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LPT: When traveling in a tourist area, never eat restaurants where a waiter/greeter is standing outside trying to draw you in.

These restaurants are almost always not authentic, they are always overpriced, and they are geared towards tourists who don't know any better.

Spend a few minutes researching authentic local restaurants before you travel. They will be cheaper, better, more authentic, and your money with more likely be going to a local family who needs it.

From what l've experienced, this is most common in European countries, though not exclusive.


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LPT: Think of a number between 1 & 1 million, and generate a random number in that range. Each roll of the number is equivalent to buying ~$600 powerball tickets. Keep doing this until you don't want to buy tickets.

Winning the powerball is roughly 1 in 300 Million, per ticket. Each ticket is $2.

Every now and then I think about throwing in a $100 or so, I never gamble ever but the daydreaming gets to me sometimes. When I'm in that mood I perform the above exercise and keep rolling random numbers, and tell myself if I somehow match I'll go buy tickets (which is a fallacy but that part isn't important).

I normally roll 20-30 times before I get bored and move on. I've done that exercise \~20 times in my life. I've never once even gotten close to my target number, never more than 3 matching digits.

Don't play powerball.


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LPT: When you're getting married, both buy a totally new aftershave/perfume for the wedding and ONLY use it in the future for special occasions.

So my wife and I are from the UK and we booked a Vegas wedding/honeymoon. Whilst we were in the airport 4 hours before the flight (hold tight my early arriver fam) we were in Duty Free and decided that it would be nice to have a scent each to wear on our wedding day that was specific to that day and that we could then wear only for date nights/anniversaries. Every time now I spray my aftershave, I'm transported back in my mind to the best moment of my life, in a limo down The Strip with the love of my life, sweating our arses off in the Nevada heat.


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LPT: when it is time to help your babies cross the rainbow bridge, call a mobile vet to come do it at your house.

I had a 21 year old cat that let me know she was too tired to keep going. The vet told me all the signs to look for and I 100% knew that she was ready. The vet came to my house and was able to help make it happen with my baby in my arms in the comfort of her own home. It was a positive and healing experience. I get that not everyone has the money to do this, but if you do, I totally recommend it.


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LPT If you have photo gray lenses, don't leave them in a hot car in the sun

It ruins the lenses, they permanently fog and the glasses become garbage. Ask me how I know.


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LPT: Notes in Shared Folder During Family Member’s Hospitalization Very Helpful

An elderly relative is hospitalized with a family members taking shifts and staying 24/7. We always keep notes (been down this road before), but this time we created a shared folder in Google docs. It has been so helpful!

The key is a document with running notes, separated by day. (The one person not comfortable adding notes using their iPhone writes on paper, and we add them later.)

If we get a business card or therapy brochure, it’s scanned with our phone and added to the folder. We even scanned the TV channel list - which for some strange reason is very hard to come by in this hospital.

We aren’t trying to duplicate her chart, but having our own notes accessible from anywhere has been amazing. So many doctors, staff, sometimes conflicting info. The hours and days run together. When did she last have therapy? Who promised what? Which doctor said imperative we do Y.

The shared document has been great for tracking important details and coordinating. So much easier to search than a paper doc. Google docs is easy, but you could also use other cloud apps.

(All medical records at the hospital are digital, but patient/family can’t really see them. Plus, family notes are different.)


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LPT : Be careful what you tolerate, you’re teaching people how to treat you.

Whatever you're willing to tolerate is what you'll get more of. If you accept people talking down on you, invading your personal space, and calling you names, you'll get more of it. If you allow people to treat you badly, it will take a toll on your mental health and self-esteem.


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LPT request: How do you stop feeling small and insecure?

Don't understand why do I always feel so small from inside. Maybe lack of confidence or insecurities something. I'm 27 now but I still don't understand how do I believe in myself. How do I elevate & level up life. From minor to major problem and situation turn into overthinking. I end up not taking actions.

For so many years now, I keep telling myself I wanna finish college so I can get a good paying job yet still I haven't found my drive. I don't know what I want. I don't even know what am I even doing with life. It's already 3rd month of 2024 but my brain just views time as nothing.. I feel ehh it's only the beginning of 2024 still. I'll accomplish my goals but I end up wasting time after time. Not realizing how valuable time is in today's world. Because of stupid anxiety shame embarrassment fear, I tend to not take actions or work on my important must do tasks. Then on a random day I see something on social media or someone say this person graduated. Or this person got a job at this company making x amount on money. I end up feeling loser.


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LPT Request: my commute is about to change to 1:15 one way everyday. What is the best way to pass the time driving?

Title says it all. Going to take a job about 1:15 away from my home. Can’t move given kids in school, all my extended family lives beside me, etc. Any good ideas on productive activities to make the drive go by quickly?


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LPT Request: Can’t stand current good paying job. How did you find a new calling in life?

Change of career. How did you do it?

I’ve been at a job for almost 5 years at a smaller company in commercial HVAC sales . I thought it was my goal to make it my career but has actually over time made me depressed. I’m lost as what to do because it is good pay but I cannot stand being there to the point it gives me daily headaches and depression…

How did you find a new calling in life after finding out you didn’t actually want to continue at a good job?


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LPT: Managers planning "happy hours" for the team: Make sure you choose a place that offers non-alcoholic drinks and/or food as well! And start them right before the last business hour of the day.

At the small company I work for, its been a traditional practice to hold a team "happy hour" after we successfully onboard a new employee or have just accomplished a major goal.

Our turnouts have been much higher when everyone knows there's an option for them if they don't feel like drinking that day (or dont drink alcohol at all).

Nobody wants to feel pressured to drink, plus its great for the team to be able to just either discuss life in general, or share corporate news/gossip that they might be "out-of-the-loop" on (we are technically owned by a larger F-100 company)

And finally, we have set our happy hours to start at 3:45, not 5:00. Nobody wants to stay out past office hours, we all have lives (including management!). Everyone's happier when they have options and it all takes place during regular work hours. Our employee turnover is also very low


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LPT: If you want to find a compatible roommate, ask them how often they wash their dishes. (Details in Text)

People can be awesome humans and wonderful friends, but terrible roommates for you. A lot of this comes down to the fact that they way people are about household responsibilities is not the same way they are about other things in their life like work or friendships.

One thing I find that tends to build resentment and make for an unhappy household is having a roommate whose philiosphies on sharing responsibilities are different from yours - not better or worse, just different. I also find that cleaning is one of those that sneaks in subtly, but can build the most conflict and resentment. When you decide to wash your dishes is usually a good indicator of the kind of responsible roommate you are.

In my experience, there are generally three groups/types of roommates:

(1) The Scheduler/Score-keeper. These types believe cleaning should be done on a regular basis. Using dishes as an example, some people believe all the dishes should be cleaned after every meal, there should never be a dish left in the sink after cleaning up when the meal is done. Some are a bit more relaxed and just want to ensure no dirty dishes are in the sink overnight. Some are more strict and clean as they go when they cook and just have a plate to clean after eating. The same can be said for other cleaning in the house.

These folks also tend to take note of when other people are not doing their responsibilities the same way they are, and it bothers them. For example, they are often left with the dilemma of either needing to wash someone else's dishes, which they might resent, or seeing the sink fill with dirty dishes, which they find disgusting. These folks often keep score of how many times other people don't do things the way they like. They feel equity in these matters is very important. This last feature contrasts with "The Flexer" (Type 3), below.

This type is often not the best at communicating their standards because they seem obvious signs of virtue, whereas they feel others who do things other ways are clearly knowingly negligent. Things can often build up for a long time with this type without others knowing it.

(2) The "As-needed"/Armageddon Type. This type, when it comes to dishes, for instance, only washes them when absolutely necessary. Often, the endpoint is there are no clean dishes left to use. For some people, it's not this extreme, and a full-enough sink will do it. For some others, it will go the other way, and they will buy paper plates or more dishes, or eat out/take out, or just right out of the package until something even more serious comes up. Another common endpoint is other people are coming over.

This type also tends to resent Score-keeper types, who they see as uptight, controlling, and judgemental. They often, erroneously, see themselves as super easy-going compared to others but will often push back a lot when expected to do things in another way then they feel is right for them.

(3) The Easy-going Flexer. Flexers usually have a moving idea of when it is time to get things done - neither on a schedule nor needing to wait until things come to some critical level. These folks often also don't resent doing a bit of extra work to make sure things are how they like. However, in return, they often expect some flexibility from their roommates.

Flexers the ones who are truly more flexible and can be good roommates to have in a mixed household, as they will often do what the Schedulers see as picking up the slack for more Armageddon types, without it bothering them. However, Flexers often value flexibility over other features and can be frustrated by living with Schedulers and Armageddon types, who tend to be much more rigid in their ways.



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LPT: Hazardous mixing/combinations of cleaning products

Asking around most people know about bleach/ammonia, but many are not aware of other mixes that they should not be using.

Hazardous Cleaning Product Combinations

When using cleaning products, it is best to use them as designed and not mix them with other products.

The solutions below are good cleaning products when used alone, but can produce toxic and lethal substances when combined.

But you can use them individually in sequence. For instance, you can wipe your countertop with Bleach, then afterwards after it dries, wipe it down with Vinegar. But do not mix these proucts together.

Bleach + Alcohol = Chloroform (powerful anesthetic)
Bleach + Ammonia = Chloramine gas (severely toxic)
Bleach + Vinegar = Chlorine gas (lethal)
Vinegar + Hydrogen peroxide = Peracetic acid (highly corrosive; irritant; can be lethal)
Ammonia + Hydrogen peroxide = can become explosive
Vinegar + Ammonia = Neutral (they cancel each other but obnoxious odor)
Vinegar + Baking soda = Carbon dioxide (safe, but a relatively weak cleaner)


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LPT: In an argument, providing a whole bunch of evidence at once makes you less likely to win the argument than if you bring up your points one at a time.


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LPT Request: What is the best way to organize tupperware lids?

I have lot of tupperware and it all gets messed up. Does anyone have a useful system you might be willing to share?


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LPT: cleaning melted cheese off plates or pans is easier with cold water

This was a serendipitous finding for me. Hot water just keeps it in melted state and there's so much smearing before you can get it off, not to mention it getting stuck in the sponge. But with cold water it solidifies the cheese and it comes clean off with some dish soap and sponge. It's also easier to clean the cheese off the sponge with cold water.


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LPT: Wearing a panty liner for your flight can make a big difference in feeling fresh throughout your journey.

Switching it out or removing it can help you stay comfortable without needing to change your underwear, especially on those long international flights.


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LPT: if your nose is stuffed and you can't afford nasal spray, get some extra strong breath mints.

Keep them on the roof of your mouth like you're mewing, or by the cheek all the way up. It doesn't help instantly but give it a few minutes and it will help clean your airway and breathe easier. This has been especially helpful to me when trying to sleep.


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LPT: Career path

I'll try to make this as short as possible, during covid I was supposed to finish highschool in a foreign country where I lived for most of my life(16years, iam 17 now gonna be 18 in 3 months) and I had some visa problems there and missed my O level exams, I came back to my home country, been here for almost 2 years now, in that time I did absolutely nothing, I wanted to take admission here but had some problems and I couldn't....anyways, my dad recently went to UAE and decided to take me there, and I don't know what Iam gonna do there, I have no education, no work experience...I don't know about education but I am going there to get work experience in the first place and ..I don't know what kind of work I should do so iam just going around asking everyone for advice, anything worth focusing on for a career path that...is future proof and that I won't regret.


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LPT: Ask The Elders In Your Family

For those that still have family members or close ones that have came before the latest generation, ask them about what life was like. Their most remarkable memory in life, what they remember from their youth, lessons learned and regrets or greatest moments. If we do not learn from our past then we are doomed to repeat it.

They will be gone before you know it, and you will regret the opportunity lost


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LPT: Learn SOS in Morse Code

It's very easy: three short signals, three long, three short.

These signals can be taps (3 fast taps, 3 slower taps, 3 fast taps), flashes of light (3 fast, 3 slow, 3 fast), or any other medium where you can distinguish a short signal from a long one. This tiny piece of knowledge could save your life or allow you to save someone else's life some day and it's incredibly easy to remember.

How short is a short signal and how long is a long signal? According to the Wikipedia page for Morse Code a long signal (also known as a dash or a dah) should be three times longer than a short signal (also known as a dot or a dit). The length of the short signal doesn't matter too much, just as long as it's about 3x faster than the long signal.

Written in International Morse Code SOS looks like this: ... - - - ... although it's common for SOS to be repeated until help arrives so it might look more like this ... - - - ... - - - ... - - - ... etc. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need help and other forms of communication are blocked for whatever reason, find a way to broadcast SOS in Morse Code and keep sending it on repeat until help comes.

Another way to think of Morse Code is phonetically (how it sounds). The Wikipedia page describes short signals as "dits" and long signals as "dahs", so as you're trying to commit SOS to memory try speaking it to yourself as you tap it out. Three fast dits, three slow dahs, three fast dits. Ditditdit dah, dah, dah, ditditdit.

It might seem kind of dumb or impractical, but the amount of time it takes to learn how to say SOS in Morse Code compared to its lifesaving potential makes it a no-brainer for me. Emergencies can happen at any time and without warning. It's much better to do a little prep work now and never need it than it is to be unprepared in an emergency.

NOTE: There are many better ways to get help in an emergency, I'm not suggesting that trying to broadcast SOS in Morse Code is the best thing to do in every situation. I'm merely trying to add a tool to your survival toolbelt should the need arise (stranded on a mountain and have to flash down a plane or on the phone with police in a situation where you can't speak, for example). Take a few minutes over the next week or so to practice and next thing you know you'll be noticing SOS in songs, TV shows, and movies where you never heard it before. Stay safe!


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LPT: Visit a dry cleaner in the nicest neighborhood near you and ask if they have items that have been abandoned and if they’d be willing to sell them for a couple bucks or simply give them away.

If you find yourself looking for cheap clothing, you can get some nice clothes for super cheap or free. Call in ahead and speak to the owner and just ask them nicely if they’re interested in offloading some deadstock. Also it’s a bonus that the items have been professionally cleaned.

General rule of thumb is to hold items up to 90 days after they’re ready for pick up. After that, they’re considered abandoned.

Also collar stays and cuff links, just ask, each store has hundreds if not thousands. Get you some nice Neiman Marcus ones. The collar stays will be free and cuff links will be depending on how nice they are.

Source: my parents own a bunch of dry cleaners


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LPT: Read Books Aloud

Of all the reasons it can help enhance your experience (which are many), for me the kicker was being able to better understand the emotions and social cues of the characters, when it comes to fiction. My other favorite benefit is pronunciation improvements and speaking structure. Also, hearing me read aloud helps my wife fall asleep almost instantly!


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LPT: If someone lends you a container to bring home food after sharing a meal, consider returning it with something homemade in exchange.

Helps if it's something they'd like!


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LPT, Stop what you’re doing right now. Take 5 really deep, really long, drawn out breaths, be present in your surrounds for a minute.

Ok, go about your business


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LPT: Managers planning "happy hours" for the team: Make sure you choose a place that offers non-alcoholic drinks and/or food as well! And start them right before the last business hour of the day.

At the small company I work for, its been a traditional practice to hold a team "happy hour" after we successfully onboard a new employee or have just accomplished a major goal.

Our turnouts have been much higher when everyone knows there's an option for them if they don't feel like drinking that day (or dont drink alcohol at all).

Nobody wants to feel pressured to drink, plus its great for the team to be able to just either discuss life in general, or share corporate news/gossip that they might be "out-of-the-loop" on (we are technically owned by a larger F-100 company)

And finally, we have set our happy hours to start at 3:45, not 5:00. Nobody wants to stay out past office hours, we all have lives (including management!). Everyone's happier when they have options and it all takes place during regular work hours. Our employee turnover is also very low


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LPT request I currently work at a Domino's. I love it, however, in order to get there I need to walk 3.3mi. how can I take care of my body?

I currently work at a Domino's. I love it, however, in order to get there I need to walk 3.3 miles. I will be doing this everyday 5/6 days a week and then working 8-10 hours shifts. How can I take care of my body? What are some ways I can avoid permanently hurting or just straight up do some self care?


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LPT Request: I am in extreme physical pain, and need to complete the knowledge transfer at work in 1.5 weeks due to my resignation. I'm exhausted and looking for tips on how to handle this.

Lately, I have become inefficient at work. My mental and physical health has been low, and I couldn't keep up with the toxic environment and overwork. I've resigned as it would be impossible to recover while at this job. However, there are a few things I worked really hard for and would like to transfer them smoothly.

I feel overwhelmed as I'm unable to sit through for hours, and am missing so many tasks and deadlines. On another note, after years of searching for answers, being diagnosed with depression, anxiety, having panic attacks and seeing minimal improvememt with therapy, I've been diagnosed with inattentive ADHD recently. The diagnosis helped me understand why I was feeling so demotivated and exhausted all the time, and provided me an oppurtunity to look for better resources. Even attending the sessions or reading up anything seems exhausting now. I simply couldn't find the time to rest well with this job. I haven't started my ADHD medication yet as I am taking other medication for my physical health.

I don't know how to organize my thoughts and complete the tasks in hand, while being able to transfer them and document the details. I only have 7 days and feel like a failure at this point. I am sad that I worked so hard at this job to end up leaving everything pending and imperfect at the end. How do I cope with this feeling and still be able to do my best to get to as many tasks as possible before my last day?

I appreciate any advice or tips. Thank you!!


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LPT: There are two reasons to tell a story. The first reason is you really want to share the story but the second more important reason is the person will be better off or entertained by it.

If it doesn't meet both goals, don't bother. When you are telling a story, remember you are entertaining someone. Not every detail is important. "We left on Tuesday...no it was a Wednesday.." doesn't matter.


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LPT When traveling, keep track of funny anecdotes by writing them down in your phone. When you tell friends and family about your trip, you will easily be able to remember fun highlights.


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