This community is for discussions, news and all things related to Morocco. Powered by @r_channels @reddit2telegram
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Out of these great bodies of work what is your favorite one?
I didn't travel this year and I'm sad about it
As you know most of Moroccans tend to travel every summer like I used to do. I am from fez and I usually go to alhociema or medieq But this summer I didn't. And that's because I got no one to go with wdaratni f9lbi when I saw my friends went without me. So...I'm jus sad.
Harraga are a big problem
I live and was born in Italy and growing up i have never faced racism once, i have a lot of italian friends from all economic backgrounds and i can say that they are genuinely good and welocoming people if you treat them with basic respect.
Unfortunately though i think that now racism in Europe against immigrants (especially moroccans, at least in Italy, but i think it’s the same in Spain, France, Belgium and Netherlands) is at an all time high. And the reason is all these harraga that come to Europe and keep behaving like they are still in fucking derb sultan, stealing, starting fights just because you looked at them, harassing women or even raping and the list goes on but i think you get what i mean. Like you can’t even go out in the night that you fear for someone with Lacoste, Tns and always a knife asking for a sigarette. These people are literally subhumans, they are the ones ruining Morocco as a country and now even our reputation in Europe. If you are just a normal person, an italian would often tell you: “you are the first moroccan that doesn’t steal “ etc, the situation is bad because the european laws often defend the criminal, and that’s when ki dasro, i wish police here could treat these people like the moroccan police would. I see that it’s becoming a trend, I’m sure that everyone now has a cousin that wants to go to Europe and always illegally, it’s becoming a true problem and the situation is only going to get worse.
I get why people are becoming always more and more far right in Europe and sadly since they don’t know much about our culture, they just assume that every moroccan is like this and often politicians use it as a tool and throw in Islam just to create a bad picture of our culture and to justify things that happen in the muslim world, because at the end of the day, the average person is not informed and will just assume that “all of them are the same”.
Let know what you think about this, ik that some of them just want a better life, but they all come with unrealistic expectations and they often end sleeping on the streets. It’s a bad situation for everyone involved, but i think the biggest victims are europeans that don’t know how to deal with these schmakria.
Does anyone know where I can find good affordable microphone boomarms?
Any beaches to recommend?
As everyone knows the beaches are PACKED so I wanted some suggestions the farther the beach the better!
Missing dog in Marrakech kasbah
I find it absolutely crazy that l3ssasa even exist?
2 days ago i wanted to park my car in Agdal, and there were a lot of empty spots, so it was easy for me to park. The second i turned the engine off, the 3ssas came to the window and told me "how long are you staying?" I said idk anf then he said "if you're staying over 7pm pay me now like other people do", and this was't the first time this happens, everytime i go to the medina in Rabat, they would ask me how long am i staying or if im going to be late, so i pay them before, that's ludacrous.
Another type are the ones that are in places where you already pay for the parking spot, one time i had paid for my ticket and put the paper up, then he came to me and told me that i didnt need to do that and that the car was under his surveillance, i said that since everyone paid, i paid too, so when i came back i found a big scratch on the backdoor and this happened literally in front of barlamane.
Im so tired of this happening all the time wherever i go.
Missing dog in El Jadida
Hints for public transport
Hello everybody, after weeks of peeking on the sub, I finally decided to write for some suggestions.
Me and my family (wife + 10yo daughter) are planning our first trip to Morocco. Our motto is "travel light & live like locals", so next january we'll pack out backpacks and be hosted for 7-10days in a friend's house in Casablanca.
We prefer to be travellers rather than tourists, and enjoy the real soul and mood of a country more than shops and attractions: spend a day exploring a less touristy inland city? Great! Struggling in the Marrakech medina? No, thanks
We would like to move mainly by public transport (train/bus) to visit the nearby area, with 1-2 days trips to other cities (Beni Mellal? Fez?). Unfortunately from Italy I have great difficulty finding information on the routes and costs of public transport... at this point, we are thinking of hiring a guide with a car for out-of-town explorations, but also this solution seem hard to plan from here, no idea of costs.
Every suggestion will be very appreciated, and will increase my pre-travel enthusiasm! Thanks in advance for your kind help
Im searching for an abandoned place in Marrakech
So me and my friends wanna do urban exploration we gathered tools and everything we need but we need places to go because they are pretty limited in Marrakech so whoever knows an abandoned place here anywhere in the city please help us we really need (the bigger the place the better) AND THANKS 🙏🏻
Lewis Hamilton's Vegan Fans Furious After F1 Star's Camel Trek in Morocco
Winter or Summer ? (in Morocco)
What do you prefer ?
Nhar 3la nhar kaytzad l hate dyali l linked In and people in there
I was scrolling there looking for oportunities, trying to network with people with talent acquisition job title but all of them they dont even answer your messages, your job is to find people that are suitable for the job so why arent yall answering or at least if not interested just say it, I came to the conclusion that linked in is useless af, you cant find a job in there unless your cv has 10+ years of experience and u have a bac+5 at least, fuck this shit
How do u figure with toxic people at work ?
Guys maradich nbda nchkor frasi, but seriously im a good and peaceful person, but why bnadm toxic for no reason like kayn li 3ziz 3lih rir ykhla9 lmachakil for no reason !?
khdama m3aya wa7d lbent tbh hiya 3ziz 3liha dima tban fahma w3arfa w ch7al mn 7aja ... fach kaykono 3nda customers katzad fiha nghza w tbda tbayn lik rak nta mafahm walo w dik da7ka sfra w hadi kandiro liha haka machi haka ... la a wili kanti dir haka hh....
another thing hadchi makadiroch rir m3aya like ta fach kayjiw 3ndna chi nas 3adyin bosata2 katbda b7al ila katl3ha 3lihom w dwi m3ahom na9s or tbda dir fiha cute !?
wtf wach rir ana li kanchof hadchi wla bnadm wla toxic f ay blasa ? and aslan why khas fga3 lkhdami nl9aw bnadm toxic w ngolo 3adi hadchi g ga3 lkhdami !?
Noise all day and night long.
Hi everyone,
So I just recently came back to Morocco after living abroad for six years, I live in Casablanca for people who know it they’ll know mostakbal which is a very crowded area 24/7, my problem is I can’t deal with the noise here and I don’t have anywhere else to go, street vendors come next to my windows at 6 am and start screaming and talking very loud cussing and fighting and selling very loudly they stay like this until 6 or 7 pm then young kids come and start playing football screaming so loud and hitting my windows with the ball after them adults that are the worst come and play football until 3 or 4 am they fight and scream so loud I swear I feel like I’m playing with them they hit the ball against the wall and my windows and cuss at anybody who tells them to be quiet, we are living in fear ,we never sleep at all and I have old people with me that are sick , I’ve been begging them to stop and let us sleep or at least not scream and say cuss words so loud that I’m embarrassed to sit with family but they don’t listen , the men in the neighbourhood are scared of them they don’t wanna do anything about it and I have been living under stress everyday it’s killing me I have constant migraines to the point where I’m rethinking my coming back to this country if it was the right decision. I have called the police many times they never come and I don’t know what’s the solution here.
PS. I came back to look after some family members and I don’t have the means to buy another house since it’s very expensive.
Are We Really Ready to Host the 2030 World Cup in Morocco?
Hi everyone,
First of all, I want to clarify that this isn't a criticism, just an honest question.
As we all know, Morocco is set to host the 2030 World Cup. However, I can't help but wonder if we're truly prepared for an event of this magnitude. Every summer, when our fellow Moroccans return from Europe to spend their holidays here, the country seems to struggle to handle the influx.
For instance, our airports can become extremely congested, with passport control taking forever. The land borders at Ceuta and Melilla often face huge delays, and sometimes the passport-stamping system is either too slow or stops working altogether. Traffic in any city can become a nightmare, with frequent blockages.
On top of that, we have water shortages, and during peak summer, there's often not enough pressure even for a proper shower. Power cuts are also a common issue during the summer months, along with a host of other challenges.
Given all these issues, I'm genuinely curious: Are we ready to host the World Cup in 2030? What do you all think?
Didn’t know Egypt’s GDP per capita was higher than ours?
Hello guys, update!
Hello idk if any of you remember nor care but i posted smth about being in an abusive and toxic Household and i shared some of the many things my parents had done to me and i got some kind souls that commented on my posted supporting me and giving advice and that really help me realize that i wasnt the problem but them, anyway i wanted to tell that i got a few job interviews this week in rabat and now im staying with my uncle in Temara, he doesn't anything about the situation all he knows is i came to rabat to settle in and live alone, i borrowed some money from my supportive friends that i now consider my real family i got some money from them to help myself until i get my first paycheck.
Im doing this post just to feel like i did something worth it and i hope for you guy's support again it made happy for days in that last post i did, Thank you all so much and who knew the most kindness you'll get is from strangers.
And also i wander alone in rabat, if anyone wants to be friends or if anyone just wants to show me some places that are worth visiting, and thank u all so much again.
Western Sahara’s conflict is over. Negotiating the terms comes next.
Private beach near Tetouan
Hello guys I'm currently at a beach in Restinga near Tetouan (Gran Hotel)
I've been going here approximately 10 years, about 2 ish years ago they started building a new hotel/resort and closed off part of the beach for the tourists. You can still walk through that part and swim there but you are not allowed to put down any chairs or beach umbrella. There's a security guard at each end of the section that will try to stop you
Now as far as I know this is unlawful but sadly this country is ruled by those with means. While the hotel was still being built we sat there anyways even after they tried to shoo us away
Is there anything we can do? People are following that imposed rule but that means it's getting crowded while the private section is pretty much empty.
I'd sit there forcefully but the people with me don't want to risk it
PS: can anyone send me a link to the law that states beaches can't be privatized? Couldn't find it. Thank you
Floor Plan help: Any kind soul could help figuring out the size of the living room for Aprt 16.
Total youth exploitation !
I've worked last weekend at a local restaurant which includes swimming pool , all types food and beverages, each day we work from 10 am to 10:30 or 11 pm and we get 17$ for both saturday and sunday ! (6.66 dhs/hour approx. For better context its almost 1/3 of SMIG) And the tasks themselves are shitty. Wiping tables and cleaning the plates, getting rid of left overs.
The supervisors are totally unhuman to employees and lets not talk about that there's minor workers here, as someone who studies business , its understandable that companies will try to optimize their spendings to the max for better profit margin , but this way ? Where are the concerned parties that should inspect this entrepreneurial behaviour !
Friends can i survive two weeks with 20 dirham?
Hey tough days ahead. Any cheap food suggestions? Im from Kenitra if that helps
Chamal 3amar but there's no liquid
After the pendamic ,the north side is overwhelmingly croweded in summer but with no finicial growth as it used to be (talking about tetouan's region) . Im working in an Hotel/bar . When i started this season with them. I asked how many people comes. They told me people dont find a place to site. Today, the summer season is close to end and most of the chairs are empty.
When i ask random people in taxis or shops or any random place you can imagine to have this topic. They always give me the same answer. This summer is economically drained (donya 3amra 3la walo o kolchi haza9).
But i truuuly wonder where the liquids goes to?
Tri9 mabin tetouan o mdiq or martil mblokya . Taxi li kadreb bih 10mn or 30mn . Rjae 1h or almost 2h.
Taxis maakibghiwch ykhedmo ki9olk kanhbet be lkhsara. And it is extremely chaotic everywhere.
Db kanboa gales o kanfekar.
Wach taba9a lmotawasita de mowadafim majatch had l3am hit m9as7a.
Wla siya7a makaynachi hna?
O daba gha siya7a dakhiliya ch7al m3adbana fe lbinya ta7tiya. Are we ready for world cup in 2030??
Can we handle +15m foreigners?
Tech and Business community in Dubai ?
Just moved in recently to Dubai and was wondering if there’s any Moroccan community here in marketing and tech.
I am a solo-preneur in marketing and tech with a background in advertising, performance and media in multiple industries FMCG, Tech marketing, NGO, automotive and banking.
As a Moroccan , Do you believe in black magic and Djin?
As the title says , do you actually believe of black magic (سحور) and djin (جنون) ,Personally I really don't in those sort of stuff but you guys are free to share your thoughts.
شنو يمكن نديرو باش نحافضو على الحياة البحرية
بقيت كنتفرج فسوشيال ميديا حتى طحت على الناس ديال البحر وتصدمت من الجهل لومار لي مهدد اصلا بالانقراض هوما كيصيدوه ببيضو، الكراب بالبيض ديالو، الميرو شطبوه من البحر، خيار البحر المهدد بالانقراض حتى هو مكيزكلوهش مكاين لا احترام للراحة البيلوجية ولا الانواع المهددة بالانقراض ولا حتا حاجة
والدينامو ديال هاد الافعال هو البرودة اي مخلوق بحري مسكين مهدد بالانقراض كيتهموه انه كيحيد البرودة واش حشاكم دابا لى مقدرش ي... مرتو ينوض ي... اجيال واجيال يحرمهم من انهم يشوفو هاد المخلوقات.. علاش هاد المنكر
Insanely disastrous experience at Essaouira
A few days ago, my father discovered an amazing villa to rent at Essaouira, it was quite expensive but could accomodate many people, had a swimming pool and a nice view. Once we arrived after more than 5h of travel by car, we met with the "owners" who told us "huh yeah so we just happened to have a terrible incident at the swimming pool because of an explosion of the gaz so the house isn't available for the moment but we can direct you to a (worse) smaller house but that's better than nothing". My family nearly turned the whole place into chaos after that which scared the sh!t out of the scammers. It turned out that the villa was just a bait because it didn't even exist in Essaouira and the point of the scam was to make us come all the way there and because we'd be too tired to go back, we'd have no choice but to take the worse house and pay nearly as much
for the North African sengi Elephantulus rozeti (Macroscelidea; Macroscelididae)](