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Didn't see this coming

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It's unlikely that we ever gonna see the Whizzbang's "Copycat deck" in the action


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Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

Hello members of the /r/hearthstone community,


This is part of a series of weekly threads aimed at both new and old players from the community. It is designed so that everybody may ask any and all questions regarding the game's mechanics, decks, strategies and more.


Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a PullsDay Thursday weekly post, for those who want to share their pulled packs.


[Sticky Threads and Guides - Great resources for new players!\](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/wiki/resources#wiki\_sticky\_threads)


Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? [Message the moderators.\](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fhearthstone)


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Saw the gold pack post and gave it a try

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I only spend my golds for golden packs

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I finally understand why people complain about wheel rogue, this deck is OP

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What did I get for my time?

Game one Shammy. Ugh. Dead turn 5. No interaction.
Game two mage. No interaction. Kill him before he could get Sif out. Not fun.
Game three. Wheel lock. No interaction. Loss.
Game four. Hunter. No interaction. Does it even matter?
Game five though. Yes. This is going to be it. An actual game. Rogue. I’m feeling it. Going good. Good hand and am excited to play. He drops virus Zill and sits there and does nothing. OMG. I manage fi get him but wow is this not fun.
Game six. One more before I give up this morning.
Game seven. Dragon priest. Stomped.

I’m out. Seven games.

Love this game. Not today though. Did the devs either not see this coming, or did they actually think these decks would be fun to play against. What a sad experience.



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This sounds like work...

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Who is your favorite Titan?


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Why some people moved on so easily?

English isn’t my native language so excuse my wrong grammar and typos along the way. My ex bf(19) and I(20), we’ve been together for 2 years and 30 days when we separated. I’ll just gonna give you some insight of our relationship first before providing your opinions with this matter. People describe our relationship as a ‘fairy tale’. I can say the same too you know, he was the person i never expected to have but had everything i wish for, he is such a nice and wonderful person in general and we clicked immediately. In that span of 2 years of love, not a single bit did we had a major fight because we were able to fixed it. It was such an easy flow with so much love between us. I love him so much and i can tell what he felt towards me too. It’s just we don’t nt have the same religious background and he is a religious person. I thought it was not an issue at all, since i was even willing to convert just to be with him. But in the 8th of October 2023 he decided instantly to breakup with me. I was so sad and depressed for months while he seems so unbothered by our separation. Then i later found out that in less than a month of our separation he got a new gf and now, in being 6 months of our breakup they are already planning marriage. It just hurt me because we used to plan it together (we are both date to marry type of person so it’s s such a big deal for me) and now he is fulfilling it with someone else. Guys in general, how can you moved on so fast like that?


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It's Over... It's Done!

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The new quests have made me play LESS, not more.

The new quests have made me play less, not more for two reasons.

1. The old weekly quests were doable while not feeling like a chore. I could play the decks I enjoyed in the free time I had and then maybe play a few janky decks to complete whatever I hadn't finished by the weekend. Now I just don't have the time to finish the weekly quests, and I don't want to put in the extra time given the diminished rewards. Now the quests feel like a job, and that's not fun.
2. I'm frustrated with the way Blizzard has handled this. If you want more time commitment from players, then put in a tiered system. That way the people who have more time will put in more time, and that will increase your "player hours". And most importantly, don't nerf the rewards. You're asking players to put in more time, but you're not scaling the rewards the same amount. That's like asking workers to work more hours for less money per hour. Who would want to do that?!

I have played a lot less this week than most weeks, only completing a few daily quests. I've been playing this game since GvG and have bought every pre-order since then, and this is the first time I've cut down so drastically on my play time. I have other games that I can play instead.



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I don't wanna be the "hearthstone lawyer", but since the weapon says "After you SPEND 5 mana", I believe it should have triggered the weapon, even though the spell itself was countered.

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Hearthstone: From Playing to Quest-Filling

I see a lot of people defending quest updates, or saying "it's okay." I'll try to explain why, to me, it's terrible.

**Why do we play video games?**

Because they bring us pleasure, plain and simple. And the source of that pleasure varies for each person; it could be the challenge, stimulation, competition, escapism, etc. Personally, what I enjoy about Hearthstone is what I love about most TCGs (since I play Magic and Yugioh too), which is deck building (creativity) and playing them against other players (challenge). Grinding ranks and being number one (competition) doesn't interest me, but I understand that it appeals to others.

The problem with recent changes is that they only cater to two types of players: those who play for competition and already find fulfillment in seeking many victories, and addicts runing after illusion of rewards.

Yes, the big issue is that Blizzard isn't asking us to play the game anymore; they're asking us to complete quests. Ask yourself this simple question: Why do you launch this mobile app? **How many this Sunday will "play" ranked just to fulfill the objectives Blizzard gave them?**

I have nothing against spending money on a game I enjoy. But with Hearthstone... Even by spending 80€ three times a year, you're very far from completing your collection... Hearthstone is outrageously expensive! In fact, whether paying or remaining F2P, Hearthstone has become nothing but an excuse to complete quests that Blizzard gives us. And apart from those who play a lot and aim for victory, and those who only play out of addiction, there's nothing left for others: those who want to play just to play when they want to play.

To those who argue "lmao people complain because they're asked to play the game"... Actually, no, we're not asked to play but to fulfill objectives... **Being forced to play in a certain way, at a certain frequency, where's the fun in that?** And for those who argue "blah blah, you want everything for free," well, even by paying in Hearthstone, it doesn't change anything... And as mentioned earlier, what an investment...

There were alternatives to the quest system, such as the one in MTGA (Magic: The Gathering Arena), where you get a reward for each win, limited to 15 per week.

In fact, a small comparison with MTGA, which also requires 15 wins per week:

* In MTGA, wins count across ALL game modes.
* In MTGA, if your goal is just to push for wins, you play aggro in historic and have games under 2 minutes (not the pinnacle of fun, but it racks up wins if you want to grind).
* In MTGA, daily rewards decrease, meaning 1 win = 250, then 100, then from the 4th win onwards, 50. So, if you're a hardcore grinder, you can do it. If you don't feel like it, 1 win is enough.

In short, MTGA is imperfect, and the debate isn't about saying it's better, but rather that there were other alternatives to adding quests.

So, playing the same 2-3 decks (because in F2P we can't afford more), to complete quests, well, personally, I'm tired of it.

To those who only satisfy their addiction, I wish them the courage to realize it and escape it, and to those who find satisfaction only in what Blizzard offers them, I tell them not to forget that there are people other than themselves with different motivations, and their favorite game is doomed to disappear if there's no one left to play it...


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Hearthstone just isn't very fun right now

Anyone else feel this way? Even if some of the decks that are popular gith now aren't tier 1 they are still obnoxious as hell to play against.

Hunter with that stupid saddle up, plague DK, Sif mage, nature shaman, wheel warlock and Zilliax rogue are the worst offenders in just making the hearthstone not fun right now, especially if you, like me, like to play slower control decks.


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current meta and community outcry got me feeling like this

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Rant: Botface

In a sea of complaints about battlegrounds duos, zarimi priest, plagues, new quests, and more, I have but one.


Botface. This ineffectual, flaccid, junkyard rat scrap metal of a card. This “wouldn’t see play as a neutral common even if it costed 7” piece of garbage.

Botface has the vibes of a 2014 disenchant. An April fools joke that never has a punchline. Opening him in a pack brings as much joy as ice skating barefoot over hot nails.

He’s as exciting as a meeting with HR. As powerful as a smokers exhale. As exhilarating as tax return. As thought provoking as a silverback patriarch.

Botface’s sole purpose in any collection serves to only prevent the opening of this abomination ever again.

When your time is done, and you’ve retreated to wild, I wont disenchant you. No, that’s far to easy. Far to fair to return you to the scrap from which you came.

No. You will remain. My sole wild card. To serve as a reminder that, after all these years, Blizzard is still capable of telling jokes.


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Excuse me?? But for what sins ?

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Whizbang deck buffs incoming


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Has anyone else's motivation to play just tanked recently?

While I also dabble in ranked and battlegrounds, my primary game mode became Duels after it was released. Games were interesting enough and had enough variability with the combinations of different treasures, passives, and card buckets (at least with the original bucket system and while they were keeping things fresh with things like the diablo update, vandar/drekthar heroes, etc.) That being said, I still played ranked occasionally to complete my weeklies and when new expansions came out. However, both standard and wild feel super stale right now and I just can't bring myself to spend the time grinding to win 10 games. Which then leads to me having less gold and being less invested in the game as a whole.

I know this is just a combination of what everybody has already been complaining about lately, but it sucks that this game I have/had so much love for since beta is starting to feel more like a chore and the parts of the game I've grown to love most are disappearing. :(


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What just happened, Mecha-leaper with 1458/1458???

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Here I am holding a miniaturize daily for about a week and they want me to play 32 of them lmfao

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Can we please get a "show/hide completed" achievement filter?

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New quests are 15 wins again?

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Wasn’t this supposed to be fixed?

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guess I have to buy a hero skin before deciding if I wanna use it

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Utilize your disruption friend properly

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Could this be the next nerf to Nature Shaman?. Nature tag removed.

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Heard people didn’t like playing against Zarimi, here’s my balance suggestion.

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