LPT - how to clean portion of clothing that had color Bleeding
My wife has a jump suit with a white collar and white belt loop area. The rest of the clothing is black.
The black color blend into the white. Any tips on how to spot clean?
LPT: Dollar Tree has really affordable greeting cards
I exclusively purchase greeting cards at my local Dollar Tree because they're such a good deal. I am able to get two cards for $1.25, which is much less than a single card at a standard retailer.
Even if it was one card for $1.25, it would still be less expensive!
The only downside is that some planning is required. For example, Valentine's Day cards will probably not be available on February 13. Still, a little planning can save you some real green!
LPT: Avoid saying how people are naturally good at things. Praise them for their hard work because all skills take time and patience to master.
I have a few artist friends and I can tell how annoyed they are whenever they hear someone saying that they must've been blessed with a natural talent or that they wish they could draw as well as they could. That really makes things slightly awkward and makes the artist feel somewhat like they didn't work hard enough for their mastery. Instead, point out how you respect someone's dedication to a craft. This applies for any skill, really.
LPT: Before traveling, make photocopies of your wallet's contents, e.g. credit cards, driver license, other important things you carry (and your passport, visas, air tickets, travel vouchers, etc.)
In case wallet gets lost (or stolen), with the copies you will have some evidence of the documents and their important information (phones to call, issue dates, numbers, etc.) to rapidly act in mitigating further loses.
On my travels' experiences, I've seen many people clueless about what to do when faced with having to figure out details about what was lost when adversity happens to them (particularly, when on a tight schedule. Something as simple as keeping photocopies of what you are taking will ensure you have all needed information to report losses.
For stronger measures, leave a sealed envelope with copies with someone you trust at home; in that way, if you lose your copies, can call for the info needed.
LPT: Write longer messages in your cards
I have found myself with a collection of cards that family has written messages in over the years, and when I was a kid I always wondered why people would do cards at all. I would still collect them in my filing cabinet, at first because it felt wrong to throw them out, they were gifts after all, and eventually it was just merely habit. But as older members began to pass on, I found myself revisiting these cards and cherishing those small messages more and more.
I realized one day these cards are the only record I had of how they felt about me and their thoughts about me; they were a form of love letter that otherwise goes unspoken at times. The messages of "I am so proud of you" and "We always know how beautiful and strong you are" feels like a hug in hard times when I reread them. So now I am writing long messages in cards with the hopes that if something were to happen to me one day, they never have to worry about how much I loved them and how much I admire their strengths, because they can read how much in my own words whenever they need reminding.
My advice from this is when your writing a card, instead of just writing "Happy Birthday" or "Love xo" to someone who matters to you, consider filling that blank space, even if it feels cheesy. Heck even a funny doodle, thought or joke. Because those cards can last forever, and it could be exactly what their heart may need one day, it could even become one of their most valuable possessions. And when you get a card, even a simple one, consider keeping at least some of your favorites to keep close for harder times.
LPT: If you accidentally crease or get an important document wet, photocopy it on a flatbed scanner
Need to hand in a worksheet that you shoved in your backpack and now it's creased? Got a work document wet (not soiled) and you need to present it? Simply place it on the flatbed scanner of a copy machine and photocopy the document.
The copy obviously comes out without creases, and chances are quite high they are not even visible on the copy. If they are still visible, set the printer to a lower DPI. That usually makes creases unnoticable on the copy.
Especially back in school, this saved my homework countless times.
LPT: Seeking Advice for third stage interview for dream job
Hey everyone!
I recently graduated with a master's degree in media psychology, with a focus on research, UX design, and principles, following a BA Hons in broadcast journalism. As many of you probably know, landing a job right now, especially at the entry level, is quite the challenge, with companies often demanding years of experience that fresh graduates like myself often lack.
After months of applications since November, I've finally secured a successful interview. It involved creating a 15-minute presentation to pitch my proposal for tackling a task they assigned. The company was impressed and called me yesterday to extend congratulations and invite me to a "third stage" interview. This will be a half-hour Google Meet call where I'll get to meet the CEO, my potential mentor, and the interviewer from the previous round.
They mentioned no preparation is necessary, but I can't shake the feeling that I should be ready for something. Is this stage more about assessing my personality? They mentioned the pool of candidates is smaller now, so it'll be a quicker process. I'm really excited about this opportunity as it perfectly aligns with my values and academic background.
I've checked Glassdoor, but there aren't any interview questions listed since it's a relatively new and small company. Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a bunch!
LPT: how to remove a fragment of sticky leaf matter from your epiglottis
I was doing a bit of yard work today whippersnipping after work.
Enter the Billygoat weed - Ageratum Conyzoides. This noxious weed has furry, sticky leaves that, when whippersnipped, get absolutely everywhere on you. They stick to your clothes and hair like Velcro and only a good hot shower can get it off. Sometimes even then you're finding it in your clothes weeks after.
I must have had some errant peices stuck to my moustache as I indulged in the obligatory post-yardwork beer. The result - a fragment of this sandpapery bugger went down the hatch, but not quite.
There I could feel it, hanging on for dear life with its gorilla grip on the very tip of my throat flap.
It was the strangest sensation. I knew I wasn't in danger, but it's presence imparted a sense of keen proprioception to my epiglottis that filled me with a sense of inexplicable and all encompassing dread. I have never been more aware of the fine and intricate movements of the epiglottis: the way it spasmed tenderly, as though giggling at me, whenever saliva was passed through it. The way it seems to curl like the lid of a tin can when gulping a glass of water.
Most ominous, the movements that it decides of its own volition, the soft and delicate dilation and contraction of the throat around it. I have been cursed with this knowledge forevermore.
My first instinct was of course to drink more beer to wash it down. When that didn't work, I gurgled water like hell. Upon further failure to dislodge the rapscallion, I bent over the bathroom sink and coughed like my grandma did. It didn't help.
In my desparation to rid myself of this curse, I turned to my only hope: Google.
As you would expect, of course that didn't fucking work. There is apparently no established body of literature concerning the search terms "sticky leaf", and "epiglottis", no matter which configuration or synonymisation you searched it with.
So my friends, I humbly submit this advice so that, unlike me, a future victim of the Billygoat hitchhiker has some form of salvation within the search algorithm. After two days and two nights of trying different configurations of throat-contorting and bodily functions, I have found it:
1) Drink some kind of liquid to wet your mouth. Keep it handy in order to wet again later
2) Position your head forward with your chin pointed up and out and your mouth in the shape of a tight lowercase 'o'.
3) Hold your tongue, as it naturally sits in this position, pointed towards, but not beyond, the opening of your mouth
4) Exhale forcefully but slowly. Allow only a small volume of air at a time. The longevity of this exhalation is key to your success. At this point it is critical that your throat is wet. You should feel a light spray washing over your epiglottis
5) Persist with this movement until you feel the leaf matter start to move. It may take time, but be persistent. Once you feel it start to move, congratulations, this is the beginning of the end.
6) Repeat steps 1 through 5 until the matter is clear. Critically, this time, the second you feel movement begin to cough violently. Think of it like fishing: you feel the nibble, you give it a jerk.
Unfortunately the damage is done for me. I spent too long in this state and my blissful ignorance of my inner throat has been lost for good. I only hope this will save you from that fate.
LPT: if you routinely take your laptop out of the house, get two charging cords and keep one in your bag.
Recently did this and it makes me happy I did every time.
The cords aren't expensive and it saves SO much hassle by not having to fish your cord out from your desk each time. Plus you'll never get somewhere and realize you forgot to pack you cord.
When you get home you just plunk your laptop on your desk and the cord is right there ready to plug in.
Bonus tip: for the second cord get one that only has two prongs not three. Sometimes you get a place with just two prong outlets and you can still use it.
LPT: Before going on any prescription meds for a mental disorder, get your blood checked for any vitamin or mineral deficiencies
A lack of vitamin D, magnesium, lithium orotate and or a lack of probiotic foods has been linked to depression, anxiety & other disorders. Prescription meds are usually prescribed by psychiatrists as a frontline treatment rather than as a last resort. Before going on heavy medication try to see a nutritionist first, if a dietary change or supplements doesn't work for you then go for heavy treatment. Most psychiatrists unfortunately work like mechanics you're likely to walk out with a prescription plan than nothing
I don't intend to raise fear or aversion to medication. It's just that the side effects can be really harmful for some and it's extremely expensive. I feel that a lighter treatment needs to be attempted first before going for them
LPT: if someone is filming you without your consent, (an annoying youtuber) start playing mainstream copyrighted music.
LPT: If your nose is super congested, hold your breath until you can’t hold it anymore—it tricks your body to think you’re suffocating so you get a shot of adrenaline which clears your sinuses. ✅
LPT: If you press and hold left mouse button on a YouTube video, it plays double the speed until you release it.
Idk if it helps, just found out, interesting.
LPT to evaluate opportunities & offers
It can be hard to figure out what we want when it comes to big decisions like renting an apartment buying a house, or evaluating a job offer.
I use a system I was taught back in 2004 to evaluate offers & opportunities, and I've applied it to lots of big decisions in my life. It's not my system, but it's damn effective. (This system is outlined in the book Getting to Yes, which helps people evaluate mediation settlements, and for which nobody but Jeff Bezos is receiving money for the mention. I was taking a class in negotiations when I learned about it, and it's the only thing I remember!)
First you make a list of everything you want.
So, if you're looking for a new job, you write down EVERYTHING you dream about - remote work, money, good people, cool projects, a big window, autonomy, etc. - you don't self-edit - just write what you want. All of it! You'll end up with a long list, which is great.
Now you need to start comparing the stuff on your list and cull it down to about 5 or 6 items. These are your numero uno most important things.
Now it gets interesting. You assign a score to each item out of a hundred, but the combined points of ALL items must equal 100. So, for example, if I were evaluating a job offer, it might look like this:
Money: 35 pts, People: 20 pts, Remote: 30 pts, Benefits: 10pts, Autonomy: 5pts = 100 pts
Sometimes when I do this, it's more like 7 pts for one thing, 11.5 for another, lol. You assign those 100 points however and wherever you wish.
Now I can score a job offer based on those numbers as my baseline...
If the money was decent but not the very best, it might score 25 out of 35
If the people were mean, they would only score 3 out of 20
If the job was fully remote - 30 points (yay!)
No benefits (!) - so 0 out of 10
But good autonomy, so 5 points
Overall, this job offer scores 63 out of 100. If I had another offer that scored an 83, the answer would be clear.
I've used this system with apartment hunting, house hunting when it was time to buy, job offers, and even when I decided to immigrate! Being able to quantify what's important to me has saved me from situations where I'm blinded by one big thing. Like a bay window in an otherwise crappy home (the bay window may be amazing, but it's only worth three points out of 100! Or job offers with amazing people but really low money, etc. etc.) Applying an actual score allows me to keep what I want, and how an opportunity compares, in perspective.
Anyhow, I've probably not done the system justice. The book is Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury, and it's an amazing system that has never steered me wrong. I love these guys; I'm so grateful to them! I've been using this system for 20 years now.
I always read in this sub how the LPTs are crappy. I hope this one really empowers people
LPT: having trouble bathing your dog?
Put some peanut butter on the wall of the tub so they stay distracted.
LPT: Google has a free tool that will remove your personal info from searches
After seeing that horrifying post in r/texts yesterday (IYKYK, 😵) I remembered there is a great feature Google has called "Results about you" that you can access with an active Google account. This will search for your full name, address, phone number, and email and if results are found, share them with you so you can request to remove them. All of my requests have been approved within a day or two. Definitely recommend people to look into this, as it's honestly horrifying how easily it is to find out people's personal information.
LPT: if you’re tired of over tipping but feel guilty for selecting that awful “no tip” button, keep cash in your wallet.
I’m not sure why it took me this long to figure out, but I’m glad I finally did. Tipping culture is out of control- in the US especially. Every time I get a coffee or a counter service meal, they spin that iPad around and watch me as I make my tip selection. For a while I felt guilty and would leave a tip, but as time went on I realized how much money I was spending and it was deterring me from visiting these types of places.
Then one day I paid in cash. The entire iPad interaction was skipped! No pressure to leave a tip, and no guilt for not leaving one.
I’m sure this seems obvious, but I never used to carry cash. Being paid direct deposit meant and had no need for cash most of the time. Even if once per week you have to visit an ATM that charges a few bucks, it will probably save you money. Enough over tipping! Companies should pay their employees, not the consumer.
LPT: Substitute a portion of your rice with millet for an easy whole grain boost to your rice that fully cooks all together
Our family loves white rice, but I want to incorporate some whole grains. I've tried mixing in some 7 grain rice from the Korean market and the whole grains are always unevenly cooked. I've been throwing in millet into my rice and it is small enough to cook together with the rice and doesn't disturb the flavor and texture of the rice too much.
LPT: In your work computer, use Powerpoint to stay logged in indefinitely
This is very helpful in case you have no admin rights to the computer, which is probably the case in most companies. I get automatically signed out from Windows after 5 minutes of inactivity and I actually have three work computers (one being a VM from the client) so it's not difficult to imagine the level of my annoyance.
Open Powerpoint and a new project -> Slide Show tab -> tick Use Presenter View -> press F5 -> minimize Powerpoint by pressing the Windows button or ALT+TAB
WARNING: There is a good reason companies set up the computer this way. It is a security feature and your IT/HR may view getting around it negatively, so make sure to ask a responsible person.
LPT: If you are going to lie about your salary in an interview, freeze your Equifax data report first. Employers can see your current salary/take home pay
Many have heard the job advice to inflate your current salary when job hopping to get a better raise. I.e. you make 50k right, apply for a job and say you make 60k in the interview so they offer you 70k. In some cases this can work, but something that is becoming more prolific for employers to use is Equifax’s Work Number. This report can be used by hiring managers to double check that your current salary is actually what it is.
You can freeze your data report on there and/or check if your employer reports to it. But, it can also be a way to get caught lying. So, freeze your report, then inflate your salary! Happy job hunting
LPT If you're self-employed, you really need to understand marginal tax rates to properly determine your estimated taxes.
LPT: Buy the expensive shoes
Yes, I know those steel toes are only 20 bucks, but have you ever thought of what happens if a steel toe fails? My father had a truck back over his foot one day with expensive steel toes on. Bent the metal, but if it was cheap metal - it would have taken his toes off. Same goes for tennis shoes. Ever had Walmart shoes that fell apart in a month? Not worth replacing with the same junk shoes. Best pro tip, INVEST IN INSOLES. Have the shoes you want but put dr.scholls in them. No more feet and back pain. You're welcome 🤗
LPT: Avoid Online Oversharing
LPT: Before posting about an upcoming vacation, consider if it's worth broadcasting that your house will be empty. A vague "Be back soon!" after your trip is safer.
LPT: When reading a recipe on any website, click Print Recipe button to get a clean ad-free and distraction-free view of all the steps.
Recipe websites are bloated with annoying ads and videos. To get a distraction free view of the recipe you want on any website, click the button that says 'Print Recipe'. It'll open a new tab with a clean view of all your steps without any ads or distractions.
LPT: Forward your tickets and schedule send via email two days before event date
Need to find your concert ticket booked months ago and can't find your confirmation email or the e-ticket?
Once you get a booking confirmation for tickets purchased for any events or flights (or anything basically), schedule it to be forwarded to your email two days (or a week if you're a planner) before the event date! This helps you to retrieve your ticket easily as it should be on top on your inbox and also a timely reminder that this event is coming up!
LPT: If you are in a crowded building, know where the back and side exits are
In an emergency, the crowd rushing towards the front door can be more deadly than the original emergency
LPT: Easily squeeze only a portion of the juice from a lemon
For mess-free lemon juice, simply take a bamboo skewer or toothpick, stick it in the bottom of your citrus, then remove it. Hold the lemon over your food and give it a squeeze. You get a little stream of lemon juice and the rest stays neatly inside for the next use. This could be combined with a 30-second microwave zap to increase yield.
LPT: Clean up the gunk that accumulates in the nooks and crannies of your washing machine with a piece of your dirty laundry every time you do a load so it doesn’t look like a disgusting dorm basement coin-op jalopy caked with hair and dried detergent
Spot-clean the inside corners of the lid, the corners of the housing overhanging the tub, and the rim of the tub proper underneath the housing. Use a wet tube sock over your hand, or your bathroom washcloth, then toss it in with the rest of the load and it’ll get clean with everything else.
LPT: Clean the ceiling fan blades before changing its direction of rotation.
I forgot to do that. Now my room is covered with dust.
LPT: Most microwave directions on food are designed for 1100 watt microwaves, unless otherwise specified. For more accurate cook times, multiply the cook time by 1100 (or specified wattage) and then divide it by the wattage of your microwave.
For example, if something says to microwave for 3 minutes but you have a 700 watt microwave, instead microwave it for 4 minutes and 43 seconds (3 * 1100 / 700 = 4.71).