This community is for discussions, news and all things related to Morocco. Powered by @r_channels @reddit2telegram
doodles drthom wana kanraj3 llexam
The Travels of Ibn Battuta 1325-1354
Where am I? Wrong answers only
Advices on how to approach people and make friends???
Happy new year guys, I really hope you're doing okay!
I'm a guy in my twenties who got loada mental issues, gen z bs huh.. anyway, I'm a very introverted guy and I never had irl friends and wanted your advices about such topic. Like how could I get to make friends? I just feel shy, anxious and uncomfortable around people, it could get better by time but I look super awkward at first and wants others to feel me and understand this well. So the bottom line is, if you're around your twenties and you're an ambivert/introverted person and got a decent amount of friends, then please gimme some advices on how to make and where to find those kinda friends. I'm turning twenty very soon and it pains me that i haven't enjoyed my teenage years at all, nor i had friends and alla that.
Thanks guys and have a happy new year!!
photos taken today 01/01/2025 in Marrakech
Ikxwan opinion on marrying an engineer woman
Happy New Years everyone
I hope you all have a better year in 2025.
I am looking for better health.
Just a reminder, because to my surprise so many here do not know, New Years is not a Christian or religious celebration, nor really Western.
It was Roman in origin, the Gregorian (modern) calender was officially adopted by Christianity who then tried to change month names but was rejected (16th century).
The whole world uses it, from your phone, laptop, bills to banks. Only Saudi uses Islamic Hijra Calender and Iran uses Persian Naw Ruz calender for celebrations but both still uses this calender for the rest.
We can argue about alcohol use and drugs, but nothing else. You can celebrate it for what it really is, the end of a calender year. I will.
So again, Happy New Year / Sanaa Saida.
ÔHow to deal with friends in such a situation.
I'm a 26 yo male, I started woking as an industrial engineer for more than one year, i have not saved anything since, not only that but my question is :
How to deal with friends and family perspective when they expect you to have money, especially friends when they keep calling you to go out and buy them dinner for example while you have debts instead of saving due to some bad financial investments you've done and not willing to do them again, all i want is to stay home as much as possible to stand up on my feet, but they keep insisting on me going out since they think I'm all good and my bank account is full, and also how to get rid of the idea of me staying behind of my peers while i might've saved me some money instead of investing them badly, this month i was left with some money only to spend on my food and rent.
PS : i'm from a poor family so they r expecting a lot.
Are we in the era of the foolish speaker الرويبضة?
that very very soon a sort of islamist, conservative, anti-women's rights sentiment will emerge and if so how extreme do you think it will be?
Or do you think that you are simply at the beginning of the "left swing" and if so what time frame are you envisioning.
I am so sorry for the length and thankful for any response that I might receive at all. Just to clarify I am not in any way making a judgment or interested in commenting on Morocco's policies future or present. I'm here as a paying guest and I respect that.
Tax amnesty, scared millionaires run to regularize
Banking sources cited by several media outlets say they have received people in Agadir, Tangier or Casablanca who presented themselves with more than 100 million dirhams to regularize.
Moroccans are so colorful and artsy
What is 1 thing you will change in Morocco’s for economic success?
Anything - no holds barred. Whatever you touch on, share its negative effects too.
Im a Singaporean who visited Morocco twice. I admire Morocco. I feel like there are alot of things are doing right especially in terms of diplomatic ties and global reputation for Morocco.
But I definitely feel the economic capacity of this country is not even scratched at the surfaced. I feel the governance is “protecting” the people toooo much even though the people are fairly open minded.
So I wanted to hear from Moroccans on this. Let the suggestions begin.
The beginning of the new year at the summit of Mount Toubkal 4167m Morocco❤️🇲🇦
استجواب مهم مع أمل الأطرش 🧏🏼♂️
هابي نيو يير مغاربة
انا عندي 40 سنة اول مرة نتلف في اتخاد القرار الصائب
عندي ديسك صلب فيه واحد طيرا و صرف ديال تسجيلات د كاميرات مراقبة فيها فضائح جنسية متورط فيهم قضاة و صحاب مناصب علية في مغرب و خارج مغرب كنت كنجمع فيهوم قصد الابتزاز و دابا تلاشت لدي تلك الرغبة
في بلاصتي شنو تعملو ؟
Thoughts on the mass detention of moroccan youtubers.
Our time and resources as a country should be going to more important things. Like thousands of women getting SA’ed and the justice system not serving them fairly. Instead we only care about some lousy individuals who probably will do anything for a check on YouTube including disrespecting their country so why would you take them seriously? Like seriously?! Aside from houyams case which her sentence was highly deserved because she was an insanely violent child abuser.
The situation is shockingly bad in Lhouz region
Happy new year!
Happy new year to my favorite 2024 subreddit
Who tf came up with this design?
ساكنة منطقة الحوز المنكوبة
Rabat in pictures (8th set) Happy new year ✨️
Spotted today in casablanca
Why don't they just block it from the Play Store and Apple?
اذا كان اندرايف غير قانوني علاش ميمنعوهش من بلاي ستور و ابل ستور؟
ياك الدولة عندها الوسيلة لحظر تطبيق. و علاش عاطيين لطاكسيات حق التدخل طالما عندهم نقابة و كاين أجهزة أمنية. كنشوف هدشي كيفيد المؤسسة القضائية (غرامات) و الأمن (رشو في بعض الحالات) و الطاكسيات (مال الإبتزاز في حالة أمسكوك). رأيكم.
The pendulum theory of social change
Hello everyone, I'm a foreigner studying in Morocco, my niece is writing her EPQ on the pendulum theory of social change taking Morocco as a principale example (to my behest!) and she's looking for some honest, unfiltered thoughts on it from native moroccans. I'll try to keep this brief.
Basically, Newton tells us that "for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction"
The pendulum theory of social change was coined by Sorokin in 1941 when he made a conceptual connection between the physics formula and the fluctuation of our social, political and even economic trends throughout history. It seemed to him that we tend to swing back and forth between opposite extremes of the traditional left-right social spectrum.
In the west, I'm afraid we are very much in the middle of a right swing in a way that is oddly reminiscent of the 1940s. In the uk despite having brought a Labour PM to power with a massive landslide he is polling -48 points... and despite reform (our far right party) only having gained 4 seats they arrived second in an unprecedented number of constituencies. Young men and women are voting to the RIGHT of their grandfathers on issues like free trade, immigration, privatization .. There has also of course been a surge of extreme bigotry, racism and ill-feelings toward muslims and middle eastern. People also seem to be less attached to our democratic institutions. That's not to say the majority of people are not in favor of democracy (96% are has shown a recent survey) but they do not feel deep emotional attachment to it like my grandparents generation did. This is deeply worrying, when I was growing up democracies tripled, we were riding on the back of a huge wave of libertarianism and social change. I was born when gordon brown was still PM!
Anyway, we’re in the middle of a swing to the right. But this will be countered inevitably with an equally strong swing to the left. And then it goes again. Except that’s not exactly true. If it were, the swings would cancel each other out and we’d end in the same place we started from. And we know that’s not the case. There’s no denying that the world is a more tolerant place than it was 150 years ago. The pendulum has swung back and forth, but the net effect has been towards – to use Steven Pinker’s term – the better angels of our nature.
Morocco is a very interesting place with an even more interesting social fabric. I am still nowhere near knowledgable enough on its politics to give her an insight but I'm sure you guys might! I would say overall Morocco is undergoing its left swing - things like the mudawana, criminalizing pedophilia, honor related crimes, domestic abuse as well as its massive invite to foreign investment + the effort it is taking to diversify its economy is encouraging and a massive step forward. However as you may have seen on here and on twitter there has been massive pushback from certain demographics to the recent change made to the family code. With people going as far as defending pedophilia by citing Quranic verses.
So it seems there is an effort by lawmakers and governing official to modernize and improve the safety of all in this country - but there are also several factors to consider :
In the last election you only had a 50% turnout vote! I have never heard of any country with such a low number.
Morocco has historically followed the political ebbs and flows of its western neighbour. The far nationalistic right is in the rise everywhere in Europe. I don't see the left swing coming in for at least 2 decades I'm afraid.
Morocco has also gone through relative periods of right/left in its governance but more so of secularism and heavy reliance on religion to guide the lawmakers pen. However as I said the net gain is positive. Just two extreme examples to illustrate this: the Quran does support both slavery and stoning - I don't see either making a return in fashion in Morocco at least.
My question is : Do you think that you are the height of the "left swing" and
Meet Connor, one of the many cats in this park
ta7lia telephone fo9 wahd l9hwa.
ana sakn fo9 wahd l9hwa o knt kanhder f telephone fl balcony, ta7lia telephone mn ydi o ta7 fo9 wahd l9hwa and whats crazy matralih walo hhhhhh i know it sounds silly but that's exactly what happened , fo9 dik l3iba li fiha logo dial coffee shop , nzlt 3ndhom glthalihom galolia tsna tanchdo lma7al o njibo slom o njbdoh , its been 2 days , kanchof telephoni mn lfo9 o ma9adr ndir walo , fih la carte diali o nmra thats linked to all my online / bank account, chi 7el? should I call the cops or sm?
A random cat in Rabat