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Is it normal to not ask for help when in trouble ?

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I have committed a crime or such, but I had just noticed that I've never asked for money, clothes or any type of financial/material help from any of my friends even in dyer times. I would be in a severe psychotic depression episode, and I just happen to wake up in the morning like it was nothing.
I'm a medical student and since boycott been here for too long, I have gone through some financial issues but I never ask for money instead I found a job at a local store and hey it wasn't that bad , I was skillful in fixing computers and such so the local shop's owner saw the opportunity and said, " hey mind helping me in a business?" we route to different industrial companies to fix certain Hardware problems for the HR departments and hey i never thought i had so much skill and I had never put it in use! and All of this happened just because I had some kind of mentality to never borrow money from relatives/friends because i damn knew i wouldn't be able bring back?
Is it really normal being who I am, i would rather be in a financial crisis than ask for money like some people tend to do? Thanks


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Anas Essayi qualify for the Men's 1500m semi-final

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I had the weirdest ONCF experience

Yesterday I took a trip from Tangier to Fes by train, when I got into the cabin there was 3 women and a man in his 30's who was playing loud che3bi music while holding his phone next to his ear and hysterically moving his head, I wasn't too bothered until another man came and sat next to him, and I could see the fear and the concern on that man's eyes, it was scary to see a terrified grown man lol, so he just changed places and couldn't tell the guy to stop even tho they talked a bit... Then a couple of guys came and that crazy guy just started yapping that he was going to ruin the wedding of his sweetheart cuz she married another dude and he started showing us his medication for "l3asab".... Everyone was stressed and couldn't do anything when the crazy guy was asking if he's bothering them...Shit was like sa3a flja7im.

One of the dudes khrej, then the crazy dude went into the toilet, and "Lcontrol" came directly to us for tickets check I handed him mine first, then he asked if I have something in the bag, I told him like what? then he asked if I'm with someone, and ordered me to bring my bag and follow him, I was like wtf? He took me to a nearby place and said "wach wakl chi 7aja wla m9er9eb" "PS: I don't even relatively look like chi wa7d mchrmel, I kinda look like a nerd lol" I was flabbergasted and when I asked him why he said there was a complaint from another cabin about someone who wasn't normal then I told him it was the guy who went to the toilet, then he affirmed by saying "hadak lghlid yak" 3ad mcha 3ndou... Then the crazy guy came and told us someone snitched and he suspected the dude li khrej before him and another man who came before me and left, so he just kept it low-key for the rest of the trip.

What still bothering me is how that control talked to me and how he took me out with no evidence whatsoever, even tho there was 2 other guys in there... I think he knew who did it he just wanted me to snitch or something... Do you think mn79o ydir hakak wla I'm just overreacting.


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Suggest me a tv show

Hello everyone, I recently watched The Blacklist, The Mentalist, Suits, How to Get Away with Murder, and a few other TV shows. Can anyone suggest a TV show similar to the ones I mentioned?


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In hard times - would you stay and fight or flight ?

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saying “fhemti” in every sentence

does anyone here notice that they’re saying “fhemti” a little too much 🗿, sometimes when I want to explain something to someone I say fhmti even before I start explaining lol


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Morocco vs USA tomorrow

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Update : My date at Pizza Hut

Ok guys so I just finished my date.
We didn’t go to Pizza Hut but a nice pizzeria in Gauthier. I pay for both of us unfortunatelly.
She was super cute and had a beautiful smile, amazing teeth.
The conversation was great and not akward at all.

My key takeaway: never be afraid to use Chatgpt to help you getting a date.


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Aziz Akhannouch is richer than Cristiano Ronaldo


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Hey guys can i find an old used car for 10000 dirhams to buy

So by the end of September i’ll have 10000DH saved and i am thinking of getting an old used car maybe a fiat uno if it’s in a good shape and fits the budget if anyone knows where i can look for or find a used car with this price please let me know. thank you!


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Hosaima Beachs

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Do you think the monarchy is the best form of government for morocco

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Quarterfinal matchup… Morocco vs. USA!

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Buy house in marrakech ( moroccan living in Canada)

Hi everybody!

I'm a 29yo moroccan living in canada, i work ij canada with a permanent contract and make 4600$ monthly. Should i be able to ask for a loan (approx 2.000.000 dirhams) even if i live in canada and work in canada?

I can put a down payment if necessary but id rather not.

Thanks !


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Marrakech , Morocco

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7h layover in casablanca mohamed v airport

I have a 6h 50m layover in the mohamed v airport in december, I don’t have any checked baggage, do I have enough time to maybe see the hassan ii mosque and eat some couscous and maybe buy a morocco/ raja casablanca shirt and come back within time? Or is it not worth it? Keep in mind I’m arab so I won’t have a language problem I think.


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Looking for friends.

I'm 27 years old (M) moved to Casablanca a year ago. I currently work from home, and my colleagues are abroad. which makes it challenging to make friends at work, I don't have any friends here, as most of my friends live in different cities. I'm looking for quality friends to hang out with, do activities, and chill together. Anyone interested ?


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Honking cars and wedding nights

Since my apartment is at a main(-ish) street and it‘s summer, i‘ve been woken up almost every night at like 4-5am to dumb mfs honking the horn at some wedding night ride. I‘ve never understood this stupid tradition, what does it even mean? and why tf would u wake up random strangers just cuz you‘re getting married?


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How they gonna do it, anyone their to answer this question?


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Darija is the best language to insult

In my case, I was born in Spain, so I obviously speak Spanish, but also English and Darija. In my opinion, insulting in Moroccan Arabic sounds much more powerful and aggressive than in other languages ​​or even in other Arabic dialects. Do you agree?


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Referees of tomorrow's match against USA 🇲🇦X🇺🇲

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Found this in an instagram comment section , what do you think ????

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eavesdropping on a conversation left me shocked

So technically i wasn't eavesdropping more like firced to listen

2 grown men talking about a pdf file who got caught lately in our area messaging a girl in middleschool

And for some reason they actually blamed HER for seducing the 50+ yo man

The older one was pushing this while the younger looking guy hesitantly agreed with him

Tf is going on here


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What is the Best phone to buy in morocco

I am looking to buy a new phone , budget maximum 4000dh
I have an old Xiaomi Redmi Note 10,bought it since it s release for like 2200DH and I have a problem with the camera integrated circuit . I am tired of this phones especially after they announced it s added to the End Of Life List phone by Xiaomi. I wanna put it to the sale alongside with the Iphone 7Plus .

I want to get an Iphone 12 or a refurbished Flagship like S22+ or a good decent phone that could last for at least 4 years.


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Sunset after work


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Morocco Unveils All Design Stadiums. What's your favorite one ?


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welcome to taghazout

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Nervous About My First Date: Is Pizza Hut Ain Diab a Good Choice?

I (M28) met a girl (F22) on Moroccan Reddit and we have a date tomorrow. Do you know a nice place in Casablanca? Maybe Pizza Hut in Ain Diab?

This is my first date ever, and I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep tonight due to the stress. I used ChatGPT to chat with her over messages, and I'm afraid she might realize it.

Will keep you updated of course


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I can't focus and it's slowly destroying me ...

I'm going into the last year of high school next year (2nd bac) in the Branch of "science math" 'option B', which means seriousness and hardwork, but in order to do this , focus is a crucial element, which is the thing I'm struggling with , i enjoy doing scientific subjects especially maths, but i can't bring myself to complete my tasks and respect my schedule (my sleep is terrible too), my screen time is about 4 to 6 hours a day (since it's summer and i have nowhere to go) , i was also affected by this year's strike in the education field, especially my physics teacher didn't bring himself to do his work,

I want to do an academic comeback but I don't know where to start, i just need some guidance, especially in this period,, my brain is a mess of thoughts and overwhelming worrying and constant fear, I don't feel good these past weeks , i just need some advices from your experiences or anything that could help

Also i have this little doubt of having ADHD since all the symptoms apply to me and my behaviors , but I won't assume that i have it until i get diagnosed by a professional, i can't tell my parents about this since they'll throw a whole lecture on me and that's the last thing i need now....


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The age limit philosophy in Moroccan mindset .

Yesterday I was thinking about my futur and my plans and how to adapt to the changes etc to reach the success that I am dreaming of , and while thinking I noticed that all my plans start with the phrase " When I will be 25 years old I should be already having that and done that and that and that '' , like I am framing my success years in when I will have 25 years old , and while thinking about it more , I kinda find out that its coming from our society prespective of age , most of moroccan think that when you reach 30 its late to start anything new , and most families put pressure on their kids to be succeful before the age of 30 . In the other hand , I see western countries don't have this prespective about age , as long as you are alive , you still have time . What do y'all think about this ?


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