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Zarimi comes online too quickly, we should look at another recent card for a fair balance change

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Patchnotes from 12/07/2020

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my opponent’s Zilliax looks like an r/customhearthstone design 💀

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Only 35 damage from hand on turn 6


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The Hero we need

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What the hell happened to this game

Rogue putting 4 giants on the board on turn 4, Lock doing the same. Shaman occasionally OTKing from hand on turn 5. Zarimi priest casually winning almost every game when they play Zarimi on 5 and losing when they don't. That's not even mentioning the coinflip match-up between Rainbow DK and Reno Warrior, where the only thing that matters is whether or not plague cards are drawn before Brann.

Every deck is so turbo-high variance that it feels like playing Wild from a few years back. I play pretty much every deck in Legend, and what they all have in common is that in 95% of cases I either stomp the opponent or they stomp me. My decisions are ultimately meaningless when the question is whether or not I draw the specific card needed to deal with whatever flavor of bullshit the opponent shits out.

Having returned after a couple of years of absence from playing, I think the game is pretty much unsalvageable at this point. Every single deck (with the exception of maybe Rainbow DK if only Helya wasn't such a poorly designed card) is toxic and unfun to play against. The difference between high-rolling and "low-rolling" (having what would years ago be considered a decent hand) is so astronomical that no amount balance changes could ever be enough to fix the incompetent design that led to this atrocious metagame.


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I hit Legend for the first time!!

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If quests are gonna take up 3x my time (or more), I want 3x the usual rewards.

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I cannot play funny off-meta decks anymore without dying on turns 6-7

Throughout the last five days, I was trying to make some off-meta decks since I was bored of facing the same four netdecks (Wheelock, Painlock, Zarimi Priest, RGB DK) . The issue is that in order to counter these decks and live to 10 mana, my sweet little decks would have to be modified so heavily, that the main funny plan of them does not work anymore.

The decks I tried were:
- Draw demon hunter
- Rush demon hunter (That one sucked)
- Big pally
- dude pally
- Big rez priest (Polar experience)
- Snake Oil seller priest (Shuffled oil in opponent's deck)
- Wishing well + Sonya Rogue (pretty good)
- Pirate rogue
- Elemental death knight (funny bad)
- Lab patron warrior (Please buff my beard boys)

Yes, I know that I should expect losing a lot with my clown decks. My main gripe is that compared to like a year or two years ago, I had at least some chance of winning. Now it's just an automatic loss unless I get the best opening hand. It's not fun anymore.

Sorry for ranting; I was so excited for the new expansion (First pre-order bundle), just to be disappointed that the power level post-rotation didn't drop. :(


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Game Master ChatGPT says no refund for you

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People are just throwing matches now spamming Hero powers and miniature cards to get the quests done

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Every destroy a hero card in Hearthstone history

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What cards are you happy to see rotating?

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They changed the Inside Look

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Whizbang's Workshop - Factory Tour

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Current meta is boring

Most games are over by turn 6-8. It is all about draw. Do I draw my good cards? I win. Do I draw non-optimal cards? I lose. Where is the strategy? Where is the fun, board based games that got me hooked on HS in the first place? I really like HS, I just want Blizzard to do better


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I love doing achievements, and this achievement makes me angry

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Hearthstone Marketing did the mistake to ask the community to color a plushy.

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As a sixth generation Hearthstone player, I'm shutting down the family legacy

My great-great-great-grandfather immigrated to America in 1853 in pursuit of a better life. With nothing more than the clothes on his back, he worked hard at the docks and saved enough to build his first Hearthstone deck: his beloved and cherished miracle rogue. Through sheer determination and elbow grease, he battled his way through Hearthstone boards across the expanding nation, building a legacy and acquiring gold. By 1860 he was able to purchase his first Tavern. He simply called it "Bob's".

Through all the turmoil and strife of the world - the American Civil War, the Great Depression, World Wars, economic collapses, the collapse of the Soviet Union, etc - my family has grown that first Bob's Tavern into a global network of all things Hearthstone. All of that difficulty and uncertainty, we held strong never waivered. Our love of Hearthstone sustained us and we prevailed. I even sought to expand again recently and was engaged in discussions with The League of Explorers to join our Board of Directors; nice folks, great hats.

But this change to the quest system is too much to bear. I've made the painful decision to shut down the family empire after 164 years of continuous operation. Five games a week to ten? Unbearable.


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Blizzard unlocked my account after refunding my Tavern Pass.

Part 1: I'd like a refund for my Tavern Pass.

Part 2: Blizzard refunded my Tavern Pass.

Just a quick update for you guys, woke up this morning to find my account has now been unlocked.

The question I'm sure most of you are interested in is "What happens after they remove your Tavern Pass?". In my case the only thing I have lost access to aside from the Tavern Pass itself is the XP boosts, all rewards earned up until the point of the refund are still accessible to me.

I've yet to receive any communication as to why the account was locked in the first place, or any rationale as to why it was subsequently unlocked - but as I said yesterday I don't beleive that it was intentional.

Hopefully this news restores some of your confidence in Blizzard to do the right thing.


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Infinite mana with Sonya and Mana Wraith


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Why 'I quit' posts matter, and why they don't.

TL;DR: They matter because they give new players coming in a sense of the health of the game. They don't matter as a message to Blizzard, because while RidiculousHat probably reports big sentiment shifts, Blizzard has a much better ways to tell when people stop playing their games.

I'm pretty sure that we can all agree that the most recent quest change was implemented terribly. Whether the outcome was good or not depends largely on where one falls in the 'casual vs dedicated', player range. It was great for any dedicated player, bad news for any casual player. Ironically, it's a moot point whether someone is F2P or not, since the rewards track is important to both paying players (for the hero skins) and free players, for the extra gold and packs. I'm in between, as I usually finish all my quests early in the week, but I rarely get past 200 in the reward track before it rolls over.

The problem with not catering to casuals is that they make up a large chunk of the playerbase. While many of them may not contribute much to the financial side of the game, they reduce queue times and drive engagement on social media and websites like this. That engagement, in turn, draws in or retains players, so it is in Blizzards best interest to attract and maintain a decent F2P experience. Also, a lot of paying players are casuals, preferring to pay money for extra packs to play interesting decks, rather than grind out wins on the ladder.

While there's a bit of a balancing act between 'make people want to spend money' and 'make the game attractive to casual F2P customers', this can be done by focusing on selling cosmetics and giving a good value on money spent for convenience. LoL is going strong, Path of Exile is in excellent shape, and Fortnite is, well, it's doing ok...

This recent move has all the hallmarks of some shareholder focused bean counter decided that they wanted more engagement and less rewards for the F2P playerbase. More engagement is good for queue times, and less rewards (in theory) means that people will be more inclined to spend money.

Unfortunately for Blizzard, the playerbase for this game tends to be pretty savvy about business practices (this has been shown in the past when comparable changes were implemented).

Unfortunately for the playerbase, Blizzard clearly doesn't care. They've got people much smarter and educated than the average reddit poster, with access to a hell of a lot more data making these decisions. Clearly someone decided that they wanted people playing the game more, likely ranked in particular (given the specific quest changes). They looked at how many people were playing how much of the different modes, and made a change that incentivizes more ranked play. Obviously they couldn't also improve the free to play experience at the same time (by doing the tiered option that folks keep suggesting), because prior to those changes, it was actually pretty good (speaking as a free player).

Someone decided that the net loss of casual players, and the associated loss of engagement, was worth the increase in engagement overall by encouraging those who remain to play the game more.

I feel that they were likely wrong, but we'll see going forward if there are further changes.


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Hey friends, I made a new Custom Card in Hearthcards.net a few days ago, what do you think about my idea on making a Druid Quest that allows the player to do a slightly harder objective for a better reward?

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Didn't receive the Yogg Titan from the "Fall of Ulduar" mminiset. Customer support confirms its never been in my collection, but insists Yogg is not guaranteed? What do I do?

i know times are tough right now, and i rlly didnt want to make a post about this, but i literally dont know what else to do.

i bought the titans miniset when it came out specifically for the titan yogg card, but only received every other card besides the yogg. wasnt rlly sure why, but i took a break from the game since then, and only really got back into it with whizbangs workshop. i then realised that i still dont own the card, and so a few weeks ago decided opened a ticket about this. the following conversations i had with them were so baffling i dont even know what else i can reply with.

so they first confirmed my purchase of the miniset, and then confirmed that "there's no trace of the Yogg-Saron, the Unleashed Legendary card ever being in your Collection". but then they insist that the miniset doesnt actually guarantee the Yogg titan?????? wtf? i provide them with multiple links and sources and quotes explicitly saying otherwise and even from quote the source that THEY SENT ME THEMSELVES but they STILL insist "even with the information provided it does not guarantee the Yogg-Saron, the Unleashed Legendary. While they state the types of cards you receive, it does not guarantee the Yogg-Saron, the Unleashed Legendary." i then went to the newbie megathread on here just to confirm im not being stupid, and i dont think i am.

heres a link of the entire conversation.

again i hate to make an entire post about this ridiculous situation but idk what else i can do. any thoughts?


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Imagine if Valeera's Gift had Shadowstep in it

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Hear me out.

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Azure Drake, one of my first Hs sculptures.

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I found something funny you can do with new Jepetto (in new Standard)

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New Legendary and Common Revealed! Jepetto is back again!

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