Is 2500dh enough to live comfortably ?
I (M 23) moved to Canada at 21 years old have been sending 2500dh to my mother for groceries and stuff for the house, she doesn't pay rent and I pay all the other bills (wate, electricity and internet), for medical expenses all she has to do is tell me the amount and I send it to her without questions asked, she lives in a small city so I don't think that the cost of living is as high as in other big cities, so I was wondering if you could live comfortably on that amount ?
Ps: my mother doesn't work and spends little time outside she prefers to babysit her brothers children or help tutoring the neighborhood kids, she wouldn't ask for money and wouldn't go to the doctor unless I insist (she finally went to get her glasses after months of me pestering her about getting her eyes checked), so I'm afraid that she would be struggling.
Please if any girly having a SHEIN delivery on Rabat ? I want to add my panier/products and pay them ofc and somehow meet and get them from you 😩😭🎀
Price War over a Djellaba in Jemaa el Fna, Marrakesh
What was your mental state when you found your person?
Hey guys, saw this question on other subs and thought I’d ask here. Some people met their SO when they were living their best life, not even thinking about dating. Others met theirs during a rough time or when they were actively looking.
What about you? Where were you mentally when you found your person?
50% divorce rate, 40% Celibacy in Morocco as of 2024
These figures are staggering, It means that out of every 10 adult moroccans, only 6 are actually married, 3 of them will eventually divorce.
What is causing this ? I mean I can definitely feel the very toxic and unhealthy intersex dynamic we have in morocco (the 50/50 debate, nafaqa, new mudawana etc..) - but are there other reasons you can think of ?
Also, new generations have no patience at all, everyone wants everything quickly, standards are off the roof and completely decorrelated with the economic reality, waa fin ghadyin 🙃
If you work and you live with your parents, how much do you contribute in expenses?
Assuming they don't need it, how much do you contribute?
We finally have our original chocolate, flour and coffee!
What's your take on Dirham floating ?
Since there is so many rumors about applying fully floating Dirham under the recommandation of the world central bank, What are the prons/cons ? How can we better prepare for this inevitable step in the near future ?
Morocco Ranks 130th in 2024 Freedom Index, Scores Zero in LGBTQ+ and Inheritance Rights
معدل البطالة المجنون
تخيل فازمة 1929 لي قرينا فالتاريخ وصل معدل البطالة فميريكان ل 25 ٪
فازمة 2008 فاوروبا اسبانيا وصلات ليها معدل البطالة ل 19 ٪ و الى يومنا هذا مازال مرجعات اسبانيا للمردود د الاقتصاد قبل 2008
تخيل المغرب فيه 21٪ بطالة و مازال غالك باغي ينظم كاس العالم و بنادم فرحان و عاجبو الحال البطالة ضربات فالسقف التضخم كبير و مكاينش بوادر تراجع الاسعار واخا تقاد فالعالم لان الاحتكار و عدم الرقابة على المنافسة غا يخلي الاسعار تغلي
تخيل اسبانيا لي مؤسسات ديال تاتشتاغل ماقدوش يرجعو للوضع العادي لي قبل 2008 نتا كيغادي دير باش ترجع معدل البطالة غا 10 فالمية ؟ شحال من عام خاصك ؟ شمن مخطط اقتصادي غادير باش تنقص البطالة ؟ و نتا عندك اقتصاد كولو ريع كولشي احتكار و تضلرب المصالح لاورقابة لا منافسة و فساد مؤسساتي كبير
الله يكون فعوان المغربي
Send this guy to Palestine, he’ll have them freed in just a few weeks
Morocco’s new oil find
Morocco has allegedly discovered 1 billion tons of oil in the Agadir region (Inezgane). To put this into perspective, that would equate to approximately 60% of Algeria’s total reserves. Such a discovery would be monumental, likely making global headlines—especially in light of Europe’s current energy crisis.
However, the source of this claim is a questionable Spanish news outlet, later picked up by Morocco World News that we all know have the ,,,best credibilith,,,
Digging deeper, I found that the company supposedly linked to this discovery did not renew its license in Inezgane as of November 2022. In fact, I couldn’t identify any company currently holding licenses in the Inezgane region.
As much as I’d like to believe this is true, the situation feels shady. Does anyone have additional information or insight?t
Is it reasonable to buy all the items sold at the hanuth and give them for free to the people of the village, I have Canadian dollars so it is inexpensive for me.
I love in Casablanca and it's very lonely here
I'm a 20 year old girl moved from tangier to casa I like the city it's so nice and beautiful wlkn momila xi xwya wa5a kayna 7daya bnt 5alti but 7ta hya momila ktb8i 8ir tsawr ou restaurants and it's not my type of thing I like fun and adventures, I don't have friends here 7it aslan I don't go out or study lol (it's my fault) tla9it b wa7d bnt online Galt li sf db ntla9aw wlkn it's been 5 months and she still won't hang out with me, it's very lonely and I feel so much boredom I tried studying in centers but no luck 😔 does anyone have any tips ? Or anyone has the same issue ? Ana 3arfa ma3arif online maxi mzyana 7it ma t9drx ti9 b bnadm but mat3rf t9dr tkon a good chance after getting to know each other better so I feel like meeting casa people online is the last option I have I tried it but no luck too hhhhhhhhh, LOOOOL I feel very lonely and would to at least have some friends to play games with.
Sorry for the random sad Paragraph dump hhh and also for the darija English language mix.
If anyone is going through the same thing would love to hear your story and how did you overcome this boredom or loneliness :))) .
As per hespress new petrol reserves found near agadir
Just to share a tidbit of information announced on hespress, as per the official statement 1000 million tons of petrols reserves were found near agadir, 200 km from the canary islands.
I thought we had not petrol or gas reserves, anyhow just sharing the news, discussion is open to you
What in Gods name is wrong with French Moroccans?
Mildly Infuriating: The 2 MAD coin being bigger than 5
post for non religious moroccans so if ur Religious pls just ignore this thx
hi guys so I'll just directly get into it idk if there are any atheists or non religious moroccans here , I just wanna know how yall deal with your parents constantly asking you to start praying and give you hell for it . always nagging, like they are so serious about it I just don't know what to do at this point . everyday is like living hell. I just hate the situation I'm in . I've been an atheist for years now but lately everything is so suffocating I wish I could afford moving out, idk what to do like should I just start pretending to pray just to shut them up. but I can't bring myself to do that. sometimes I wish I just stayed religious but it's not something in your control. how can you force yourself to stay believing in something that your brain is just against its literally out of my control. anyway just a little rant.. I wish life was simple . why is it so hard just simply living a life you really desire ..
Zayer 3el limen
I’m currently on vacation in Morocco and have been driving a lot on national roads. I love exploring villages and the countryside, but I can’t help but notice the huge number of gendarme checkpoints everywhere. It feels like it’s one after another, with officers constantly asking for papers and looking for the smallest infractions, zayer 3la limen a chrif.
It makes me wonder: why do we still have so many of these checkpoints in 2024/25? This doesn’t align with the modern, progressive Morocco I imagine. And if the justification is drug control, I find it hard to believe that drug transportation uses these roads.
I hope that one day, we’ll be able to drive freely in Morocco without being slowed down by endless checkpoints. This isn’t Syria or Lebanon, after all.
Like Spain or any country in Europe, use cameras, have a mobile unity checking speed and stop me when I do something wrong
Our beloved society
Salam everyone,
I’ve been thinking a lot about posting this, and I know it might be a bit controversial, but I’d love to get your thoughts. Please don’t take this the wrong way — no hate, just a conversation.
I was born in Morocco and lived there until I was 13. Now, at 25, I’ve been in the US for 12 years. Growing up in Morocco, I came from a middle-class family that was pretty open-minded. But every time I go back to visit, I notice huge changes in society that are pretty eye-opening.
One of the things that stands out the most is how much Western culture is influencing Morocco, especially among younger people. It’s clear to me that we're starting to adopt things like hookup culture, which is a huge part of the West and has had serious consequences there. In the US, it’s tied to higher divorce rates, emotional detachment, and an overall decline in long-term relationships. And now I’m seeing this start to creep into Morocco, which worries me.
I’ve always considered myself a conservative person and strongly believe in the values of the nuclear family. But over the years, it feels like we’re drifting further from those values. Religion, which has always been a cornerstone of our culture, seems to be losing its importance. I’m not here to preach — I’m not perfect myself, and I’m still working on my own faith — but it’s hard to ignore that when we push religion aside, we risk losing the sense of community and respect that has always held us together.
Change is inevitable, and I know we live in a globalized world where cultures mix. But I’m worried that we’re adopting trends without really considering what we’re giving up in the process. I just feel like we need to ask ourselves if we’re really gaining something valuable, or if we’re losing something that defined us for centuries.
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Has anyone else noticed these shifts in Moroccan society? How do you feel about the influence of Western culture on our values?
Something weird happened
Lmohim bach nchr7 likm ana w mama kanslliw b nfs l3abaya lbarh knt akhir wahd slla w b9at fbiti lmohim lyom m3a 9 knsm3 mama kdo9 3lia lbab ana knt sdito b sarot ktgolia malk sadda lbab al7mara 3tini 3abayat sla nsli f9t 9afza hlit lbab kanl9aha mkynach mchit 3ndha lbit haza l3abaya knl9aha na3sa like how? Ylh kant katghwt btw hadchi tra m3a 9 tsnitha hta fa9t gatliha kifach d9iti mnin khrjt 3ndk l9itk na3sa kidrti liha gatlia rah d9it m3a dik 6:30 machi 9 gtliha la rak d9iti m3a 9 o khrjt wl9itk na3sa gatlia laa ana sallit lfjr wrj3t n3st w bsh d9it 3lk gtliha ach glti bdabt? Gatlia gtlk ari 3abayat sla al7mara w 3lach rak sada lbab ana li mafhmtch kifach hadchi tra m3a dik 6:30? W ana 3chto m3a 9? Mygolch lia chihd rah tkhyl lik hit rah ktrt d9an howa li fy9ni m3a 9