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For all that, I get nothing. (Small rant)


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Pointless Hearthstone Info: Multi-Character Minions

Earlier today, I saw a Reddit post about how Maw and Paw should give two corpses upon death instead of one. This post got me thinking about how a minion sometimes will have multiple characters in the artwork, yet still function as a single unit.

The most common example, I think, are mounted minions. These guys are characters that ride around on another character in the artwork. The "The Grand Tournament" set and the "Darkmoon Races" miniset have a lot of these: Murloc Knight rides a courageous frog into battle, while Crabrider opts for a speedy crab to win the races! Obviously, the names of the cards suggest that the character-in-question regarding the minion is the rider. Otherwise, these cards would be dual-type Murloc/Beast minions and have a name that reflects their tag-team approach to minion combat.

Another example would be characters and their associated "summons" sharing the minion artwork. Bomb Wrangler shows both the gnome and the Boom Bots she summons when damaged. Imported Tarantula has the spiderlings that get summoned when the big guy dies (but the little spiders are small enough to fit through the bars and one of them is already on the outside of the cage, so why is this a deathrattle?). In these cases, the extra characters in the artwork just add a little flavor to the mechanics of the card; they're not meant to be interpreted as one whole unit.

And, of course, there is copious amounts of minions with other characters just hanging around somewhere in frame. A character in a battle with another character, or with background characters reacting to them, or whatever. Again, the name of the minion itself demonstrates who the card is supposed to be. Impatient Shopkeeper is the shopkeeper, not the gnome making him impatient. Smug Senior is the guy in the front and center, not the lurking dragon in the background who's about to turn the poor sap into a Spectral Senior. Raid Negotiator is... probably the druid in the back? I think? I know it's a druid card, but he doesn't look like he's doing much actual negotiating in the art. If anything, he's being less productive than the angry raiders; at least they're communicating. I'll have to take Blizzard's word for it, I guess.

What I am actually interested in, however, are minions that are supposed to be units of two or more characters. The multi-character minions (I'll call them MCMs from now on). These are your Maws and Paws. The dream teams who work together as one synchronous, well-oiled minion machine. There are two other minions that immediately jump to my mind as MCMs: Lotus Agents and Wobbling Runts. You could argue that the Runts fall into the "showing summons" category, but the minion's name is Wobbling Runts, not Steady Runt With Two Unbalanced Idiots On His Back. As a singular tower of teamwork, they are the Wobbling Runts.

MCMs raise a few questions. For starters, how are their stats determined? If each runt in the Wobbling Runts is a 2/2, then why is the collective not a 6/6? It probably could be, given how awful this card is, but still. The Lotus Agents are a 3/3 (or 5/3 on release), which is not divisible by two. Which agent has which stats? Maw and Paw could maybe be

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Blizzard should create a card like this for Twist, or update it so it’s playable in Twist

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Can someone please explain why abusive sergeant is still a 1/1 and not reverted back to a 2/1?

It was nerfed years ago by team 5 and has never had a home in standard since. It probably won't even make into core set at rotation again but surely this must be an oversight to keep it a 1/1.


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Wild meta is the worst it's ever been right now.

As a Wild player, I feel like the meta is the worst it's ever been right now. Over 80% of my games at Diamond 5-1 have been against pirate rogue, and half of those are bots. There is nearly no deck diversity and it's making me want to quit hearthstone after playing since 2014. Are there any other Wild players who feel the meta needs nerfs, or have you all moved onto different games by now?


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Seeing the highlander hunter list be like

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What do you enjoy the most about hearthstone?

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Naga DH is incredibly annoying to play against

Just wrapping up a game where I lost to the third sharpshooter from Oasis Outlaws coming down on turn 6 after he got only two activations on the last two before I could Siphon Soul. He burned through 20 cards in 6 turns or something. I took \~50 damage between minions on board and face + healing in six turns. I removed his sharpshooters the first turn they hit the board every time. Opponent is playing like 4-5 cards a turn at 3, 4, and 5 mana.

What is the counterplay here? Obviously this dude got lucky getting both sharpshooters in the first ten cards and then generating a third. But it seems very much like a solitaire deck. You burn the enemy in 5 turns or you stall out and lose because your deck is in the wrong order. I cleared the board every turn and then took 20 face damage with a full health Mo'arg Drillfist on board turn 6. Fun and engaging.


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Just got to Legend with a brand new account after 2 years not playing

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I beat Tombs of Terror boss with every class, treasure, hero power and deck on both normal and heroic.

I made a reddit just for this. I dont't know for how long i've been doing this, i simply liked to play solo Hearthstone adventures, and as i was playing Tombs of Terror some time ago, i had the idea after i saw that the game marked a check for every thing you beat a boss with. I would have more images, but i hit the limit for images here.

It was fun, it was frustrating, it had some softlocks. Anyway, feel free to ask whatever about it.

The name of the account is "blackdusk" btw, i know i shoud've screenfhot with it showing but i was too far into doing it.


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Question does Barrel of sludge do facedamage if no minons on board?

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So many softlocks in this game right now.

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Portrait looks so good it made me build a DK deck so i can use it

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When will they fix Dawngrasp hero power? Every time it's used the game crashes and this puzzle is impossible to finish without using it.

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Arena is……not fun.

My average wins are anywhere between 1-3. I can’t even imagine the old days when I used to average 7-10.

I don’t think I’ve hit 7 wins one singular time in my past 100 runs.

Therefore, my gold just dwindles and all I get is a single lousy pack for MORE than the price it’s worth, and it takes me about 2 hours to get it. Fun.

Just kidding. Horrible. Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this?


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1/4s each, but before their buff they were a 1/8, so which family member has 0 attack? In reality, the stats don't matter. It's not meant to be a combination of every character's stats as if each character was its own minion, but rather a representation of the power/resilience of these teams working in tandem. The Runts are a 2/6 because the guy on top doesn't have to focus on keeping the stack steady, so he "gets to attack". The Agents seem to be strong enough together that they could take on a 3-health minion, but they are so weak individually that it is not worth tracking their stats; if the two are not working together, they are not winning any fight, not even against a 1/1 Sheep or something. What a power couple. The same concept also applies to Maw and Paw (again, what a power couple, but technically their art is inspired by the American Gothic painting, and that depicts a father and his daughter, so, uh, hopefully not a power couple? Forget I said anything.)

A question (more of a suggestion) I saw in that Maw and Paw post was that they should be made into a Colossal minion, with Maw being one "appendage" (ew) and Paw being another. I don't think it was a serious suggestion, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless and I am going to give a very obvious and unwanted rebuttal to this suggestion anyways. The Colossal keyword is mostly used for minions that are too "big" to fit on one measly card, so they get extra minions to represent their giant drill hands or turtle shells or... whatever Gigafin is supposed to have (if that thing is a maw, then what is that mouth on Gigafin's face?). I suppose you could use the keyword for MCMs, but then you would probably have to change the keyword to something else. I wouldn't describe a "runt" as "colossal". Otherwise, the card would be called Wobbling Colossals or something.

Lastly, the question that was also jokingly asked by the original poster of the Maw and Paw thread. More specifically, "Should MCMs count as more than one minion for the sake of game mechanics?" If I were to play Abusive Sergeant on a Maw and Paw, should they get +4 Attack instead? I mean, the answer is obviously no, but it's still fun to think about what kinds of silly little interactions would happen if the number of characters in a minion's artwork counted towards their status as a minion. Would Wobbling Runts finally be viable if Knife Juggler threw three knives instead of one, or if they granted 3 corpses on death + the other 3 corpses from the tokens? New Rainbow DK meta incoming???

I guess the point of all this babbling is that minions have some fun art, and working literal interpretations of that artwork into the rules of the game is also fun. If you have any ideas or know of other MCMs that didn't mention (I couldn't think of any more, but I'm not Mr. Hearthstone so this is the best I've got), feel free to bring them up!

TL;DR: I spent my Christmas Eve thinking about Hearthstone card artwork instead of my friends and family.


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Is this bugged? ALL other classes recieve Golden Epic Core cards on 250 ranked wins.

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Getting back into the game after 2 Years

Hey everyone, so I recently redownloaded hearthstone having not played since I believe when demon hunter first dropped. I had a fairly new and f2p account back then and I still do now. I opened a bunch of free packs the game gave me and I’m wondering which solid decks I could realistically craft and do well with? I’m really into aggro decks and have been eyeing Paladin Aggro but Death Knight also looks cool. Any help would be massively appreciated!


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Why did I lose my disciple in this draw?!

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I've played over 60 games trying to get the Snake Eyes achievement and have yet to get it.

I'm certain that I've gotten every other possible combination at least twice during this time. RNG was not on my side today.

Luck based achievements can go fuck themselves. It was a bad idea when we needed to kill the opponent with Yogg, it was a bad idea when we needed to roll 4 of the same adventurers and its still a bad idea now.

Sorry I just wanted to vent a little.


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What's your favorite tech card?

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What do you think are the best and worst cards for each class in Showdown?

A few years back I made a collage of the best and worst cards for each class in Forged in the Barrens. I liked it and wanted to do another, but this time I would like to ask the community for their opinions on the cards chosen.

For a basis I'll give my personal picks but feel free to debate.

Edit: And I immedeatly forgot to add: in the context of the current meta, they may be good in the future, but how good are they NOW

Death Knight

Best: Reap What You Sow: IMO the best excavate card in the game(HM: Skeleton Crew, Reska the Pit Boss)

Worst: Farm Hand: Not much on this one, would have been good at 1 unholy(HM: Fistful of Corpses)

Demon Hunter

Best: Blindeye Sharpshooter: You've probably come across at least 3 posts about this card, they are all correct(HM: Perched Desperado, Bartend-O-Bot)

Worst: Gunslinger Kurtrus: Not enough reward for the restriction, yes Im somewhat salty for opening this card(HM: Fan the Hammer, Snake Eyes)


Best: Splish-Splash Whelp: IMO dragon druid would not be nearly as oppressive without a pre nerf Wild Growth(HM: Ruby Nestmatron, Spinetail Drake)


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Nice spell discovery

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Mobius, a platform for automated Hearthstone tournaments and in-game challenges.

Hi Reddit!

Yaron here, co-founder and CEO of Mobius Gaming and long-time Hearthstone fan and I'm stoked to be sharing with you our PC app for automated Hearthstone tournaments.

The Mobius platform offers Hearthstone players constructed and Battlegrounds tournaments, every single day with automatically generated brackets, automatic score reporting (so there’s no need to screenshot your wins!), and automatically enforced class picks and bans. We’ve designed out platform to make everything about a tournament as simple and fun as possible.


Automated Score Reporting

The tournaments on the Mobius app range from quick and easy 4-player events to bigger events with bigger prizes which reward the winning players with our in-app currency, Mobius Coins. Mobius coins can be used in the app’s shop to be exchanged directly for Battle.net balance and card packs.
True to November 2023, we’ve given away more than $20,000 in prizes on the app!

There’s also got some really crazy rotating promotions in the app’s shop where you can buy Hearthstone products such as the Tavern pass and card bundles cheaper than you can find them in-game.

Rewards and Discounts in the Mobius Shop

We’ve also recently added an in-game challenges feature which rewards players with extra Mobius coins and tickets for completing objectives during play such as winning your next match, killing a number of minions, or winning a number of matches in a row.


Win in-game challenges with the Mobius overlay.

Over the past six months, we have worked together with Hearthstone players and content creators (such as BabyBear, Jarla, IkeHS, BunnyHoppor, ForDaKing, Berono and many others) to build an amazing community. Starting with just a few individuals back in May, we have now grown to include thousands of members in our Discord server and over 10,000 matches played through the Mobius platform every month.

We have an amazing team dedicated to growing our community and improving the tournament and challenges experience on the app and our goal is to continue doing so until we’ve made competitive gaming easy, fun and accessible to every gamer out there.

If you enjoy playing Hearthstone and would like to improve your skills as a competitive player, meet more like-minded friends, and best of all, to earn rewards and card packs doing it - I welcome you to join the Mobius community and be part of our journey.

Download Mobius Here

See you in the Tavern,


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Does this make me the queen of garbage legend?

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When you duplicate a card with explosive it doesnt carry the visual effect but keeps the gameplay effect.

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Mercenary Quest Bugged?

So I've been trying to do the Kurtus quest. I have the required party, AND Kurtus in my team. Finally completed after several days and did not get completion. I will say I had not visited Mercs in like...a couple years and this was there the last time I tried. Is it perhaps bugged and I need to drop it due to passage of time?




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I spilled my water when pulling this!

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So what's the idea with this one? Get 2 Ragnaros on board?

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