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du Monachus sur la côte Saharienne - Theodore Monod](https://archive.org/details/biostor-194720)


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The Mediterranean Monk Seal along the Moroccan coasts

The Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) is a vulnerable marine mammal which has a small yet critical population along the coasts of Morocco. The Mediterranean monk seal is the only seal species that does not frequent cold waters and is confined to temperate and warm waters. Adults can reach a length of 2.8 meters and weigh between 250 to 400 kilograms. The newborns measure between 80 and 120 centimeter in length and weigh between 15 to 26 kilograms. According to a 2023 assessment by the IUCN, the monk seal is vulnerable (VU) i.e., a species that is at high risk of extinction in the wild. However, its population trend is increasing across the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean.

[Source: IUCN Red List of Threatened Species](https://preview.redd.it/uv0l8rwi5whd1.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=d355796b7383fb1d3c097d084d47da2f5982a562)

[Drawing of a Monk Seal by the UICN. Source: Le Phoque moine de Méditerranée - Découvre la biodiversité du Parc National d’Al Hoceima. Page 7](https://preview.redd.it/d4xzj0tr5whd1.png?width=803&format=png&auto=webp&s=56acd935438f88767d8b15731c3a49d84b09f4ed)

An adult monk seal is known for its smooth, dark gray to brownish fur. Monk seals typically reach full maturity around 4 to 6 years of age.

Small breeding colonies on beaches and caves are rare. However, it was so abundant in the 15th century that it was even mentioned in 1436 in the Oued Edhahab under the Spanish name Las Cuevecillas or small caves in English. However, the 20th century marked a dramatic decline in their numbers due to increased human activity, such as fishing, coastal development and deliberate killing. The rise of tourism also contributed to the disturbance of the monk seal’s natural habitat, pushing them further towards the brink of extinction. These activities have led to habitat loss, greater disturbances, and a decline in vital resources such as fish and cephalopods. Moreover, rising levels of pollutants like organochlorines and heavy metals in the Mediterranean pose further risks, potentially disrupting and impairing the seals immune and reproductive systems.

[Source: Atlas des Mammifères sauvages du Maroc: Peuplement, répartition, écologie \(2017\) ](https://preview.redd.it/zycagb1d6whd1.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=5654ffc539c3abfed6539059dd166d62f52c18d0)

[Map showing the distribution of monk seals from before 1950 to 2016. As you can see, the main and recent appearance are concentrated in the Southern Atlantic coasts and Eastern Mediterranean of Morocco.](https://preview.redd.it/vgm7xwef6whd1.png?width=569&format=png&auto=webp&s=f57cc903ccaffa87df1ad519eba34dea9f5e12cb)

[Map published in 2011 of the coastal region of Al Hoceima, highlighting potential habitats for the monk seal. Source: Le Phoque moine de Méditerranée Découvre la biodiversité du Parc National d’Al Hoceima. Page 9 ](https://preview.redd.it/hemfa6lv6whd1.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=81e3d50becc385c1ee54a6832e437e0ac69c282b)

The largest breeding colony was identified at the Cape Blanc **(Ras Nwaddhibu, Mauritania)** in 1997. A remarkable presence was even documented in the 1920s by Théodore Monod (1902-2000) in Port-Étienne **(Nwaddhibu).** However, a catastrophic event in the summer of 1997, when a disease, possibly caused by a morbillivirus or a toxic algae bloom, killed over 200 individuals—about two-thirds of the population—in just two months. This event severely compromised the viability of the species.

Today, the Mediterranean monk seal population in Morocco is alarmingly low, with only a few individuals observed in recent years. These seals are primarily found in isolated areas along the Atlantic coast, particularly in the regions of the Sahara and some parts of the Mediterranean coast. The small populations in these areas are considered part of the broader Atlantic-Mediterranean population, which is estimated to number less than 600 individuals globally.

Here is a recent appearance of the monk seal, captured by the [Association Nature

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What does the star in the Moroccan flag refer to?

I can't find a reliable source and you can find all sorts of opinions about it online, so I thought it may be better to ask here.


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Moroccan Indie/Alternative


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Yesterday, Moroccan b-girl lost all her battles in the Olympics breakdancing group qualifier 🤦‍♂️, let's hope the b-boy competing today wins at least once

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How to deal with hurtful parents

I'm a disabled (M26) living with my parents. I have a disability in my legs . Over the years, I've received a lot of insults regarding my disability from childhood friends and strangers, which helped me build a shield against it. But imagine your father insulting you about your disability by calling you "lm3wej." It hurts so much that I hate him. And when I react to it, I'm the disobedient son, and he says: "I'm your father." Who the h*ll asked you to be my father? I didn't. He victimizes himself to my siblings and mother. When we argue, he never tells them the real story; he tries his best to create a story that makes him the victim. I know for sure I'm not my parents' favorite, and I don't want to be. Even my mom used to say that word to me when I was a kid. I'm in a messed-up state of mind. I don't know what to do. I wish there was a way to get out of this cursed house and never come back.


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واش تقولبت من inwi

البارح كنت باغي نرحل لدار جديدة ولاكن الموديم نتاع الويفي مفيكسي مادي داك المتنقل، البارح عيطت لواحد السيد من inwi باش يجي و ينقل الموديم لدار جديدة ولاكن مدار والو غير جا و دا معاه الموديم لقديم و عطانا واحد جديد و قال لينا نعطيوه 150 درهم. بغيت نعرف واش نيت كان غاصني نعطيها ليه ولا غير هو منراصو قالها


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Jm3ou your own zbel a zbel


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Guys how could I make peace m3a darna o ana ba9a m3ahom wahed 3y as an eldest daughter ????

Guys gha bach nchrah likom , I had wahed childhood mangolch 3liha normal but bzaf 3achoha ola chafiha, like my dad was so difficult to deal with specially m3a mama , dima 3adna sda3 fdar et tout , bghit ngol ma3chtch wahed tofola normal dima f my childhood memories kayn sda3 l3ssa mama was cheating on my dad , 3cht flkdob f2abssat lhwayj, like oknt mt9bla lblan hiati kamla knt mkalmia (mhm 3titkom gha nobda bach tfahmo lblan ana fin kbtt)

Like ghir wslt l dk 5eme mab9itch ana hia ana bhala bdit kankber f39li kanhded mawa9ifi , wla chwia dada3 m3ahom mab9itch kanhess brassi kankhaf mn baba ola kanhtarem mama , b9ina haka , ozado lmachakil fach khoya sghir bda kikber , wlit bhala bagha n3wed lih dkchi li ana ma3chtoch hit walidia gha bhala wlaw walidin gha hokak ,makithamloch lms2olia ga3 , yak wakel chareb ,maydkhlo la f9raya maydf3ok dir chi haja mziana , omnin katra chi haja khayba kilomok nta , obsbab had la9ta kan ghayghtassbni khali haka bhal dahk omaglthach lihom at alllll o had raping thing ra chi 3 lmrat kanghaytra lia gha lah hfed ,maglthach lihom for sure hit khayfa ylomoni ola yt9l9o even I was just a child .

mhm wlit kanred m3ah lbal bzaf m3a khoya , ya3ni m3amen kidkhol m3amen kikhroj , wach kit3tel hit mabghit tahaja tra lih , ola mn dkchi li tra , mhm wa9iss 3la dalik , hit kanhess blms2olia mn jihto omatay9ach fihom ghaydiro dawrhom , kima madaroch dawrhom m3aya gha lah hfed.

Db bach mantwelch 3likom ,m3a lwe9t had lhtimama bkhoya wla kinwd sda3 , ob9ina wahed 3 y haka 3la mat3awdet ani mantswe9ch hit howa wldhom o ana khassi ntconcnetra 3la hiti

Ana db 3andi 19 like 3layn 20 oba9i makantfahemch m3ahom oghakandwi kigolo hadi ghatnwed sda3 okda bhala ana hia lmochkila ohia li ka disturbi lihom hiyathom , mab9itch kan9ed nthamel ndwi m3ahom kanchof fihom okangol ga3 la ana li knt kanewd sda3 ra ntoma likom yd fhad chi , kayhssoni bli ana hia lmochkila oana hia li mamzyanach ghi hit z3ma ana makanskotch mnin katwer l2awda3 ilakhhhh.

Db hantoma ana mtsalha m3a trauma diali had sa3a , o mbghit lanjbed m3ahom lmawdo3 la walo , golo lia gha kifach nt3aych m3ahom taydir lah khir hit toxicité dialhom merdatni fhiati mab9itch kan9ed nhess bl2aman ola raha fdarna ,kifach n9ed n3ich blama newedha m3ahom, kifach n9ed dihnian nkhroj mn loop li katra dima : kat arguwi m3a walidik-kigolo lik nta mskhot -kathess bdenb -kidoz lwa9t kayt3amlo m3ak 3adi - kinsaw homa nta makantnsach -kat3awd l3ba .


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Shadow & Light (taken and edited with my mobile phone)

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Why do guys in Morocco do this to girls?

So sometimes I will be walking and a group of guys will purposely try to scare me by jumping in front of me or screaming in my face. They are not small kids either. Even grown men have done this. They also do this when riding their bikes or motorcycles, they pretend they will crash into me. Just yesterday I was walking minding my business and then this guy using roller skates, gets within an inch from me like he was about to collide into me and then swerved out of my way.

I swear I dont understand this behavior, do they do this to girls they dont like because why else would you purposely try to scare someone? Do guys do this when they see a girl thats ugly and they dont like her and want to make her feel like shiz? Because I cant imagine them doing it to a girl they think is cute because usually to get attention someone does something POSITIVE, not try to scare them. I just want to hear whats the point of trying to scare someone (especially females) who are minding their business. This happens OFTEN almost everyday by the way so I am really curious.


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الرجاااااال 🥉❤️🇲🇦

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Golden Generation Who can know more than 5 players?

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Administration hell

Why do most people who work in offices in any administration treat people really bad and furiously even if you behave kindly and respectfully ? For those who will say don't generalize, yes there are some exception but very few.


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Where to buy genuine Korean skincare in Casablanca or in Morocco

Hello ! I ve been looking for a store in Casablanca or in Morocco that delivers that sells authentic Korean skincare, brands like skin 1004 and purito. I ve found a couple online stores on instagram but I want to make sure to buy authentic products.


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Initiative (A.N.I)](https://www.facebook.com/Association.Nature.Initiative) in May 2024 at the port Amhiriz in the Bir Gandouz commune.

[Time to get some sun on this pale skin!](https://preview.redd.it/of2w97mi8whd1.png?width=430&format=png&auto=webp&s=c367101cec84f86e232065378858ec794086b162)

[Time for a refreshing swim! ](https://preview.redd.it/6oj3ddnj8whd1.png?width=427&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5723443500ff868fabc8534546fdbcd4a768984)

You can see more in this [video](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/QyVqZUBZsfHxbbWH/).

Conservation efforts in Morocco have gained momentum over the past few decades, driven by both international and local organizations. The monk seal is now legally protected under Moroccan law, and several marine protected areas (MPAs) have been established to safeguard their remaining habitats.

One of the most notable conservation initiatives is the Mediterranean Monk Seal Conservation (MSA) Programme, which focuses on monitoring the remaining populations, protecting critical habitats, and raising awareness among local communities and tourists. Efforts are also being made to mitigate the impacts of fishing, such as reducing bycatch and implementing sustainable fishing practices that minimize the risk of entanglement for these seals.

Here you can read more about the MAP/UNEP programme: [https://www.unep.org/unepmap/](https://www.unep.org/unepmap/)

and MSA: [https://www.monksealalliance.org/en/index](https://www.monksealalliance.org/en/index)

Here, you can read about Morocco's National Legislation Inventory for the conservation of monk seals: [https://www.cms.int/en/document/national-legislation-inventory-morocco](https://www.cms.int/en/document/national-legislation-inventory-morocco)

[**Arrêté nº 1430-99 of 24 September 1999 on the prohibition against fishing seal monks and other marine mammals.**](http://www.mpm.gov.ma/wps/wcm/connect/27f9a3b8-a5e2-4d7a-bbb6-77338f081ebd/23_n%C2%B02806-09.pdf?MOD=AJPERES)

Despite the efforts to protect the monk seal, numerous challenges remain. Illegal fishing practices, habitat degradation, and the growing impact of climate change continue to threaten the survival of this species. The seals low reproductive rate and small population size make them particularly vulnerable to these threats, and any further decline could push them closer to extinction. As you can see illegal fishing camps, gears and canoes (pirogues) in the following maps of the Sahara coastline:

[Source: Status of the Mediterranean Monk Seal \(Monachus monachus\) on the Coastline between Cape Corveiro and Castillete de la Mesa \(Morocco\) \(2005\) ](https://preview.redd.it/64l6440t9whd1.png?width=973&format=png&auto=webp&s=75d4b783efa581477758fcc6e108702aac615b65)

[Map legend](https://preview.redd.it/dj7opdju9whd1.png?width=253&format=png&auto=webp&s=33461ffe8ac15a0acfdbc9cb0d796b0ac3cb438d)

[Cap Corbeiro is Boujdour ](https://preview.redd.it/8al4b3y0awhd1.png?width=545&format=png&auto=webp&s=7546fb0e35297cb95742c159fb422b686dab1074)

Furthermore, the remoteness of their habitats along the Moroccan coastline makes monitoring and enforcement difficult, allowing illegal activities to go unchecked. Continued efforts are needed to strengthen conservation measures, including stricter enforcement of existing protections, increased funding for conservation programs, and ongoing research to better understand the species ecology and behavior.


[Status of the Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus) on the Coastline between Cape Corveiro and Castillete de la Mesa (Morocco)](https://www.monachus-guardian.org/library/fernandez07a.pdf)

Mammifères sauvages du Maroc: Peuplement, répartition, écologie

Guide DELACHAUX - Mammifères d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient

[Le Phoque moine de Méditerranée: Découvre la biodiversité du Parc National d’Al Hoceima](https://portals.iucn.org/library/node/10067)

[Regional Strategy For The Conservation of Monk Seal in The Mediterranean](https://www.rac-spa.org/sites/default/files/action_plans/strategie_phoque_en.pdf)

[Note sur la présence

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You can choose 1 living Moroccan person and instantly acquire all of their skills, knowledge, mental, and physical abilities. Who do you choose?

You can choose 1 living person and instantly acquire all of their skills, knowledge, mental, and physical abilities. Who do you choose?

You can pick one living person and instantly learn how to do anything that they know how to do. If they speak other languages, you will instantly learn them. If they have mastered a skill such as flying an airplane, playing a musical instrument, playing a sport, knowing how to write code, etc… then you will instantly master it as well.

Which person would you choose to give yourself the best chance at improving your life


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Moroccans of r/Morocco who quit their jobs and went abroad, how was it?

Basically the title, have you regretted it ? Would you change something about this experience ? What advices would you give the people who are thinking of doing the same ?


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Sexual harassment in moroccan streets

Cant men just leave us alone? I was going out today and i live in a Hay cha3bi it's, literally every man I pass by he coments smth about me and most of those coments are so disgusting and sexual, I wasnt even wearing something relealing or attention catchy, I felt so disgusted that I regreted going out, and this happens only where I live and other neighborhoods but the moment I enter the tram and go somewhere else it feels like i went to nother morocco lol, my fellow moroccan girls, how do you cope up with those nasty and disgusting behaviors,Do i need to fight back or just pass by and ignore?


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Desert Hedgehog

The Desert Hedgehog (Paraechinus aethiopicus) is well adapted to arid environments and is distributed across North Africa, including Morocco, where it inhabits deserts, semi-deserts, and scrublands. The desert hedgehog is known for its ability to thrive in harsh, dry conditions.

The Desert Hedgehog distribution in North Africa and the Middle East. Source: Guide DELACAHUX - Mammifères d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient \(2020\). Page 152

Not to be confused with the North African/Algerian Hedgehog (Atelerix algirus), the desert hedgehog is relatively small, typically weighing between 250 to 600 grams. The spines are usually pale with dark tips, giving it a mottled appearance. The snout has a gray and black facial mask.

Drawing of the Desert Hedgehog. Source: Mammifères d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient \(2020\). Page 153

In Morocco's hot and dry climates, the desert hedgehog is well-adapted to conserve water and regulate its body temperature. It is primarily nocturnal, being most active during the cooler night hours to avoid the extreme daytime heat. During the day, it shelters in burrows, under rocks, or in shaded areas to stay cool. For example, this desert hedgehog was spotted about a dozen kilometers north of Merzouga. The Algerian hedgehog is widespread across the Atlantic Sahara, especially south of the Draa Valley, with a strong presence in the valley starting from Zagora. In southern Morocco, this hedgehog primarily inhabits palm groves and desert areas near the coast. In contrast, the desert hedgehog prefers drier regions, in French (hamads, oueds).

In the above map, distribution of the Algerian Hedgehog. The below map, distribution of the Desert Hedgehog. Source: Atlas des Mammifères sauvages du Maroc \(2017\). Page 107

The desert hedgehog is omnivorous, with a diet that includes insects, small vertebrates, and plant matter. In Morocco, it feeds on a variety of insects such as beetles and ants, as well as small reptiles and occasionally fruits and seeds, depending on availability. Here is an observation of the desert hedgehog preying on Desert horned Viper.

Desert hedgehogs are solitary animals, coming together only during the breeding season. In Morocco, their breeding season typically aligns with the warmer months when food is more abundant. They are known for their ability to curl into a tight ball when threatened, exposing only their spines to potential predators. It also engages in unique activities like basking in the sun during colder days to regulate its body temperature, especially during the winter when it can enter a state of torpor (hibernation). It may also exhibit lethargy during extreme heat to conserve energy and avoid overheating. Since they are nocturnal, they tend to be more active during cooler parts of the day or night.

The desert hedgehog is not currently considered endangered, and it has a stable population across its range in Morocco.


Atlas des Mammifères sauvages du Maroc (2017)

Guide DELACHAUX - Mammifères d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient (2020)


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Males should not rest?

So I am sharing a conversation I had with my father.

After a long and stressing year I finally got my vacation. I work a stressful office job so this break was much needed for my mental health. Issues is, things have come up during this vacation that is causing me more stress and are not allowing me to receive the rest I need.

As I was going to address one of those things, my father came with me and as we were talking I told him how frustrated I was for not being able to rest and he told me "احنا الرجال هكاك حياتنا من تمارة لتامارة خصك تولف".

I was genuinely surprised because I know that it's a fact, but I never heard it out loud and I started to think why does our society expect men to be resilient forever? Why is it bad for me to take a long awaited break of just sitting and doing nothing after a stressful year at work? And most importantly, why does it make me a less of a man if I took a break?

Just an interesting thought that I wanted to share with you guys. In my environment I don't have many that I can discuss this with, so redit was my go to place.


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Any biker community in Morocco?


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19M i need help

Salaam drari, ma 3reftsh kifash nbda walaken wlhta 3it fhad lblad w waq3in bzeeef dlblanat li kefroni eliha tawahed flcmnts mi7awl ybdel lfikra li 3ndi ela hedshi, bghit nmshi nqra bera ela l aqal gher ma nbqash hna, w lmoshkil hwa l minimum bash nqra khass 40 000dh w lqadya mqwda bjehd, bghet gher shi khdma online li anqder nder biha hed l montant f aqreb weqt wkha twsel ta l eam, 7it khdma d bsh hna kit3daw ela drari w ki7erto elihom w salaire ma bihsh li ki3ref shi fikra wla shi 7aja ywrini nderha ra wlhta 3it.


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Happy birthday to me , i wish health and happiness to me


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Korean food ( Halal ) Have you ever tried it? And how was it?


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illegal immigration to Spain

a friend of mine is considering going to spain illegaly form Belgium after four years years of studying there ( they refused to give the card and have made it clear that he should go back to morocco. My friend doesn't want to lose his chance so he came up with idea to go to spain since it's know to be easier to give papers there. What do you thinK?


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What’s rwiinnaaaa well belballaaa



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Why are we so poor?

Why is Morocco poor? What is holding us back? Why can't the majority of Moroccans have a decent income, an affordable healthcare, a good education and a safety? Why is Morocco in general improving at such a slow pace? Do we have a better future than our neighbours (Algeria and Tunisia)? I would to hear logical arguments about it, not just simple answers. I have no idea about Economy, that is why I am asking.

Edit 1: I compare myself with Algeria and Tunisia because they are in a similar situation, specially Tunisia. Same religion, same culture, similar population, same language, same location, and, sadly, a similar development overall.


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Money robbery by housemaid


Edit: Arrest warrant was issued. Her place is being searched. Thanks for your comments.

Hello everyone,

Someone close to me (Moroccan) who came back from Europe for vacation had their money stolen by their family's housemaid, who then ran away from the house.

The amount is more than €3000. It was taken from their backpack as cash by the housemaid who was in the family for a couple of months (yes, it is not ideal to have the money there at all).

The family went to her personal address, acting "worried" about her. She acted sick and nothing much happened. The family did no confront her yet.

The main questions are:
How can we get the police to act with barely any evidence?
What can the family do if the authorities do not act?

Information about the maid:

In her 30s. From Côte d'Ivoire. Lives in the same city as the family (Casablanca) with her husband and other associates, in a minority occupied part of town.

The Judicial police is being consulted now, as I'm posting this.

The family is enraged and heartbroken, please share any helpful tips on what can be done.


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Where can I find food leftovers, free vegetables? (Agadir)

Hey everyone, I have one and only one intention with this post: to get an answer. That's all I need....nothing else. I’m currently dealing with some financial issues, having lost my job and struggling to find a new one...We need to live on a really tight budget. Instead of spending 30dh a day, we need to spend even less. Times are tough... and yeah, this is Morocco. I’m hoping someone can tell me where I might find food leftovers in Agadir. Are there specific places where I can go?Restaurants, fast food chains, Hotels . I’m also looking for information on where they throw slightly spoiled vegetables . My brother and I have no problem eating them as long as they’re clean.
I really just want to know where to find these things. Leftovers shouldn’t go to waste when people in need can eat them. Thanks in advance for any help :)


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