Thx for this diverse meta
What's the point of getting golden Howdyfin when you can't even disenchant him after you got the signature one?
bro saw unnerfed jaina in that damn crystal his eyes are popping out of his head
Saw someone a while ago ask why people play Dirty Rat on 2, here's the alternate reality
My journey from total noob to legend
On December 18th 2023, I downloaded Heathstone on my PC. I am a YGO (got/edison format, modern Yu Gi Oh sucks A LOT) player, surely this much simpler game with way less convoluted card text would be cake right?
Chapter 1: The wilderness
I was greeted with a great tutorial then beckoned to choose what class I would first use to challenge the competition. I asked myself "which of these lovely fellas sounds like they'd play a straightforward aggro with the least shenanigans?" Hunter sounded like my guy.
I fumbled my way through the apprentice missions and started swapping cards from my core deck for whatever I thought was better. As I played, bronze, an even silver were an absolute breeze. Along the way, I picked the arcane hunter, the mech rogue and the paladin decks that were generously gifted to me. My own deck only benefitted from the hunter cards, of course.
Chapter 2: Bing Chilling
Once in gold, things started to get more serious. I would rise a bit but only to violently fall again. I tried swithing classes, paladin, rogue, demon hunter, warrior, ..., modifying the decks given to me, but no use. I would always look around as I gathered more cards from arena play that in hindsight did way more harm than good to my ressources. I realized there was a class I mostly had the stuff for: Frost death knight
I first played a mostly complete frost death knight due to lacking all the frost cards. The more I played, the more I learned how to burn my opponent fast and keep myself from losing before that happened. Once I learned I could dust extra cards, I did that to get some key pieces like horns of winter and the second 7 mana spell. Through a long a grueling march in the winter, I got to platinum, around the end of the december season. Pretty chill.
Chapter 3: Like clockwork
I had very high hopes for my 99% complete frost deck. However as I got back to platinum in the January season I realized death knight frost would deal 30 damage to people, but if they healed, armored up, or otherwise interefered, I could easily get toasted. I had to try somthing else.
What the frost deck gave me however was an understanding of how aggressive decks in this game generally play and better expectations of what needs to happen. And it turned out I WAS A FUCKING MORON. See, "modifications" I would make to existing decks would absolutely ruin them, and now that I thought I had enough fin building solely by myself, community input told me the decks given to me were strong as is and I should trust them.
I had tried mech rogue as is before, but I apparently massively missed the point of how fast the deck should play, now that I was a better player, I would from time to time get wins as early as turn 5, and overall win A LOT of games, mechrogue decklists would have cards I did not own like the crab collossal or neptulon, but plat was not prepared for the machines that got me all up to diamons.
Chapter 4: Into madness:
Around the middle of the season, the fabled miniset of deepholm came out. Luckily enough, I had learned that you always save for those, and I barely had the 2000 gold requisite, so there I went, and among all the new cards, some aroused my interest after seeing rarran on youtube speculate excavate paladin was gonna be pretty good. Well, I built an exca deck the day the miniset came out. Paladin is one of my fav classes, swarming the board is a playstyle that I am pretty much good at. And apparently everyone from diamond 10 to 5 agreed as the deck went UNDEFEATED.
I kept marching, diamond 4, diamond 3, but around that point, I felt myself losing steam, decks were being incredibly strong. I seeked community input. Apparently exca paladin needed a card called "Garden's grace" which I did not have (not I could craft, and even if I could it would rotate out pretty soon). I explored making good decks with my new understanding and discord help, but nothing I did was useful as the only deck I had in full was arcane hunter, which I peaked with in diamond 2.
I stagnated, turning again to
My fellow plague Death Knights, I wish you starting hand like that in every Brann warrior match!
How often do you see no cards in hand, deck or field
Can't tell if this is a joke tip or not
The current meta in Asia, people farming bots.
I don’t get the priest hate at all
Class is dumpster tier and a free win. This sub has to be full of hardstuck Diamond 5 players cause I don’t understand how people can think priest is viable
What decks did y'all like the most?
Heya, little question cuz am curious. What were -or perhaps still are- your most favourite deck(s) thought-out the entire history of hearthstone and why?
Personally, back in the day, I really liked Big Shaman with White Eyes and Anyfin Can Happen Paladin.
POV: you played tar creeper on curve
Anyone else dissapointed that you dont get free packs from the new "Lunar New Year" event?
I finally got the Golden Golden!
Heroic duels is back!
254.958 Players reached Legend | This many Players reached Legend in January 2024 + Some other Stats & Graphics (Official Numbers)
Hey, it's neon31 from here.
On the first of each month, we look at how many players reached Legend, and some of you might be interested - we also have this article on the website featuring a more detailed overview over the past months.
If you are interested in learning how long it takes to reach Legend check out this article \- if you got, for example, a 10 Star Bonus and expect a 59% Winrate, you'll need, on average, 110 games.
# Summary
Compared to the previous month, we got 55% more Legend Players (163k to 255k)
Standard went from 132k to 225k (+70%)
Wild went from 30.4k to 30.2k (-1%)
Twist had a Season Break and went from 1256 to none (-∞%)
Interesting Fact: The Asia Server makes up around 70% of the Legend Player Base. However, we have yet to learn how significant the influence of Bots might be a part of it.
# How many Players reach Legend?
This graphic shows how the numbers of Legend Players have changed over time.
# Legend Players: Comparing the Servers
This graphic shows how many Players reach Legend on the different servers.
# Legend Players: Comparing the Formats
This graphic shows how many Players reach Legend in the different formats.
# Legend Players: Comparing the Years
This graphic shows how many Players reached Legend compared to the previous year.
# Detailed Numbers (January 2024 compared to December 2023)
|NA: 30.414 vs 22.862 |NA: 9.748 vs 10.153 |NA: 0 vs 295 |
|EU: 28.508 vs 24.280 |EU: 8.690 vs 8.628 |EU: 0 vs 392 |
|Asia: 165.845 vs 85.004 |Asia: 11.753 vs 11.658 |Asia: 0 vs 569 |
|Total: 224.767 vs 132.146 |Total: 30.191 vs 30.439 |Total: 0 vs 1.256 |
No effort to create an image about a company that doesn't make an effort to create one either
dubious arena runs, which I thought would be on average more value than buying packs, but even that failed miserably as I did poorly. One run with rogue had ZERO wins..... It is said that the forces of evil seek out those who are the most desperate. I opened the pack I got from that cursed rogue run, and one of the cards was..... POPGAR THE PUTRID, completing my sludge package.
Sludge was apparently a respected meta deck, and not rotating out. So I did it, I dipped my hand in the fel, I crafted the fatigue cards, then forge of wills. Where did I get the dust? The jailer, as well the a signature copy of the hunter father of giants card, were now animating these monstrosities.
I had it, I thought, I played on and on, the deck was strong, but no legend yet, peak was diamond 1. The darkness kept creeping, paladin and druid got nerfed and warlock remained untouched, yet no legend, I dusted all refund cards, crafted imprisoned horror and felstring harp, no legend, just a diamond 1 to dimond 4 bounce back and forth.
I tried all possible combilanations, until I settled on something slightly original, the horror variant but without felstring harp, just pure fatigue damage and sludge spam, I, from there, basically banged my head against the ladder, until, on today, January 31st, a faithful match against a brann warrior, a turn 6 chaos creation into a brann on their t6, which was too little too late..... and there is was, next to the fel infested corpses of my victims, ravaged by fatigue damage and surrounded by imps,
I reached legend.
Jesus blizzard
Tavern Brawl this week is... "Lunar Blessings!" (Jan. 31, 2024)
**Description:** "Celebrate the Lunar New Year! Choose a class and get a random deck, choose an animal for its blessing and power!"
**Format:** Prebuilt / pick a class
**Reward:** one Standard pack for your first win.
**History:** This is the **fifth** time we've seen this format, and it's something of an annual tradition, always taking place between late January and mid-February. The gimmick of picking an "aura" effect to benefit your play throughout a game reminds me (in a really good way) of the "Battle of the Builds" format from around 8 years ago.
As appropriate for the Lunar New Year, there are 12 Blessings, one for each sign in the Lunar Zodiac. You can pick from 3 of them, Discover style, when the game begins. Assuming they didn't change from last year, the Blessings are:
**Blessing of the Rat:** Whenever you summon a minion that costs (3) or less, give it Reborn.
**Blessing of the Ox:** Whenever you summon a minion, give it +3 Health.
**Blessing of the Tiger:** Whenever you summon a minion, give it +1 Attack.
**Blessing of the Rabbit:** Whenever you summon a minion that costs (3) or less, give it Rush.
**Blessing of the Dragon:** Whenever you cast a spell, add a random Dragon to your hand.
**Blessing of the Snake:** Whenever you summon a minion that costs (3) or less, give it Stealth.
**Blessing of the Horse:** Your spells cost (1) less.
**Blessing of the Sheep:** At the start of your turn, restore 3 Health to a damaged friendly character.
**Blessing of the Monkey:** At the end of your turn, transform a random friendly minion into one that costs (1) more.
**Blessing of the Rooster:** Whenever you use your Hero Power, deal 2 damage to a random enemy.
**Blessing of the Dog:** Whenever you summon a minion, give it "Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Mastiff."
**Blessing of the Pig:** Whenever you summon a minion, add a Coin to your hand.
By the way, each class gets the same 3 Blessings offered each time. Assuming the choices haven't changed, your picks are:
* Death Knight: Pig, Rat or Ox
* Demon Hunter: Pig, Rat or Rabbit
* Druid: Monkey, Snake or Dog
* Hunter: Horse, Rabbit or Dog
* Mage: Horse, Pig or Dragon
* Paladin: Tiger, Dragon or Dog
* Priest: Pig, Sheep or Rooster
* Rogue: Tiger, Snake or Rooster
* Shaman: Monkey, Rat or Sheep
* Warlock: Rat, Ox or Rabbit
* Warrior: Pig, Ox or Rooster
Enjoy the Year of the Dragon, good luck & have fun!
Sludgelock is the meta
Idk if its me but I have lost 4 games in a row just now against sludge warlock. If its not the sludges that kill me its the one or sometimes 2 7/7 or 6/8 rush minion(s) i have to deal with at turn 4.
How do you guys counter this and what decks are you using?
In your opinion, what is the best card ever?
It’s super old, but still love it
8 years F2P and finally Happened
Hesitation is Defeat
dumpster legend is the most fun meta
everyone plays meme decks and not meta stuff we just battle non stop down here without a care in the world
Should this be giving me 800 dust refund?
You have earned an infinite.. kiss on your cheek.