This community is for discussions, news and all things related to Morocco. Powered by @r_channels @reddit2telegram
A little chill video I've made in Rabat. Picturing summer.
Visiting Morocco for the first time - which city to visit ????
I will travel in Morocco for 8 days, and planning to spend 3 days in Marrakech. The 5 other days I am hesitant to stay in Agadir or another city like Casablanca or anywhere else you can advise me. I already looked the city of Essaouira but I am afraid that it will be a bit too cold. I am planning to surf and enjoy the beach where it is still sunny and hot !! Hope you can help me !!
Small business for a sahm
What are some good profitable businesses a sahm can start in Morocco ? Something other people would genuinely be interested in purchasing. Thank you for your suggestions 🤝
Somewhere inside the Medina of Marrakech
Would you advise me to leave Morocco ?
Hi everyone!
I know pretty well that this topic and this question is a bit overused here, but please I need your advice and some info to make a tough decision.
Currently based and working in Morocco, my family decided to relocate to the UAE (precisely Dubai). I am still hesitating between staying here in Morocco/keeping my current job and following them/search for a new job in Dubai.
Rising prices, poor healthcare services, poor administrative services, relatively poor wages comparing to rising inflation, low citizen value, and especially my deep attachment to my family are all reasons guiding me to leave the country without thinking. However, an inexplicable love for this country, this culture and the people that I love here are other reasons making me hesitant.
What are your thoughts on this, what advice can you give me. And also, if you have any info about the feasibility and details of job markets in Dubai.
PS: I am 25 M not married, I have an engineering degree from a Moroccan school in industrial management and I have an experience of 2 years as a business analyst.
Thank you soo much 🙏
Why all those in charge agree to remove regular trees and plant more palm trees ?
Doctors in Morocco and the future of healthcare in our beloved, yet hated, country...
I'm not biased, I have no agenda, and I'm not a medical student. However, the silence around this issue is painful because how it evolves under current circumstances will determine whether your kids, your parents, and you will receive proper healthcare.
I'm here to talk about the situation of medical students in Morocco, which is absolutely outrageous, and how the population seems indifferent to it. This is a full-blown catastrophe caused by a group of out-of-touch bureaucrats who have no idea what they're doing.
First of, the most corrupt and incompetent minister to ever oversee higher education in the modern history of Morocco, Miraoui, the genius behind the brilliant idea of cutting down medical studies by a year. How do you even come up with such a plan? What kind of idiocy does it take to believe you can produce competent doctors by shortening their training? And whatever time you were trying to save is LONG GONE with a whole wave of graduates FORCED BY YOUR INCOMPETENCE TO FAIL THEIR YEAR—SOME OF THE MOST BRILLIANT MINDS THE MOROCCAN EDUCATION SYSTEM HAD TO OFFER.
In the midst of all this, Akhannouch seems too busy counting his billions to care about the students who are fighting for their future in a crumbling education system. If there’s any head of government who embodies the disconnect between the state and the people, it’s him—not a single intervention, not a single statement, not a single urgent meeting to find a solution.
And let’s not forget the monarch. Where is the intervention when your people are struggling? You claim to care about the future of this country, yet you’re letting this travesty continue. This isn’t just about some students being upset - this is about the future of healthcare in Morocco. It's about whether we’ll have competent doctors in the years to come or just a bunch of under-trained graduates forced through a broken system.
We see you on TV when there is an Olympic medal brought home, when a football game is being played, when your family attends a "tbourida" event, and when another country says something "nice" about Morocco. But we don't see you in full-blown crises like this, crises that will shape this country for the next 30-50 years. We don’t see you when medical students are getting a mere 600 Dirhams per month as an allowance. We don’t see you when a team of brilliant math students misses their chance to represent Morocco in the World Math Olympiad due to the incompetence of a minister YOU appointed.
We see your photo on every billboard, in every school, in every hospital, in every police station, and in every grocery shop, yet you are so disconnected from the day-to-day life we live.
I'm ashamed, not all the world cups organizations, not all the african cups organization, not all the olympic medals will heal this wounded country, and seeing how the average moroccan is oblivious and doesn't seem to care about any of this, we deserve this injustice, and I hope it stays, and I hope it prevails, and I hope it gets only worse, as I think this is the only way for change, is to take people all the way to their breaking points!
Love u Morocco ppl
Big love from algeria
صورة معبرة عن حالة القطاع الصحي في المغرب
Is this a Moroccan love letter? What does it say?
A little fun illustration I've made
Congrats, hoping for more W's
Playing with flux, some cuteness for the morning
Moroccan unemployment rate...
Find Facebook only by number
Hey guys I need someone who can help me to find a guy's Facebook by his number only because I got blackmailed and the person is definitely a Friend of mine who turned against me and I feel my life in danger and I can't stand this situation anymore I started having very negative thoughts about harming myslef I am literally paranoid 24/24 and I can't live like this anymore. Please HELP .
Seeking Feedback: Should I Turn My Plant-Based Art into a Small Business?
Hi everyone!
I'm a passionate fan of visual arts, and I love working with natural materials to create unique decorations.
Each piece is carefully designed, blending natural elements like wood, rope, and, of course, the plants themselves. My goal is to create items that bring a touch of greenery and tranquility to any space.
I’d really appreciate your thoughts and feedback on these creations. Do you think there would be any interest in selling them? I’m seriously considering launching a small project to sell them, but I’d love to know what you think first. Any advice or comments are welcome!
Thanks in advance for your time and support!
Planet earth is a shithole and the universe is revolving around me.
Greetings, Peasants, and my dear brothers and sisters in ADHDism.
Today, I woke up and had a revelation so deep that the entire region where I currently reside is celebrating the arrival of a new el-3ami9 (العمّيق) in the neighborhood.
I realized that I, the main character in this universe, across all space and time, am considered just a simple NPC by other NPCs.
Last week, I went to a doctor and asked him for that drug I saw in a movie—the one that give superpowers. The doctor responded, "Why do you need more superpowers? Are you planning to fight God and Satan in a boxing ring, both of them versus you?". I was going to unalive him with my glare but my dog licked my face and woke me up.
Do anyone know a good psy around my house that speak klington, is single, has blue eyes, is atheist, good muslim, not very crowded, will attend me at 12AM via Snap or IG, has a red cow as a pet, drive a Lamborghini, and is affordable and accept Crypto ?
Last week, I tried to request recommendations for the best restaurant in Marrakech to impress my vegan girlfriend from Germany (whom I successfully chatgptfished), and that NPC u/pkerguy removed my post for breaking the rules. Like, come on, I didn’t read the rules, so how could I break something I didn’t even read? And when I did skim them, I only glanced at the titles.
Also, when I joined the sub, there was no tutorial, and no one contacted me to give me a quest (not that I would have done it anyway).
Honestly, I don’t have time for such rules. I’m already busy trying to score high on my Xbox and Steam accounts.
My fellow siblings, I was born with an IQ so immense that doctors had to invent a new IQ test just to evaluate me. Just like how new physics had to be invented to measure me, much like Newton and Leibniz inventing calculus. They called it WEQ, just like the WeCasablanca slogan.
I also tried to emigrate to Italy to become the next Berlusconi inchallah, and they asked me what skills I have. They were not pleased when I replied, "All of them. Jack of no trade, master of all" Like, WTF,rassi khfif, I can learn anything in 24 hours from YouTube.
I want to go to Norway, but that shit country is too cold for my liking. They also so related, that they need to do a DNA Test before starting dating.
But i believe by moving my gravity there, i will not only move earth axis and polarity and heat that place, but you will all become for me Nass de Janoub (The southern people).
Any advice will be appreciated, but it need to have 100 words or i will just ignore it.
>!This is a satirical post inspired by real posts.!<
Can someone help me translate this darija sentence?
Life in Morocco is becoming unbearable
I'm out of words, I feel like the prices crisis is getting slowly out of hand, the cost of living has almost doubled in the last 4 years, with the same average pay, while unemployment reaching unprecedented levels, less and less opportunities for new graduates, and less room for improvement and training for those who got a job already either because of working 24/7 or the burden of life is too heavy to afford extra training, since it rarely covered by companies. I can tell that the gap between low income households and average/ middle class, is crazy, normalizing the gaz price spike (1.4 $/L) is insane, housing that costs 3k at least in big cities (quartiers populaires), and you also gotta save for healthcare, and school (extra tutoring hours) if you got kids, i mean... you would need at least 10k 11k to adjust, and live in decency, yet the average income is 4.5k After tax, and min wage is 2.9k after tax, the math ain't mathing anymore,
What are we supposed to do as a community? Do we fight the gov ? Boycott ? Quit our jobs at once ? Park on highways ? What on God's name are we supposed to do, I'm sick of complaining on social media..
Royal Air Maroc Pilots or Crew? Seeking Trading Cards
Doctor arrested on charges of 'offending Islam' on his Facebook account.
Simple administrative chores are frustrating, humiliating, and inhumane.
I recently tried to submit a document to "Barid..." — a process that’s already ridiculous since you fill out the form online, print it, and then bring it back to them. (WHY???)
Let's set aside the absurdity of such processes and pretend it's the pinnacle of human efficiency.
Here’s my experience with this unnecessarily life-consuming chore:
Visit 1 - Day 1 :
Result: Unsuccessful.
Reason: "System tay7." - Employee
Visit 2 - Day 2 - Agency a:
Result: You guessed it, unsuccessful.
Reason: "M3ndich lmot de passe." - Employee (mot de passe dyalach? laho2a3lam).
Visit 3 - Day 2 - Agency b:
Result: Unsuccessful.
Reason: "Siyed makaynch, o asslan kinine nass bzaf mab9ach bzaf dlwa9t o nsedo."
Visit 4 - Day 3:
Result: Unsuccessful.
Reasons: "System tay7, makaynch siyed (like he's a rare Pokémon), o asslan kaynine 2idrabat."
Can someone (preferably insiders) explain what’s causing this ridiculous incompetence? Is it that they aren’t paying their employees, so no one cares about doing any actual work or serving the citizens?
I can give you my insight as a veteran Software Engineer & a Computer Scientist about "System Tay7"—a phrase we're all too familiar with when it comes to anything digital made in MA. It's laughable that governmental and private administrations with massive budgets create unreliable, unintuitive, and often unusable software.
Hell, a small team of third-year computer science students from my university (not in Morocco) could easily build systems capable of handling the simple requirements of "Barid..." for millions of users and thousands of employees, with virtually no downtime.
Please share your insight.
Morocco is one of the contries with the most prisoners
Does anybody find it hard being around their family ?
Hey folks ! i thought this was the right subreddit to share this on and maybe find people with similar experience to mine could share it ? Any feedback is welcome.
For context, i'm a 26 yo female and haven't lived with my family since i was 17 for studies. As i'm growing up, i find it harder to be around my family even though i love my parents to death and would do anything for them and vice versa.
Even since i can remember, my parents always argue 24/7. There isn't a day that goes by without them fighting and arguing and this has led to a lot of tension around the house that even we (my siblings) all grew up arguing with each other most of the time. When i left home it got better for me mentally as i made peace with that and didn't care about this anymore bcz i was no longer in that environment. But now as i'm getting older i realized that this has affected me more than i thought it did.
I don't live in Morocco since 4 years now and always come back home for 3 weeks or a month a year to spend time with my parents. But it makes me so sad that i can't even spend 10mins with them without arguing with each other. Or i try to spend time with my mom and she just starts to complain about my bad.
I made it clear to them i can no longer stand this and even told my mom that i don't want to hear about her complaining about my dad anymore because it affects me mentally but still, nothing changes. It makes me really sad that i can't really spend time with both of them without feeling like i have to babysit. I also always avoid planning any vacation with them because i know it will turn into hell. This always makes me so overwhelmed when i stay with them and has a negative impact on me mentally.
People who are/were in similar situations to mine, how do you deal with this ? And how do you not let it affect you ?
Thank you for reading.
Is Marrakech still the worst tourist city for scams and freeloading locals?
Hey Guys,
I am a tourist from North America who visited Marrakech, Morocco a few years back.
I was recently revisiting some thoughts I had of Morocco. I am nearing almost 30 countries visited in my life, and Morocco was so raw, unique, colorful, and incredible. Stayed mostly in Marrakech, in the old city The people who were genuine were some of the best I've met, reminds me of Jamaica. However, Marrakech put a sour taste in my mouth for years. Here is my story:
I visited Morocco during Covid, but after they had announced tourism was allowed if you tested negative. At the time, there were very few tourists there. Likewise, many of the vendors in Morocco probably weren't doing as well as they wanted to, which was very sad. I would agree that this probably means the vendors need to be a bit more aggressive with the selling. However, the scene in Marrakech during this timeframe made me believe this was the worst city in the entire world for touring. First, there were scammers absolutely everywhere. We literally walked out of our house in the Medina, made one turn, and had met two aggressive scammers. We fell for their trap and got pressured into buying some rugs. Anyways, no matter how intelligent we tried to be, people would always scam us. Come up to us, tell us some hog wash information like "this way is the wrong way, come here," telling us about Berbers, what have you. As a blonde haired and two brown haired people, we stood out. I went to walk to get a hair cut, and I had to keep my eyes looking at the ground the entire time. You had the actual vendors yelling at you, but every scammer in the world also. I once turned my eyes to center and saw, literally, every young man on the entire street was staring at me, and as soon as I looked up, they all waved at me. It was incredible. SOOOO many scammers. Taxis that gouge, etc. People who act nice at first and then ask for money, this was hard to stomach. I was getting mad by how much they wanted to intercept my focus and attention everyday. Here's the thing that drove me the most crazy. Absolutely anyone we asked for help was nice, then expected a small fee in return. Im talking like:
which way do I go left or right?
Left, brother. how about 10 euros only for my time?
I then read after the fact, some Marrakech folks have a culture that if they in any way do anything for you, then they will ask for a fee. Seriously? How nuts do you actually need to be to expect a person owes you money for literally not even moving. Further, people who did pay these people off reported that they sometimes said "Brother, this is not enough, give more." With a stink attitude. This also happened to me.
Lastly, I heard these examples are when people actually get aggressive. So upset by this entire city and this has got to be the worst social cultural thing ive heard of. I have been to numerous other souk style places and never did I have to fear being scammed/ haggled for money for help/ dishonest response for asking a person for help
Please tell me if Marrakech is still this way, where this culture came from, and whether the tourism industry thinks they need to stop this???
But, Moroccans who aren't like this, I LOVE you all.
Aidi, The Atlas Mountain Dog/Atlas Sheepdog.(More info in Post)
Alain delon in morocco, RIP