This community is for discussions, news and all things related to Morocco. Powered by @r_channels @reddit2telegram
30 Years Old No Job No House No Wife is That Normal .
Hi im Yassine **30** years Old i Have no Job For Now and No house To be in **GHIR KANDIPANI HAD SA3A**
* My Mom and Sis And My Dad Live in **LBLAD** And iwant To Help them But i feel like im Stoped by somthing .
* i Feel like that my Comfert Zone is Killing Me i want Really To Get a Good job and work but i dont have a **degree or anything**
* i want to make my family feel proud of me but it seems like im Coocked af in this Life ..
* what do u think Guys what job i can work on or search for it that can help me achieving my dreams
* what Should i Do With my Life Tho ..
* is it Too late for Me or theres time to fix my things
* thanks .
Guuys what doyo think about this (Lovestory)
Im 24M from Casablanca im working in a kinda good job 8k per month in a small village near Azilal i saw a girl here and from the moment i saw here i can't get her out of my mind and i want to go to talk to her father in other to marry her (all what i know about her is here name she doesn't even know if i exist)
What do you think about my marriage in this age 24 and any advice?
can we send these doctors behind the most beautiful bar jails in tazmamart ??
My brother is a freak and I need help
I seriously need help, I (16y/o F) was SA'ed by my older sibling (20 years old M) since I was 9 and I can't take it anymore living under the same roof as him, I tried to tell my parents mom told me to "thank God I still have my virginity" and she seemed pretty much on his side and my dad took it as a joke, I don't have evidence since I didn't yk lose my virginity but I know he can be dangerous around other ppl (he used to be obsessed with P porn and made me watch it when I was 9) is there anything I can do to get out of this shit hole?
interesting moroccan trait
has nobody here noticed that some moroccans share common traits with indigenous americans / asians ? , i'm fully north african and alot of my foreign friends says that i pretty much look mestizo or southeast asian because of my features , and somehod only the moroccans could spot me on as a full moroccan ( the moroccan scent recognition system where we know someone is moroccan no matter how he looks like ) , anyone here has an explication on how and why some of us look mixed with asian/ indigenous american ?
Found out my dad has other wife. I'm 19 arronow what to do, help.
It's been about 8 months since I found out that my father is with another woman, not my mother. They are involved sexually and do everything, but regarding marriage, I don't know if they are actually married or not. So far, I'm the only one who knows this, and I'm 19 years old. Things have changed a lot at home; he is always angry and silent. When my mom talks to him about anything, he shouts at her and insults her. She is very naive and doesn't know anything about this situation and has no idea what's going on. I don't know what to do anymore. By the way, he doesn't know that I know about his affair. Please, if you can help me with any advice, I would really appreciate it. 😭😭😭💔💔
Best Places in the Nord
Hey everyone! I'm planning a summer trip to northern Morocco and would love some advice. I'm looking for a city with beautiful landscapes, rich culture, and a relaxed atmosphere. Have any of you been to Tangier, Chefchaouen, Tetouan, or any other hidden gems in the area? I'd really appreciate your recommendations and personal experiences. Thanks so much!
Robert Plant the lead vocalist of led zeppelin dayr l7alqa f jemaa el fna 1995
I was watching YouTube, and suddenly this video appeared!
Morocco in a parallel universe lol Bhal chi 7alma dyal mor l 3asr
Moroccan Amazigh Rugs and Carpets
From marrakesh with love
Can they maintain this result?
appreciation post from an algerian visiting morocco
I'm Algerian and I'm currently in Morocco with my mum (I was in Casa and now I'm in Rabat) and I just wanted to come on here and say how much I love it here :) everyone has been so lovely. We would just be having a conversation with someone and won't even mention Algeria, and they'll ask if we're Algerian and when we say “how did you know?" they'll say they could tell bc of our accent/some of the words we say and would be so kind and welcoming.
I know that there's a lot of idiots who try to put a wedge in between Moroccans & Algerians and there is some (political) issues between us, but I just wanted to say that I have truly never felt so welcome anywhere and it makes me feel very happy. I love Morocco and definitely plan to visit more.
Deep thinking cuz of 8 yo
Hi . I'm a 21 . and through all this years I've learned a lot of things about multiple cultures due to watching a lot of foreigns. i know different things about many domains even when they aren't related. such . cars industry. electronics. history. that's just a quick background so u understand 5he situation
the point is . my 8 years old neice came to me and told me " teach me something I don't know" just this phrase got me thinking how a kid in her age will avoid the phone and tv and toys and want to learn. especially she's in a vacation.
the problem is . i got my self wondering what to teach her based on my experience in life .
i still didn't got something
previously she wanted me to explain the story of our brothers 🇵🇸 and how the war started. just to know who I'm dealing with . I can't just teach her something decent.
it's not lack of knowledge. i got a lot of things to teach her but at same time i gotta take the age in mind as well
what would you do?
scared to move out of parents house
I (17 F) just got my baccalaureate this year and I got accepted in ENSA Tangier (im from casablanca) , which means i gotta move out and live on my own after being with my parents for my entire life and depending on them. This is making me really anxious and I am having second thoughts about studying there especially after seeing my parents getting worried about me since i rarely do things on my own ( i spent my entire highschool years in my room ) meaning i have no experience in the outside world. On top of that, leaving my comfort zone has been one of the most challenging things that I have to endure.
Can anybody else who went through the same situation share their experience with me and clarify how does it feel to start depending on yourself and live far away from your family?
And how long does it take to get used to this kind of life after basically living isolated from the outside world?
What topics are most discussed here?
This Subreddit has a high redundancy of topics discussed, so I analyzed the posts and comments to see what people talk about most.
Resulting top topics are logical (at least five of them are found on a daily basis).
Are the young Moroccan generations good at being romantic?
Compared to older generations, because I seen an aba and preach video where Aba joked about Arabs and Maghrebi men not being romantic and having the bar set really low in that redard, so what ya think?
Olympics again.
Today in the cycling competition of 270km distance. We only had one Moroccan in it "achraf doghmy" .
First of all, im not criticizing this athlete and im sure he put a lot of effort to just participate in the Olympics . And all the respect to him for actually representing us in this event.
My question is : when will the government start to focus on other sports and not only football?
Our best cyclist is an amateur who was the first to back up from the race at a distance of 170km , i mean im sure there's a lot of talents out there that they can turn into elite athletes, but ig when u see from other perspective we're just a third world country and to create Elite athletes is just a naïve idea .
MyGrandfather and 2m
My father told me a short story about how my grandfather whom 2m interviewed in an old news episode that dates between 2004~2007 no one in the family remembers the exact year.
So basically 2m asked him about his opinion regarding 2m itself he relied " li katybo lma3founa kayaklo rajlha" surprisingly it was broadcasted on national television as form of a joke maybe I have been looking for this interview since. Couldn't find 2m archive on the net any idea where can I look for it.
I'm gonna flair this post as history cause it is what it is, history man.
Skateboarding partner in KENITRA
Ever wonder why some people get so angry about topics they don't understand?
Ex husband constantly blaming me for his poverty hoping someone can expel the guilt
Last year I American F married a moroccan man. I moved to his little city 3 hours from morocco. I was there for months in a small house with his family sharing one hole in the ground as a bathroom with five people.
He worked for the government making 3000 mad a month which was fine but he always told me he wanted something better. I did all I could to help. I advised him to search for a passion or new job or start a business while working. I made his cv, cv website, and applied for jobs for him. He'd either bomb the interview or not want to do it.
Eventually I was sick of being in his city. It was hot and his family had no AC. I Asked him to make a choice either we stay in his city, get our own apartment with ac and make a life there or move to casablanca for example and he go to school for a skill (free or I pay) and then build a career. He kept going back and forth. He'd choose to go to another city I'd buy us bus tickets airbnb etc and then He'd say nevermind I want to work again.
I lost my cool after months and told him he needed to make a decision. Either quit his job and try something new or stay there but I was tired of my life hanging in the balance too. He decided to quit his job.
Fast forward 6 months he never found a job. Didn't even apply just slept all day. "There's no work in Morocco. There's no work in my city. I don't want to work in a cafe"
On top of that he talked down to me like crazy. I can't even get into that it's so much.
I ended up leaving him. I canceled the debit card I gave him for my account stopped paying his wifi bc his sister wasn't paying it like she was supposed to idk where my money was going. I left morocco moved on with my life. A few times he's found a reason to message me again and every single time he tells me "I have no money because I quit my job for you."
Today we spoke, he texted me from a different number and I thought there was an emergency. He called me talking about how he missed me then said his sister is tired of taking care of him and he needs money. He said he's hungry because he has no money and no food because he quit his job and now has no phone data because he called me.
Like is it really my fault his life is in the tubes now? Am I responsible? Is the economy really so bad after a whole year He can't find employment?
Edit: I meant three hours from Marrakesh!
You aren't Moroccan if you don't know what this is
We will do it again.🇲🇦🔄
No words, Hakimi is the best.
Describe him in one word
What are your expectations for today's matche?