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Its my birthday today

I'm not looking for birthday wishes lol, never celebrated it, but i am looking for my twins here 😄, i'm 26 now


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What’s the weirdest rule you had to follow at your childhood home and school?


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I am tired of sexual harassment

It's not normal, any young man who dares to go out on the street has to face this problem. I've seen it with cousins, neighbours and strangers in real life and also with female tourists or locals on the internet.

I find it disgusting, it makes me so angry. And they are always Mchrmlin, uneducated young trash, the people who hold us back as a country. They don't have a well-developed brain that gives them the ability to think and reason, they are the lowest form of human being, they only care about food and women.

They see a human woman and let their instincts act, like an animal in heat. I have no sympathy for this savage and subhuman scum. It's not about money, there are thousands of Moroccans who are very poor and are still honest and kind people. There are also thousands of middle and upper class Moroccans who are still scum, but they use corrupt institutions instead of brutal force to harm people. It was never about money, it's cultural. The Mchrmlin are like that because they probably had Mchrmlin parents or Mchrmlin friends.

If I had any kind of power, I would turn Morocco into a police state, with a strong army, a secret police, cameras in the most dangerous places and a bunch of bureaucrats to take care of it. No more robbing, no more harassment of women, no more rape, no more killing, no more scams, no more third-world behavior. You break the rules? Forced labour (mainly on agriculture), like China. I choose agriculture because thousands of free workers would give us an advantage, helping our economy and would also isolate the beasts from the good people.

Killing them would be more pleasent, specially making them bite the curb, like in American History X or Holocausting them, like Adof Hitler. However, if someone is wrongfuly acoused there is no room for rectification and there is no profit neither, so I don't like the idea.

Maybe, when a few decades have passed and we have gotten used to living in a high-trust society (some economic development would also be necessary, obviously), we could relax the rules because people would no longer need them, like in Japan, South Korea, Norway, Singapore or Qatar.


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Chills down my spine 😂

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idk if this the right place for this but my cat has gone missing in rabat ocean area and i would appreciate any help locating her :') she's an indoor cat and wears a red collar. she's only two years old please help locating her if possible 😭

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What are some underrated Moroccan dishes that don't get enough attention?

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I need help to make a decision about my future

So the next year is my 1 bac, but I don't know if I could continue in science, or change to something else.
The last year I chose science but I found out I'm not good at maths and physique, my dad suggested me to change to adab since I'm good at languages and other stuff, but I'm afraid it'll be a bad decision.
I want you to tell me based on your experiences about what should I do? And if you're adabi tell me is it worth it

(Don't tell me whatever you like, because if so I wouldn't be posting this)


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Advice for foreign girl trying to avoid harassment?

Hi, ana wld Rabat (18M) actually asking for my gf (20F). I'm tired of it constantly happening whenever I'm not around knowing that those people wouldn't even speak a word if I was there. Like this one time she was being cat-called by some man in a car while I was taking a cab to meeting her and dude just left the second I got there and wrapped my arm around her. But whenever she's alone tidser bnadm 3liha verbally and sometimes physically which she often feels powerless about, she tends to just walk away if she can but sometimes people just don't know when to back down. I'm honestly really disappointed by our country's level of education but anyways any advice on how she can handle douk bnadem would be useful and thank you for your attention.


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( i don’t know what to do🙃)

I am a 22F, still living with my parents, and I feel like a burden to them. I’m feeling lost after graduating with no clear path forward and struggling with hopelessness.

I got my Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Management (licence en économie et gestion) last year. I applied to all the master's programs I could, took the tests for some, but I didn’t get in. So, I’ve spent the year doing internships and taking diplomas in English and French.

This year, the system for master's admissions has changed, and I don’t feel like I’m going to get into any program, so I’m feeling hopeless right now. My wmother is encouraging me to complete a master’s in France, but the fees are high, and there are many steps involved. First, I need to take the TCF test (which costs around 1800 MAD), then apply through Campus France with a 1200 MAD fee just to review my documents, then wait for an interview, and then wait even more for the process to progress.
I’m worried that even if I go through all of this, I’ll waste another year, as I’d likely be applying for the 2026 intake. Please help me with any advice on studying in France.
Just a little more info: I’m feeling like my father might not be willing to help me financially because my younger brother is set to get his baccalauréat this year, inshallah, and I think my father wants to send him abroad to continue his studies.
ℹ️: If anyone knows how much I should have blocked in the bank for the student visa and can provide more information on the process, I would really appreciate it.


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Motivational speech for Moroccan Muslims

‏{ فَإِذَا نُفِخَ فِے اِ۬لصُّورِ فَلَآ أَنسَابَ بَيْنَهُمْ يَوْمَئِذٖ وَلَا يَتَسَآءَلُونَۖ }

دعي لواليديك وعائلتك وصحابك وخوتك وعاونهم فكاع الأمور الدينية والدنوية قبل ما يجي واحد النهار اتسبق فيه راسك على كلشي.

الخلاصة: حيد الأنانية ليوم حيت غدا فيك فيك، مجبر غير مختار.


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Can You Take A Picture Of The Portrait Of King Mohammed VI (Like In A Shop Or Restaurant)?

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This is a massive problem in Moroccan society


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Lewis Hamilton showing our country 🇲🇦


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otherwise barren landscape. Plants, which form the foundation of these ecosystems, would be the first to suffer. For example, The Draa River is the longest river in Morocco, stretching about 1,100 kilometers. It begins in the High Atlas Mountains and flows southward, eventually reaching the edge of the Sahara Desert. It is vital for the oases and settlements along its course.

The projected changes in precipitation in the Mediterranean region during the main rainy season \(October to May\) over two different time periods: 2071–2100 compared to 1990–2019. Source: Overview of Ecological Dynamics in Morocco. Page 6

On average, the Mediterranean region will experience a reduction in precipitation during the main rainy season (October to May) by the end of the 21st century compared to the late 20th century. However, there are exceptions in December and January, where some areas may see an increase in rainfall. The December and January period seems to have been particularly wet in the northern regions, which is critical for replenishing water resources. There is overall trend of below-average precipitation in the other months, especially in the central and southern regions.

Changes in the average, maximum and minimum temperatures. Source: Overview of Ecological Dynamics in Morocco. Page 7

In the Atlas Mountains, for example, rising temperatures and decreased snowfall are leading to the reduction of suitable habitats for species such as the Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus), which relies on the cool, moist conditions of the higher elevations. As their habitats shrink, these species are forced to move to new areas, often leading to conflicts with human populations or entering unsuitable environments, where they struggle to survive. In contrast, wild boar populations have surged, particularly in mixed forests. This increase has led to extensive crop damage and a growing number of attacks on locals. The rise in wild boar numbers is largely due to the regression of their natural predators. The Barbary ground squirrel (Atlantoxerus getulus), found only in the Atlas Mountains, is one such species. As climate change alters the ecosystems of the Atlas Mountains, these endemic species face the dual threats of habitat loss and increased competition from more widespread species. Without the ability to migrate or adapt quickly enough, these species are at a high risk of extinction. In Morocco's arid and semi-arid regions, droughts have become more frequent and severe, reducing the availability of water and vegetation. Herbivorous mammals, such as the Dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas), are particularly vulnerable to these changes. With the decline in vegetation, these animals face nutritional stress, which can lead to lower reproductive rates and higher mortality. These changes can also lead to human-animal conflicts such as:

Human-mammals conflict causes. Source: Biodiversity Loss in the Moroccan central High Atlas. Page 10 \(90\)

The Central High Atlas (CHA) is a prominent section of the High Atlas Mountain range in Morocco, characterized by its rugged terrain, towering peaks, and deep valleys. The Bin El Ouidane dam, a critical water reservoir in the CHA and Morocco, had a filling rate of only 10% in 2022. The scarcity of water is forcing shepherds to settle near water sources, often enclosing them with cement walls to secure water for their herds. This practice has led to the exclusion of wildlife, including mammals, from these water sources that were previously accessible to them. In the same region, using a water balance model and five regional climate models, this study projects significant decreases in

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Drought in morocco and gov attempt to lower water consumption

What do you think about the recent gov attempt to reduce the water usage for people, will that help maintaine the current reserve until we get more rain or it's just something they did so they could say we did our part, I know that desalting water is very expensive to do so i dont see it as an alternative solution like they claimed, the question stays is why don't they stop the export of fruits and vegys that consums a lot of water, stop car washing places or just limit their water usage, stop the pools specially personal ones and also golf fields that consums so much water, why they just go to the weakest part of the chaine which is the water dedicated for daily usage when more than 80% of water is shared between industries and agriculture, I have a good idea about agriculture and i know that many companies still wasting water on avocados and exporting to europe without giving a damn about our severes water shortage since all of them are foreigners, the water issue in the country is very bad and no one seem to even care about it what's your take on this ?


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The Illusion of Superiority Through Expensive Gear

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Good times from our history

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I just survived a robbery attempt!!

I was on my way to the bank when i noticed this guy in the neighborhood standing by a wall in the street and under a tree just observing who's coming and who's going. That place had no cameras in it and it's basically empty even in the middle of the day. Just by looking at his deformed face and he was dresssed heavily even at such hot weather who does that lol? So from the look of it i knew he ain't meaning well (believe me i know a theif when i see one) so i continued on my way and just when i was about to make a turn i decided to look where this guy was standing initially cuz i had my doubts .. and guess what .. that mf wasn't there. The only explanation is that he was following me. I took few steps forward and I just so happened to be right in front of gendarmes residence and i just stopped there acting like i was waiting for someone and i could see him also making a turn (doubts confirmed!) with his eyes focusing on me and his arms in his pockets. I stoped cuz it's a relatively safe place since gendarmes nearby and also didn't want to give him a chance to come at me from behind cuz that would put me in a very weak position especially in that empty area. So when he came in my direction i started walking in the opposite direction while maintaining a distance and also avoiding eye contact but always paying attention to all his movement and i kept my keys in my hand in case he tries anything stupid. So in the end i managed to avoided the confrontation (no one wants an ugly scar on his face) and i went back home. This sort of things happens a lot and i got robbed many times either by ppl stoping me or following me .. and it's the reason why I don't go out with phone or money in my pocket i always put everything in my bag pack and carry it everywhere i go lol. How do u guys deal with this sort of things?


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Cheap protein source in morocco

Im a student that cant really afford spending that much money on protein, heck, even sardines are like 25dhs now
thanks for sharing info with us


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Could someone translate this for me? I'm travelling and saw this in Agadir (hope I spelled it right), could someone tell me what does it say?

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How do you usually deal with beggars?

I live in casablanca, where professional beggars are everywhere, of all ages and all kinds.

When going to work or when I go buy groceries, I will walk past at least 4 to 5 beggars, same faces but sometimes you find new temporary ones.

I don't like to encourage this behaviour so I never give them anything, and when I pass by them I avoid looking at them cause the moment your eyes lock they will engage in their memorised scripts and try everything to convince you.

The thing is, I always feel some kind of guilt when ignoring them, it feels to me like I'm acting arrogantly when in fact I'm just avoiding the confrontation.

The other thing is I really really like to help people in need, but you can never tell nowadays, people will come up with very well crafted stories just to take your money.

How do you guys deal with these situations? And how do you tell when someone deserves help?

PS: I know that people who are really in need are the ones that don't ask for it, but you know sometimes life be lifing and people would find themselves in that situation even if temporarily.


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Looking for simple clothes in casa Blanca

Hi guys, I just move recently to casa and I'm looking for a place where I can buy simple clothes, basic, sold colored. Kind of clothes that has nothing on it if you have any suggestions let me know l.

If you wanna mention (9eray3a) be sepisificly because I have been there and I didn't found anything.

Thank you.


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I just bought my first electric guitar, I need friends to teach me and advise me as a beginner, or learn together!

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The moment of congratulating the olympic champion by the king of Morocco

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How would you survive homelessness in Morocco?

If you found yourself homeless one day, and you had no one to help you, no belongings whatsoever, except the clothes you are wearing and the skills you learned throughout your lifetime, but nothing else, not even any money or even a cellphone. How would you survive? And how would you start from zero?
To be even more specific. How would you secure your own safety from criminals, especially at night? How would would you secure a food and a water source? Where and how would you sleep? How would you take care of yourself and your hygiene? How would you psychologically deal with the situation? And how would you make money from there?

Tip: Although I said without the help of anyone, I meant already existing family members or friends. You can talk about networking and making new friends to help you, or even asking for help from strangers.
You can also talk about past experiences if you had any of those.


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Is it safe to carry a 2500USD camera in Medina in Fes, Marrakesh and Rabat?

So I’m visiting Morocco soon and I see mixed comments on the safety in general in Medina across different cities? Is it safe to carry a camera with a camera sling around medina doing photography? I’m travelling with my girlfriend.


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I'm still salty, we had one of, if not the, greatest runs this season

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precipitation (−16% to −34%) and increases in evapotranspiration (+15% to +36%), leading to a substantial reduction in runoff (−57% to −86%) by the end of the 21st century.


Biodiversity Loss in the Moroccan central High Atlas, its Impact on Local Ecosystems and National Economy, and Wildlife Conservation Strategy: Findings from 20 years of Research

High Mountain Areas

Climate Change Impacts on Surface Water Resources in the Oued El Abid basin

Overview of Ecological Dynamics in Morocco

Contribution of Mammals Study in The Western Rif

Protected Areas for Biodiversity Conservation in Morocco


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Climate Change and Mammals in Morocco

Recent studies indicate a widespread decline in low-elevation snow cover, glaciers, and permafrost due to climate change. Snow cover duration has decreased in nearly all regions, particularly at lower elevations, while glacier mass has significantly declined across most mountain regions, except for specific areas like the Canadian and Russian Arctic. The warming atmosphere has also led to a rise in permafrost temperatures, contributing to the thawing of frozen ground. These changes have altered the frequency, magnitude, and locations of natural hazards such as landslides, avalanches, and floods.

The decline in snow and glaciers has significantly impacted water resources, altering the amount and seasonality of runoff in snow-dominated and glacier-fed river basins. This has local consequences for agriculture, hydropower, and water quality. For example, winter runoff has increased due to more precipitation falling as rain rather than snow, and in some regions, glacier-fed rivers have seen an increase in summer and annual runoff due to intensified glacier melt. However, as glaciers continue to shrink, the long-term availability of water from these sources is expected to decrease, which could negatively affect agriculture and hydropower operations, particularly in regions dependent on glacier meltwater.

Location Map of the Moroccan mountains

The changes in water availability also impact the vegetation that forms the basis of the food chain. As agriculture is affected by the changing water supply, the types of crops and natural vegetation available may shift, which can alter the diets of herbivorous mammals. A reduction in plant diversity and abundance could lead to nutritional stress for these animals, weakening their overall health and reducing their reproductive success. Moreover, the decline in water resources due to glacier and snow melt can have indirect effects on the predators that rely on herbivores for food. As the population of herbivores fluctuates due to changes in their food and water supply, predators may find it more difficult to hunt, leading to a decrease in their populations as well. Besides, the fragmentation of habitats as mammals move in search of water can isolate populations, making it harder for them to find mates and reducing genetic diversity. Snow cover, glaciers, and permafrost will continue to decline throughout the 21st century, with significant impacts on natural hazards, water resources, and ecosystems.

Source: Protected Areas for Biodiversity Conservation in Morocco. Page 3 \(187\)

Snowfall in the Rif Mountains is more common in the central and eastern parts of the range, where the peaks can reach altitudes over 2,000 meters. These areas can see significant snow during the winter months, typically from December to February. However, snowfall can vary from year to year, and in recent decades, the region has seen a reduction in snow cover. This could lower river levels, affecting freshwater habitats that many species rely on. The Atlantic district, which spans Morocco's coastal region, might experience shifts in precipitation patterns that could disrupt coastal ecosystems and affect species dependent on wetland habitats. The Anti-Atlas (from the Atlantic Ocean in the southwest of Morocco, near the city of Agadir, towards the northeast, close to the city of Ouarzazate) might see local climate shifts leading to habitat shrinkage and increased competition for resources among species adapted to cooler, wetter conditions. In the Saharan district, which is home to species adapted to harsh, dry conditions, reduced runoff from the mountains could have severe consequences for biodiversity. These mountain ranges, often the source of seasonal rivers and streams, provide critical moisture that sustains pockets of life in an

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I'm still salty, we had one of, if not the, greatest runs this season

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