it's all over the place.


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Question, are there no more frenzy cards?

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Blizzard, isn't it time we get this guy back in the shop?

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Hey, are these safe disenchants?


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Does the snake have a higher priority than the quest?

So, if my opponent plays a majordomo executus under my snake he will have -2 hp and die?



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What's the best deck to farm paladins ?

Hello dudes.

I was at D2 and faced 5 consecutive paladins. Lost them all. My soul burns with holy fire.

Any of you knows the best deck at the moment to beat them ?


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Is there any realistic way to address bad drafts in arena?

Nothing feels more deflating than a bad draft. Like you know that even if you play absolutely perfect you might get 4-5 wins simply because the decks you start facing are just that much stronger. I like the change of only one legendary per deck but that hasn’t addressed the issue of getting unlucky with the draft. With an entry cost of 150g and needing 7 wins (which is insane) to get another run the draft has become more important than actual play imo. Yea maybe the absolute best arena players can squeeze 7 wins out of a deck that isn’t the best but 99% of arena players can’t and that shouldn’t be the requirement to get another run.


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can someone explaine this like the smooth brain I am?

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Did i pull the shittiest legendaries?


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The Azerite Snake has been temporarily nerfed to 6 mana.


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A Letter to my Renathal Reno Disruption DH opponent

Dear Rob,

I am the Reno Shaman you faced but a few minutes ago. You denied my friend request, which I can't blame you given how those usually go. To help you remember who I am, you:

* Theotar'ed my Doctor Hollidae, then turned my frogs against me;
* Kurtrus'ed my Titan as I was about to play it;
* Steamcleaned the horsemen I had in my deck as a backup plan;
* Renovated my Prison of Yogg-Saron right after I played it;
* Meltranix'ed my ass on the turn I wanted to play my own Reno, ensuring my certain death on the following turn

In short, you did everthing in your power to make my life as miserable as possible. Playing against you was nothing short of frustrating and infuriating. I wanted to add you, dear Rob, to tell you this:

...can you spare a fellow highlander enjoyer a deck code? Whatever you played looks like an absolute blast.

Thank you, and have a great rest of your day,


(In all seriousness, if anyone has a good Reno DH list, I will craft Kurtrus for it. Playing against it felt like a puzzle to solve, and even though I lost, it was fun as hell).


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Who would win?

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I got my first legend in wild mode and I'm very happy

I managed to win my first legend and I have no other words of happiness, wow, I managed to beat all these pirate rogues and totem shamans, it was incredible, I even beat a highlander mage and a priest with that combo of playing low-cost spells to buff and make a huge monster, anyway, I just wanted to share my happiness because I never thought I could do it, I also came to share the deck I used because it was beating up those aggro decks that summon several turn 1 creatures, summoning them even faster and I think If it is well polished it can do a lot of damage

Budget Elemental mage


1320 of dust



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Current Paladin situation

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I love this deck twice more ❤️

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ogers vs zombies: the showdown


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Finished 2nd card back✨


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Tried Arena for the first time...

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Made my own Hearthstone card backs 🤓


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Just learned that the finale effect of Tony triggers before the battlecry. Why? Its not listed in the bug thread, so its not a bug? But flowerchilds effect draws first, then reduces the cards?


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Actual fix for snake?

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Let a guy pop off

Every once a while I get a match where my opponent just hits his curve perfectly and gets a near perfect draw on an amazing deck and just dominates. Full board of crazy minions, deck upgrades, weapons in slot etc. I like to just end turn (instead of conceding) to let that fellow player pop the f off. Let them just run the deck to full oblivion and get the most uber forms going. I am always so sad to see when said player instead just goes face with the minions on the board in a very anti-climatic fashion. I am also bothered when my opponent doesn't let me do the same.

What does everyone else do/prefer? Maybe I've got the etiquette all wrong and I'm pissing people off haha. I'd love to hear perspectives on this.

(FYI, I've only been playing a month or so and seem to be stalled around 4 Legend but this game is sweet!)


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RANT: I just OTK'ed a dude with three 2/3 bodies on board, can't believe the guy played nothing 6 turns straight and wanted to win the game lul.

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So does Reliquary Researcher just not work? I only had 2 secrets before playing, and for whatever reason it just only granted 1? Not the first time this has happened either

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28.0.2 Patch Notes


Azerite Snake (the Warlock Excavate Treasure)

* Old: **4 Mana**
* New: **6 Mana**

"...*there are limits to what we can do a server-side hotfix. First, we can only adjust the “big numbers” like stats and cost. Stats are not the problem on this card, so we’re increasing the cost here.* ***This is NOT the change we plan to eventually land on.*** *When we get to our balance patch, our plan is to revert this mana cost change and make a different adjustment that still meets our goals, but is more cohesive with the set overall.* "

Magister Dawngrasp

* Temporarily banned in all Modes.

*Dev Comment: We found a bug with Magister Dawngrasp’s hero power that is causing disconnects. The problem is particularly bad because it’s a hero power, so it can cause a disconnect every turn. We have a fix coming, but it requires a different type of patch, so we’re temporarily banning Dawngrasp until we can get that bug fix in.*


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Buff hunter is fun but I lose almost every game

Been playing with the bovine skeletons and spurfang. I don’t have hydralodon, but for how bad I’m doing I don’t think that makes much of a difference.

I’m fairly new so I haven’t played all the classes. hunter is definitely my favorite and I much prefer beasts over arcane, but seeing my win rate plummet like this makes me wanna ditch this deck or maybe take up a different class entirely


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Now this Reference Makes more Sense!


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